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#545498 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 02:20 PM in 1PP

Proper update should be out by tomorrow evening at the latest. :)

#545496 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 12:05 PM in 1PP

I think you may have overlooked at least one BG1 monster when you corrected the weapon overlays for 'em. Hobgoblins acquired from one of the lower lever monster summonings also wield invisible swords.

Did not overlook them, as it turns out WeiDU would hiccough when trying to patch more than one item per creature (possibly due to how it patches the files?) and read the wrong offset. I've split the patch up and that seems to fix the problem.

Thanks for spotting the issue :)

#545493 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 10:49 AM in 1PP

Okay, updates are on the way.

It will be the updated PST patch (2 disc / 4 disc version support) as well as an update for SoA/ToB and Tutu/ToSC, finally fixing the game choice/ToB title screen looping.

The reason looping was broken on those screens (but not SoA) is actually the result of a really bizarre engine bug/quirk I was hoping to fix, but for the life of me can't figure out. For posterity's sake (or in case anyone else ran into it) the issue is that any song index of 75+ fails to recognise any loop information UNLESS the song entry/file name is two letters and the relevant parts begin with an _underscore (I think), while anything works fine on entries below 75.

I've pored over the code but I can't find what's causing the inconsistent behaviour (thus far, anyway) so grudgingly I've just renamed the files.

#545491 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 10:31 AM in 1PP

I was thinking of Tutu, yes.
So, is there any way this might get reverted back to BG1?
(at a glance, the other pieces of armor (in Winthrop's inventory :P) seem to be ok)

Ohh, I see what you mean, I'd accidentally put in the wrong reference. I thought you meant changed to the BG1 icon :)

Consider it fixed.

#545445 No more teasing Erephine, it's offical your work is going into BG:

Posted by Erephine on 23 August 2012 - 09:53 PM in 1PP

When was I teasing? :P

#545363 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 08:10 PM in 1PP

Good :)

Will update the download, then. Just to be sure, this is an English install?

#545361 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 07:52 PM in 1PP

Let me know if this works (replace your installer with the one included):

Attached File  1pp_hq_music_PST_installer_2.7z   1.91K   425 downloads

#545358 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 07:18 PM in 1PP

PST Music does not seem to install on 2CD version. I can send you the executable if you like.

Please do. :)

#545356 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 07:11 PM in 1PP


Do you know if the audio levels (i.e. dB) of the music are the same as the vanilla game? I've found the restored music to be quite loud compared to other content, which is perhaps normal but since I haven't played it in a while I don't really know.

Should be more or less the same.

I made an effort to match volume, so any difference should be uniform (i.e. if you change your volume once it should be fine for all tracks).

#545335 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 12:08 PM in 1PP

Also, some part of component 400 changes the splint mail icon whatever armor icon option I seem to choose :)

So, is this the case with anyone else's install?

This is the case with everyone's install (if you're referring to Tutu).

#545331 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 11:55 AM in 1PP

I was bothered by the shadow (which I did fix).

But I went ahead and updated the slotted image as well, just for you. :cookie:

#545324 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 10:52 AM in 1PP

Yes. Waiting for the medium shields before I put out the next version (unless something is horrifically broken)

I've added the option for BG2 helmets in Tutu as yet another choice if you choose manual configuration and have Tutu installed.

#545307 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 10:27 PM in 1PP

Thanks Mike :) Always good to know someone else appreciates these little details as well. It's the kind of thing many never really notice or pay attention to!

Does the same go for the helmet icons, as well?

That would be great :)

Just to be clear: we are talking about fixing the Tutu inventory icons only, right?

Shields and helmets only, or are there any other items left? (If it'd help I could check for you, if you do not have a Tutu installation handy)

Tutu helmets have their own patch content, so yes and no. It is probably closest to the 'BG1' option. Some other items have Tutu specific patches as well; armour for instance is set up to work in a specific way in Tutu.

I do have an install, so no worries :) I've added an option to use the BG2 shields on Tutu installs (whatever you set them to).

#545292 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 03:30 PM in 1PP

Trying out RC4, on EasyTutu and having an issue:
No configuration leaves the shield icons in the inventory/paperdoll in BG2 style. Whatever I do, I get the BG1 look.

I would assume that 1ppv4-Baldur's Gate II style [default] should work, as per the readme images, but no dice.

Only have the Unfinished Business and the BG1NPC mods installed beforehand.

Am I missing something?

Simple answer: shield choices currently do not affect Tutu as it does not use BG2 shields.

I could add in an option to do that.

#545282 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 02:14 PM in 1PP

If you went with the default, you will be able to find BG1 style shields throughout SoA (the BG2 variants are just more common). The gems thing is currently part of the main v4 update, so not easily separated. You could delete all the misc**.itm files from your override which should bring them back to vanilla in the interim.

I will make it an option for the future.


Got sidetracked while working on the shields and finally figured out how the ingame colour pickers work (which makes me happy as it's been bugging me for some time). So there will be this as well next update (ToB installs only):

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

^ the way I've implemented the extended clothing colours is you will get the standard set of 34 at character creation and from your inventory; if you want to access the 'extras' you can do so from the 'customise' dialog in your character sheet.

No more having to edit your characters with NI :)

(unless of course the colour you want is not on there)

#545226 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 05:51 AM in 1PP

Heya, been trying to install Separate Female Dwarves component on IWD1 + HoW + TotL (1.4.2), but I always get this error :(

The only thing I installed before were your 1pp IWD Fixes.

Did you install the component restoring BG1 character animations?

If so, that is the problem (trying to patch BG2 animations when you're using those from BG1).

#545224 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 05:45 AM in 1PP

Likely the laptop. Do you use ear/headphones?

If you're referring to the acm batch upsampler (in convert/) it is only needed if you have any extra music not covered by what is included (as otherwise, those tracks would play at double speed). As it seems BGT does not add any extra music beyond what is there in BG1-BG2, not an issue.

#545211 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 03:33 AM in 1PP

That said, new version!

This one is ironically more of a beta than previous ones but for a reason I hope you can all appreciate: Active content development is happening regarding the legacy shields (leading up to legacy shields v2).

RC4 includes, apart from the fixes above, fully re-rendered BG1-style large shield animations, which unlike previous ports are near-perfect. I will be working my way down the shields (so medium shields will be the next to be updated, then small shields, and so forth).

Give your thanks to the BG:EE team, who have shared what is left of ToB's development assets, from which I was able to salvage some keyframing information for the human female character animation. Which I have taken and adapted for other race/gender combinations and put to good use with a mesh I made to match the BG1 large shield and... this is the result!

Lighting currently matches BG1 animations, which might need a little tweaking.

Last but not least, [301] has been expanded to include a few fixes for shield rendering bugs for BGII animations with support for ToB/SoA, TotLM, and IWD2.

Let me know what you think! :)

#545209 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 03:13 AM in 1PP

Another problem, after 1pp all gems become unidentified. ( For example the star sapphire in the starter Inn). But not potions. Here is the weidu.log where gems are still okay.

That is deliberate in the item patches. Did not get around to making a mention/make it optional it seems.

Lore values are low for the most part, so you should be able to tell the most common ones unless your character has crappy wisdom.

#545208 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 03:03 AM in 1PP

Well, if you legitimately can't tell a difference either due to bad hearing or equipment (more likely) you might not need the mod :P

I suppose you could test by opening NearInfinity, browsing to the Music section and playing any file at random. If it plays at half speed then yes, you should be good.

It works. if following all 4 points. Converted with the Totsc-music .exe, i guess it would work with soa/tob converter too. Looks like bgt uses some of bg2 music, so both SoA and totsc music parts are needed.

here is the working override\songlist.d2a and the content of the music folder

Thanks for verifying. :)

Yes, does not matter which WeiDU installer you use, as it's the same game engine.

#545193 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 12:34 AM in 1PP

You did an exelent job created a new icon for Cloak of Bravery. It looks like a real stitched flesh cloak, according to its description. I have noticed that if you wield a Staff of Magi, then you do not flicker anymore. Is it deliberate act?

Thanks for the feedback. Can not replicate the hammer one, fixed the others. Went through the files again just to be sure. Should be the last of them :)

I didn't really care much for the effect, so when I switched to the new animation I left it out (feeling that was distinguishing enough) and then forgot about it. I can add it back in, or make it an optional thing, I suppose?

Im a new user so cant say if this is a RC problem but the pause/clock button is at the wrong place, namely where the map button is. It has no negative gameplay effects but looks weird.

It is.

Fixed for the next one. :)

#545191 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 12:23 AM in 1PP


I don't really have time to look at its installer/install BGT just for that, but if someone could provide me the songlist.2da/music folder after installing I could probably assemble a BGT version to make things easier.

#545145 Component idea

Posted by Erephine on 20 August 2012 - 07:51 AM in 1PP

Hey :)
You're doing a great job and I was wondering - have you ever thought of adding an animation for half-orcs? I think there are apropriate slots, but even though half-orcs have their uniqe paperdoll, they don't have any animations. They all look like humans.
It would be great to see something like that.

Cheers and again thanks for your work :)

I've certainly thought about it, but it would be a lot of work (12 new animations for each gender, meaning 24 total) and there is only so much I can do as it would have to fit both the sizing and general outline/silhouette of the existing animations so as to work properly with existing overlays.

Add to that that half-orcs are supposed to be able to pass as human (save skin colour for some) and I think it might be best to leave it as-is (also known as: not worth the effort).

Might (and this is a pretty big 'might') do something like Tiefling animations on the other hand, as I could layer onto existing animations. Somewhat like the attachable wings, if you will, but as a proper animation series rather than tacked on.

#545144 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 20 August 2012 - 07:43 AM in 1PP

Thanks for your answer, Erephine.

I am rather thick though (and I guess it's no surprise) so I am not really sure I understood if I can use this modification with BGT, which was my intention. I thought Beholder meant to say that I should run this modification on the original TotSC game and hope that BGT would import the new music files.

But I guess it is not so? If instead it is possible, how do I do it since I can not really go down that road?


Naw. It's not really made all that clear in the description/installers so definitely not your fault if it is somewhat confusing with BGT installs.

What Beholder meant, and would probably work is to
  • place the included music/ folder for ToSC/BG1 in your BG1-ToSC directory (replacing the default one), and
  • place the included music/ folder for BGII-SoA/ToB in your BG2 directory
  • then installing BGT (which will import the changed files from BG1's music folder) and
  • finally install 1pp hq music (the WeiDU patch) on your finished BGT install, saying "no" to patching areas just to be safe.

#545133 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 20 August 2012 - 12:24 AM in 1PP

Added Planescape:Torment to the list!

I thought from the style of music PS:T might not benefit quite as much as the more treble heavy music of ToSC or SoA, which is why I left it waiting for so long...

By the time I'd test played to Annah's introduction/theme and burst into tears I knew I was... mistaken.
Currently support might be limited, as I have next to no experience with PS:T executables. I developed the patch on my copy (obviously) which is an English 4 disc version with the PST fixes applied; so this is the one setup more or less guaranteed to work. Apart from that, readme should have all the relevant information.

If you have any other version, I'd appreciate if you could let me know whether the patch works. If not, I can add in support if you PM me a link to the executable in question.

Enjoy! :)