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#603020 [PS:T EE] [SOLVED] Modding font and UI

Posted by walter10h on 30 June 2018 - 07:36 AM in IE Help

Hello. I've been trying to use another font for PS:T EE, however I can't seem to make it work at all. I tried using a BAM, a TTF, put it in override, put it in lang, but it always default to the default font and font size. I have low vision and the text is awfully small for me, even with the zoom. Also, even if I configure the lua file, some text is still too tiny. Same deal with the UI, the icons are small and hard to see, same thing with the tablet UI. So here's my question. How can I mod the font on the Enhanced Edition of PS:T? And what about the UI itself to make it bigger?


EDIT: Never mind, I found the ttf font names. BOOKMANI, EXOCET and NANUM. The UI files are the CHU ones.