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#520438 Vecna

Posted by jube on 09 August 2011 - 07:25 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

all good thanks, but a bit small, even scaled up 2:1 not big enough (any more and you really start to see pixelation ) the free 3ds models on the spelljammer website are better and will use them.
As for the rest Starcraft2 is going to be the majour resource for effects, new creature anims ( yes there will be actual robots you can hack to death ) and exterior ship models/meshes, but still stuck at ship interiors will keep looking.
Anyways i am on contract now for a month or so, hence will not be posting as much, by time i get back hope there will be some feedback posts on vecna as is :)

#520693 Vecna

Posted by jube on 14 August 2011 - 06:13 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

damn it !!! found a few very small bugs in Vecna , not sure if will be able to upload the fix before i go on contract. Will try best

#520396 Vecna

Posted by jube on 08 August 2011 - 02:51 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Again wow, NEVER spotted them (the spelljammers in drow city ), will def do something with all these suggestions, thanks!
BTW think have found a winner for my graphics, Starcraft 2

#520361 Vecna

Posted by jube on 08 August 2011 - 07:29 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

You might want to contact Huxaltec over at the french modding community Legendes:

He's creating a rather large mod, with new areas, and some are supposed to play :woot: on spelljammer ships.
I don't know how much of the coding he's done, but he seems to be doing a good job at creating new maps.

Maybe he accepts to share some maps, or even create new ones for you.

Holy shit, these french guys are amazing.
Btw there is an illithid ship model in bg2, just cut it from the Ust Natha general map, you can use the illithid town and the mind flayer's sewer compound as interiors. Also you might be able to recycle the githyianki warships model.

good idea with the interiors, illithid ship ? A spacejammer ship ? jees where, which area? been a long time since i sat down and actually played

#520351 Vecna

Posted by jube on 08 August 2011 - 01:48 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Am in the testing bug squashing phase of this quest, if anyone is playing it please post bugs as you go

I've got a big pb : it took me quite a while to download Vecna v 19 and the file was corrupted (at the end, according to WinRAR) !

Is it normal and may I download the v 21, or has anybody encounter the same pb ?

no not normal :lol: sounds like a bad dl to me. am dl V22 now to check everything is cool.If thats ok will check v19
Are you going to play it outside a megamod install ?

Sorry for having been so late, but yes, I will play it without any megamod.

Ah, well i hope you are a very experienced player!! Vecna is going to be quite a challenge without the extra kit and experience available in a mega mod, setting i sugest at least adding Alex Mackintosh Trader to your mod list , that store has lots of overpowered kit at stupidly low prices likewise for the Magnificent Magic Shop ( you can sell all your unwanted kit for FULL price no matter your prestige ). Please post back on your thoughts of the mod as you play,


#520717 Vecna

Posted by jube on 14 August 2011 - 01:34 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Uploading V23 now, have a dubious connection so fingers crossed.
I would say this is now past beta into RC1 ( although that is a personal opinion ) the adventure plays well and the party can get to the end without bugs impeding progress, played it for the first time with sound on and its VERY quiet !!,needs music and many ambients and effects added, will get to that later.
It is way to hard, but not impossible,the monsters are a bit dumb, and prone to well timed clairvoyance / dimension door / timestop attacks.
The finale i am very pleased with, have made it a true final confrontation with the mother of all battles, but again with timestop immunity and a cool head it is possible.
Have started a small amount of work on the spelljammer stuff but not to a screen i can show of yet

#521902 Vecna

Posted by jube on 31 August 2011 - 01:03 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Holy shit! Combine that pirate mod (http://weiducommando...s-of-the-realms) and this vecna mod, you'll get a totally new game. This is Illustair by the way, sorry for triple posting. I get lazy sometimes on signing in.hehe

I'm not sure on what you intend to do with the spelljammer something, another mod? or just an addition to this Vecna mod? Maybe I should just wait up till it comes out then?

EDIT: How very stupid of me. I'm certain, I didn't install the Vecna mod before. Probably because I knew at the time more versions are being produced, and I was still in my BG1 game, so I didn't bother installing it just yet. Doh!



Now that I did. A question: would it matter if the BGT Worldmap and Generalized Biffing came before the 3 vecna components? Because if I remember correctly, any map modifications/add-ons should be placed BEFORE the BGT Worldmap.

I also remember seeing "could not find C:Program Files\...etc\tisunbat" during Vecna installation, does it have any major implications ingame?

Hi mate, first dont wait for any further versions of Vecna, i would play the most recent version now, i am currently on contract and there will be no further vecna work till i get back. ( about 2 months this time round ).
Yes the SJ ships/ combat etc will be part of the Vecna mod, i have no idea if there will be tie-in to the french mod but doubt it, cos Vecna players are GOD-KILLERS and that sort of raw unbridled power i doubt will fit in any other setting, there is not much fun in the game if you can kill everything on screeen with just a whim, and outside the Vecna setting thats exacly what really powerfull and experienced players can do, so yes doubt the french guys will want 30+ lv destroyers stomping on their pretty dungeon :)

#523235 Vecna

Posted by jube on 21 September 2011 - 04:55 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Alex Macintosh Trader is a`must, also unusual oddities shop, Alex Mac's items are just stupid! overpowered and should be totally banned in any other mod or campaign, in Vecna you are wishing you had 2 of everything :) likewise for unusual shop but you need plenty of money for that shop, i would suggest install the mods the`n cheat the items onto the party with shadowkeeper or equivalent.
As an example vecna is expecting a main character with 24 strength/dex/con lv 25+ MU Lv25+ Fighter ( dual kensia or something ) 8+ attacks per round AC -12 or lower and stacked with magic. like i said you are doing extremely well with the people you had, properly equipped i think you wont need any ctrY.

#523213 Vecna

Posted by jube on 21 September 2011 - 11:26 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I noticed while play testing with your party that you are way underpowered comming into Vecna, big congrats for having done so well!!! I think thats at the heart of the number of reloads, within a BW setup you can get really uber kitted out before getting to Vecna, making the TR complex a lot easier ( less reloads ) and Loloths complex do-able. If you get pissed off with the difficulty, post a saved game and i will kit your party out with some choice items from a BW install and see how you do? But if you enjoy the slog, have a damn good search round the TR complex after getting the TR master key in AAR031, you will find a hint of the kit to come and some very usefull stuff, also check the bodies.

#522865 Vecna

Posted by jube on 16 September 2011 - 01:05 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Unfortunately the game crashes before I can ever meet Lolth to get the eye/hand. Similarly, I can get to the map with Android 1 and then it crashes immediately, so feedback for end-fights will hopefully be coming once we get those bugs sorted. =)

OK!! Feedback from AAR017:

-The Nambassu "Welcoming Committee" is perfect, just enough princes to keep you interested, not so many demons you feel claustrophobic. Just right for the introductory fight.

- The Marilith Prince (AACRE066) needs a bit of a weapron tweak, as it can't take down a summoned skeleton lord right now...doesn't make much sense as a normal Marilith can (and it makes the fight too easy)

-The group of Mariliths outside the sphere are almost too easy (due to mass dispell of their stoneskin and protections). Solutions I thought would bring the heat a bit more: Group the a.i. so if you pull one, you pull them ALL (though this zerging doesn't scream "inspired tactical solution," it sure would make it harder. OR if the Marilith Prince was a caster and you felt the NEED to get through the marilith horde to kill him quick. If the Prince is re-made to a caster you could thin out the reg. Marilith mob a bit, as killing 3 or 4 while taking down a special "Prince" casting character sounds pretty tough...

Feedback from AAR043 (inside sphere, Hand of Evil encounter)

-You might want to prevent exiting the area once the fight begins (just noticed that I could leave, which would enable cross area pulling which is cheesy. Anvil had lots of inhibitors like that which made sure you took the fight at face value, not sure if you want to, just posting the observation.

-The game really would benefit from a pause when the Hand of Evil is talking to you...it's hard to focus on text when the cambions are mincing your mages.

-Ok the two main fights here had a few loopholes, but taken face-on they were pretty darn tough. I've been trying to come up with ideas but I'm kinda stumped on solutions so I'll just comment on the dynamics:

1) Cambion Rush was hard as heck on my first try, but after a second go I found a pretty big tactical loophole: I could just throw my fighter/mage up front with Prot. from Magical Weps. and Immunity: Abjuration and just whittle the cambions down in the choke. I thought that perhaps fewer cambions and harder displacer beasts might make the fight a bit more dynamic, but that would depend on the displacers.

2) I was scared like heck when I saw those displacer beasts (AACRE079) because I didn't know what to expect, but since they have no magic resistance my first 2 horrid wiltings very quickly cleared the room of them. For such an engaging and new creature I was almost sad to see them go so easily, so maybe some tweaking or magic resist?

3) Ok, the night-hag fight went much like the Cambion fight, crazy hard at first, then swung to too easy upon further exploration. I found it pretty odd that they just stood there neutrally once the Hand of Evil left, but I also can't see anyone being able to clear the area with both the hags and cambions going at you in such a tight space, so I dunno :/ . Anyway, having the chance to summon a horde and spread my party out just about nullified the whole fight. I think Keldorn took 10 dmg total, but that was it for the party. I just kept summons up while the hags burned down their entire spell roster, then waltzed in for an easy kill. Their spell rosters were wicked hard when I tried the fight without summons however, and found the fight to be much more engaging and timing-sensitive (almost overwhelming with so many hags, especially the mass creeping doom, but do-able with 5 or 6 reloads and the right party/spells).

Ok I'm about out of time for now, but I've cleared 2 of the first areas of the Twisted Rune Complex as well, so I'll throw up the notes some time this evening. (I did make a note of the area one of the crashes occurs in though, AAR031, as soon as the load screen finishes I see my party and a room of skeletons and the game crashes. Might be an animation thing, I really don't know). I'll be keeping count of reloads for the tough fights as well so you can get a sense for the learning curve (or at least my learning curve, heh). Feel free to let me know if this is the type of thing you're looking for, if not I can try and focus the feedback differently =).

All the Best,


Doing AACRE066, thanks

Mariliths outside the sphere--- yes will give em a group shout, so no pulling one at a time. Will do that for some other encounters as well,

Hand of evil talking to you ????? Will check but on my game when the PC gets near enough a dialog initiates and thats an automatic pause, hmm maybe there is something going on with your installation, especially since i have never had a crash at AAR031, with my single character it plays fine.
Can you please post your Weidu.log and SETUP-VECNA.DEBUG and your saved game, and details of you OS ( windows type ) and computer, i will set up a duplicate installation on a spare similar pc and try to recreate the crash, diagnose and fix, if i cant then we have to go into your game crash dump and work from there.


Yep left the cross area pulling in there deliberatly on this area, am lulling the player into false sense of security, later that tactic will backfire big-time :)

1,2) I think giving the displacers 50 magic res should do the trick what do you think ? I cant get away with making them a lot harder, they are originally 5hd monsters and making them super powerful is stretching the P+P core to far ( they are already way beefed up from their P+P base ), but yes agree a shame since their anims are so damn good !

3) Hmm damn ! they should have cleared the summons with death spells, i pulled the mu scrips from tactics2, will check their spell lists have enough Dspells and that the script is functioning proper.

YES this is perfect perfect !!!! :) do not change anything about your commenting style

you are in for a real ride ! by sounds of things you have only done 15% of the mod you wait till you get to loloths complex on the astral plane ! Do you want me to post a list of treasure and locations so you can try all the cool kit or is it better that i give no hints and you play through "blind" so to speak ?

#522847 Vecna

Posted by jube on 16 September 2011 - 02:15 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Allright then let's get to it!

First thing's first, you've created a really neat mod here! My hat's already off to ya for adding so much content. I had a bunch of other mods installed on my first run but because of the crashes I'm starting a fresh planar stride today. Just Vecna and Teleport are added, so any glitches will be easier to deal with (full bg2 install, patched, yada yada). I had plenty of ideas and questions about mod compatibility, (like how Valen's level drain would affect the run, or merging the Mortis undead transformations) but that's down the road.

-Party I'm running with for the fresh run: Main (Fighter/Mage Duel), Keldorn, Mazzy, Jan, Nalia, Anomen

Ok, a few observational notes from my first run-

-This would be really really hard with an evil party, as I had to rely pretty darn heavily on Keldorn's super dispels (mostly because of it's area of affect...) On that note, the mods I usually run nerf the Inquisitor's dispel, so if you want to keep things die-hard difficult you could consider doing something similar. (I find it still quite challenging with it at full strength, however.)

-As it currently plays, the sheer number of bad guys that are stacked (and that have true seeing) means that rogues, bards, and just about anything other than a pally, warrior, or mage with weapon protections will do down in a flash. Some modders don't mind this, (a la improved anvil) and others do. Just an observation.

-The Staff of the Ram+6, Full Plate +2, and Darksteel Shield all dropped a whole whole bunch off bad guys. While it did seem a little like Christmas come early, for the items to remain special and truly "unique" the bad guys (mostly the fodder mages and fighters I think) need to keep these items on death. (I'll make a note of the .CRE files on this next run)

-You've added some freaking amazing bad guys! That being said, I think some of the finesse and wonder of these beasties was lost due to a semi-common tendency of "mass groupings". Ex. I was really excited to see a Demon Hulk, but not so much when there were 8 of them in a "Demon Hulk Ball." On this fresh run-through I'm about to start I'll try and give a more play-by-play of the encounters to help hone-in on specifics of fight gameplay.

-Without Timestop (A lot...lot..lot of Timestop) I don't think I could have done my first run. Just a tactical note I made on the first run, but I relied on it pretty heavily. Also, I thought it would be a nice touch for some of the more powerful cadre of the plains to be immune to Time-Stop (I can't imagine some of the gods and demi-gods to be hampered too much by a wizard's little time bubble).

Now about the crashes, I made a note of the 2 places the game crashed in the Twisted Rune complex, but I'm sure you'll want to see the log files when I run this fresh run. I don't remember the specifics of documenting crashes in the BG2 directory, so if you could give me a refresher on that I'll be able to shoot you the logs for any crashes I run into.

Ok, with all that out of the way, I'm planning on heading down to the edited planar sphere map tonight (sorry, couldn't remember the plane off-hand <_< ), so I'll have some fight feedback sometime tomorrow! =)

Hope some of this will be helpful to ya!

excellent!!!! It plays just about as i had envisioned it.
The grouping of monsters is a damn good point, looking to sort that by more intelligent scripts that handle group attacks/defense better and a little better placement, will wait for your full comments before committing changes to specific areas.
If i remember correctly ctrl X ( or alt x ) will show you the area name while in game, as well as coordinates, all the areas have the AAR prefix ie AAR001, so thats an easy method of locating the point where bugs/crashes hit.
Did you get all the way to the end ? Ie the final battle with Loloth etc and get the hand/eye, did you do all of the TR complex? What did you think of the android1 encounter and the dialogue with Hastur ?
Also make sure you are playing V23, you will not need teleport for that since its been integrated since v20 odd.
When get back tonight will dig up all the data we will need for crash dumps etc,

Once again thanks mate, your comments have galvanized me to polish the hand/eye quest and really push forward on the Rod of seven parts quest.

#520143 Vecna

Posted by jube on 05 August 2011 - 08:31 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Am in the testing bug squashing phase of this quest, if anyone is playing it please post bugs as you go

I've got a big pb : it took me quite a while to download Vecna v 19 and the file was corrupted (at the end, according to WinRAR) !

Is it normal and may I download the v 21, or has anybody encounter the same pb ?

no not normal :lol: sounds like a bad dl to me. am dl V22 now to check everything is cool.If thats ok will check v19
Are you going to play it outside a megamod install ?

#519709 Vecna

Posted by jube on 29 July 2011 - 04:09 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi all as promised VecnaV22 is uploading now. I am designating this release as "Vecna Beta 1" from now on releases will be MUCH fewer as my time for modding is now very limited, i will still be responding to bug threads but further dev is on hold, its still a beta cos there are still issues, some monsters have to high ac and THAC0, to many items early on with timestop immunity, a lot of the cutscenes could be better.

Any experienced modder is welcome to iron out any bugs they find, and or add content to the planes, a post on the vecna thread to let me know would be nice :)

BP Compatibility..... I think at this stage Vecna is ready to go in the BP tactics list, although designated a beta i believe it is ready. But a warning that the difficulty level is astronomic is a good idea :)

#515769 Vecna

Posted by jube on 28 May 2011 - 02:10 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi all V18 is up for download, the only things not checked now are Android1 encounter and final fight, all other reported bugs should be done with this version.


Ps Hand and eye must be equiped/activated again to apply fixes

#516590 Vecna

Posted by jube on 15 June 2011 - 12:44 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi all, am just about to release vecnaV19 , i was checking things in a BW tactics setup when noticed a fairly serious slowdown on my admittedly underpowered umpc, after much investigation i found it was due to many mods writing reams of code to BALDUR.BCS, CTB being the worst offender. Vecna no longer writes anything to BALDUR but would love to for encounters in the rest of bg2 as result of owning the hand/eye. But with all the other crap in BALDUR dont think it is a good idea, so got thinking cap on as to applying encounters without BALDUR, going to script creatures in various areas with behavior scripts to find players as soon as they are on screen.

An update on this, although ctb does write reams of code to BAULDER i dont think its the main culprit here, is there any other scripts scanned automatically apart from player script, BALDUR and BALDUR25?

Ok used Jarno's LStest code, no scripts are firing continuously so not a script thing, ok now puzzled!!!!!

Have no time to take this further must get back to vecna :)

#515345 Vecna

Posted by jube on 18 May 2011 - 10:55 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

hi a0ro thanks a lot for the comments as soon as all the bugs done will add your suggestions.
As you noticed have yet to check all the treasure items took a lot of them from other mods, just assuming they worked. Bad assumption :). Will check them all for V16.
The copy machine should work with most scrolls, but not working too well yet :)

yes now have some time am very keen to finish it of, and am in a hurry, if i get called of to contract again the whole thing might bog down again. There is actually very little left to do on the main adventure. ( although a little worried about early reports of issues in a BW install, hope it gets added back to the BW setup so bugs can get reported back here ) just tweaks here and there.
Still hoping other modders take up the challenge and start writing high level mods for the planes, i have 15 or so empty off world areas just ripe for mini quests etc..

#515314 Vecna

Posted by jube on 18 May 2011 - 11:12 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Oh thank you so much !!!! , i have been worried for so long that the fights were impossible, thank F there are experienced players out there !!

Yep use the map FROM THE ASTRAL PLANE otherwise it will be wasted.

Are you playing V16? if not download it and install, the saved games should be totally compatible, and i have sorted out a whole heap of bugs.

At the moment the whole Android1 story is not complete, and that room is still in development but it does not affect the story line at all.

Loloths complex in on the astral plane is a REAL challenge, please post how it goes.

To wet your appetite i have just finished clearing all the bugs on the hand and eye, and in all modesty i have to say they are the most powerful, scary, complex items ever seen in any BG2 mod ( and actually in many ways designed for a wizard mage, since like you i play fighter mage solo )

There are still bugs in the final fight ( and the encounter with android2 ) in V16 but am doing them now and will be sorted for V17 at the weekend

Over the next few months i intend to take the project further, adding the first part of the quest for the Rod Of Seven Parts, and clues as to what actually happened to the travelers.

#515185 Vecna

Posted by jube on 16 May 2011 - 02:05 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Oh and if anyone is experiencing difficulties could you please download VecnaV16 and try again, this will save me lots of time setting up the environment to recreate the fault, and playing the game till i get to the fault !


#516930 Vecna

Posted by jube on 20 June 2011 - 10:32 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

@jube: thank you so much for this mod:) i wish there would be more true high level mods like this one. Although it's a little buggy for me (playing v16 or v17, dunno) and i cant finish it, im definately playing this mod again in my next playthrough.

I cant find all of the three parts of the wardstone that I need to enter the next area. What are the item-codes for them? Is anyone walking on a walkthrough? That would be nice:P Maybe I will do one, when a more final version comes out, this mod deserves it:)

Thanks mate, a few long hours went into it :)
Yes :) V19 is the only one where you can play all the way through, and gain the hand/eye at the end, the previous versions had bugs that prevented getting to the final battle. But fairly confident all sorted now, if you have played up to loloths lab complex ( on the astral ) i think you will have to use a saved game BEFORE the complex, since MANY bugs were fixed in the complex, or if you have time play it from the begining since the twised rune complex has some more juicy treasure added ( and some removed ). Also for V19 there is some unique graphics never seen in any other mod ( check out the Android1 encounter !! ).
Plese yes write a walkthrough and i will add it to Vecna documentation, but remember to play V19+ !!!! ( V20 will have some upgraded fights but all keys, plot items etc... will be identical from v19 onwards, it works now so dont want to mess too much :) )

#517277 Vecna

Posted by jube on 25 June 2011 - 12:11 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi all VecnaV20 is about finished, will be uploading tonight ( just checking some creature behavior ), Have done a massive "under the hood " revision of all the creatures, all resources now have the AA prefix so should be able to guarantee mod compatibility, All demons are now under P+P rules ( thanks to Avenger for the atweaks code i used ) and behavior is also from P+P( but remember demons on their home plane, or in the outer planes in general, are far harder and you are far more likely to run into Princes and Lords who's abilities and stats are much greater than a normal demon ). Generally the encounters are harder :)

#519266 Vecna

Posted by jube on 21 July 2011 - 10:58 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

V22 is ready and will be uploading tonight, I will consider this as a release candidate, everything if pretty finalised, and unless i get any posts otherwise the difficulty will not change. There will be V23 in a few months time but that will only involve music, text screens etc. I have plans for V24+ which now include custom rendered tilesets ( yay 3dmax ) , you will be battling in a starship :) But will depend on demand, if this mod gets popular i will implement V24+ but if not i think V23 will be the final one :)

where is V22,i can't find it,i want to reinstall BWP 10 with V22, thank you very much

Hi mike

not uploaded yet mate wanted to finish a script for the final battle. its done now so sometime tonight :)

#518776 Vecna

Posted by jube on 13 July 2011 - 09:18 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi all VecnaV21 i now uploaded, as mentioned before MUCH harder than v19, a real challenge, and have kept my original design goals, take whatever overpowered / uber / items or spells and you will still get a good fight :)
I am starting a new thread for debug/comments if anyone has suggestions and/or bugs for V21+ please post there thanks.

#518425 Vecna

Posted by jube on 08 July 2011 - 02:15 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Miloch........... damn it !!!

Jarno..... Could simply add some static anims to the area but just not the same :)

Oh well, have so many other things to worry about. While on the subject of bugs to all modders IE Tileset map editor has a bug, dont try to save areas with >115 creatures it totally corrupts the file on save, you wont notice till you try to open with Near infinity etc and obviously you will lose the work in the area.

#518376 Vecna

Posted by jube on 07 July 2011 - 11:55 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

mike........ any day now mate, am just finishing off, there has been SO MUCH work :)

Am trying to get weather to work in my areas ( thick fog ) anyone know of a tutorial on the subject or any info?

#515179 Vecna

Posted by jube on 15 May 2011 - 11:46 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Ok from a brief Examination of the thread i can see there is an issue with a possible conflict am looking into that now.
I think! all the in game bugs are done.
V16 is uploaded.
V15 did not copy any 2da files over, so cant be that ( v16 has the lv 50 patch but as an optional component) can only be some of the resources i borrowed from BW and did not rename with the AA prefix, will rename them for v17 which is here soon.
Whatever it is will have it done for the weekend :)

Also i take everyones point about the lack of docs, doing that to.

I have kept the IA code which i dont see any problem with but will integrate the restores ( which actually threw me first time i set up IA )