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#229867 Valen's Class

Posted by noname on 27 November 2005 - 02:28 PM in Valen Expansion

assassin would be my first choice. I guess fighter/mage would be okay too but I still see Valen more fitting with the assassin class (also, it is nice to have an assassin NPC seeing as how they are so lacking in BG2).

#208859 BGT-WeiDU -- XP Patch Poll

Posted by noname on 07 June 2005 - 07:00 PM in Mega Mod Help

I don't have a preference, but it seems like it should be a stand-alone, optional patch, so people who didn't want it wouldn't have to take it to play.

My $.02

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I would prefer to keep the XP system the way it is but I like the idea of having it being an option.

#226127 There is something just a bit off about Chloe

Posted by noname on 22 October 2005 - 01:31 PM in Chloe

And finally, about whether there will be a ToB portion of the romance, I highly doubt it. The people that decided to take the task on had some disagreements and misunderstandings and that was that.  I don't have the time or the ability to do it, so I don't see it ever happening.  I might someday write out some dialogues and post them somewhere, as I've seen happen with one or two writers out there, and whether someone wants to code them up and put them into the game or not, that'd be their choice.  Don't expect it any time soon though, or even really at all... I don't even have BG2 anymore. It was uninstalled not long after I finished testing Chloe and the game disks are probably in storage in the US. So... I dunno.

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damn. that sucks. she was a very interesting character and I hate to see it end this way. :(

#231909 Shadow Thieves

Posted by noname on 13 December 2005 - 05:59 PM in Valen Expansion

nevermind... looks like my question was addressed here:


oh well... a "maybe" answer is better than a flat out "no" at least.

#231622 Shadow Thieves

Posted by noname on 10 December 2005 - 03:33 PM in Valen Expansion

you can get valen only if you work for bohdi , bcs bohdi gives she to you ...

has thorium already said that that aspect is being kept the same? I tried looking to see if it was but I couldn't find anything.

#231403 Shadow Thieves

Posted by noname on 08 December 2005 - 02:01 PM in Valen Expansion

Will you be able to work for the Shadow Thieves with Valen in your party or do you absolutely have to work for Bodhi's guild in order to keep Valen?

#218857 changing portraits

Posted by noname on 15 August 2005 - 08:42 AM in BGT Archive

I was trying to chage Imoen's BG1 portrait to her BG2 portrait while still playing BG1. Since I installed BGT, I was wondering if I was placing the override files in the correct directory and had the correct filenames.

I just figured out what the problem was though... I had the files saved as jpeg rather than .bmp files... so nevermind. me=idiot

#218788 changing portraits

Posted by noname on 14 August 2005 - 03:25 PM in BGT Archive

okay... this seems like a noob question but how do I change Imoen's BG1 portrait to the BG2 portrait? I already have the images, so where do I put them and what should the file names be? I tried placing them in all 3 override files so I'm thinking that I may just have the file name wrong.

#213627 problems with imoen

Posted by noname on 03 July 2005 - 05:35 PM in Chloe

k. I have had a similar problem. I completed all of the romance dialogues prior to going to spellhold and had the dialogue about Imoen not stealing Chloe from the PC. Since this is my first time playing this mod, I wasn't sure if the romance was supposed to continue until after I got out of the underdark (it hasn't). I was going through the underdark when Imoen has the poetry conversation with Chloe (I did not need to force talk to Chloe). After the conversation ends, the flirt options are gone (and I assume that the romance would not continue).

as far as the checklist goes, I did not respond to Chloe in a manner that made her angry, she has been turning around as if to speak to the PC but not saying anything and I do have several mods installed: Kiara-Zaiya, Dungeon-B-Gone, Tashia, various bug fixes and several components from the ease of use mod.