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#545541 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 25 August 2012 - 09:07 AM in 1PP

This is the paperdoll/avatar series for the female elven wizard in standard BAM colours:

Posted Image

Pink and teal are the major and minor clothing colour, respectively, and the ones you can change for your characters. The other colours (trim/detail = grey, metal = blue, leather = red) vary from NPC to NPC (hence why they look different in different screenshots), and are the ones set by equipped robes. In the unarmoured state, you are stuck with your character defaults save for editing the default values in NI.

#545576 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 26 August 2012 - 12:54 AM in 1PP

Perhaps. There is currently no true port of BG1 helmet animations, which is why the installer refers to it as fake BG1 style.

I try to approximate with the animations that are there, which is a better fit than vanilla but by no means perfect. 'Skip' is actually the worst choice if you care for accuracy; the fake BG1 option is the closest you can get at present. Also, if you like the BG1 style icons/approximations, you should not 'apply to Tutu' as that is the default for Tutu installs.

The helmet you refer to as not matching is an update of the typical BG2 helmet. I think it 'sort of' matches, but if amongst the helmets 1pp offers you feel there is a better match feel free to point it out. That you get it at Winthrop's is an issue because you're applying BG2 items to Tutu -- the helmet is rather rare in BG2 so I put the alternate there, whereas it is very common in BG1/Tutu.

#545491 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 10:31 AM in 1PP

I was thinking of Tutu, yes.
So, is there any way this might get reverted back to BG1?
(at a glance, the other pieces of armor (in Winthrop's inventory :P) seem to be ok)

Ohh, I see what you mean, I'd accidentally put in the wrong reference. I thought you meant changed to the BG1 icon :)

Consider it fixed.

#545331 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 11:55 AM in 1PP

I was bothered by the shadow (which I did fix).

But I went ahead and updated the slotted image as well, just for you. :cookie:

#545324 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 August 2012 - 10:52 AM in 1PP

Yes. Waiting for the medium shields before I put out the next version (unless something is horrifically broken)

I've added the option for BG2 helmets in Tutu as yet another choice if you choose manual configuration and have Tutu installed.

#545831 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 30 August 2012 - 05:25 AM in 1PP

Actually not so minor. IWD:HoW/TotLM has always been a bit of a mess when it comes to the human female animation series and paperdolls. Basically, the size classification and way the game handles these changed between the BG1 and BG2 engines, and as IWD continued to use the old paperdolls it was pretty much a hack using half BG2 and half BG1 assets, inconsistently implemented to boot. As a result, an absolute pain as far as modding goes.

Soo in the interest of preserving hair and preventing future frustration, I've decided to hell with it and updated the code/references to consistently use BG2 content. Changes a few components, so if you could test once it goes up that would be fantastic.

I've been somewhat loath to do this in the past for those who want to stay as true to the original IWD as possible, but I guess now you can just use the BG1 animations if that is what you're after (should introduce no new incompatibilities) :) So yeah, should be more consistent in either choosing the more BG2 oriented look, or the original BG1 code.

I've added the flaming longsword to the item patches. :)

#545841 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 30 August 2012 - 12:01 PM in 1PP

And it is up :) changes in the new release are the paperdoll handling in IWD and the addition of the remade small shields.

Little known fact about myself: BG1 small shields have always been my favourite so I wanted to make sure I get them right (definitely happier with them this time around!). Picking up Viconia with her dark green small shield while exploring out in the Sword Coast wilderness = one of the things I associate most vividly with my early BG experiences. That shield.

#547327 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 September 2012 - 01:38 AM in 1PP

I've encountered two small bugs with this really fantastic mod (I have v4.0.0 installed). The first is that Eilistraee's Circlet gives 100% magic-damage resistance rather than 10%. The other is a mod (semi-) conflict: when I change an avatar using the "Avatar Morphing Script" from BG2 Tweaks, the avatar change doesn't survive loading a save. Upon loading, the avatar reverts to the default and I have to rerun the morphing script.

Wonderful mod, btw. Many thanks!

Ah, actually 110% :doh: Typo in the installer. Thanks for spotting :)
Not much to be done about the other thing -- the avatar switching component does what it says on the tin (dynamically changes avatars according to equipment), which breaks/reverts any non standard avatar for party characters as long as the .cre is set to one of the standard PC races.

Glad you enjoy!


Cheers, will add rudimentary detection/support to the next build.

#547268 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 September 2012 - 06:51 PM in 1PP

Figured out what was causing the conflict with SPWI317..
BG2 Tweak Pack - Rule Changes:

Add Save Penalties for Spells Cast by High-Level Casters (BETA)
By request, this component will adjust spells to have save penalties when cast by high-level casters. For every five levels over the minimum level required to learn a spell, a -1 to saves will be imposed.
For example, Hold Person is a second level cleric spell, and can be learned when a character hits level three. When the character hits level eight, the spell now has a -1 penalty to the victim's saving throw. At level 13 it's -2; at 18 it's -3, etc. all the way out to -9 at level 48. The penalties are extended out to level 50 in case players are playing an XP cap-free game or with one of the various level-50 rule sets.
The penalties will work against you for spells from enemies, but I expect this component will, in general, probably make the game a lot easier. You'll have the choice to add these penalties to divine spells, arcane spells, or both.
NOTE: This component has been flagged as beta. There have been sporadic reports of crashes with this component installed, but I have not yet been able to replicate and solve these issues. If you should encounter issues with this component, please file a bug report at the mod's forum--I really, really want to get this nailed down and fixed.

Can you/someone attach the patched .spl file after installing the Tweak Pack component?

#547128 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 20 September 2012 - 03:02 AM in 1PP

Ah, I can see how the 1ppv4 spell tweaks component might conflict with other mods. For the individualised armour effects, I patch in the new references which are located in extended headers. Supposing another mod changes these around before installing (whether by adding/removing or otherwise changing the offsets) it would likely lead to corrupted files; there's currently no check to verify that the offsets are indeed correct. Will try and improve compatibility in further updates (would be helpful to know exactly what mod/changes this conflicts with in the interim).


That said, first feature update:

Posted Image

- Scale shields now have their own animations rather than using the BG2 medium shield ones (see above to the right, taken from the documentation)
- Improved carried/description images (should be a lot more consistent) along with other item-related bug fixes
- Fixed GUI overlap issues with low resolutions.

#545961 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 02 September 2012 - 11:17 AM in 1PP

If that's definitely the component causing the problem, it would have to be triggered by one of the following spells:

SPWI317, SPWI414, SPPR510, SPPR608

or possibly a corrupted spell ids/table after adding two spells via WeiDU. If someone could check what exactly is triggered in the banter, that would be a huge help in narrowing down the issue.

#545307 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 10:27 PM in 1PP

Thanks Mike :) Always good to know someone else appreciates these little details as well. It's the kind of thing many never really notice or pay attention to!

Does the same go for the helmet icons, as well?

That would be great :)

Just to be clear: we are talking about fixing the Tutu inventory icons only, right?

Shields and helmets only, or are there any other items left? (If it'd help I could check for you, if you do not have a Tutu installation handy)

Tutu helmets have their own patch content, so yes and no. It is probably closest to the 'BG1' option. Some other items have Tutu specific patches as well; armour for instance is set up to work in a specific way in Tutu.

I do have an install, so no worries :) I've added an option to use the BG2 shields on Tutu installs (whatever you set them to).

#545209 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 03:13 AM in 1PP

Another problem, after 1pp all gems become unidentified. ( For example the star sapphire in the starter Inn). But not potions. Here is the weidu.log where gems are still okay.

That is deliberate in the item patches. Did not get around to making a mention/make it optional it seems.

Lore values are low for the most part, so you should be able to tell the most common ones unless your character has crappy wisdom.

#544722 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 08 August 2012 - 10:40 AM in 1PP

Hi, I have a question.

I really love this mod very much, but I want a little modification about Thieves Galore.

That is, I feel that Bards would be better to have Fighter's animation instead of Thieve's hooded animation.

Is the change doable myself by opening and editing some files?

Yes. In NearInfinity, open your override folder and locate LCARMOR.SPL. Click 'view' below Abilities (should have Melee (1)). In the new window, go to the 'Edit' tab and scroll down until you reach all the effects. You will see lots of effects targetted at CLASS.IDS for each class. Find the one that is targetted at BARD (fourth of the class checks). Click 'View/edit' and you will get the effect window. The 'resource' field should say LCARMORT.EFF. Change this to LCARMORF.EFF and save the file.

Now repeat the same thing for LCUARMRD.SPL (from step 1).

And you should be done :)

And I have a small suggestion for additional animation.

First, as far as I know there is only one animation for Axes that show single-edged. So double-edged axe animation might be cool. In addtion, greater/giant axe animation for two-handed would be welcome, too.

Second, there were some throwing spears in several mod, but the animation seemed to be very strange. So I'd like to suggest a new animation for throwing spears.

Third, even though Throwing Hammer mod already gave the addtional throwing hammer's animation I think it might need to be added in 1PP if possible.

Lastly, the improved animation of Ioun Stone, like 1PPv4's improved spell animations, is also my wish list! :new_thumbs:

- Double edged axes were something I considered but scrapped due to time/effort. Animations would be tons of work, and having it just on the paperdoll would look strange, I felt.

- 1ppv4 does restore javelins. The animation does look a bit strange but feel free to give it a try and see if you like it any better.

- Also something I've considered, but I feel wary about stepping on anyone's toes as far as modding goes.

- Likewise.

#544723 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 08 August 2012 - 10:44 AM in 1PP

You are right, I uninstalled Infinity Animations and installed Thieves Galore successfully, then reinstalled IA. My mistake, I should have realised that the older version of your work (1pp v3) was to be installed before, well, your other piece of work as I have just seen (IA), too.

I should add that to the readme in absence of a fix.

I think the problem is/was that I shift things around differently in IA than I do in Thieves Galore, so I would have to actually modify the patch itself to make it work in that install order.

#544712 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 08 August 2012 - 12:10 AM in 1PP

Good Morning!
This is a welcome addition to the game graphics, indeed. Well done and thank you very much!

Unfortunately, I'm unable to install the component "Unique Thief Avatars". The Weidu installer first says "ToB found (v26498)" and then "Error: the value we are trying to replace at offset 0x4595C9 (249) does not match what was expected (14). Stopping installation." and some more lines like this one.

I don't know the reason as I was able to install the mod's other components without trouble. The Weidu-Log is partly in German, but as I haven't installed many mods and those I have should be well-known, I hope it is of help (well, for me, it is not...). I'd be grateful if you could help me!

From your log, my guess would be it interferes with IA being installed beforehand, causing the verification to fail.

Can anyone who has both IA and Thieves Galore/unique thief avatars installed confirm their install order/if they ran into any issues?

#544709 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 07 August 2012 - 10:57 PM in 1PP

And it should be live :)

#544621 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 06 August 2012 - 05:32 AM in 1PP

This looks really awesome. I'd love to use it for IWDII, but I wonder which components are compatible, because the readme says "placeholder" after the IWDII for some of the core components. What does that mean?

The placeholder ones install, but don't do anything. For 101 it's mainly because it's a component used to check against (if 1pp is installed or not) but it's irrelevant for IWDII as the game has no paperdolls.

The other one that is a placeholder is 114 (spell effects) which I simply haven't got around to going through properly on IWDII yet.

So basically yes, you can use the mod with IWDII. Engine related fixes/avatar fixes will all work and install correctly, but don't expect much in terms of item patches making use of new content or IWDII-specific fixes just yet.

In other news, RC2 later today (possibly) as everything seems to work fine on my end. Changes are the fixed installer (300 no longer fails if installing everything in one go), two stray BAM glitches since discovered, and an added game engine fix to 301 (SoA/ToB). Deeply appreciate any feedback regarding bugs or just in general :)

#544808 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 10 August 2012 - 06:04 PM in 1PP

Would that be "Solars & Elementals" component, and something else? This component also fails to install.

Yes. Pretty much any engine patch that was added has no support for OSX.

#544845 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 11 August 2012 - 01:08 PM in 1PP

This new version is just Wonderful !

The mod installs on Linux without problems after tolower'ing stuff.

Bug : I can confirm that the clock is misplaced in 1024x768 with no widescreen. In 800x600, no such problem.

Do you have RC2?

It should be fixed.

Right. I'm wondering if it's possible to achieve the same results without attempting to patch the game program (since this can't be done under OS X).

Of course engine patching can be done on OSX.

But it is not possible to do what the mod does without.

#545193 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 21 August 2012 - 12:34 AM in 1PP

You did an exelent job created a new icon for Cloak of Bravery. It looks like a real stitched flesh cloak, according to its description. I have noticed that if you wield a Staff of Magi, then you do not flicker anymore. Is it deliberate act?

Thanks for the feedback. Can not replicate the hammer one, fixed the others. Went through the files again just to be sure. Should be the last of them :)

I didn't really care much for the effect, so when I switched to the new animation I left it out (feeling that was distinguishing enough) and then forgot about it. I can add it back in, or make it an optional thing, I suppose?

Im a new user so cant say if this is a RC problem but the pause/clock button is at the wrong place, namely where the map button is. It has no negative gameplay effects but looks weird.

It is.

Fixed for the next one. :)

#545073 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 18 August 2012 - 03:23 PM in 1PP

I would acturally prefer using 7z/have thought about it, but figured some people might have problems with it. Is there good support for Mac/Linux?

Heads up: Next update might take a bit to piece together but will contain some neat things. Good things to come :)

#545035 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 17 August 2012 - 05:02 PM in 1PP

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. It's just wonderful and so much fun to play these games with your upgraded graphics.
As for the current version RC3: The clock is unfortunately still misplaced. In my case I installed Widescreen at the end, after 1PP. Resolution is 1920x1080.
I'm also slightly confused about the shield animation component because during installation one has to choose how large shields are handled. What exactly is the difference between the three options available?


That would be because I am an idiot and accidentally replaced the fixed version with an older one while updating the files. You can get the fixed file here in the meantime (simply drop it in your override)

The problem with the legacy shields is that BG1 large shields are not yet ported, so the installer gives you three options on what to do with the in-game avatar appearance for those instead:

1. Make them look like BG1 medium shields
2. Make them look like the updated BG2 large shields in 1pp
3. Do not modify game files in any way (most likely giving you the vanilla BG2 large shield appearance)

Glad you enjoy playing :) That is the point, and what makes it all worth it.

#544874 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 12 August 2012 - 11:50 AM in 1PP

Depending on your install options there are various new items to be found throughout the game. They are there mainly to actually make use of new content: No point in having circlet animations if there are no circlets in the game for instance, and so forth.

Going through the game files/giving them away and where they are found would defeat the fun in exploring and finding them for yourself.

#544573 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 05 August 2012 - 04:20 AM in 1PP

Good morning, afternoon, or whatever time it may be where you rest :)

Are you feeling excited? With the impending release of BG:EE news have circulated about 1pp's inclusion. I am not only happy to confirm these reports, but also to be in a position where I can give you a taste of what is to come, just in case you should not be suitably excited as yet. How about... oh, I don't know, a release candidate for 1ppv4?

(yes, let us pretend v3 happened in an orderly fashion)

Without further ado, have a gander at this component list:

Game engine and core related content
  • 1ppv4: Core paperdolls
  • 1ppv4: Extended palette entries
  • 1ppv4: GUI additions for BGII
  • 1ppv4: Avatar fixes
  • 1ppv4: Female Dwarves
  • 1ppv4: Thieves Galore
  • 1ppv4: Smart Avatar & Armour Switching
  • 1ppv4: Softer Spell Effects
Item patches, additions and implementation
  • 1ppv4: Core content patches
  • 1ppv4: Consistent spell and scroll icons
  • 1ppv4: Spell tweaks
  • 1ppv4: Restored flame sword animations
  • 1ppv4: Colourable Quarterstaves
  • 1ppv4: Legacy Shields v2
  • 1ppv4: Additional Shield Animations (core)
  • 1ppv4: Wizards' Staves (core)
  • 1ppv4: Additional Helmet Animations (core)
  • 1ppv4: Attachable wings (core)
  • 1ppv4: Increased paperdoll object variety (core)
  • 1ppv4: Core updates and item patches «««« [main 1ppv4 update component]
  • 1ppv4: Improved projectile effects
Extras and non-character related fixes
  • 1ppv4: Fixed animations for solars and elementals
  • 1ppv4: Miscellaneous content fixes
Now take a look at those three screenshots:
(and see if you notice anything different. here is a hint: the vast majority of content has never been publically released before ;) )

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

But I kid you.

Screenshots are inadequate in light of this eight-years-in-coming monstrosity of moddidity and I would never dream of insulting you.

So sit back while you download and head over here for the one time chance to... see me click a bunch of stuff on screen? But also the mod. Whichever you prefer. All you need to do is answer the following riddle and type in the one-word answer (to prove your desert). It goes thusly:

What must one gather before venturing forth?

And just in case you were too excited by the prospect of seeing a poorly recorded screen capture to notice the link above, here it is again:

» Download 1ppv4.1.0 «

Known issues:

- Possible incompatibilities between the spell tweaks component (individualised armour effects) and some other mods? (if in doubt/causing issues, remove or skip the component for now)


New in 4.1.0:

- Scale shields now have their own animations
- Fixed GUI overlap on low resolutions
- Improved carried/description images

*awkward emotional wave to all of you*

Can't believe it. Eight years since v1, and here we are. Thank you for sticking with BG, and me.

now go forth and enjoy let me know what is broken