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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jan 17 2011 04:31 PM
  • Last Updated: May 19 2018 01:13 PM
  • File Size: 3.73MB
  • Views: 17405
  • Downloads: 106703
  • Forum: www.shsforums.net/forum/598-atweaks/
  • Readme: readme.spellholdstudios.net/readme_atweaks.html

Previous Versions

  • 19 May 2018 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.52
  • 19 May 2018 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.52
  • 14 Jan 2018 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.52
  • 01 May 2017 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.51
  • 30 Jul 2015 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.42
  • 26 Jul 2015 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.41
  • 08 May 2014 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.32
  • 27 Apr 2014 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.31
  • 13 Apr 2014 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.30
  • 01 Jan 2014 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.23
  • 28 Nov 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.22
  • 23 Nov 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.21
  • 18 Nov 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.20
  • 17 Sep 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.10
  • 26 Aug 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.04
  • 23 Jul 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.03
  • 07 Jun 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.02
  • 03 Jun 2013 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.01
  • 15 Apr 2012 Download aTweaks (platform independent) v3.81
  • 17 Nov 2011 Download aTweaks v3.71 (platform independent)
  • 02 Nov 2011 Download aTweaks v3.70 (platform independent)
  • 02 Oct 2011 Download aTweaks v3.67 (platform independent)
  • 17 Sep 2011 Download aTweaks v3.66 (platform independent)
  • 25 Aug 2011 Download aTweaks v3.65 (platform independent)
  • 01 Aug 2011 Download aTweaks v3.64 (platform independent)
  • 23 Jul 2011 Download aTweaks v3.63 (platform independent)
  • 16 Jul 2011 Download aTweaks v3.62 (platform independent)
  • 27 Jun 2011 Download aTweaks v3.61 (platform independent)
  • 25 Jun 2011 Download aTweaks v3.61 (zip)
  • 13 Jun 2011 Download aTweaks v3.54 (zip)
  • 15 May 2011 Download aTweaks v3.53 (zip)
  • 26 Mar 2011 Download aTweaks v3.52 (zip)
  • 24 Mar 2011 Download aTweaks v3.51 (zip)
  • 05 Mar 2011 Download aTweaks v3.50 (zip)
  • 23 Jan 2011 Download aTweaks v3.42 (zip)
  • 18 Jan 2011 Download aTweaks v3.41 (zip)
  • 17 Jan 2011 Download aTweaks v3.40 (zip)

Download aTweaks (platform independent) v4.53

* * * * * 2 Votes

This mod represents a compilation of PnP related tweaks and various house rules which are designed to bring more consistency to the gameplay. It works on normal Baldur's Gate II games as well as either of the two Baldur's Gate conversion projects: (Easy)Tutu and Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT).

In summary, aTweaks can bring several classes, races, spells, items and creatures closer to their PnP counterparts, add more consistency to the gameplay by making sensible rule adjustments and eliminating exploits, and make it easier to distinguish between creatures with similar avatars through the use of recoloring techniques.

The mod is divided into multiple components all of which can be installed separately and are completely independent of each other. More detailed descriptions of all components can be found in the Readme

Installation instructions:
Note that if you are using Windows there is a Windows package of aTweaks here. However, if you prefer using WeInstall, the instructions below are applicable.

First, download a copy of WeiDU appropriate for your platform. Place the WeiDU and WeInstall binaries on your path. If you don't already have such a setup it is recommended you create a directory in your home directory which you add to your path. You then place your binaries here. If you are on Linux, or another case-sensitive environment, you also need the tolower binary.

Secondly, extract the aTweaks archive to the game directory you wish to modify. Open a terminal/console in your game directory. Run tolower if you need to. Run the command WeInstall atweaks and follow the instructions.

Alternatively, copy the weidu executable to setup-atweaks(.exe) and place it in your game directory, alongside the atweaks directory. Install by running setup-atweaks(.exe).

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