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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jul 02 2021 01:23 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 04 2021 02:49 AM
  • File Size: 3.12MB
  • Views: 2369
  • Downloads: 1183

Previous Versions

  • 03 Jul 2021 Download Applesauce Mod v2.0.0
  • 02 Jul 2021 Download Applesauce Mod v1.0.0
  • 02 Jul 2021 Download Applesauce Mod v1.0.0
  • 02 Jul 2021 Download Applesauce Mod v1.0.0

Download Applesauce Mod v2.0.1

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I lost my rabbit, Applesauce, two months ago. I still miss him terribly, even as other pets survive him. He meant so much to me, and now he's gone. It was GI stasis; if there was a way I could've saved him I would do it.
I miss him a lot. Sometimes when I cook I still save up vegetable bits, and tear up because nobody's gonna eat them anymore. I miss tripping over him and the bond we've forged over years.
I'm not an artist or a writer or even a coder, I graduated farming college. BG2 modding is the only thing I can reliably do to immortalize the lil dude.
I hope he helps you, or at least reliably provide the familiar HP bonus.

What's New in Version v2.0.1 (See full changelog)

  • added a verbal readme.

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