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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Apr 24 2007 11:52 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 05 2012 03:48 AM
  • File Size: 1.04MB
  • Views: 2282
  • Downloads: 763
  • Forum: forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showforum=252

Previous Versions

  • 03 Jan 2012 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 02 Jan 2012 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 18 Jul 2011 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 17 Jul 2011 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 18 Apr 2011 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 09 Jan 2011 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 04 Jan 2011 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 13 Nov 2010 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 03 Jun 2010 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 02 Jun 2010 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 30 Apr 2010 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 09 Jan 2010 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 07 Jan 2010 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)
  • 24 Apr 2007 Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)

Download The bigg House: The bigg Tweaks (OSX)

* * * * - 2 Votes (You voted 3)

This mod is a collection of different modifications to the game, ranging from most necessary fixes to blatant cheese; most of these are specifically intended to make the game less frustrating. All components are optional; the installer is WeiDU and uses the most recent coding commands and conventions, allowing it to be compatible with virtually all possible mod combinations.

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