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#564688 SWTOR is good! And it's free!

Posted by Vicen on 26 November 2013 - 12:51 PM in General Gameplay

Some classes / sex combo's get more then one romance as well, such as the male Smuggler and male Sith Warrior (though for the Warrior it depends if you're lightside or darkside I believe)  Whatever you do...Don't roll female Jedi Knight for a romance...You'll thank me later!  

#564817 SWTOR is good! And it's free!

Posted by Vicen on 30 November 2013 - 01:36 PM in General Gameplay

I'm very happy with my Sith Warrior's master! 


"Master, can I help torture your prisoner?" - "No, but I'll let you deal with the next one."

"AAAARGH, I CANNOT BREAK HIM!" - "Nice lungs you've got there, master." - "Silence, before I've cut off your tongue!"



I'm worried about the mechanics, though - even with the warrior(Marauder/Annihilation) I've got a lot to learn with these Bercerker/Fury/Rage points, and all the guides just say which skills to choose in the tree(I know THAT), but not how to use them to maximize your rage/fury stats and to keep your lifesteal/blooding high.

I am currently playing a Light-Sided Sith Warrior and I must agree it is certainly one of the best storylines there is in the game.  And it is sooo funny to make fun of Baras knowing he can't do anything back to you :P

#565403 SWTOR is good! And it's free!

Posted by Vicen on 20 December 2013 - 10:10 AM in General Gameplay

And to top off your earlier comment Kulyok, the male Trooper is the voice of Varric (DA2 for anyone who didn't know).  I only dislike 3 of the voices in the game myself.  Imp Agent (male) Sith Inquisitor (male) and the one I loathe the most...that would be the female Smugglers voice...I cringe every time I hear it I swear!  My top two voices for male and female would be the male smuggler (he pulls it off perfectly imo) and the female Inquisitor (so dang sexy :P )

#567760 Comments on The Elder Scrolls News

Posted by Vicen on 07 April 2014 - 06:59 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

After participating in the beta, I just plain dropped the game. The stuff and options they give to players who pre-order or buy the Imperial Edition is just plain ridiculous.


I agree with all of the above as well.  But the major thing that made me avoid this game after playing the beta quite a bit was learning that you could be any race on any faction...That just irked me to no end!  The only race imo that should be allowed to choose would of course be the Imperial race(for reasons anyone who knows about the game would agree).  Other then that all the races should of stuck to their respective factions.  Not sure if I am in the minority to this...but that was the major reason I dropped the game.

#573347 Comments on Dragon Age news

Posted by Vicen on 14 November 2014 - 03:42 AM in Dragon Age Series

Made sure to have the whole week off to enjoy this!

#573547 Comments on Dragon Age news

Posted by Vicen on 22 November 2014 - 08:15 AM in Dragon Age Series

I've put in about 20 hours so far and have only scratched the surface of the game (basically only done the hinterlands area...save for a few high lvl rifts and monsters there)  


I have to say that it's been quite a blast so far...I have a beastly computer so the frame rate is pretty good most of the time(though it can drop or gain frames quite a bit depending on where you are)


Still debating who to romance though...made a Human male warrior...so my options are pretty much Cassandra or Josephine (sucks that Sera isn't an option for a guy!)  


I highly recommend anyone to pick it up if you have a good enough computer(or a ps4 or xboxone of course)..as I've read quite a number of posts having issues with it (but I suspect those people have average or below average systems)

#573598 Comments on Dragon Age news

Posted by Vicen on 25 November 2014 - 08:08 PM in Dragon Age Series

I was only able to get a few of my custom chars I had made over the years...(my super old wardens...the first two I ever made...and same with my Hawke's) It didn't seem to carry over my more recent Warden's and Hawke's I have played with.  Might be because I am on another computer now or what not...Not really sure.  Do you have origins and da2 installed?  If not that might help (though I could be wrong of course).