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#367946 Homeward Bound

Posted by f9th-underdog on 27 December 2007 - 11:47 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Heh, there's easier XP mills in Tob, like the infinate fire giants in Saradush, but what about NPC specific items, Keldorns sword and armor, i see it says givepartyallequipment(). Wouldn't that also give his armor and sword?

Could you offer to give him something as a reward for traveling with you? 'here Keldorn take 5000 gold for your time and go back to your wife' (by that time 5k isn't much I usually am walking around with 100+K, unless I just gave it all to Cespenar)

#355116 Any strategy tips for tbtweaks' Large Battle?

Posted by f9th-underdog on 23 October 2007 - 01:54 PM in The Bigg Quest Pack

you should be able to get some higher level spells from Ribald, after CH6 you say you want to see his 'special wares', also don't sell him anything until you are in his 'special wares' section, you get 25-50% more to sell them.
I make liberal use of project image, horrid wilting, death spell, fireballs, wands of fire, potions of explosions arrows of detonations, (only give one at a time) who doesn't like a good explosion?
get as many summons as you can, more interference and canon fodder is always nice, I use Item upgrade, and the ring and staff of elemental control is nice with 3 elementals popping up.
cloudkills are nice but they hang around too long and you usually end up teleporting into  them or an ally will and turn hostile, although it should keep them from casting for a while as they keep taking damage.

When you find a big boss and his guards thats always a good place to drop a horrid wilting or 2  it makes chopping through them a lot quicker.

You do have control of the friendly battle mages and they each have a death spell so use that up first before they get killed and it's lost.

#278147 worldmap issue

Posted by f9th-underdog on 11 January 2007 - 08:12 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'll have to look for that, I'm using Tutu if that makes any difference, one other bug, everywhere is 'destination unreachable' how do I undo that and make them 'reachable' ?

#278105 worldmap issue

Posted by f9th-underdog on 10 January 2007 - 07:54 PM in Mega Mod Help

how/where do you use the -Xmx argument?
never mind figured it out, had to go out to the command prompt to do it.

#277799 blue staff guy question

Posted by f9th-underdog on 08 January 2007 - 07:58 AM in Secret of Bone Hill

My last(current) game he appeared and I forgot to get the staff, so I didn't have it at the time, and really didn't know what he was talking about.