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#473160 Where's Viconia? ** spoiler **

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 30 December 2009 - 04:32 PM in Mega Mod Help

I've searched Peldvale, which is where I thought I found her in vanilla BG...but can't find her
Where does she appear in BiG World?

Area directly south of Beregost.

#464797 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 11:18 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Huh. It worked on bag19a when I tested it (premade ToB thief in Auto-Save in vanilla ToB).
Could you replace the relevant block of code with this and then run the installer again and upload the debug file?

Tried it, same result. The end of fl#se-list.txt looks like this:

Container SWBAG02C (Green Gem Bag) contains:

Container T-BHLD01 (Green Bag of Holding) contains:

Container T-BPTN01 (Copper Potion Case) contains:

Container BGBAG05 (Purple Potion Case) contains:

Container THBAG05 (Turquoise Bag of Holding) contains:

Container T-BAMM02 (Red-Black Ammo Belt) contains:Container SWBAG03B (Bronze Scroll Case) contains:Container SWBAG03 (Green Scroll Case) contains:Container SWBAG02B (Black-Green Gem Bag) contains:

I have attached the debug file but couldn't see anything conspicuous.

Attached Files

#464764 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 05:22 AM in IE Modding Discussion

For what purpose? To create an external file with the inventory items? That could lead to Bags and Case problems anyway ... if u have them u will just have the case for example without the potions in it.

My intention was to make a reference list without having to type it out manually. This would be useful in identifying which items need balancing.

#464332 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 03 October 2009 - 02:27 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I would at least stay away from "dsotsc", "ntotsc" and "the vault".
If you absolutely want the first two then manually install the "remove all magic items" options for them in the "bp-balancer".

#464754 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 01:52 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Anyway ... as u pointed out, none was interested enough to create a nerfed mod (it should be done anyway for DSotSC, NTotSC and Bonehill), maybe i'll try to create a sort of DB in my this very playthrough (but it would be of DSotSC and Bonehill only i believe, as NTotSC has a bad/non-existent plot indeed).

To be honest I am not 100% certain that all those items are obtainable in-game. The list was made from dltcep references.
I am currently holding onto all custom magic items in my own play-through in order to make some sort of list. If you do the same it would be valuable information if we ever get a balancing mod going.

I agree that NTotSC don't add much of a plot, but it does add some interesting minor quests and encounters.

#464710 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 08 October 2009 - 12:45 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I would install DSotSC instead. It has a decent plot and its storyline is linear (what ntsots doesn't have instead). You'll find some very good items but u really need them because there are LOT of challenging fights.

They are not difficult enough to warrant the whole "toss a stone and you'll hit a magic item" mentality of DSotSC. Some of these items are simply BADLY implemented and almost all of them are imbalanced. Both Dsotsc and Ntotsc add good content to bg1, but they need balancing.

I agree that both your mod and Miloch's latest version of Aurora should be part of any BWS.

#464782 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 07:58 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Save the code into a text file called save_extractor.tp2 and rename a copy of weidu.exe into setup-save_extractor.exe.
It should give you a list of all items in possession of the party, as well as any items in containers in possession of the party. I don't know if it accepts saved game names with spaces in them.

Great Wisp! This is exactly what I was looking for.   :cheers:

Didn't work for the containers though...  :huh:
It listed all my containers but not their content.

#464722 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 08 October 2009 - 02:28 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Aye, well you'd best learn some WeiDU and get cracking on that new BP-Balancer :).

FYI, the toned-down DSotSC-Tutu version will also be BGT compatible (because that part is easy to do) but all the resource names are different, so it's not like you could just drop the nerfed items in the current BGT version.

Et tu Miloch! :P

Just pointing out the obvious. We'll see about the bp-balancer. The problem isn't motivation at least.

What's this about the DSotSC-Tutu?

#464759 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 03:01 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I will do it for DSotSC encounters & stores (it adds some paladin & cleric stuff to some stores) and Bonehill as well. Let's see it if could be of help for something in future :) I just hope to have time to do it in a reasonable time :P

Sounds good. BTW do you (or anybody else) know how to export a list of all party items from a savegame?

#464750 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 12:14 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I'm plannig to start a new BG after some years, and I'm planning put these games:
1- BG1+ ToSC(with DSoSC + SBHill)
2- BG2+ ToB (with RoT + TDD)
3- + BGT(and sort of...) + lots NPCs + Kit Mod + Sound changing mods.
If any of you have experienced compatibility problems with these mods combination please tell me, I don't want to cry after all the hard instalation work.

To big a question to answer simply. Check out the links in Post #2.

Please don't mix DSotSC AND NTotSC ... they are completely different mods. NTotSC ADDS LOT of overpowered stuff, DSotSC add some too, but u really need those to defeat "The One" and "The Banshee"for example and the dragon eventually but MOSTLY the Darthmac castle.

I Don't. I remember making this list back in 2006. Those are all Dsotsc items and most of them are more powerful than stuff you'll find in BG2.
A closer count reveals that Dsotsc adds 190 items to the game, while Ntotsc adds 86, and if the mentioned list is any indication I would say that Dsotsc is a bigger problem than Ntotsc.

#464767 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 09 October 2009 - 05:53 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Actually no. Cause you'll have to be able to re-conform that the item in question has the abilities mentioned in the description. And you can do that only by looking it with an editor. :P Hurray for manual work.

Obviously, but every saved type counts and such a list would be a starting point in narrowing the job down.

#464841 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 10 October 2009 - 12:35 AM in IE Modding Discussion


Works :coolthumb:

Here as well. Great Work Wisp!   :cheers:

#465103 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 13 October 2009 - 01:11 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Correct, but unfortunately, as i stated, i did change manually the items, so after windows got corrupted i had to re-install everything and as i changed manually also the dialog.tlk there was no chance to have my files "back and working" again ...

Bad dialog.tlk references can be fixed. But I guess you knew that, so there is probably more to it than that...?

#464998 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 12 October 2009 - 06:23 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I don't remember there were lot of buggy item in that mod honestly, but there are not that many anyway. Are u sure they're from The Vault?

The bugs are mostly non-obvious. Like two handed swords without backstab penalty and proper proficiency, and armor without proper class restrictions.

We are definitely talking about the same "Vault" mod. I don't use Exnem's Vault.

#464973 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 12 October 2009 - 12:35 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I would say, DH ones are really a mess ... so i will skip in my next install and moreover, my laptop crashed this night after i tried a patching for Video Card (still using windows 2k) and i lost all my work. DAMNED!!!
Anyway, really (apart DH which is a pain) DSotSC items + The Vault Items should be no more than 50-60 to be changed, so not that huge work,

So all that work for nothing?
I was kind of hoping that it could be time for Erebusant (whom nobody has seen for a month) to update the mods, if it's bugs you have been squashing.

#464984 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 12 October 2009 - 03:40 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Any work is not for nothing (but how a pain!) ... anyway for DSotSC items, just very few are bugged, i simply toned down everything and they are really not that many.

Maybe you could upload you modified items (if you do it again that is) so I could check them out?
Haven't seen any bugged DSotSC items so far myself, but Vault items are another story...

#465006 What Mods Should I Play?

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 12 October 2009 - 07:47 AM in IE Modding Discussion

The problem is that as for now i only touch (and touched) item added specifically by the mod (as per original readme).
The sword in your reply, for example, is not mentioned there ... are u sure does it come from the vault? Unfortunately it sems it doesn't use prefix for its items, so it is a bit complicated to keep track for me of what it adds apart the ones mentioned in the readme file,

You'll find them in the "itm3" folder in the package.

#465294 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 14 October 2009 - 11:46 PM in Mod Resurrections

If you only knew someone in Baldur's Gate with the power of divination...

The only one I know is the guy in the tent, and he didn't reveal the location, only that the sword is a key to a great treasure.

I am willing to be spoiled at this point. I don't know why everyone has to be so coy about this one point.

The diviner has more to tell you after you have purchased the information from the priest of Oghma.

#463700 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 27 September 2009 - 06:28 AM in Mod Resurrections

I have another bug for you Erebusant.
The problem this time is the two handed sword "Valiant" (sw2val.itm) dropped by "Khark".
First off it has no proficiency flag.
Secondly the description says it has a +1 enchantment, but it gives the wielder +2 to Thac0 so in that regard it behaves more like a +2 weapon.
Thirdly it has no backstabbing penalty.
Fourthly it's hp bonus is coded in such a way that the sword can be used to heal the characters (by equipping and de-equipping it repeatedly). To fix this you need to add a "Current HP Bonus" effect with -10 as value.

Edit: As I have already fixed it in my own game you might as well have my copy. You are free to use it as you wish.

Edit2: Looks like sw2hav.itm has exactly the same problems. Are all "vault" items this badly coded?

Edit3: Another item that needs more restrictions (platwy.itm). Seems like most of the vault items need to be coded better...

Attached Files

#466317 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 25 October 2009 - 02:13 PM in Mod Resurrections

And you are certain this is not the original intended effect by what revelation...?

No, but it's stupid if it is.

It looks more like a remnant from a code designed for the BG1 engine. (I remember earlier versions of Dsotsc had the same problem)
The "level drain" effect didn't exist in vanilla BG1, unless I'm much mistaken, so modders had to code it like this.

#465207 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 14 October 2009 - 02:05 PM in Mod Resurrections

Also, and maybe I'm just dumb, but where is the vault? I've talked to every priest and wizard I can find. So far I've figured out that it is on an island, but I haven't found any clues as to where this island might be or how I can get to it.

If you only knew someone in Baldur's Gate with the power of divination...

#466294 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 25 October 2009 - 09:21 AM in Mod Resurrections

Another bug...

The "Vault Vampire" (jc_vam.cre) has a permanent level drain effect on his main weapon (jc_vam1.itm). More precisely it has a "change level" and "xp bonus" effect, where it should have a "level drain" effect. This makes any level drain effect he inflicts irreversible.

Temporary solution: Put the attached file in the override directory.

Attached Files

#462887 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 18 September 2009 - 12:05 PM in Mod Resurrections

Suggestion for the next version of this mod:

"Elven chainmail +2" (echan01.itm), sold by Talanthyr, should have the same class restrictions as original SoA and TOB Elven chainmail.

In other words. Unusable by Druid (any), Mages, Monks, Shapeshifter, Stalker, Beastmaster, Archer, Kensai, Dwarfs, Halflings, Gnomes and half-orcs.

#462907 Vault v7 Released

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 18 September 2009 - 01:23 PM in Mod Resurrections

I can fix that

Great! :cheers:

#469012 [Fixed] A few things

Posted by OneEyedPhoenix on 22 November 2009 - 01:33 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Well, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, as Nietzsche said.

Yeah... Cutting off all your limbs can, if it doesn't kill you, only make you stronger... :P

Nietzsche was probably talking about psychological hardships, not somatic illnesses like the flu.