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#576989 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 18 April 2015 - 02:26 PM in IE Modding Tools

May be hotkeys for copy-paste effects and abilities also could be implemented?

#576786 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 11 April 2015 - 05:40 AM in IE Modding Tools

Well, @The Imp & @Argent77,thanks!

May I post here once more flags to know? Actually, I read the whole IESDP, but when in explains in words, it is easier to understand.

These are flags for Item abilities, which I'm not clear for now:

Hostile (10)   //  No idea....

Keen edge (17)   // Is this "always hit"? or the same as Bypass armor (16)?

Ex: Toggle backstab (25)  


And for "Add strength bonus (0)" and "EE: Damage/THAC0 strenght bonus (2 & 3)"

Am I right, that if I'm playing vanilla and want to have bonus from my 21 strength to the weapon damage, I must set (0) flag, but if I'm playing EE, I must not set (0), but must set (2) & (3) for the same effect?

#577244 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 29 April 2015 - 05:15 AM in IE Modding Tools

@Argent77, I'll post a question from one of our guys, who is no registered here:


"Please, can you explain why in the earlier versions of NearInfinity(like 1.35.0/20141003) when you search a string with text in the tree work correct. Example: String with text will expand to correct state/response in the tree. In the latest versions(all versions from 2015) that feature doesn't work anymore."


I don't know what is it about, because use NI only 1,5 month, but'll provide your answer to him. 

#577246 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 29 April 2015 - 06:10 AM in IE Modding Tools

Thanks. I'll retranslate this

#577247 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 29 April 2015 - 06:56 AM in IE Modding Tools

My friend asks, is this possible to implement that feature again in some beta-version, because we are working with the official russian translation of BG2EE, and this thing could be very helpful.

#576778 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 11 April 2015 - 03:42 AM in IE Modding Tools

Anothe one:


What option should I use to set a restriction for equipping an item (like Cloak of Protection +1 can not be set, while Chainmail +1 is equipped)?


In DLTCEP there is a flag for it. I take the same Protector +1 and save in item1 (with flag set on) and in item2 (with flag set off) but in Near Infinity there is no differences betwee these items, rather in EDIT or in  RAW screens...


P.S. Sorry, if I use the wrong thread for my questions, but for some reason "Search..." is not working in my computer on this forum(((

#576776 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 11 April 2015 - 03:16 AM in IE Modding Tools

And if someone could explain whan is the meaning of these flags, would be great:


Displayable (3)

Not copyable (5)

Silver ( 8 )           //   For what purpose I must set

Cold iron (9)     //   the material, my item was made of?

Off-handed (10)

EE: ... (13, 24, 25)?

#576245 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 27 March 2015 - 07:13 AM in IE Modding Tools

Well, thanks, Argent77. Yes, I already know about this two resourses, and they help a lot. But sometimes I feel like "STATE_CONFUSED (31)" ))) Would you mind, if I'll be post few questions here, when will need a help? 

#576233 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 26 March 2015 - 02:47 PM in IE Modding Tools

May be a noob question, but is there any manual such as: "look here, this flag means this, and this button leads there"? For instance, where can I find the meaning of flags in flag section of editing CRE-file? I'm trying to make some kind of manual in russian, and it will be very helpful.


UPD: I don't mean this guide: http://www.idi.ntnu..../ni/index.html. Some of present-days, maybe?..

#576585 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 07 April 2015 - 05:25 AM in IE Modding Tools


#576556 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 06 April 2015 - 11:04 PM in IE Modding Tools

@Argent77, I just think, will it be hard to provide russian for NI? I'm not familiar with java, so my question may be looks like "noob talking")) But if you could add "select language" submenu to general "Options" menu and tell me how to translate the interface, I can do it. But if this will bother you - never mind))

#576775 NearInfinity

Posted by Saigon1983 on 11 April 2015 - 02:25 AM in IE Modding Tools

Another question

Is there any hope of reveal the unknown flags? For example, flags in ITM files 12,14,15, etc. And in CRE too. I understand, that if it was so easy, they would be known a long time ago. But, what could I do to investigate them myself? Only set them, and then look what is changed in game?

#581855 BGT and the Enhanced Edition releases

Posted by Saigon1983 on 25 October 2015 - 11:16 PM in BGT Archive

When I started to test EET about month ago, there was one problem: areas from Candlekeep (didn't walk any further) were cropped from the upper left side. It's not critical, but VERY annoying. Is this problem fixed now? Or, will it be fixed?

#577897 BGT and the Enhanced Edition releases

Posted by Saigon1983 on 24 May 2015 - 09:01 AM in BGT Archive

Hi to all!


Is the problem in EET with water layers from BG1EE to BG2EE solved?

#576750 InfinityCore

Posted by Saigon1983 on 10 April 2015 - 12:07 PM in IE Modding Tools

Good day! Is there any progress?

#576012 Russian community needs your help!

Posted by Saigon1983 on 14 March 2015 - 11:24 AM in IE Tutorials

Good day (or night) to everyone!


This morning I found a big problem of modding in my country. Most of those, who actively participated in mod creation about five-ten years ago in present have no time for it or have no wish to start... Very sad.


But the basic problem, IMHO, is in lack of russian tutorials of IE Modding. Some of previous utilites are now not supported. Or the source code had changed a lot, or something else...


So, I need your help, brothers and sisters in arms! I want to resurrect an interest in IE Modding among my compatriots! We love mods! We need mods! We want to make mods!


For the start, I want to create a library of IE utilites tutorials, translated to russian. For this I need a list of actual modding tools and programs and links to their manuals (if such exists). Especially for EE version of IE. There is no avaliable russian database of these tools for now.


So, please, post here everything, that would help. There is no sense to roam through the tones of texts, posted in this forums. Especially, that 50% of it is not actual now. I (as a represent of others) would be thankful to know:


1. How do you make mods? I mean, what actual programs and tools do you use to create a mod? Included animation, graphics, items, kits, NPCs, maps etc. If someone post a list of resourses, needed for it and actual for EE, I would be very grateful.

2. What manuals are good for translate? I suppose, that noone of us wasn't born as a majestic modder. So, everyone somehow began his/her way with definite instructions. If you mind to place a link to an actual and well-written  manual - it would be very good!

3. If someone somehow has any russian manual of any age, please also post a link here.


In general, any help would be accepted)