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#613716 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 26 September 2022 - 04:11 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

However often, mod added spells have various effects and only one opcode 142. With "Hide the static portrait icons" component installed, instead of showing 1 portrait icon, multiple portraits icons will be shown (like with the test spell above), revealing internal effects of the spells. However, only 1 icon will be shown in character sheet. This is a bit messy, making status effect tracking harder.

OK, i will add new option to show timed icons from character sheet, some icons will never showed like morale break because engine miss it


You can check pre-5.4 version with fixes of most bug reported in topic

  • 1) Fixed: Changed installer markers to "MOD_IS_INSTALLED"
  • 2) Fixed: Removed Ready(wing) sound for Infinity Animation's 0x0100/0x0A00 non-Wyvern IDs
  • 3) Fixed: Removed static blur icon for off/def Spin modes
  • 4) Fixed: Color party foot circle if Panic or Charm state
  • 5) Added: BG1 casting voice for low-level spells

#612635 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 17 June 2022 - 08:36 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Updated to v5.3

  • Block Door/Portals/Area Escape if enemy is in sight (difficulty tweak)
  • Allow enemy to bump invisible/invulnerable party members (difficulty tweak)

#612416 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 02 May 2022 - 05:06 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi MikeX


I especially like the 'Restored x2 Scaled GUI' components. For me, this is the best option to play the game on my 1920x1080 monitor.

Unfortunately, it does not play seemlessly with the new loot panel of this mod.

Regarding the chu and mos files changes, Widescreen mod treats the smaller resolution we have to use (960x540) differently than your mod expects it.

It takes the chu file that fits inside both the x and the y resolution (which in my case is guiw.chu for 640x480), copies it to guiw10.chu and than scales this and the attached mos files up.

I temporarily changed lootpanel.tbh to my needs to take care of it. In the end, I think, it may need to be installed after component 2400 to detect its presence and act accordingly.


Two issues remain, if component 2400 is installed, that, I think, needs to be addressed via TobEx:

-the height of the window for the new lootpanel is some pixels too small

-the scroll button for the loot slots show up too late.

 In my case, I have 14 slots, but the button only show up, if the number of loot items is bigger than 21

Screenshot with issue is welcome :)

Yes, Widescreen mod converts any resolution to patched guiw10.chu, my installer must work with this properly


And one question:

The readme states something about a 'one click action to collect all available loot'. Is there a button to click on for this (like with the EE) and if yes which and where ist it?

There is no additional button, it this mode item stacks from all corpses.


Example:  corpse1 has Gold=1, corpse2 has Gold=2

Normal mode: shows TWO Gold buttons, count =1 and =2, if corpse1 has another items, second gold button will be after all coprpse1's items

Group mode: shows ONE Gold button, count=3


I think v5.1 misses the issue from post #275/6.

v5.1 has fixed GUIMAPWX

probably you have different issue with wordmap

#614399 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 15 December 2022 - 09:25 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

- I always miss my old feeling of SOA without lv9 spells and hla... Could you add a level cap in BGT-TOTSC part and SOA part at engine level ? I think it is possible in EE by changing values in a 2da file
From what I know, mods that exist Don't do it right; dual class may be less affected as each class can reach the cap or the cap is simulated by adding arbitrary negative values wich is weird.

BG2: Edit XPLEVEL.2DA , set unreachable XP at all levels above 17. You mages will stuck at 17 level forever

BG1: same way


Unfortunately need restore this file while transition bg1->bg2

#613694 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 25 September 2022 - 07:45 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

Ok, Now I have found what was bothering me and it is not related to long duration spell, that was a mistake.

This component shows icons that should not be as they are not include in the effect of the spell (no opcode 142).


You can try with the one attached (https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing) : with the component activated it shows "Invulnerable", "Magic Resistance" and "Protection from Magic Weapon" icons. Without it shows only "Invulnerable" icon (as it should).

Spell (level 1-9) in NI contains:

  • Show "Invulnerable"(23) icon, limited
  • Immunity to non-magic weapon effect, limited
  • 25% magic resistance, limited

This component ignores spell icon opcode(142) and shows icon per each effect, because some vanilla effects enable icon at engine level without icon opcode(142) and i also added few new icons, so there is many icons on portrait. Invulnerable icon is not used in vanilla BG2 (only SPWM126.spl has it, but what is it ?), so i didnt care about it because there is no info what other buff icons must be excluded if we already have this "master" icon.

"Invulnerable" icon is context-sensive to player, Invulnerable to weapon ? Invulnerable to some spells? Both ? ...


Component already handles some complex sphere, for example Otiluke's Resilient Sphere has many effects, but only "Otiluke's Sphere","Hold","Improved Invisibility" icons showed

#614640 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 01 February 2023 - 08:44 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

New suggestions:


1. I second the request for innates in quick slot.

OK, but if new "overlay" spell selection is enabled and innates count is too much, this can be useless on small screens like 640x480, not big issue anyway #1


2. Do not clear quick spells on equipping armor (mage multiclass, set quick spells, eqiup armor, remove it - all quick slots are clear).

One tricky thing here is that cleric/mage multi can have quick divine spells, so can't just disable quickslots, have to disable actual spells in slots, like in main spell menu.

OK, i will check for this bug #2


3. Do not lose modal actions on switching weapons. (E.g Hide in shadows, switch to another quick weapon - lost hidden state).

Changing weapon is serious action, char ever swith to READY state, but OK, i accept request for hided chars #3

#614667 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 06 February 2023 - 01:46 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Forgot #4: each time after kicking anyone from party dialog window switches to the smallest size for no reason. Probably shouldn't do that.

Accept #4


(Edit: the same happens when using new speel overlay. Not sure, maybe due to screen space issues on 640x480? My resolution is higher though.)

Yes, because 640x480, i will check what can be improved for high resolutions #5


Right side not scrolling.

(Also maybe can make both right and left side bags wider? I mean more columns. Although, probably not so much space at 640x480, would need to check.)

Accept #6


Custom portrait selection, lower scroll not working.

(I also wonder if it can be made longer, there's a lot of wasted space)

Accept #7

#612422 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 03 May 2022 - 05:15 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi MikeX

Widescreen mod installed with 960x540 resolution, screen resolution 1920x1080:
As I said the mod patches the wrong mos for what comes out after widescreen mod (GMPWSG8.mos instead of GUICONTB.mos).
I fixed it (read which mos is used and copy/patch that one):
See the wrong height.
Scroll buttons:
They should appear, if more the 14 items are available, right now they only appear, if more than 21 are available.

pre-v5.2 https://anonfiles.co...vedgui_v5.2_zip
Installer and buttons fixed, needs reinstall mod
Please report back if something still bugged


Ok, function is ok, only print command still has the wrong mos file.

Thanks, pre-5.2 still has wrong installer output, will be fixed in public release

#612597 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 03 June 2022 - 04:41 PM in Infinity Animations


There is no information about source ITM data, only animID, current armor code and MAX armor code is available, no W or A code information. Engine always converts W2,W3,W4 codes to W1 and W2, so armor code 1 is marker for robe, but code 2 is marker for leather armor too, no difference between W2 Robe and A2 Leather Armor when nee to select armor sound

Do you mean to say these snippets of code Bubb posted are different in the classic engine? Well, it doesn't really matter.

Code is same for classic, but in CGameAnimationTypeCharacter::GetSndArmor() only animation context available, no creature or item data, we have only animation_id and armor_code.


Sorry, i was wrong about conversion, W2/W3/W4 was not converted, only any robe on non-mage char converted to armorcode=1

#612599 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 03 June 2022 - 08:44 PM in Infinity Animations


It is possible to enable ARM_01* for any robe - random ARM_01A-ARM_01F for random W* type, no need level information.

Just to make sure, for mage robes we're also including the bare ARM_01.wav without the extra A-F letters, right? (total number of sounds: 7)
random_ascii = rand{ascii a-f or "", equal probability} 
return "ARM_01" + random_ascii

filename without last char is substitute when random = 7, no changes on original code

#612615 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 05 June 2022 - 03:05 AM in Infinity Animations

Made experimental lite version, calling to heavy SetSequence(SEQ_READY) removed, only context field filled for possible checks in engine against current sequence
Char moving in same direction as face aligned, only two sounds without overlapping:

Creature::Play CRE.SEL_ACTION   sound: FEMALE4K  ch:7
Creature::ArmorSound            sound: ARM_02    ch:20 - SetSequence(WALK)
Creature::AIUpdateWalk          sound: WAL_04A   ch:18
Creature::AIUpdateWalk          sound: WAL_04    ch:18
Creature::AIUpdateWalk          sound: WAL_04    ch:18
Creature::AIUpdateWalk          sound: WAL_04    ch:18
Creature::AIUpdateWalk          sound: WAL_04B   ch:18
Creature::AIUpdateWalk          sound: WAL_04    ch:18
Creature::ArmorSound            sound: ARM_02E   ch:20 - SetSequence(HEAD_TURN)

When face align mismatch walk direction, engine plays ping pong with armor sounds as before
Also this fix eliminates SEQ_READY sound from 2DA when we start moving

#612556 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 24 May 2022 - 06:02 AM in Infinity Animations

Hi Andrea, Skellytz, Sam

2) Enabled Off hand weapon paperdoll on inventory screen, you need place proper-named files to override folder

BG2 has many WP*OIN.bam paperdolls, but i don't sure is it BG1 compatible paperdolls or not

I'll help test this. Offhand paperdolls are correctly aligned for IA BG1 restored characters. There seems to be a problem with object colors, though.
Try this:
1. Equip main hand weapon sw1h04 - blade uses ITM color (opcode #7 set color)
2. Equip offhand weapon sw1h07 - blade uses CRE color (matches armor color 0x31)
3. Unequip offhand -> main hand blade loses ITM color
4. Equip offhand again -> main hand blade inherits CRE color

also v6 lost main hand animation when off-hand weapon was unequipped


v7, fixed: 1) inventory colors and 2) lost animation

i hope now un/equipping off-hand weapon do not touch main hand animation





1) Since v6 false_color moved from extani60 and extani64 to global EXTANIM.2DA

it affects other animation types except 0xxx, 4xxx, Bxxx, Dxxx(tobex dosn't have hooks for this types yet) and all other types without this field like Exxx

2) I never hear armor sound from mages with robes, please check on v7 this bug on your installation

#612614 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 04 June 2022 - 10:42 PM in Infinity Animations


What BG2 engine does when start walking (Initial animation sequence is HEAD_TURN, char stays on ground) :

1) Change sequence to READY
2) Play ArmorSound#1
3) Play SEQ_READY sound from 2DA

4) Change sequence to WALK
5) Abort ArmorSound#1, play ArmorSound#2
6) Play SEQ_WALK sound from 2DA

7) change direction 6 -> 9
8.) Abort ArmorSound#2, play ArmorSound#3
Next direction step=7 is not saved to creature context !!!

9) change direction 6 -> 9 (again)
10) Abort ArmorSound#3, play ArmorSound#4
11) Next direction step=7 saved to creature context
12) Next direction step=8 saved to creature context

13) change direction 8 -> 9
14) Abort ArmorSound#4, play ArmorSound#5
15) Destination direction =9 saved to creature context
Walking, play WAL_* sounds as usual
16) Change sequence to HEAD_TURN
14) Play last ArmorSound#6

1) Steps 1-15 processed at very short time
2) I worry abour global READY sequence, why it applied when we just want to walk ?
3) In my example initial direction = 6, destianation = 9, three steps, probably can be more or little steps depending on how char oriented before moving
4) Delayed step=7 at first call to ChangeDirection() ?

#612538 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 21 May 2022 - 08:14 AM in Infinity Animations

i updated post #177 http://www.shsforums...e-7#entry612526
What do you think ?

Wow. Alright then, please upload a test version and I'll go through everything while I still have time today.

extanim.2da columns reshuffled, be careful


I think better to ignore AnimID and check Creature's class if creature context available

Not a bad idea if you're really willing to inject this kind of an override.
Or add MAGE (0/1) to EXTANI60/64.

Good idea, "anim_class=W/C/F/T"

#612487 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 14 May 2022 - 12:14 AM in Infinity Animations



test version (not tested on all animtypes)

1) TobExCore.ini: Externalise Animation Config Override=1 (next TobEx will set it to 1)
2) RESREF overrides sound 2da filename, use ANISNDEX.2DA to override

3) RESREF overrides RESREF_PAPERDOLL, change RESREF_PAPERDOLL if separate prefix need
4) if game crash at 0x9ca8a8, it means it can not found animation BAM files



#612476 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 11 May 2022 - 09:49 AM in Infinity Animations

Hi skellytz, Sam

Even better: externalizing (overriding) the animation resref as well (the prefix for all the animation BAM files). Thanks to that, modders would be claiming offsets in IA, but providing their own animation codes with their modder prefixes, eg "s@01". Conflicts solved and lots of animation slots freed up.

SPEED   SND_FREQ    PERSONAL_SPACE   COLOR_BLOOD   CHUNK_DEATH    RESREF  RESREF_PAPERDOLL0x1103            9       8           3                *             *              s@01    s@01
This would instruct the engine to look for s@01xxxx.bam animation files and enable the paperdoll for this animation as s@01INV.bam

Yes, it is possible
I made litle test (without IA installed) with 0x1100 TANARRI:

0x1100    *               *                         *                                     *                              *                             MTAM     MWYV

1) Copied 24 files MTANG11.BAM-MTANG34E.BAM as MTAMG11.BAM-MTAMG34E.BAM
2) No animation fails on area screen
3) After joining party, in inventory i see Wyvern paperdoll
What about all possible animation ranges for RESREF overriding?

0xxx ignored, non-pc animation
4xxx ignored, non-pc animation
5xxx skip ? (mainPrefix + ArmorLevelPrefix)
6xxx skip ? (mainPrefix + ShadowGroundPrefix(CSHD/SSHD/...))
7F3B MSOL + MSOG(glow ?)
7F3C MSAL + MSAG(glow ?)
Bxxx ignored, non-pc animation
Dxxx ignored, non-pc animation

RESREF_PAPERDOLL currently works only for simple animation as RANGE_BODY(Group00), engine just use main prefix as paperdoll prefix

0x5xxx/0x6xxx/0x7xxx and probaly more uses dynamic paperdoll prefix generation depending on armor code or exact animation ID

#612472 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 10 May 2022 - 03:13 PM in Infinity Animations

Hi skellytz

IA and animation content mods will be installed after TobEx AfterLife but before Infinity Sounds. It would be best if TobEx AfterLife enabled these by default:

Externalise Animation Sound Reference Override=1 (currently =0)
Externalise Animation Config Override=1 (currently =0)
and copied anisndex.2da and extanim.2da to override (currently they aren't copied and used at all)
Those ten BG1 animations already present in anisndex.2da will be silent if Infinity Sounds isn't installed. So, TobEx AfterLife will also have to include and copy their 2DA soundsets:
Alternatively, the anisndex.2da could be initially empty (only the header and column descriptions). Infinity Sounds would then append the BG1 animations and provide 2DA soundsets on its own.


Your decision, Insominator.

OK, these two options will be enabled by default

Both files will be empty, i can not maintance content-related things. If 3rd party mod adds some to ANISNDEX.2DA like


this mod must care MBER2.2DA and its *.wav sounds

The animation "Type". I assume this is still needed.
Subtype. Options were paletted|unpaletted|WPL paletted|WPM paletted|WPS paletted|WQL paletted|WQM paletted|WQS paletted. Is this still relevant or has it been externalized?

Insominator, you were kind enough to go through the existing data in the executable and externalize the features that were sort of "on the way" while fixing other things. You also said you wouldn't add any new features to TobEx; bug fixes and conflict-solving only. So, I guess this means the features above can't be externalized without a lot of busy work involving the whole animation system, right? This would essentially mean externalizing the animation system just like BGEE INI.

I dont know about animation BAMs, as i can see WPL/WQL/.. used in 0x5000 animation only. What is "paletted|unpaletted" ?

You asked me about new thing to me, i can not answer without explanation what you request



Paperdoll. The options were No|Yes. For example, some BG slot types could coexist with IWD slot types with the same prefix, but they shared a paperdoll. If neither used a paperdoll, you got to use both slots. If one needed a paperdoll, it also claimed the other corresponding slot. Is this still relevant or has it/can it be externalized?

What do you think, Insominator? Would it be easy enough to trace animation and paperdoll links in the classics and externalize them to extanim.2da? (resref_paperdoll in BGEE INI for reference) (example animation: werewolf)

each animationID has separate filename calculation algo, 0x5000 example

Group00: anim->sPrefixPaperDoll+ anim->cArmorCode + patched fourth char

Group10: anim->sHeightCode + anim->sWeaponPrefix + patched second char

Group20: anim->sHeightCodeShieldPaperDoll/sHeightCode + anim->sShieldPrefix

Group30: anim->sHeightCode + anim->sHelmPrefix+ patched second char


I dont understand how this can be externalized, i need example of "some BG slot types could coexist with IWD slot types with the same prefix, but they shared a paperdoll. If neither used a paperdoll, you got to use both slots"

#612457 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 09 May 2022 - 01:14 AM in Infinity Animations

Do we  just assume everyone is using ToBEx and ToBEx Afterlife

In my opinion, if we really want to offer a complete animation toolset, IA should require the prior installation of TobEx AfterLife.

We can have TobEx installed only with one required option. Any TobEx options can be disabled except Externalise Animation Sound Reference Override or any other.sound option. With all options disabled, TobEx has no impact on engine, only has separate console window

#612489 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 14 May 2022 - 08:35 AM in Infinity Animations

Thanks! I'll test everything and report back.

OK, just to remember, RESREF= * and  RESREF_PAPERDOLL= * skip overriding

#612491 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 15 May 2022 - 07:23 AM in Infinity Animations


RESREF override sPrefix for animation BAMs [and soundset 2DA], keep original suffix calculation, injects to most animation type, except:
0xxx ignored, non-pc animation
4xxx ignored, non-pc animation
6xxx ignored, original BG2 and BG1 animation
Bxxx ignored, non-pc animation
Dxxx ignored, non-pc animation

RESREF seems to work nicely. You didn't mention it in the exceptions, but the 12xx (dragons) range apparently also doesn't support the resref override? As I said earlier, this range doesn't need resref override, because of buggy implementation, so that was expected. I'm just checking if you intended it to be supported anyways.

12xx is supported but not tested, i dont see any special "care" in 12xx code

Some more suggestions:
Now that we can override the footcircle (personal space) size, we could also add FALL_SND to EXTANIM, because the fall sounds (called by GetSndDeath(), eg FAL_01B, FAL_02B, FAL_03B) are hardcoded to animation subranges.

it is possible, each animation has dedicated field for storing FallingSound filename

These two aren't very important, but would be useful (details on IESDP):
light_source = boolean
When this attribute is set (=1) then environmental lighting such as day/night, weather or shadows do not affect the creature animation. (bLightSource)

Used for few anims in 73xx(Monster) range
0x7F3B MSOL, use additional GLOW aimation
0x7F3C MASL, use additional GLOW aimation
0x7312 MFIE
0x7313 MFIS
0x7314 MFIE

and many effects:
is light_source really usefull ?

 detected_by_infravision = boolean
This attribute indicates whether a red tint is applied to the creature when it is spotted by infravision. (bDetectedByInfravision)

OK, if animations supports it variability, many anim types force it to 1(4xxx) or 0(Dxxx)


brightest = boolean
This attribute defines a blending mode when the sprite is rendered onto the screen. If set without the "multiply_blend" attribute then GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR blending is performed. If both "brightest" and "multiply_blend" are set then GL_SRC_COLOR blending is performed. (bBrightest)
multiply_blend = boolean
This attribute defines a blending mode when the sprite is rendered onto the screen. If set without the "brightest" attribute then GL_DST_COLOR blending is performed. If both "brightest" and "multiply_blend" are set then GL_SRC_COLOR blending is performed. (I think this could be bBrightestDesired in the classic engine?)

bBrightest and bBrightestDesired are tricky, each animation has fields for both, but field configured after creating animation in some other place later, need more investigating

#612536 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 21 May 2022 - 07:50 AM in Infinity Animations

The mage detection code:
- could be kept isolated for the vanilla BG2 character animations, where it maybe makes sense (0x6000 - 0x6315 + 0x6500, 0x6510)
- should be fixed for the reserved BG1 original animations, as you've already done, Insomniator (0x6410 - 0x6447)
- should be disabled for everything else in the character type range, because these are unrelated individual custom animations that should always use their own BAM set levels 1-4, no matter if it's armor or robe item the creature is wearing (0x6600 - 0x6fff)

I think better to ignore AnimID and check Creature's class if creature context available

But polymorph may mess up....

#612518 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 18 May 2022 - 05:57 AM in Infinity Animations

Hi Graion Dilach

How does this open up new animation slots? If I read the IA docs right, it's not the filename but the hexa slot IDs which cause the bottleneck. I don't see how softcoding filenames - on which don't get me right, is always cool - helps on hexa ID allocation.

Currently no easy way to insert custom animation to dynamic slot id, but it is possible in weidu code
1) Parse Animate.ids/Aniwksnd.2da to look what last slot (ABCD) was assigned to target animation type+subtype
2) Insert new slot ABCD+1 to Animate.ids/Aniwksnd.2da
3) Add new line ABCD+1 with modders filename resref  to  EXTANIM.2da
4) Patch current mod's .CREs to have ABCD+1 animid
x) Parse Animate.ids/aniwksnd.2da for other animation type+subtype
x) Insert new slot WXYZ+1 to Animate.ids/Aniwksnd.2da
I think main problem is processing animation type+subtype (someone good coder has to write weidu code), there is IA's anims.list with all possible(?) slots, also engine often restrict us to use limited sub-ranges (for example limits 0x4xCx, so C can be for example only 0-4 for target sub-type)
if resref not used, filename still based on IA-algo (µaa/...) but helps to keep modders's naming when inserted with dynamic animid

#612517 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 18 May 2022 - 05:25 AM in Infinity Animations

IA engine code for non-WQ/WP character animations, which need new custom BAMs for objects/equipment, is more complicated:


Example for BG2 non-WQ character animation:

Override resref for 0x6600 (BG2 non-WQ character paletted) with s@az

New anim avatar BAMs: s@az + armor level + sequence (eg s@az1g1.bam)

New anim avatar paperdoll: s@az + armor level + inv (eg s@az1inv.bam)

New anim object/equipment BAMs: [IA engine code strips the 1st char] @az + object id + sequence (eg @azs1g1.bam)

New anim object/equipment paperdoll: [IA engine code strips the 1st char and then replaces the 2nd of remaining chars with p] @pz + object id + inv (eg @pzs1inv.bam)


So, all we need is the resref override for character animation ranges, so that IA engine code can use the new prefix in filename generation. Modders will then be instructed how to name their files properly. This will open up a lot of new animation slots.

We can come up with new scheme without shifting/swapping/patching modder's reserved name, e.g. all non-WQ anims always will start with s@az. Problem is @pzs1inv.bam, it already has 8 chars, but we can reduce suffix inv to in :)


Of couse this willl happy only for aniimation with custom resref in extanim.2da

Existing/Unlisted animations keep orig+IA filenaming logic

#612516 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 18 May 2022 - 05:12 AM in Infinity Animations

Hi skellytz

12xx (dragons) RESREF override still doesn't work. Did it work for you in your tests, Insomniator?

12xx(MonsterMulti) animation code forget to save AnimID to proper field, e.g. animid for dragons was random, i fixed it.

Some of 12xx functions may change behaviour because now they get proper animid:
GetCastHeight()     return 144 for 12xx, return 35 for else
GetCastingOffset()  fill offsets for 12xx, skip for else
GetSndReady()       additional check for 0x10xx/0x11xx/0x13xx animid , return "WAL_77" for 0x10xx, return EMPTY for else
GetWalkingSound()   return WAL_* depending on animid

may be more 12xx functs affected...

#612554 So the Infinity Animation update..

Posted by Insomniator on 23 May 2022 - 11:49 PM in Infinity Animations

I can't seem to download that file. It keeps sending me to some spammy hentai link.
