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#609406 BGT XP limit

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 08 June 2020 - 10:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

I started a playthrough of BGT with a solo FMT.  I am well into SoA and noticed that my XP is not moving any more.  Each of my classes has 2666666 XP and it looks like that's it.  Is there any way to remove the XP cap that I am assuming I hit a while back - preferably without re-installing everything or starting over?


thanks in advance very much for any assistance!




Note - that is 7,999,998 XP total. 

#609409 BGT XP limit

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 08 June 2020 - 01:12 PM in Mega Mod Help

Thank you very much.  The Tweaks-an mod fixed the issue quite nicely and I can pick up where I left off.  Much appreciated!

#609435 BGT EE Final fight - Mellisan wont die/progress

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 12 June 2020 - 12:48 PM in Mega Mod Help

So, I have played through all of BGT-EE, solo as a FMT char.  What a ride! I am at the final fight with Mellisan.  Man she is tough.  Took me many tries but I beat her.. or I should have beaten her.... currently me and my simuraclum are wailing on her at 20 attacks a round, she is down to nearly zero health, and I have done hundreds and hundreds of points damage after she is at nearly zero health.   Nothing - she does not say "I should not be wasting my time on you" or anything.  I have also left my simuraclum whacking on her while I wandered around looking for something to activate.  It seems the three pools on platforms are activatable but they are not reachable.  I have killed all the summons.  Any recommendations as to what I might be missing? 


Hmm.. more info.  I can step away from here entirely and she will just put up stoneskin then stand there... I assume shes bugged... will restart fight. 


<an hour or two later>


And it is done.  Mellisan is defeated and I finally finished BGT for the first time.  YAY. 


Please ignore this post.   :-) 

#609457 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 15 June 2020 - 05:15 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I am so looking forward to using this Mod.  I am running an EET install and when it goes to install this Multiclassed Multikit builder I get the error:

ERROR: Failure("resource [SPWI975.spl] not found for 'COPY"')


EET downloaded and installed version V0.28. 


Any way I can work around this?





#609461 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 16 June 2020 - 04:16 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

When installing EET, I specifically chose to not install any class mod/kits except for this multiclass multiMod.  Now, certainly some of the other addins will likely have added kit changes or even additions - how do I identify what mod added this reference to a nonexistent spell or whatnot?  Does anyone know offhand either what mod might have done so or how to find out?


And, as for not using that kit in the combo, that is a non-starter.  I cannot even install multiclass multimod because of the error...



#609463 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 16 June 2020 - 07:53 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

how do I identify what mod added this reference to a nonexistent spell or whatnot?
Well, you start by volunteering the kit combination you try to make. And switch that to something else.
Then you look up the file reference in your game by starting the Near Infinity for example, and we can try to take it from there. ... you might be able to look the kittable.2da file and find the reference to the flawed clab....2da file that gives the error, and then you erase the reference. I say might, cause there's a bit of knowledge of the games content you need to know do this.
When installing EET, I specifically chose to not install any class mod/kits except for this multiclass multiMod. 
This is really unlikely... you might just not be able to know what mods do what... but if memory is correct, the EET for example adds one. Cause it needs to bring the BG1EE's one to the BG2EE...



Ok, I need to apologize because I have clearly miscommunicated.  I never get to the kit definition because the Multiclass MultiKit never installs.  When I run setup-m7multikit.exe from the root of the BG2 install directory (after having successfully run EET installation where this multikit installation already failed once), I get the following during installation: 


ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [SPWI975.spl] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Core Multikit Files], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall  10 files for [M7MULTIKIT/M7MULTIKIT.TP2] component 10.
Uninstalled     10 files for [M7MULTIKIT/M7MULTIKIT.TP2] component 10.
ERROR: Failure("resource [SPWI975.spl] not found for 'COPY'")
PLEASE post the file SETUP-M7MULTIKIT.DEBUG on http://www.shsforums...d-experimental/
Using Language [English]

Install Component [Core Multikit Files]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?


At this point I can choose to [I]install, where it simply loops around and gets the same error, or I can Not install or Quit, resulting in the same thing.  


I guess my question is - does anyone know how to fix this error or does anyone know what mod causes this interaction with MultiClass MultiKits?





P.S. - it seems that farther up in the discussion here, the author says:

There's a scroll in your games (yes, both of you have the very same issue) that contains a reference to an inexistent spell, SPWI975 in this case. It must be a mod both of you installed.
Even if this is a mod-induced error, I'll add a workaround and throw a warning, since failing to install because of this is too tragic.

#609467 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 17 June 2020 - 07:48 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

So, continuing saga:   I complete delete all BG install directories, uninstall all games, delete the EE-Mod-Setup-Master directory.  Complete clean start.  I start an EET install again, choosing only the "green" options except for MultiClass MultiMod.  Install works except for MultiMod that fails differently.  From the Setup-m7multikit.debug:


EET_END/EET_END.TP2  0  0 Installed
EET_GUI/EET_GUI.TP2  0  0 Installed
ERROR: Sys_error("./m7multikit/lib/multikit.tpp: No such file or directory")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-M7MULTIKIT.DEBUG and look for support at: http://www.shsforums...d-experimental/
Automatically Skipping [UNDEFINED STRING:   @1300032] because of error.
Using Language [English]
[English] has 1 top-level TRA files
ERROR: No translation provided for @1300000
Continuing despite error.
ERROR: No translation provided for @1300033
Continuing despite error.

ERROR: No translation provided for @1300026
Continuing despite error.
ERROR: No translation provided for @1300018
Continuing despite error.
ERROR: No translation provided for @1300033
Continuing despite error.

Saving This Log:
SETUP-WEIDU.TP2  0  0 Installed
EET/EET.TP2  0  0 Installed


Attached is the whole debug file.  


any thoughts as to what went wrong? 




Follow-up - I extracted the contents of the CrevsDaak-m7multikit-v0.28-0-g8f0698e.zip that EET downloaded, and copied them manually to the m7multikit folder in my BGII directory.  I then manually ran the Setup-m7multikit.exe and got the following error:


ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [SPWI975.spl] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Core Multikit Files], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall  10 files for [M7MULTIKIT/M7MULTIKIT.TP2] component 10.
Uninstalled     10 files for [M7MULTIKIT/M7MULTIKIT.TP2] component 10.
ERROR: Failure("resource [SPWI975.spl] not found for 'COPY'")
PLEASE post the file SETUP-M7MULTIKIT.DEBUG on http://www.shsforums...d-experimental/
Using Language [English]

Install Component [Core Multikit Files]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?


Same error as before... Grrr!  

Attached Files

#609470 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 17 June 2020 - 09:04 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Well, the archive was probably wrongly extracted... aka, can you find this file: <game install folder>/m7multikit/lib/multikit.tpp ?


I checked and there was very nearly nothing in the ./m7multikit directory after the EET install.  Thus my followup, where I manually extracted all the files, including the one mentioned above, and I then placed them in the proper directory.  After running that, I got the 2nd error reported... the one with the missing SPWI975.spl file once again.   :-(    

#609472 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 17 June 2020 - 10:29 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Thus my followup,

Which was edited after I posted...

Anyweays, you can just extract via Near Infinity say the spwi925.spl -file to any directory, rename it as spwi975.spl and paste that into the games override folder, and hope nothing explodes as a result. And after the install, you can delete the file.


EDIT: after a little hullabaloo, I have made a list of the potential mods that the file reference could come from ... how I got it, like said, a hullabaloo..


TDDZ/SETUP-TDDZ.TP2  0  0 Installed
TDDZ/SETUP-TDDZ.TP2  0  1 Installed
TDDZ/SETUP-TDDZ.TP2  0  2 Installed
TDDZ/SETUP-TDDZ.TP2  0  3 Installed
TDDZ/SETUP-TDDZ.TP2  0  4 Installed
TDDZ/SETUP-TDDZ.TP2  0  5 Installed
EETGBTHFKP/EETGBTHFKP.TP2  0  0 Installed ... and potentially components 1 and 2
FR_ROV/SETUP-FR_ROV.TP2  0  0 Installed


The TDDZ looks especially bad, cause it could very positively refer to the non existant spell, from my point of view.

You want details about the hullabaloo, it involves a google search.


I tried copying an existing SPWI already in overrides - SPWI853.spl and copied then renamed the copy to SPWI925.spl.  This was during installation after the failure (yes, started another full clean installation).  Unfortunately, after adding the SPWI924.spl file, I ® the failure, and the installation still failed at that same point saying it could not find the resource.  


Going back now to try to do the install while skipping the above recommended items.  Thanks so much for the help!!



Well Shazbat!  my whole effort was to have a Cavalier/Sorc playthrough with the Sandrah Saga.  And, I just found that the Sandrah Saga requires TDDz to be installed.  BLECH!  


Any recommended workarounds?  I am certainly open to suggestions.  Thanks!

#609474 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 17 June 2020 - 11:48 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

The spwi925.spl is an existing spell, the mage HLA called Comet. So you don't need to make that, you need to copy it and rename that as the ...75.spl ...


Trying one last time right now - full clean install.  During the install I copied the spwi100.spl (as it was the first one I saw in overrides) and then renamed it spwi975.spl.  Lets see if that works!  Will edit this post when I find out.  



Well it finally worked.  Apparently I needed to have the spwi975.spl in place BEFORE the install ran.  


On the other hand I now understand that this allows you to add kits to an existing base class - thus no Cavalier/Sorceror.  Ahwell.   Barbarian/mage, here I come! 


thanks for your help!!

#609475 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 17 June 2020 - 01:16 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Ok.. after all that I have the Multiclassed Multikit running.  YAY.  


An implementation question.  Note - running EET.  So i created 4 "kits" and installed 2 of them (with the requisite screen scroll in the command prompt afterward).  All said successful.  Now when I create a new Toon and open "Record" and choose "customize" and finally "Script" I then look through the list and see none of the "kits" that I created listed as AI scripts.  Am I simply looking in the wrong place?  Sadly the Readme is not particularly clear on this point.... 

#609480 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 18 June 2020 - 07:26 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Imp - the real question is:   Now when I create a new Toon and open "Record" and choose "customize" and finally "Script" I then look through the list and see none of the "kits" that I created listed as AI scripts.  Am I looking in the wrong place or is the AI script simply not showing up?  
Fouinto - I would love to start a new toon with the kit.  I have tried 2 new toons this monring and when I choose Fighter/Mage, that's it - I do not get any other options.  How or exactly where do you make the kit selection during character creation?  
What I am starting to suspect is that the EET install I have implemented has a number (about 15-20) different AI scripts already in place and those are somehow blocking the AI script that I/we want to have show up for the MultiMod kit...

Thanks kindly one and all for all your help! 

#609484 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 18 June 2020 - 10:13 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

You can go over the character scripts, they are in the <gameinstall folder>/scripts/ -folder and they all end up with .bs file name. If you want to get rid of some... temporarily, just move them elsewhere, and see what happens in game after you restart the game.

Good idea.  I removed all scripts (*.BS) and put them in a backup folder elsewhere.  I then restarted the game and no go.  Still not listing anything in the AI.  


BUT, I started a new character and after choosing Fighter/Mage, Lo and Behold (!!) BarbarianMage was an option.  


EXCELLENT...  I'm off to the races!


<edit> well, not so fast.  


So, I made a kit named BarbarianMage which is, as you might guess a fighter/mage kit comprised of a Barbarian and a Standard Mage. 


I made a new character - several times - and each time, the Barbarian looks like it came thorugh - slightly faster walk, 1 more HP,etc.  But the mage - I get 2 spells and am told during character creation that I can memorize 2 spells, which I do.  But, once I start my adventure, I look at my mage book and although it shows 2 spells memorized, I show ZERO spell slots.  I can cast no spells.  I used EEKeper, look at the toons Memorization tab, and it shows Wizard level 1 - (Max can memorize) 2.  If I give the toon 5Kxp, I get wizard level 2.  Still no change.  In EEKeeper, i experimented more.  after working up to 5M experience, it seems that the number of spells useable at any given level is 1/2 rounded down of the number of spells I should have - so if the mage should have 6 spells, i get 3 spell slots.  If one, I get zero spell spots.   And in EEKeeper, the number of memorized spells stays at two level 1 spells forever.  

#609488 Multiclassed Multikit Builder Mod [experimental]

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 18 June 2020 - 11:24 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I dig in further - delete the kit using Setup-M7multikit.exe.  Make a new Barbarian_Mage kit several times, and each time I get a failure somewhere - I am attaching my debug file.   I will note that I made a Mage_Thief kit of a regular mage and Swashbuckler and that combo worked fine!  It seems that somehow the Barbarian and Mage combo is just not happy... 

Attached Files

#609857 Stuck in BGT EE in Sandrah quest

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 11 August 2020 - 11:18 AM in Mega Mod Help

Playing EET with Sandrah mod and all the mods I could get that Sandrah calls for.  Progress into SoA.  In the Sandrah Saga Guide.pdf I am on the quest on page 81/82 - Waterdeep Vampires.  I have completed the whole dungeon and am trying to escort Reagan back to the surface.  Reagan has followed me out of the dungeon and onto the bottom level of the ship.  But, when I have my group go up to the next level, he appears at the next level (middle level of the ship) for about half of  one second or less, and then disappears and is back in the bottom level of the ship.  I have tried with him right next to the stairs, and farther away, I have gone back and forth many times.  I have reloaded from where I picked Reagan up, and tried again and again.  I can't get him to follow me upstairs out of the bottom level of the ship.  If I proceed without Reagan, and get back on land and talk to the harbor master, Sandrah says we need to go back to the boat, and back we go.  Seems quite stuck...  Any help? 

#609861 Stuck in BGT EE in Sandrah quest

Posted by CaptEHCJ on 11 August 2020 - 12:52 PM in Mega Mod Help

I tried that and all that does is move my group to the area specified.  It does not move the NPC character following me.  That is where I am having the problem....