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#507968 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 February 2011 - 01:17 PM in Dragon Age Series



#508372 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 15 February 2011 - 12:28 PM in Dragon Age Series

You mean, women who won't ever date a knowingly bisexual guy are Evil?

I was thinking more along the lines of "narrow-minded", but eh, close enough, I guess.

And wishing that a bisexual love interest was straight is Bad?

Here, I was thinking mostly "confusing". Speaking of which, I notice you haven't bothered to explain why a bisexual character "isn't so good", but that's okay; I wasn't really expecting a rational explanation anyway.


Pot, kettle, overused idiom.

#507044 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 01 February 2011 - 11:24 AM in Dragon Age Series

There will be a crack within a week, so yeah, an internet connection will be required... once, to download the crack.

In other news, the big mysterious Feb 1 reveal is... a closed beta for the Failbook game.

And not a single shit was given on this day.

#503491 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 10:39 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'll admit that I haven't been very attentive toward every bit of info released in this thread, but is this what's been confirmed for DAII? If so, then, uh, wow, that is kinda lame :/.

Friendly fire is only on Nightmare. There were discussions on it months ago (including toggles, having it not be toggle-able in certain modes, and even locked difficulty levels) and that was the decision that was reached.

For reference, here are our current goals for difficulty balance:

Casual - Able to be beaten playing a single character sub-optimally, with the rest of the party using default AI tactics.

Normal - Able to be beaten playing a single character optimally, with the rest of the party using default AI tactics.

Hard - Able to be beaten playing the entire party sub-optimally, either controlling directly or using custom AI tactics.

Nightmare - Able to be beaten playing the entire party optimally, either controlling directly or using custom AI tactics. Friendly fire active.

Which makes me wonder where the rest of us are to prove them wrong.

Banned from the Bioware boards for making too much sense.

#503427 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 19 December 2010 - 05:34 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'll admit that Gaider may be a wee bit condescending there, but, to be fair, DAO was set up that way, too (no friendly fire in easy mode, and only 1/2 damage from friendly fire in norm, if I ain't mistaken.) Did you have a problem with that, as well? Personally, I wouldn't have a problem if DAII was set up much the same way.

The "problem" I have is that company officials are going around calling their customers idiots, and the official forums are proving them right.

I don't remember expressing an opinion on the system itself, but I certainly have less issues with Origins' system than the "full friendly fire on insanity and none outside of it" one they're using this time.

Oh, and:

Warrior basic attacks will have FF on Nightmare, but against party members it will only deal glancing blows (1/10th damage).

So we're not even getting full friendly fire even on insanity. All aboard the train to Retardia! Padded cells for everyone!

#508465 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 16 February 2011 - 10:35 AM in Dragon Age Series

...yeah. Uh. Oops.

So! Dragon Age 2 is still going to suck, right?

#508581 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 17 February 2011 - 12:33 PM in Dragon Age Series


Presumably it would have been over faster if he hadn't let his entire party die, but... uh.

Also features the plot-forced death of a character they've given you no reason to care about whatsoever! Don't miss it!


So.... I guess you had to read it to find out...? :devil:

No, I have the ability to smell digital bullshit before even opening a thread.

But yeah, I took a quick look. What I saw wasn't very impressive.

#510846 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 16 March 2011 - 11:16 AM in Dragon Age Series

Too much effort.

#509588 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 28 February 2011 - 11:17 AM in Dragon Age Series

Ahahahahahahaha. Im in ur demo, haxing ur files!

Oh, and did I mention it's full of spoilers?

Because it is.

Full of spoiles.

#508981 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 22 February 2011 - 09:13 AM in Dragon Age Series

I doubt he made that decision - people higher up in the chain of command decided that the demo shouldn't feature a difficulty slider, and he had to invent a mildly credible explanation for the limitation.

I'm not blaming him for the decision. I'm not blaming Bioware for it, either.

I am blaming him for being a prick, not just in this thread, but basically every time I see him post. Also, blaming Bioware for allowing him to continue.

This is at least the second time people working for them have answered "why isn't there an option to ____" questions with "because y'all are too dumb to live" and it looks fucking bad.

#508584 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 17 February 2011 - 12:52 PM in Dragon Age Series

I don't understand what you m-can-i-nom-her-head.jpg

EDIT: Now with content!

Call to Arms!

February 22, 2011 marks the launch of the Dragon Age II Demo and a Call to Arms for all BioWare fans. We are actively recruiting an army of Champions, and if we get over 1 million demo downloads and logins on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 combined before March 1st, we will unlock two in-game items for the entire community to use in Dragon Age II. Demo download progress will be tracked on this page, so check back often!

To get your download counted, you will need to log into your EA account while playing the demo.

The items that will be unlocked are:

The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall - Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems describes her dreams of a new start in Kirkwall, the city across the sea. Readers will surely be enriched by her insights. (Gives money when read.)
Lothering's Lament

Lothering's Lament - Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems contains touching reminiscences of all she had to leave behind. Readers will surely benefit from her experience. (Gives XP boost when read.)

Get your day 1 DLC items 3748 and 3749 here! Get'em while they're uh DLC-y!

Edit edit: or I could just link to the page or something idk that might work

#503362 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 18 December 2010 - 04:19 AM in Dragon Age Series

Someone on the Bioboards asks why friendly fire can't be a toggle. And why not? Well, you see:

Because it has a profound effect on the difficulty. Hence it being attached to the difficulty.

Or that, anyhow, is what I assume. Attaching things to toggles is great, but if someone flips that on and doesn't know that it will suddenly make their "Easy" game not quite so Easy anymore... well, that wouldn't be good.

So basically, he just called his entire player base retards.

Thanks, Gaider! It's good to know you have such a high opinion of me!

Dragon Age 2: Darker, Grittier, Sexier...now with training wheels! Weeee!

#502538 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 08 December 2010 - 08:25 PM in Dragon Age Series

The game feels exactly the same, but at the same time feels completely different!


#496412 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 September 2010 - 10:08 AM in Dragon Age Series

Well, trailer Hawke has been confirmed to be using blood magic, I believe, so I think we can guess that's going to be an option, at the very least.

An option is not a forced specialization, is the point here.

*Goes off to dislike Bethany some more. If anyone else watched Buffy and has been annoyed by Dawn/read Harry Potter and has been annoyed by Ginny, you know how I feel.*

Frankly, I was too annoyed by, respectively, Joss Weenie's attempts to write drama when he should have stuck to quirky action adventure, and Harry Potter himself, to remember either of those characters - but presumably they at least had lines.

Bioware can do much better.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

#499159 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 17 October 2010 - 01:58 AM in Dragon Age Series


Damn, this looks awful! Better make sure they buy it quick, before the reviews come out!

How about you give me something more than a handful of crummy alpha screenshots before you come begging for my money, Bioware? How about even a single official trailer that uses in-game footage? ...How about cutting all ties with EA? No?

Well, I hear The Witcher 2 is looking pretty good right now...

#496373 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 September 2010 - 04:01 AM in Dragon Age Series

blood magic forced specialization

[citation needed]

Last thing I heard, they haven't even showed the PC mage, much less the specialization options.


Can someone explain to me how a character we haven't even heard utter a single word deserves so much hate? Bethany may well turn out to be insufferably annoying, but personally, I'll reserve judgement untill the character is slightly more defined than "mage with a big rack".

#496316 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 09 September 2010 - 12:36 PM in Dragon Age Series


...thoguh I really wouldn't be surprised if Bioware added gunblades in DA2.

#493265 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 29 July 2010 - 04:54 PM in Dragon Age Series

:huh: I don't see any qunari, I just see a generic demon dude. Yawn, but at least it explains ogres somewhat, I guess.

I'm curious about the "new design" for elves and dwarves.

(And when I say "curious", I mean "looking forward to the inevitable trainwreck".)

#500351 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 03 November 2010 - 04:59 PM in Dragon Age Series

:lol: @ the growing (and, perhaps, justified) skepticism in this thread.

I know what else is growing.


I wouldn't blame wizards, though.

More like "Enchantment!"

#501194 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 19 November 2010 - 04:05 PM in Dragon Age Series

(Good thing I had no expectations for this game or anything!)

I am a colossal idiot!

It's Kotaku, so I already knew that, but -

Dear editor: it's not "features that console gamers don't get" that the PC crowd wants. Ideally, all features would be available on all platforms. What we want is "features that are not shit".

...honestly, I have been linked to that article before, but stopped reading when he lists Mass Effect style dialogue under "things we can agree are better". :rolleyes:

edit: braved the bioware forums.

Since it's a little unclear - you can still pull the camera back and then adjust the yaw, which would allow for a fairly-close-to top-down camera perspective. You aren't stuck with varying degrees of over-the-shoulder.

Hey folks.

Thought I would slide in here to clarify this last query:

The camera is attached to your currently controlled character. It may be rotated freely.

well at least it's something. except that:

While we likely won't pull as far up as we did in DA:O, I have always felt that the key to tactical play was actually freeing your camera from the character you're controlling to issue precise orders, which is what we're tuning now. So, this means you can still maneuver the camera around the battlefield and issue orders from a remote location, just as you could in Origins.

so basically

even bioware themselves have no idea what's going on anymore.

too busy thinking like spartans and fighting like generals, I suppose.

#502094 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 03 December 2010 - 08:27 PM in Dragon Age Series



#501981 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 December 2010 - 09:25 PM in Dragon Age Series

I was going to say something like how he would fit right in in something like Final Fantasy XII except they generally wore shoes there and he doesn't have enough zippers. :(

Edit - @vilkacis You missed the pearl from Mr Priestly that apparently DA2 is an action RPG and not a dating sim.  I imagine that means no dinner, wine or flowers before the action part.

No, I was just trying to ignore it.

Then again dating sims are generally lacking in interactivity (or so I'm told I mean I wouldn't know stop looking at me like that) whereas in DA2, whenever you press a button, something awesome happens! I assume this also holds true for the sex scenes. Unfortunately it's probably going to boil down to button-mashing for repetitive 4-hit combos with an AOE finisher. But hey, at least if you're playing it on a PC, you'll be able to use pseudotactical camera during the act!

(Also, I meged your posts for you. :) )

#501974 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 December 2010 - 05:26 PM in Dragon Age Series

Apparently we have a new NPC


First reaction: that head looks SO photoshopped on.

Second reaction: if you can't draw feet, have your character put on some shoes. Actually, have him put on shoes regardless.

However the bioware forums did, as always, go crazy over this news and thanks to them we know that this character

...is not Dalish and not a mage,
...is written by David Gaider, and
...that his in-game appearance is different than this concept, meaning this post and everything related to it is TOTALLY FUCKING USELESS and I have wasted five precious seconds of your life that you will never get back, no no, no need to thank me, it was my pleasure.

#501526 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 25 November 2010 - 08:05 PM in Dragon Age Series

If Gaider's in such a hurry, he should stop mucking about on the forums and finish the damn game. Launch date is close enough as it is without one of the lead writers going hurf-a-durf on the boards.

ANYWAY. New character page up on the official site. Aveline, female sword-and-board fighter. Now, I'm going to hold off calling them on the ridiculous outfit for a supposed tank because this

I seems stupid for a tank to wear simple clothing. And for 10 years too

She would agree. So she doesn't. wink.png

suggests it's temporary.

So yeah, assuming he's not lying through his teeth like all the rest, I won't have to go on a rant on how absolutely idiotic it is for a tank to go out fighting derpspawn in an apron and pants that seem to be disintegrating already.

The sword is a different story, though.

As in "that's going to slip out of her hand the moment she starts to sweat or gets blood on it, and take off most of her fingers in the process".

She's got nice tits, though!

I know that because of the way her shirt seems to struggle with them.

The same shirt she apparently goes into combat wearing.

With nothing over it.

#491901 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 July 2010 - 06:52 AM in Dragon Age Series

Some new info here:
