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#600313 Bug reporting practices discussion

Posted by GeN1e on 16 February 2018 - 07:35 PM in IE Modding Discussion

God someone please lock this thread before it starts up again. Here's the tl;dr:

Modders: "please report bugs so that we can fix them."

Others: "No screw you! I shouldn't have to! And stop updating your damn mods, when you update them it screws up the fixpack! Also, update your damn mods more often and fix all the bugs that I refuse to tell you about!"

There, you've read the whole thread. Now please let it die.

Let censorship die instead  :rolleyes:

#600402 Bug reporting practices discussion

Posted by GeN1e on 18 February 2018 - 06:21 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Also frustrating is when expression of that opinion gets decried as "censorship..." which, I mean look that word up in a dictionary - it does not apply here.

Also frustrating is when people act shitty towards others and justify it with "go find a safe space if you don't want people to be shitty!" ... but then start crying when you give it back to them.

I thought, for some reason, that you in particular would understand. Though perhaps the fault is mine for not recognizing the message in your first post :unsure:

I apologize if anything in my posts has caused you frustration or offended you in some way, that was never the intent.

#600334 Bug reporting practices discussion

Posted by GeN1e on 17 February 2018 - 08:29 AM in IE Modding Discussion

No I suggest closing thread because some people lost their cool and started acting like immature assholes and nobody needs to deal with that shit. There's nothing wrong with arguments - even heated arguments. But trolling and flaming is not that. This thread mercifully died, and now it's been necro'd for no good reason and nothing productive has been added so... what's the point? 

Probably because you can use the Beamdog forum if you need a safe space, and this forum if you need some freedom.

#602150 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 30 April 2018 - 02:50 PM in IE Modding Discussion


Am I Roxanne?

Yes, you are. Deal with it :P

#602148 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 30 April 2018 - 02:19 PM in IE Modding Discussion

EDIT to say: I also thought it was pretty harmless. Everyone has their oddities, including yours truly and everyone reading this post. When Roxanne used and alias to, say, "review" her own mod I thought it was more lol-worthy than problematic. She has always seemed a bit... competitive about mods; and this may have been a symptom of that. But ultimately this seems more quirky than outrageous. So I counsel leniency...

You are quite correct. That said, using alts still goes against commonly accepted ethics, so even if you deem it a minor infraction (I kinda do, not to mention how much she's been proactive in assisting players and maintaining abandoned mods), it still warrants an administrative action if other people start complaining. And in this case the investigation had only begun after users started reporting alts.

#602173 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 01 May 2018 - 09:29 AM in IE Modding Discussion

 That said, using alts still goes against commonly accepted ethics
You must not be a very ethical person then... Ardanis. :)

(and forget it, I'm not telling who I used to be. GTFO)

I consider being called ethical an insult ;)

That said, I think I at least wouldn't use the same avatar across all forums if I wanted to keep my identity concealed. Speaking of which, back in 2007 I actually had it written in my signature which username I was using where.


It seemed indeed rather obvious, but I hope this public pillory won't drive a much-needed active member from a shrinking community... Whatever floats their boat, I guess?

What if precisely that is intended?


A modder who promotes EET and new BWS and large mods must be a thorn in the side of Beamdog. With the big game installations she.enables, players can spend months and months exploring the Baldurs Gate world.


This keeps them away from purchasing additional products about to be released.


The ones that come under false disguise are those that call themselves modders in a community forum or moderators while their names appear in the end credits of industry games. Their company's interest is to sell more games and not to have people to stick to a single large modded game.


That's what I call obvious.

It's not the first time I hear the idea that Beamdog was trying to compete with mods https://forums.beamd...#Comment_956449 and I still don't get where that comes from. The only example of a mod successfully competing commercially with the base game (that I know of, at least) is the DotA mod for Warcraft 3, and we're talking about millions of players there.


In any case, I don't expect you to believe a word I'm saying, being affiliated with the company and having my name in the credits, but I think your knowledge of the modern video game market is severely limited and/or outdated. Players don't stick with one game for years anymore, they now consume games as they are being released and move on to the next one. Even those who do keep re-playing the same game over and over again, still buy new titles like everyone else. Ever heard about the "pile problem" that Steam users mention every now and then? Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. And the ones who stick with one title and never buy anything else? These are negligible fraction, as far as marketing is concerned.


Lastly, I don't get who's trying to drive whom out of where? Unless I miss something, the accounts here and on G3 remain untouched. While the ones on Beamdog forum were banned for explicitly violating local rules, and only after no response has come to messages sent by the staff.


PS I don't consider myself a modder anymore, btw. After couple of years spent working on Siege part-to-full time, I can't bring myself to so much as play the game, let alone mod it. I just hang around familiar place, like an old geezer.

#602391 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 09 May 2018 - 06:17 PM in IE Modding Discussion

You know, at *this* point I'm almost willing to believe in anything from trolling to magic coincidence to having taken brain damage from sleep deprivation :)

#602249 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 04 May 2018 - 09:32 AM in IE Modding Discussion

If being welcome to stay with community is not acceptance, then I don't know what is. Compared to what we've seen in the past, this debacle of a thread is hardly even a drama.

I'd like to thank my good friend Moongaze

Imposter! Sikret was no friend of Moongaze ;)

#602371 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 08 May 2018 - 04:31 PM in IE Modding Discussion

However, any forum member in a good standing is welcome to ask me in PM for that proofs.

May I instead ask not to lock this thread as well? It's damn too amusing a read to pass it :)

#602385 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by GeN1e on 09 May 2018 - 11:02 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I can't believe temnix decided to use an invisible minion irl
This message below now make a lot more sense than I'd otherwise thought :D
It's an invisible guy that spawns to talk to you. Just like when you get those talking to yourself Slayer dialogues!
sometimes, invisible minions are official

#601886 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by GeN1e on 20 April 2018 - 02:19 PM in IE Help

Hmm, do I get it right that I should put that (or rather translations thereof) in .tra files of my mod?



UPD. Indeed, forum software acting up lately  :(

Not just lately, I always hated this particular engine, it's just that sometimes it pisses me off more than usual :D

#601884 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by GeN1e on 20 April 2018 - 01:32 PM in IE Help

Problem is it won't catch the creatures if the player's game is not in English...

Using TRA is simple

@1000 = ~\([Bb]asilisk\)\|\([Mm]edusa\)~

OUTER_SPRINT basilisk @1000
// Scanning all creature resources...
 COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP ~.+\.cre~ ~override~
 PATCH_IF (~%name1%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ºsilisk%~ = 0 ||
           ~%name2%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ºsilisk%~ = 0) BEGIN



Not sure I understand every quirk of it though: for example why do you apply patch if "STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~\(basilisk\)\|\(medusa\)~ = 0", should not it be "STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~\(basilisk\)\|\(medusa\)~ = 1", as in, a hit?


Because WeiDU readme explains so 



As STRING_MATCHES_REGEXP, but it evaluates to 0 if the first string contains the second regexp. Thus "AR1005" STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP "[w-z]" evaluates to 1 (“mismatch”).
Be warned that this does the exact opposite of what the name suggests.



PS Also f*** Invision and its forum shitware

#599476 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by GeN1e on 11 January 2018 - 06:41 AM in IE Help

Right, I forgot you were a diehard luddite :P


Summons - there's usually no other way. It's just that they're too bad with timing to be considered a precise enough tool.


I'm sure I used save vs breath when it made sense to think of trap effects as physical attacks.

#599473 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by GeN1e on 11 January 2018 - 06:26 AM in IE Help

You could read the target's AC via splprot, temporarily set its save vs breath (since it's technically a dodge thing...) to the same value, then roll the saves instead of attacks.

I don't remember if it there was a trick to read myself when targeting someone else, however, so the attacker's thaco will be unaccounted for.



summoning invisible creature


When people will finally understand it's a no way to do things <_<  

#596017 VC and NeJ3 - final releases

Posted by GeN1e on 23 July 2017 - 10:40 PM in Mega Mod Help

It seems I'm done with the BG modding. This year is a 20 anniversary of my BG modding. :huh:  I think it's enough.

We didn't exactly see eye to eye about how modding should be conducted, but regardless of that NEJ featured the best story of all the mods I have seen, it had an actual intrigue going on. Thanks for that, and good luck to you, Vlad.

#598586 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 28 November 2017 - 06:45 PM in IE Help

Works for me with WeiDU v242.

Attached Images

  • spellstate.jpg

#598581 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 28 November 2017 - 03:25 PM in IE Help

I'll update it, but I doubt versions are the cause.


Checking if ADD_****_EFFECT accepts the "special" parameter was the first thing I did, since I thought they didn't - but they were. So, I guess it means it was indeed updated recently.

#598546 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 27 November 2017 - 06:52 PM in IE Help

Code looks correct, although casting_level/mode aren't used by that function, and I only have it on hearsay that 255+ states actually work.


However, yes, I don't have an exact clue what you're talking about, because this:

LPF ~ADD_CRE_EFFECT~ INT_VAR opcode = 328 target = 1 power = 1 casting_level = 0 casting_mode = 1 timing = 1 duration = 0 parameter1 = 0 parameter2 = 522 resist_dispel = 0 special = 1 END

just sets the spell state, it's not supposed to display any menus, whether in game, in NI or in DOS window.

#598608 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 29 November 2017 - 09:59 AM in IE Help

I think his problem was with the "special" field not setting at all, regardless of the state value.

#598620 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 29 November 2017 - 04:53 PM in IE Help

Do the new versions create file copies immediately? If you "Add copy of," does the new file appear immediately


#599084 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 26 December 2017 - 10:27 AM in IE Help



LAF ds_resolve_stat INT_VAR ids=1 STR_VAR id= MY_NEW_SPELLSTATE RET stat_ind=stat_ind END
PRINT ~MY_NEW_SPELLSTATE was assigned %stat_ind% value~

For more context/commentary, see from around here https://github.com/G...lib/ds.tph#L605

#598771 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 09 December 2017 - 05:44 PM in IE Help

Otherwise just saying that something gets written somewhere does not equate "look out for trouble." The overwriting may be something that will never come up, or maybe it will come up and overwrite, say, SEX.

Or it may crash the game if you equip any item in the ring slot, but only if the area script is checking whether you have a specific innate spell memorized...


SEX isn't even used anywhere.

I'm pretty sure it determines male/female chant when casting spells.


See, the likes of you have never stepped out of the box. The box is your life. You think it's the universe, so you can't know what else can be out there. I mean, what's the point of talking to you, if you think, as you've said once, that these games are "murder simulators"? If that's your idea of possibilities, what are you going to do with the spells that I'm making, that take XP out of the dead, train mercenaries, send targets on geas quests?

I hate to be the wet blanket, but it applies to yourself more than to anyone else in this thread.

See, this game wasn't made for the many things you'd like to be in it. As in, the engine simply doesn't have the necessary functionality to carry out your ideas. Sure, I guess you can work around some of it with various ugly hacks, but it's akin to hammering nails with a microscope - can be done, but usually you just go and buy the damn hammer. Or, in this case, grab a better engine and make a new game with all the blackjack and hookers.

#598685 Setting a spell state with Weidu

Posted by GeN1e on 02 December 2017 - 04:38 PM in IE Help

This reminds me how the game would crash when equipping an item into specific slot, if there was a running script with HasSpell(Player1,SOME_INNATE) check and the innate's level was not 1.

But otherwise everything worked perfectly fine, as long as it wasn't checking for memorized spells in the items' structure.

#595398 How to extend all scripts of a category?

Posted by GeN1e on 13 June 2017 - 02:31 PM in IE Help

Not to my knowledge. I'd expect it to work on the LastSummoner/LastAttacker chain though, which I think you're still using to hook dead critters?

#595391 How to extend all scripts of a category?

Posted by GeN1e on 13 June 2017 - 10:58 AM in IE Help

I didn't want my zombies readily open to exploits - kill a giant, raise a giant, kill it again for the same XP - so I decided to block XP rewards for my zombies. To that end I topped a creature's script with a Die() block with ApplySpellRES("NOXP6_#",Player1), which is my party-wide 1-second immunity to XP Bonus. (I also have a single-target spell, "NOXP1_#".) But it turned out that putting custom spells in Die() blocks on top may prevent the rest of the script from triggering.


Try ChangeStat(Myself,XP,0,SET) // or whatever the kill XP stat is actually called in ids.