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#589341 Some issues with the mod

Posted by uaciaut on 06 August 2016 - 07:39 PM in Refinements

Again, please tell me what you are comparing to? You say R/C "should" get Combat Prayers, etc... according to what? (I'm not asking to challenge you, I just want to refer to the same information as you when I go about bug-fixing, and I don't know what you're looking at.)
I'm looking at the readme (i.e. Baldur's Gate 2/refinements/Docs/Revised_HLAs.txt). I can't compare accuracy with Thief and Bard classes since i'm not sure how they mix given that i have RR, but everything else should work as intended and described by the readme, no?

This isn't the first time i've used BWS or Refinments, last time i did (about 2 years back or so) it worked fine so i highly doubt it's your coding, most likely something in the install order got mixed up.
@uaciaut Please post a weidu.log (in spoiler tags, always!)
Here you go:

#589339 Some issues with the mod

Posted by uaciaut on 06 August 2016 - 10:00 AM in Refinements

Feel free to install this along with RR HLAs by the way - they are now totally 100% compatible. Install RR first, then Refinements v4 beta. Refinements will gracefully defer to the RR HLAs where appropriate, it doesn't overwrite anything. :)

Big World Setup should deal fine with the order, right?


Thanks so much for the help btw people.


Quoting myself because i just did a full reinstall with the entire HLA component of Refinments and got the same issues:


Ranger/cleric gets ambidexterity instead of combat prayers, i also get smite although i shouldn't.

Barbarian also gets smite although he shouldn't. I also can pick toughness twice (as in there are 2 separate Toughness HLA icons that i can choose from in the abilities section).

I've not tested everything else, though most pure-classes seem to work fine (except barbarian). What could be the issue? Should i be installing each mod separately instead of using BWP?

#589274 Some issues with the mod

Posted by uaciaut on 01 August 2016 - 09:35 AM in Refinements

Well, if you do not install the Bards and Thieves HLA thingymachic, then I don't thing you are supposed to be restricted from getting the UAI HLA as a thief.

Probably. Most pure-classes seem to be ok (except Barbarian who has "Smite" for some reason), mostly multiclasses have HLA's mixed up and idk why :<

#589266 Some issues with the mod

Posted by uaciaut on 01 August 2016 - 06:48 AM in Refinements

Done a Big World Install with Refinments - install each class HLA separately and i did not select Bard and Thief for their HLA since i was also installing RR.
Anyway the thing is some of my HLA's are messed up.


E.g.: My Ranger/Cleric is not getting combat prayers or mass raise deadeven though he is supposed to, he is however getting improved ambidexterity (a pureclass ranger-only HLA) and smite.


Odd thing is i'm also getting Use any item with Bards and Thiefs even though i'm supposed not to. Though that's probably an RR issue since i excluded Thief and Bard HLA's from Refinements.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.