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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Mar 10 2009 01:49 PM
  • Last Updated: Oct 07 2022 01:11 PM
  • File Size: Unknown
  • Views: 66158
  • Downloads: 291826

Previous Versions

  • 30 Jan 2021 Download Generalized Biffing v2.5
  • 14 Apr 2020 Download Generalized Biffing v2.4
  • 10 Mar 2020 Download Generalized Biffing v2.3
  • 18 Apr 2011 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 04 Jan 2011 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 30 Nov 2010 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 13 Nov 2010 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 23 Jul 2010 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 07 Jan 2010 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 16 Sep 2009 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 03 Aug 2009 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 05 Apr 2009 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 10 Mar 2009 Download Generalized Biffing
  • 10 Mar 2009 Download Generalized Biffing

Download Generalized Biffing v2.6

* * * * * 8 Votes

This WeiDU mod allows you to biff the content of the override folder for improved performance, that means the files are converted into the BIF file format and moved into the data folder. This works natively under OSX and Linux (if you use the correct executable) and is compatible with the common WeiDU stack un-install operation. The game thereby loads much faster again and the performance is running pretty smoothly without jerking.

Note: Recent user reports have indicated that Generalized Biffing is unnecessary for Enhanced Edition games.
Forum | Readme | GitHub

What's New in Version v2.6 (See full changelog)

  • Added ini settings to enable globally unique labels for PI.
  • Remove outdated information from readme.
  • Cosmetic corrections.

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