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#614727 NearInfinity

Posted by Insomniator on 19 February 2023 - 03:39 PM in IE Modding Tools

Hi subtledoctor

Now my savegame will not open in any instance of NI.

Is the file size an issue, or could it be down to something else? (E.g. number of effects on the characters, or something like that.)

Savegame or some resource file can be corrupted, NI may hang on it, some time ago i have similar case, there was error in pocketplane/familiar stuff inside *.GAM, just as example.

#614996 NearInfinity

Posted by Insomniator on 13 April 2023 - 11:47 AM in IE Modding Tools

Bug with mass BCS export with localized comments
1) Russian BGT with forced charset=1251 (forced because autodetect mode fails with proper detection of this charset and select one of european/latin charset, BG2 is windows non-utf program, official MS charset for non-utf russian language for windows programs is 1251, for DOS-session is 866)
2) Script compiler-> Autogenerate BCS comments = ON
3) Display window and manual export of script source - OK, no issue, comments are 1251
4) Tools->Mass export->BCS->decompile scripts - Bug, all comments are ???????

Attached Files

#614728 NearInfinity

Posted by Insomniator on 19 February 2023 - 03:50 PM in IE Modding Tools

Visual Bug (java 11 x64, 1024x768 Desktop):

1) Open any BALDUR.GAM

2) By default "View" tab is opened

3) Switch to "Raw" tab

4) Scroll slider down to end

5) Few last lines not displayed

6) If "Raw" selected, then opened BALDUR.BMP or other file in save folder, then switch back to BALDUR.GAM, then slider down - no visual bug, last lines is displayed normally

#615008 NearInfinity

Posted by Insomniator on 15 April 2023 - 03:07 PM in IE Modding Tools


Stil, the question remains: Would it be possible to add/select game via commandline?


I want to do universal .bat that it will be placed inside game directory and when launched, it would add current game if it wasn't added or select it (matching can be done by current path) if it already was added.

NI already select current directory as game base, just run java process from game directory

#614625 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 30 January 2023 - 08:57 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR!

1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.

2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.

OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group


Great! Thank you.

Check v5.6, i didn't place it to difficulty group, just usual option

#614415 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 17 December 2022 - 12:24 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.

2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.

OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group

#614135 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 30 October 2022 - 02:38 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

I think I have found another issue with "hide icon": when activated, this component also hides icons in dialog, shops or temples (mouth, intoxicated, diseased, poisoned,etc...) making harder, mostly for temples, to know what to cure... using Custom hotkeys solve this but it is not possible to use it in those UI

Thanks for report, i will check

Tell me if you need some testing.

I added icons on most screens, including Store, but i don't undersand about dialogue mode, portrait is very shaded and icons difficult to view, can you show screenshot about issue ?

beta - https://drive.google...sZPd27HggOsIq7g


1) Agree, updated text descriptions is for vanilla spells/abils only and must be installed before other mods

2) Item/Cre/Spell/Icon/Tooltip fixes and updated/new Text descriptions are big work of Prozh and mutually dependent with Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click component. I cannot split it or do some similar, sorry.

I can :

1) update mod install order description

2) add detailed information what fixes are applied.

3) update component description to point BG2 vanilla compatibility only

And this is clearly a huge work made by Prozh and, for sure, It would be a shame to cut it into peaces.


However and for items ability only (spells and innates descriptions use the regular description field), you use a new abildesc.2da table that is of course not updated by mods. Currently, with modded game, items abilities could have no description (not really an issue) or in worst case wrong description.


If modders update the abildesc.2da, this could evolve but it will takes time (a lot :shifty: ). In the time being, it could be sensible to offer the choice to players to have vanilla description or no description at all for items abilities only (Maybe by emptied abildesc.2da or even better by a field in TobExTweak.ini).

OK, i will add new installer's option in next update to not install item abilities text updates if player plans to install Item Revision or similar mod

#614629 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 31 January 2023 - 12:00 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Which Windows version did you use to test DSOAL?

Win7 x64 + HDA motherboard

#614667 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 06 February 2023 - 01:46 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Forgot #4: each time after kicking anyone from party dialog window switches to the smallest size for no reason. Probably shouldn't do that.

Accept #4


(Edit: the same happens when using new speel overlay. Not sure, maybe due to screen space issues on 640x480? My resolution is higher though.)

Yes, because 640x480, i will check what can be improved for high resolutions #5


Right side not scrolling.

(Also maybe can make both right and left side bags wider? I mean more columns. Although, probably not so much space at 640x480, would need to check.)

Accept #6


Custom portrait selection, lower scroll not working.

(I also wonder if it can be made longer, there's a lot of wasted space)

Accept #7

#614109 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 25 October 2022 - 09:47 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

I think I have found another issue with "hide icon": when activated, this component also hides icons in dialog, shops or temples (mouth, intoxicated, diseased, poisoned,etc...) making harder, mostly for temples, to know what to cure... using Custom hotkeys solve this but it is not possible to use it in those UI

Thanks for report, i will check

In addition, I have some thought, that I want to share with you about the Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click component, witch is by the way really great:
- To avoid conflict with other mods, this component has to be installed really early in a modding list (just after bg2fixpack and BGT). I think that should be indicated in the readme to avoid wrong descriptions of spells and abilities.
The component adds news fixes that are not documented. They are mostly harmless changes but it could be sensible to make them optional. For example:
- the sumdjinn.cre fix is a bit strange and seems useless in Vanilla game
- Range update is a matter of taste as this could be seen as a design choice
Lastly, this component adds items abilities descriptions. Those new descriptions are accurate for players of vanilla bg2 but not for players with modded game as they are not currently updated. Could this part be made optional as it might display wrong descriptions for modded items?

1) Agree, updated text descriptions is for vanilla spells/abils only and must be installed before other mods
2) Item/Cre/Spell/Icon/Tooltip fixes and updated/new Text descriptions are big work of Prozh and mutually dependent with Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click component. I cannot split it or do some similar, sorry.

I can :

1) update mod install order description

2) add detailed information what fixes are applied.

3) update component description to point BG2 vanilla compatibility only

#614635 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 31 January 2023 - 04:59 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

He skellytz

Win7 x64 + HDA motherboard

I suggest more tests with newer Windows 10 versions. Infinity Sounds v2 has the same component using DSOAL to restore environmental audio/EAX. It worked fine a few years ago, but when the testers upgraded to Windows 10 versions 2XXX their games started crashing upon launching. This was around the time when Windows 10 v1903+ was reported to have broken the DirectSound wrapper support. I haven't had a chance to install a newer Windows 10 version myself, so I haven't started properly troubleshooting these issues. Hopefully, the latest DSOAL builds have fixed this.

Thx for report, i use official DSOL 1.4, by default it has config to disable DirectSound Host API and prefer other way(alsoft.ini, drivers="-dsound,"), i guess WASAPI, but dsoal logs don't tell what API is used.

Available options:

  • drivers="wasapi,"  prefer WASAPI
  • drivers="dsound," prefer DirectSound
  • drivers="-dsound," disable DirectSound
  • drivers="-wasapi," disable WASAPI
  • empty "drivers=" prefer autodetect

#614634 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 31 January 2023 - 04:26 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi !


"Freeze/Unfreeze sounds when game paused/unpaused" is still beta, please report bugs if enjoyed with it, currently reported:

1) Double GUI click sound when unpaused - fixed

2) Replays sound from start if sound was started in pause mode - fixed

3) Storekepper sound paused when entering Store screen - fixed






#613745 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 27 September 2022 - 04:20 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

It is much appreciated!

In addition, I have done tests for the pre-version point 3) and 4) :
- 3): the blur icon is not displayed on portrait but still displayed in character sheet
- 4): seems to work as intended

Blur Icon on character sheet - fixed

Optional hide icon mode added, instead installer option -> switchable by key "Numpad /"

#612430 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 04 May 2022 - 05:39 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

MikeX, fixed version:

  • .MOS renaming removed
  • tutugui enlarge position fixed

Attached Files

#612437 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 05 May 2022 - 10:41 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi MikeX,

I still think the 'Hxxx' parameter could be fix (independent of the desired width), only dependent on which of the mod provided mos needs to be used and extended.
Do you have any insight about how 'Extend_Mos' works, especially the 'Hxxx' ('Vxxx') parameter?
The WeiDU readme says the command needs to be documented...
I know the number xxx is the position at which some area of the mos is duplicated.
The duplicated area is the one after the position, but to what widht/height?
Also the inserted duplicated area seems to be split in between.

I can not tell how Hxxx works, i just tried different numbers to see on what horizontal pixel doublicating was started.
Fortunately for contaner background one xxx parameter give proper start X coord and widht to shift
Weidu sources available, but OCAML is difficult to understand


#612427 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 04 May 2022 - 01:15 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi MikeX

'lootpanel.tph' has still an issue using the right mos for patching (at least for my resolution and 'Restored x2 Scaled GUI'), see attached ingame screenshot in Baldr005.bmp.
I fixed it locally, but have to run more tests on different resolutions.
Basically, I read which mos is used in the chu and patch the expanded mos with the same name that your mod provides.
Your mod provides expanded mos for the base game and 2 GUI mods (TutuGUI and GUI_720).
I attached my current version (and an ingame screenhot in Baldr004.bmp), if you want to have a look.
I will be back with more test results and probably more questions.

To solve this issue, my installer must track how .MOS was enlarged by widescreen (H*** parameter) or how cells/gold was shifted.
Main problem - i think widescreen try to "center" right cells on some resolution conditions, for 940x540 it take 640x480 base image and enlarge it to 960x90 with inserting free space in CENTER, so inventory cells shifted to right border, then it shifts cells's X and Gold's coordinates by patching .CHU

If i set 940x600 resolution, it stops shifting and use 800x600 base image. It has complicated logic to when shifts and when not for same X Resolution
Also Widescreen's enlarging 640x90 ->960x90  has artifacts:


Widescreen's enlarging 800x90 ->960x90 without shifting:



#612426 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 04 May 2022 - 12:27 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi Salk




add new UI:Damage Info On Record Screen=1 to installed TobExTweak.ini


i have additional installer option to install only on record screen, but manualy editing TobExTweak.ini is enough

#612416 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 02 May 2022 - 05:06 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi MikeX


I especially like the 'Restored x2 Scaled GUI' components. For me, this is the best option to play the game on my 1920x1080 monitor.

Unfortunately, it does not play seemlessly with the new loot panel of this mod.

Regarding the chu and mos files changes, Widescreen mod treats the smaller resolution we have to use (960x540) differently than your mod expects it.

It takes the chu file that fits inside both the x and the y resolution (which in my case is guiw.chu for 640x480), copies it to guiw10.chu and than scales this and the attached mos files up.

I temporarily changed lootpanel.tbh to my needs to take care of it. In the end, I think, it may need to be installed after component 2400 to detect its presence and act accordingly.


Two issues remain, if component 2400 is installed, that, I think, needs to be addressed via TobEx:

-the height of the window for the new lootpanel is some pixels too small

-the scroll button for the loot slots show up too late.

 In my case, I have 14 slots, but the button only show up, if the number of loot items is bigger than 21

Screenshot with issue is welcome :)

Yes, Widescreen mod converts any resolution to patched guiw10.chu, my installer must work with this properly


And one question:

The readme states something about a 'one click action to collect all available loot'. Is there a button to click on for this (like with the EE) and if yes which and where ist it?

There is no additional button, it this mode item stacks from all corpses.


Example:  corpse1 has Gold=1, corpse2 has Gold=2

Normal mode: shows TWO Gold buttons, count =1 and =2, if corpse1 has another items, second gold button will be after all coprpse1's items

Group mode: shows ONE Gold button, count=3


I think v5.1 misses the issue from post #275/6.

v5.1 has fixed GUIMAPWX

probably you have different issue with wordmap

#612773 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 30 July 2022 - 07:47 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Icon of usual invisibility on portrait is also useful, but I did not find a suitable icon from standard STATES.BAM set

#612814 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 07 August 2022 - 05:00 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi MikeX

I've changed this:





Otherwise that component did not install.

Thanks for bugreport, i will update installer to remove this mistake

#613694 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 25 September 2022 - 07:45 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

Ok, Now I have found what was bothering me and it is not related to long duration spell, that was a mistake.

This component shows icons that should not be as they are not include in the effect of the spell (no opcode 142).


You can try with the one attached (https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing) : with the component activated it shows "Invulnerable", "Magic Resistance" and "Protection from Magic Weapon" icons. Without it shows only "Invulnerable" icon (as it should).

Spell (level 1-9) in NI contains:

  • Show "Invulnerable"(23) icon, limited
  • Immunity to non-magic weapon effect, limited
  • 25% magic resistance, limited

This component ignores spell icon opcode(142) and shows icon per each effect, because some vanilla effects enable icon at engine level without icon opcode(142) and i also added few new icons, so there is many icons on portrait. Invulnerable icon is not used in vanilla BG2 (only SPWM126.spl has it, but what is it ?), so i didnt care about it because there is no info what other buff icons must be excluded if we already have this "master" icon.

"Invulnerable" icon is context-sensive to player, Invulnerable to weapon ? Invulnerable to some spells? Both ? ...


Component already handles some complex sphere, for example Otiluke's Resilient Sphere has many effects, but only "Otiluke's Sphere","Hold","Improved Invisibility" icons showed

#613381 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 17 September 2022 - 07:18 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

 - with "Color foot markers" component I am unable to distinct charmed or under fear characters as they keep their colors (they are not becoming red, blue or yellow). This is making a bit hard to actively track status effect



 - the "Additional Icons on Portrait" component adds icons to all spells with blur effect. However, for some spells, like offensive spin, blur effect is only cosmetics and this component adds the new icons to them even if not needed (there is already an icon for the spell). It could be good to limit the new icon to spells with blur effect only if there is no other icon.

This is taste choice, but OK, i will exclude blur icon for offensive and defensive spells with dedicated icons


 - the "Hide static portrait icons" component, witch is a master piece by the way, hide icons with timing = 1 (Instant/Permanent until death). There are some effects and spells that use this timing (Sequencers, deases, poison and some other nasty status effect). It could be nice to not hide them as in fact they are not so permanent in a game that allow you to revive dead characters...

Seems like bug, mod already ignores timing for most negative effects and must show, i will recheck this


     if ((ticks <= 0 && effect.nDuration != 0) ||    // effect is out
             (effect.nDuration == 0 &&                  // persistent effect

             // show negative effects even with infinite duration
             OpCode != 4   &&   //  Berserk
             OpCode != 24  &&   //  Panic
             OpCode != 25  &&   //  Poison
             OpCode != 38  &&   //  Silence
             OpCode != 39  &&   //  Sleep
             OpCode != 40  &&   //  Slow
             OpCode != 45  &&   //  Stun
             OpCode != 74  &&   //  Blindness
             OpCode != 76  &&   //  Feeblemindedness
             OpCode != 78  &&   //  Disease
             OpCode != 80  &&   //  Deafness
             OpCode != 109 &&   //  Paralyze
             OpCode != 135 &&   //  Polymorph
             OpCode != 142 &&   //  Display Icon
             OpCode != 154 &&   //  Entangle overlay
             OpCode != 158 &&   //  Grease overlay
             OpCode != 175 &&   //  Hold creature
             OpCode != 211 &&   //  Imprisonment
             OpCode != 213 &&   //  Maze
             OpCode != 216      //  Level drain



#613053 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 28 August 2022 - 05:31 AM in BG2 Improved GUI


Using MikeX code has better outcome since it can be easy detected by other mods and mod managers.

OK, i will fix installer to use MOD_IS_INSTALLED() marker

#613051 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 27 August 2022 - 01:33 PM in BG2 Improved GUI



on my latest BGT install attempt (using Project Infinity), I noticed that component #2400 had been skippedIf I see/tested it right, this component requires either #2310 or #2320 to be installed. But by the way this is enforced it only works if the components (#2310 OR #2320) AND #2400 are installed in one go. If, like PI does, every component is going to be installed separately, this method of detecting an installed component does not work.


I tested it to may best knowledge under different circumstances and it seems to work as expected.


Good catch MikeX,

just for clarity, it's usual weidu behawior: you cannot set variable in one component and check it later in separate component because those components can be installed/uninstalled at different times



Thanks for report, now i see using temp markers between componets is wrong way

#612415 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 02 May 2022 - 04:52 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi Salk

I love component 5 (THAC0 and Damage info on Inventory screen) but I am also a user of TuTuGUI and I read that they are not compatible. I was wondering if there was anything that could be done to just have the THAC0 and Damage info displayed in the TuTuGUI character record screen instead, the way SimDing0's Virtue did?

Basicaly is compatible with any GUI, the problem is that it is difficult for me to redraw the graphics while maintaining the original style. That's why background image already has 3 style variants.


If someone adds additional rectangles for THAC0 and Damage of both hands to the TutuGUI inventory screen keeping "BG1" style,  I will enable this component for this screen.