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#597404 Secret of Bonehill v275 Bug Reports

Posted by aiqa on 09 October 2017 - 01:58 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

One of the hobgoblins (HOBGO2.CRE) has fixed stringrefs attached to some actions. No idea if they work properly in a game with only SoBH added, but at least it does not play nice in combination with other mods.

#597363 Cannot Successfully install with BWS

Posted by aiqa on 08 October 2017 - 02:13 AM in Mega Mod Help

However, it seems like you have to edit some bat file for this. Maybe someone can post some instruction for this.


The "BiG World Textpack.bat" checks if "BiG World Install.bat" exists,

And if it does it exits you get:


Please start the "BiG World Install.bat"

Bitte startet die "BiG World Install.bat"

Veuillez lancer le "BiG World Install.bat"


There are 2 ways around that

- delete "BiG World Install.bat" (but no idea if that has any other negative consequences)

- delete lines 48 en 49 (pause and exit) from "BiG World Textpack.bat"

#597362 Cannot Successfully install with BWS

Posted by aiqa on 08 October 2017 - 02:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

oops, posted twice somehow

#597338 Cannot Successfully install with BWS

Posted by aiqa on 07 October 2017 - 12:51 PM in Mega Mod Help

For BWS BGT I'd use the "OUTDATED!!! Baldur's Gate 2 / Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT) Customization" game type. That allows BWS itself to manage the installation, while the "install.bat" version is just BWP started by BWS.


If you really want to use the install.bat, I'd only use BWS to download the mods, and after that follow the BWP instructions for the rest of the installation.

#597328 Scripting practrices

Posted by aiqa on 07 October 2017 - 10:56 AM in Shadows over Soubar

This is the code for 1 weapon for 1 player. This repeats for 6 players for 6 weapons (that is why there are 36 inventory checks no matter what).




Like you said, the "HasItem" at the top of the script block makes sure it always does the inventory search, no matter what the other variables are set to.

But once some variables do get set there are even more.


If you set Global("CbPlayer1Has_Life_Eater","GLOBAL",5) I am counting two extra item checks on player1, and two extra party wide checks.

So if you give all your characters one weapon, you'd get 48 single player inventory checks, and 12 party wide inventory checks.

#597321 Scripting practrices

Posted by aiqa on 07 October 2017 - 09:21 AM in Shadows over Soubar

You can avoid the above stutter by not having two CBHBSLZP.itm's in your party's inventory.


I assume like all other scripting languages it just run from top to bottom.

And since the first line there is HasItem("CBHBSLZP",Player6), it will always start with doing an inventory check.

It does 36 of those every second, or how ever often the script repeats.

And if you also have a few bags in your inventory, I assume it will also check those.

I am not an expert on BG scripts, but to me that all looks less than optimal, and could potentially put a bit of a strain on things.


I could be wrong of course, but if so please explain why?

Is checking inventories hugely fast in BG?

#597317 Scripting practrices

Posted by aiqa on 07 October 2017 - 08:22 AM in Shadows over Soubar

So I've looked at the SOS walkthrough:


There are quite a few Hellblades around this dungeon and they all act like +3 swords, although have extra enchantments attached to them. They are notionally sentient and form a strong bond with their owner, and apparently cause the wielder to gradually become Chaotic Evil and start doing dastardly deeds. To be honest I didn’t bother with them, since all of my party had better weapons, but I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has used them and rates them.


So then those items seem to be mostly flavor.

And for 5 flavor items (that I probably wont even use) adding well over 3000 lines (or 30%) to baldur.bcs really seems a bit excessive.

So I'll just be deleting those lines, and I'll live with these 6 items not bonding or changing alignments.


The whole game was stopping for a fraction of a second, every seconds or so.


A delay(10) would at least not have the script constantly check for those items, but only every so often.

Then install the LStest mod and find out which script, and part of it, the stutter causer is, uninstall the mod, and eliminate the part and go on to kill&maim and destroy a fantasy setting.


To late for that now I've already restarted, but thank you for the advice. If I get to have more stuttering problems I'll be sure to make use of that.

#597313 Scripting practrices

Posted by aiqa on 07 October 2017 - 07:46 AM in Shadows over Soubar

The whole game was stopping for a fraction of a second, every seconds or so.


A delay(10) would at least not have the script constantly check for those items, but only every so often.

Depending on how the items are using in quests and such that could, or could not, work without many disadvantages.


All in all I am seeing SOS adding a "hasitem", without a global viariable check before it, 36 times in baldur.bcs.

So if I understand that function correctly, it would have to search character inventories 36 times every time the script runs.

How often does baldur.bcs actually run?

#597308 Scripting practrices

Posted by aiqa on 07 October 2017 - 07:12 AM in Shadows over Soubar

In my previous (strongly modded) game I ended up with getting quite a bit of stutter. And after reading up on it and looking over my mods list I noticed I had quite a few script heavy mods that would not really miss (disadvantage of using BWS presets :whistling:).


I reinstalled without the mods I thought would be a problem and things are working a lot better for now.

However this did get me thinking about scripting limitations and practices, and how important certain things are.

So the easy thing to first check is the baldur.bcs script, since as I understand it that continuously runs.


So now to SOS.

I've noticed my baldur.bcs script is about 13000 lines, and when skimming over those most seem reasonable and at least have a delay or a variable before it starts doing things with items.

SOS however looks a bit weird in that regard.

First of all, SOS adds well over 3000 lines to baldur.bcs, which seems a bit excessive.

Then it has a ton of things like:



To me it looks like that could really do with a Delay(10) or something.

So the question to the people that are a bit more versed in BG2 scripting, is that actually something that could cause stuttering or am I completely on the wrong path?


Also I am now still in the early stages of BG1, and I don't really remember those items at all since it's been a while I've last played BG.

Are they even really important in SOS.

#597256 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 10:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

I don't think it's reasonable to expect people to keep up with forum posts about some tool they are using. Also that particular post does not really warn me that the BGT feature was likely to be removed soon, just that is was not updated anymore.


Just to clarify. I do admire the work you've done for BG in general, and the super fast response. And I might have made some post written from emotion a bit to much, so apologies if I came over a bit to snappy.

#597253 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 09:40 AM in Mega Mod Help

My question about the language was about "don't blame the messenger", which just does not apply for someone who is defending her own work.


And about the bat file editing.

Yes I had to edit 1 bat file.

Every year or so I a BG playthrough, and I have never seen BWS do everything perfect. So that promise of perfection is not something I ever noticed.

But having to choose between "flexible mod selection and installation, but having to delete exit from one bat file"  on one hand, and "installation script with a ton of manual work, no automatic downloads, and nontrivial mod selection, and having to start over from scratch"... I would decide on the first option every time.


About things being a cheat or a fix...

From my point of view it's fixed, since the thing I wanted from it is now possible again. And also from my point of view I was more "cheated" out of something I spend lots of time on. And I've said it before, that is not something you should do in a live environment with endusers. What you have done now is much more acceptable.

And since there is now some warning in the program, it's more acceptable to remove the BGT feature sometime in the future if there is no improvement for a year or so. And at least after a clear warning, you can't expect everyone to keep up with forum drama to predict some feature be removed from BWS without a moment notice.

#597247 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 09:01 AM in Mega Mod Help

17, so I do get a warning. But just editing 1 bat file is pretty trivial.


And thank you for the quick fix.

#597244 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 08:09 AM in Mega Mod Help

I would be fine with a "use with caution".

#597241 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 07:46 AM in Mega Mod Help

Yes it worked fine.


The only reason I even wanted to use it again, is 1 mod that didn't turn out the way I wanted (bgspawn is adding to many spawns for my tastes, but that is just the desgin of the mod).


And BWP is just not a good alternative. It might work well for installations, maybe even better (?), but it's not even close in how free (and easy) you are in configuring the game to your liking. There is nothing else that can really replace WPS in that regard.


A better option would have been to just add a "unmaintained" disclaimer to the BGT classic part.

#597237 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 07:21 AM in Mega Mod Help

It doesn't work before 1 file is detected, which is hugely easy to work around. The rest of the installation process worked fine just yesterday.


Not sure if english is your first language Roxanne.

But you use "do not blame the messenger"  when you have nothing to do with the actual subject and only supply information.

When I look at the BWS https://bitbucket.or...p/bigworldsetup I am seeing that these commits are done by you.

So again, that is not how you should handle a software project with actual endusers.

#597235 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 07:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

So I assume this was an intended change? Yesterday it still worked.


And I read that thread, but a reason for removing the classic BGT from BWS is most certainly not discussed there.

The only thing that happened there is some childish back and forth between people that prefer the classic version or the enhanced version.


This is quite an annoyance. I've spend almost a week figuring out which mods I want and which I don't want.

So now I have a "BWS-Selection.ini" file all set up to my preference, and now I have to start all over again with BWP to figure out how I can get everything working there.


Also, when features are deprecated, it's common sense to give some warning ahead of time.

#597233 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by aiqa on 04 October 2017 - 06:56 AM in Mega Mod Help

I am not getting the BGT menu options at the "Select game-type / installation-method:
Does anyone have any ideas how to fix that?

#597228 Level-up mage spell selection scroll bar not found

Posted by aiqa on 03 October 2017 - 09:39 AM in ToBEx

I've now removed Aurora's boots (don't think that was really the problem) and On Pixel Production GUI update, and that fixed the problem with the scrollbars completely.

So it looks like the scrollingbar component doesn't handle other GUI mods well.

#597219 Level-up mage spell selection scroll bar not found

Posted by aiqa on 02 October 2017 - 04:38 PM in ToBEx

Well it seems there is another mod conflicting. Not quite sure which one yet. At least now (after removing the subrace mod) most scrollbars are functioning, but just the sorcerer spellbook on levelup is not.

#597167 Level-up mage spell selection scroll bar not found

Posted by aiqa on 01 October 2017 - 12:57 AM in ToBEx

I am not seeing the subrace mod doing anything directly with ToBex (but I am no expert on BG2 mods by any means).

If I was to guess I'd say the GUI part of the subrace mod causes the conflict.


BEGIN ~GUI changes for subrace mod~

COPY ~BGII-Subrace/GuiRec.CHU~ ~override/GuiRec.CHU~
     ~BGII-Subrace/GuiInv.CHU~ ~override/GuiInv.CHU~

#597155 Level-up mage spell selection scroll bar not found

Posted by aiqa on 30 September 2017 - 11:32 AM in ToBEx

I know Evani is unlikely to still need this answer... but even so, someone else might find this useful.

I had the same problem with the spellbook scrollbar not working, and it turned out to be a conflict with "Subrace mini-mod for BGII".