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#215931 Spellhold Studios Grand Opening!

Posted by Dan_Co9 on 21 July 2005 - 11:51 AM in Directives from the Director

Well, howdy, guys and girls.

So just a few days (or has it been about a week now?) back I got an email from the Spellhold Studios staff telling me about the relocation/grand opening. I've been way out of the BG modding loop for over a year now ... and I'm actually very glad to see you all still alive, well, kicking, and seemingly prolific. :)

Like I said, I'm way out of the loop and thus not too up to date on what's been happening (and I wonder how many folks here even remember me?), so I figured I should poke my head in, say hi, see what's up. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the whole BG modding arena.

Congrats on the new site and whatnot. :D
And uh, if I may weigh in on an apparently contentious topic... I like the new brown look. :lol:

#216105 Spellhold Studios Grand Opening!

Posted by Dan_Co9 on 22 July 2005 - 04:56 PM in Directives from the Director

I even made them an offer on the Allies From the Shadows forum during the "Lost Our Lease, Everything Must Go!" sale, but nobody really seemed to get the joke/find it funny.

Hah, well, I laughed.

and I wonder how many folks here even remember me?

Guess what, there are people who still do :D .

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That is reassuring. :D

Man oh man, it looks like it's time for me to catch up on this here scene. I've been doing so for the better part of the day and I'm still finding mods 'n' developments 'n' stuff I hadn't known about.