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#615526 Misc. fixes

Posted by Miloch on Today, 03:07 PM in Aurora's Shoes

I got this from TotoR via PM a couple years ago and only saw it now (yeah, I'm bad). Posting it here since I dunno if I'll be able to get to it (or even remember anything about modding).


Hi Miloch,

I was messing around and found:
.. in t-rndtre.tpa, some cre should not be updated as they are illusion created for BG1 tuto:
- ~%tsu%ihobgob~
- ~%tsu%itasloi~
- ~%tsu%ixvart~

..Some items could be flag as magical (or not... not really changing anything, for consistence maybe):
- agberr01
- agbrea01
- agjam01
- agjam02
- agjam03
- agjam04
- agjam05
- agjam06
- agjam07
- agjam08
- agjam09
- agpie01
- agtime01

..for compatibility agaurora.d could be updated with Solaufein from Jastey with:
//Solaufein By Jastey

~ THEN agaurora banter_sola
@701 /* ~A drow traveling on the surface? How unusual! Is there anything I can get for you?~ */ DO ~
== IF_FILE_EXISTS C#SOLA12 @702 /* ~Do you have any books of poetry?~ */
== agaurora @703 /* ~No, unfortunately I don't. Never was much for books, myself. Essel, now, he used to enjoy them. Many's the night we sat together while he recited poetry...~ */
== IF_FILE_EXISTS C#SOLA12 @704 /* ~Perhaps this Essel would have a book I could buy then. Do you know where he is?~ */
== agaurora @705 /* ~He died, poor fellow. Eight? Or was it ten years ago? Haven't met anyone like him since.~ */
== IF_FILE_EXISTS C#SOLA12 @706 /* ~I have heard human poets say "The life of man is like a winter feast around a blazing fire, while the storm howls or the snow drifts abroad. A distressed sparrow darts within the doorway: for a moment it is cheered by warmth and shelter from the blast; then, shooting through the other entrance, it is lost again. Such is man. He comes we know not whence, hastily snatches a scanty share of worldly pleasure, then goes we know not whither."~ */
== agaurora @707 /* ~Essel would have loved that... (sigh) Here. I may not have any books for you, but these should make your life little easier. It can't be easy, being a drow on the surface.~ */
DO ~
== IF_FILE_EXISTS sola @708 /* ~I... thank you.~ */
== agaurora @709 /* ~Think nothing of it. I love a man who can recite poetry.~ */ EXTERN agaurora now

Thank you for this really great mod

Libraries like t-rndtre.tpa could really be overhauled to be more dynamic. I wrote most of this sort of static code back when WeiDU's regexp was far slower, and I presumed (wrongly) there wouldn't be many new IE mods in the future.