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  • Submitted: Apr 25 2007 02:07 AM
  • Last Updated: Apr 01 2010 10:20 AM
  • File Size: 1.31MB
  • Views: 14205
  • Downloads: 98727

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  • 19 Mar 2010 Download MunchMod
  • 17 Mar 2010 Download MunchMod
  • 11 Jan 2010 Download MunchMod
  • 30 Nov 2009 Download MunchMod
  • 05 Nov 2009 Download MunchMod
  • 08 Jun 2009 Download MunchMod
  • 25 Apr 2007 Download MunchMod

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Arkvisti the Peddler. A wandering old elf that travels around Faerun, Arkvisti has many wares to offer to rich customers. His artefacts do not come cheap, but they are unique and worth the price!

Trademeet blacksmith is looking for rare components in order to forge the fabled Spear of the Phoenix and Mithril Defender.

Cromwell can forge a new item, Deathbringer.

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