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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 10 2009 02:43 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 24 2013 05:22 AM
  • File Size: 1.05MB
  • Views: 79244
  • Downloads: 270870

Previous Versions

  • 29 Dec 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] Throne of Bhaal Extender (Beta 0022)
  • 05 Nov 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] Throne of Bhaal Extender (Beta 0021)
  • 25 Mar 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] Throne of Bhaal Extender (Beta 0020)
  • 18 Feb 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] Throne of Bhaal Extender (Beta 0019)
  • 11 Feb 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] Throne of Bhaal Extender (Beta 0018)
  • 30 Jan 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0017)
  • 29 Jan 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0016)
  • 23 Jan 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0015)
  • 01 Jan 2011 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0014)
  • 29 Dec 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0013)
  • 29 Dec 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0013)
  • 01 Oct 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0012)
  • 23 Sep 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0011)
  • 20 Sep 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0010)
  • 20 Sep 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0009)
  • 27 Aug 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0008)
  • 10 Aug 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0007)
  • 20 Jun 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0006)
  • 24 Apr 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0005)
  • 21 Apr 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0004)
  • 13 Apr 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0002)
  • 02 Apr 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0002)
  • 10 Mar 2010 Download [BG2:ToB] ToB Extender (Beta 0001)
  • 10 Mar 2010 Download ToB Extender (TobEx)
  • 11 Dec 2009 Download ToB Extender (TobEx)
  • 10 Dec 2009 Download ToB Extender (TobEx)
  • 10 Dec 2009 Download ToB Extender (TobEx)
  • 10 Dec 2009 Download ToB Extender (TobEx)

Download [BG2:ToB] Throne of Bhaal Extender Beta 0026

* * * * * 13 Votes

If TobEx does not load for you, you may need to download and install the Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries: http://www.microsoft...ails.aspx?id=29


WARNING: This utility modifies the game executable BGMain.exe. This can be a source of game crashes. Use at your own risk.

TobEx (Throne of Bhaal Extender) is a dynamic link library (DLL) written in C++ that fixes game engine bugs and extends the game engine for players and modders by modifying the virtual image of the Throne of Bhaal BGMain.exe in memory.

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal version 26498 is required.

A redistributable version of TobEx identical to the "TobEx - Core" component of this modification may be packaged within other modifications.

What's New in Version Beta 0026 (See full changelog)

  • -Class/structure updates
  • -Cast Spell On Condition Mod: Fixed wrong target text in the contingency info screen
  • -Expanded Triggers: Fixed certain 0x0XXX triggers like Heard() not working correctly
  • -Poison Resistance Mod: Added temporary workaround for invalid nParam2 messages caused by BG2Fixpack, until BG2Fixpack is updated
  • -Remove all race-class restrictions: Disabled dwarven paladins because dwarves do not meet the charisma requirement to be paladins, which caused an infinite loop
  • -Saving Throw Fix: Fixed a bug where abilities with multiple effects with the save type would only allow a saving throw against the first effect (fixes issues such as saving against an effect but still showing the portrait icon or visual effect)
  • -Use EFF File Fix: Fixed a bug where the parent effect parameters were used to determine whether the child effect was applied or not (fixes issues such as not getting experience for items that instantly kill undead)

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