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#231211 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by earhug on 07 December 2005 - 11:48 AM in Planescape: Torment

I would like to convert my PST game for a female Nameless One. I have NOT played the game yet, since I was put off by having to play a male and I am again facing the issue of not being able to play it with a male, so I started doing some changes and figured... why not?

Can I ask why? I've found this entire post facinating - more about the type of people posting than the issues itself which gets me around to asking why do you feel so strongly about this (and obviously you do, it's no small feat what you intend).

Admittedly, I was not keen to play the Nameless One. I was fairly pissed of to be honest! I usually preffer to make my own character in RPGs and he looked like something a zombie vomitted but I treats story driven games like books, as in that how it was intended and I played through and came to my own conclusions about being an amnesic, ugly son of a zombie with bad roots. But you are so appaulled you can't engage with it, which is fair enough - games are supposed to be interavtive and your taking it to a new level!

So ... why are you so determined?

#232239 Pelltar does not show up

Posted by earhug on 17 December 2005 - 06:37 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

Hi there.

I'm having quite a problem. I wanted to start the SoB story, but no one is showing up at the temple of Lathander. No Pelltar or anything. Anyone got any idea of what I can do? Maybe summon using the console or?


I know Billybob is saying Nashkel but he only turned up when the after the bandit camp bit for me

#231715 Second part

Posted by earhug on 11 December 2005 - 06:08 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

Nope, still crashes after the scene where the baron is mudered.  I playing V2 btw.  Hohum, guess I'll have my characters check out ulgoths beard while I'm waiting for a patch

#231688 Second part

Posted by earhug on 11 December 2005 - 12:16 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

Has anyone found out a solution for this?

#232325 Drink Drink Drink

Posted by earhug on 18 December 2005 - 07:02 AM in IE Mod Ideas

This has been up before, yes. It's a hilarious idea, but I think that finishing it would be a hell of a job tho... with all the NPCs and modded ones included.

I'm not really thinking about drunken interjections from NPCs but more random events.  They don't even need to be cutscenes per say.  Perhaps something like the dialog that is displayed when you rest in the woods and are attacked by monsters



"You hear a rustling, spring to you feet and have eight eyes peering at you.  It can't be anything else but a poisonous spider!" --------or whatever


"You swill down your umpteeth drink and stagger back to fall on the floor, your comrades laugh at the drunken stuppor you've fallen into.  As you bashfully and misco-ordinatally pick yourself up you realise your gold pouch is missing!  You have had 250gp pick pocketed"

#232331 Drink Drink Drink

Posted by earhug on 18 December 2005 - 08:04 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Fair enough - just typing out loud, getting my two bits worth, blowing the trumpet, yadda yadda

#232318 Drink Drink Drink

Posted by earhug on 18 December 2005 - 06:11 AM in IE Mod Ideas

This may have already been suggested and it''s not my original idea in the first place, but a mod that elaborates on the ALCHOHOLIC (edit) social side of these games wouldn't go a miss.

I think it was the RPG magazine White Dwarf that used to put extra rules and props for your games in their mag and one time they added a drinking table for 'Warhammer Adventures' I think it was called.

The way it worked was that when I character deceided to go to a pub inbwtween adventures, when they've become ineberated every drink they had from there they had to roll of an event table.  Man different things (good and bad) could happen from being pick pocketed, winning a card game, learning a sea chanty that you could later use as a battle cry, even wake up next morning with a horrid tatoo (the tattoo was deceided by the other players).  Games like Baldur's Gate and Morrowind could learn from this.  The closest I've ever seen I believe was Planescape.

#231206 Planescape mod list.

Posted by earhug on 07 December 2005 - 11:23 AM in Planescape: Torment

Planescape Vengance - its death :\
http://www.angelfire.../dlparent.shtml - not working

Seriously? Please say no...

#231381 Good mod so far - compliments and criticisms

Posted by earhug on 08 December 2005 - 09:33 AM in Secret of Bone Hill

The description does say the horn is dented. Hehe.

Damn your trickery! Hmph!

#231182 Good mod so far - compliments and criticisms

Posted by earhug on 07 December 2005 - 09:36 AM in Secret of Bone Hill

Just completed the first half of this mod so far and it's definently been enjoyable, dialogs it good, a few cool battles and I like the maps. I few gripes of mine are though:

:mellow: - I've seen a couple of people concerned about how much experience you get which could throw of the game. I don't really feel that myself but there is definently far too many magical items. Yes they are usually only +1 items but the 'feel' of BG1 for me was finding a +1 item was a BIG thing! If it had even more abilities it was orgasmic even. That feeling has dissapeared now.

:mellow: - Some enemies are deceivingly hard. Skeleton Archers are a good example at Bone Hill, ok it's no Wriath but it did happen a couple of times where I thought 'easy, send in Garrick' and then left with nothing but Garrack pie. It would be good if you had some sort of visual indicator they weren't your average enemies (fancy discription, colouring?)

:mellow: - If your roleplaying there's not much incentive to play through unless your good. I played through as a CN mercinary like fighter and I kept thinking 'why the hell would my character be doing these quests - he's getting no financial reward or anything'. Pelltar is to reffered to as 'hiring' you but you don't get anything. Plus there's not really many options to be evil.

:mellow: - The magic shop guy says he's has items from other worlds. It's a shame he doesn't have anything realy adnormal like in Planescape, same about Fabio whose been to Sigil apparentl

A couple of bugs (already been mentioned on the board but what they hey:

:o - If I open the lighthouse door it 'closes' and locks and is unable to be lock picked

:o - Welcar kicks my ass (or at least tries, hehe) if I got my familiar out

:o - first time I played I didn't have the right world map installed so I fobbed it off but when I went back to the temple on the main land I had that crazy cult after me even though I litterally never heard of the staff they were on about. It's only now after my playthrough with the world map installed I know what they are crying about

:o - Fabio's equipment is unusable even though has it on him. I figured what the hell and took him onboard but didn't take his equipment off him, when he levelled up though it all 'came off' him to put it. I've only noticed one other person point this out but no-ones mentioned a solution

:o - not a bug but more a query, did you get rid of Tomoko or whatever her name was? Saverok's lass that youencounter just before you enter the temple of Bhall. Where is she? I hate loose ends...

the BIGGEST bug which is stopping me from getting back to the sword coast and continuing is when I go to peltar having completed the first part. He begins to teleport me back and then I get a crash back to my desktop. Can anyone tell me how to fix this, or a work around? I don't really fancy using the console to teleport back as I'm afraid it may affect the secound part of the mod.

Anyhow, good work you guys. :woot: You working on anything else now or enjoying 'the world' for a bit?

#231221 Good mod so far - compliments and criticisms

Posted by earhug on 07 December 2005 - 12:29 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

I'm playing version 2 with just Tutu, I'm not doing the bigger picture thing. Even thinking about trying to get everything working together properly gives me headache!

The first time I played BH I installed a world map (can't remeber which) over so I couldn't go to the ajoining areas. I got a tad annoyed so I killed Peltar (easier than I expected to!) and went back to the Temple on the sword coast VIA the world map. The only areas I visited was the barons castle, the main village area and the rat cave house thing whatever-me-job. I was outside the temple as if I had just came from Beregost and when I walked up to the temple that bloody monk appeared going on about some staff. I had presumed he meant the +2 staff in the lighthouse but now realise he meant the staff in the catacombs under bonehill. I'm expecting them this time + since I've actually got the staff I deserve it. Hehe.

Come across two more bugs I think just now:

:ph34r: The viking beserker summoned with the horn goes hostile after a couples of secs

:ph34r: The genie bottle doesn't seem to work

So Garrack bit the dust with a Durlag's Dungeon skeleton? :lol: Hmmm, that explains something at least. I just thought it was going to be a skeleton similar to High Hedge quality. My fighter was busy with a golem, you live and learn!

Even in the context of the bigger picture and TOTSC (not played NTOSC so I can't comment on that) I still think items are crazily powerful, although I'm quite happy with that +2 flame tongue sword thing. Completments my sensai quite nicely.

You think about some the items they've got on them, and in the shops it's crazy. What a feltcher in a backwater town do with a quiver of plenty +1 priced at 96000 gp? If he sold one of those he probably retire! :huh:

When I got to this mod majority of peeps in my party were level 3 or 4 coming out now around 5 or 6, it just seems the type of people i'm coming across (two bit bandits, huckleberry fin shopkeeps, etc) would be able to offord this type of merchendise. The only groups you come across all kitted out with +1 gear are the armies of those Bhaal spawn in TOB which makes sense since they are prbably supposedly loaded since they've been ravaging the Sword Coast wiping out towns and cities.

I've no idea what the paper and pencil Bonehill involves equipment wise or whether Bonehill balances out in in context of the Bigger Picture / NTOTSC but to me to like I've said three times already it seems a bit out of context and power house crazy.

One more suggestion, why don't you give the magic shop guy some novelty items from the planes to sell rather than power items? The weird frog / fly thing you buy on the market in Planescape comes to mind (y'know the weird green thing you can pet or kick), or perhaps some mysterious items that backfire? I don't know. There's scope though.

But still - all that aside, pat on the back for the mod so far. You definently got more patience than me! I'll play through 2.1 next time I make a character. For now I guessmy CN mercinary can just tell Fabio to bugger off when he begs him to come back. Serves him right too.

#232332 2nd part: Couple more bugs - might have been mentioned

Posted by earhug on 18 December 2005 - 08:12 AM in Secret of Bone Hill

Still behind in Versions, I'm on V2.0, I'll have a crack at the new version when I play with a new character.

Guess I'll try and skip the fisherman thing.  It's not vital to the entire 2nd part is it?

Oscar and Philmar.  FIRST time I played I visited the senile priest guy, then went to the tarvarn where they both ran outside after some dialog and I was then attacked.  Sound enough.  SECOUND time I went to the theatre first and then was attacked (not infront of the theatre mind you).

Lothar's room: had no party scripts on (don't use them).

I know you might have solved some of these issues in your new version but thought I better say something just incase they were missed.

#232243 2nd part: Couple more bugs - might have been mentioned

Posted by earhug on 17 December 2005 - 06:46 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

* Sailor is cave goes hostile if hostile lizards are attack - similar bug as the one where you attacked the mercinaries in Baldur's and the civvies go hostile (anyone know a way around this?)

* Those assasins appear outside the inn if you visit the bard chap in the theatre PLUS the two chaps you kill will then be magically alive inside (can't remember their names)

* Unless you have Fabio with you Peltar doesn't give you the button, string and ruby OR mark the other town on your map (I orginally had fabio in my party, dumped him before I went back to the swoard coast - THEN got him back from the same spot in the 2nd part - only then would Peltar give me the items, mark my map and leave)

* Lothar's traps in his room do NOT need to be spotted as they have been automatically for some reason

Anyhow - if anyone's got a work around for the lizard problem (other from simply avoid hurting them!) can you post me it?

#231252 CRAP!!! Really NEED help with being marooned!

Posted by earhug on 07 December 2005 - 02:40 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

This is BAD karma. I just know it!

Ok, I'm stuck in town because this damn mod keeps crashing when Peltar sends me back to the temple. No prob I think so I use the console comand to send me back, trouble is I'm on TUTU so the comands are sending me to locations in BG2! Please, can someone give me a solution - I don't want to start this chracter AGAIN!
:crying: :crying: :crying:


HA, God bless search engines. Fixed it, mwaha!