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#111528 I wonder if you can "fake" sailing in bg2...

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 21 April 2004 - 09:11 AM in IE Help

Damn.... makes you wish that they added sailing of sorts.....

well then.... let's say... you made it to where when you got your ship you could use it to travel to any island or coastline on the visible map....  you have 4 random encounters;
one where your ship is sunk and you find yourself and one other party member back on shore, one where you have been boarded have to fight off the pirates/raiders, one where a subordinate says a merchant vessel is aproaching and asks if you want to capture it and take what's aboard then either you repeat the first or you get a free ship full of goodies to loot, and finally one like the first, but you win the battle and have to stop by  the nearest city for repairs (which could take from a day to a week).
You can buy upgrades to your ship to make your ship less sinkable from one of the above events.

#111521 Item enchanting mod

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 21 April 2004 - 08:59 AM in IE Mod Ideas

or permanently... there is a permanent effect you know...

#111380 Item enchanting mod

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 20 April 2004 - 11:13 PM in IE Mod Ideas

wouldnt it be cool if you could find some level 4 spell that could turn a normal weapon to a +1 or even add elemental damage permanently?
maybe add in a level 7 spell to add a +2 with a small chance of +3 or 4 as a level 7 magic.....

both have a % chance of the weapon blowing up in your face turning it into a little grenade...

#111372 I wonder if you can "fake" sailing in bg2...

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 20 April 2004 - 10:58 PM in IE Help

because I wouldnt mind adding pirates to a mod I am flirting with (a mod based in calimport.... not like mintos mind you).... it would be cool if there was some way to actually BE a pirate.....

#111323 Chloe in Sigil?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 20 April 2004 - 02:48 PM in Chloe

I know absolutely nothing about Planescape and Sigil so I'll just smile and nod. :)

hehehe it's a good place

#111247 India/tibet/mongolia/arabia equivilent

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 20 April 2004 - 08:59 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I dont think I could send 30 megs in some 60 something files on here.... if you want them though they are part of a large file called "all-tiles.zip" which is on the teambg ftp: (which is browser compatible I believe) they are in that zip

EDIT: I could pair them up where I can in zips but I have no way of hosting them so they will be on the forums server

#111205 Chloe in Sigil?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 20 April 2004 - 07:44 AM in Chloe

Well let's assume Akadia's taint isnt gonna hurt her standing with the fair lady...
I personally think she'd do well with the Trancendent order.... she seems to be a fair bit impulsive enough. AND it doesnt effect her in combat. Now think of what she would gain by doing what she does anyways.

#111198 India/tibet/mongolia/arabia equivilent

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 20 April 2004 - 07:35 AM in IE Mod Ideas

well I do have that.... and I can some nice european esque countrysides with it but I have no tiles except what team bg provides and I definately DONT want to use the Diablo2 sets.....

#111099 India/tibet/mongolia/arabia equivilent

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 19 April 2004 - 09:21 PM in IE Mod Ideas

the last post was mine I just hadn't logged in yet

#111082 India/tibet/mongolia/arabia equivilent

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 19 April 2004 - 05:59 PM in IE Mod Ideas

hmmm my impression of Calimport seems to be a tad different.... Though that was done masterfully I do however see the marketplace to be a tad more "compact"

I wouldnt mind... however.... using some of those tiles
preferably the tents, sand, floors, paths and palm trees