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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Oct 24 2010 11:13 AM
  • Last Updated: Feb 07 2023 05:48 AM
  • File Size: 15.97MB
  • Views: 8027
  • Downloads: 10848
  • Forum: www.shsforums.net/forum/401-worldmap/
  • Readme: readme.spellholdstudios.net/readme-worldmap.html

Previous Versions

  • 08 Jan 2020 Download BP-BGT Worldmap - Polish add-on 9.0.0
  • 08 Jan 2020 Download BP-BGT Worldmap - Polish add-on 9.0.0
  • 08 Jan 2020 Download BP-BGT Worldmap - Polish add-on 9.0.0
  • 23 Jul 2014 Download BP-BGT Worldmap - Polish add-on
  • 26 Aug 2011 Download BP-BGT Worldmap - Polish add-on

Download BP-BGT Worldmap - Polish add-on 10.0.0

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This add-on is for use with the Polish translation of BP-BGT Worldmap. Using it gives you a worldmap with writing in Polish.

You apply the add-on by placing the included folder "moz" into the folder bp-bgt-worldmap/language/polish of the BP-BGT Worldmap mod.
On Windows you can do this simply by extracting the add-on on top of the extracted contents of the main BP-BGT Worldmap package.

This version of the addon is only compatible with the main BP-BGT Worldmap Mod of v3.10 or higher.


Download AddOn from GitHub.


Link to Worldmap Mod at SHS and GitHub.

What's New in Version 10.0.0 (See full changelog)

  • Modified "worldmap_large.MOZ" and "worldmap_small.MOZ" to fit the new design of the SoD part of the Worldmap. (Thanks to P-Zombie from ArcaneCoast)
  • Compatibility with BP-BGT-Worldmap v11.0.0

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