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#386824 Wish List

Posted by Klorox on 14 April 2008 - 08:17 AM in PC Soundsets

I'd like to see soundsets appropriate for Gnomes and Halflings. They're difficult to find.

#386793 How do Solo Swashbucklers fare?

Posted by Klorox on 14 April 2008 - 03:47 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I was thinking that a Solo Swashbuckler might be a good character to go with.

They'll get a killer AC, can wear both magic and damage resistant stuff, and can just sneask past battles that are too tough.

Not a bad unconventional solo pick, eh?

#386585 General opinions of "Unfinished Business"

Posted by Klorox on 13 April 2008 - 05:23 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Yeah NPC mods sux0rz.

I'm actually of the opinion that no BG2 install is complete without UB and QP. :) And of course, Banana.


#386248 General opinions of "Unfinished Business"

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 07:39 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I'm considering adding this mod to my BGII game. Assuming you've played this mod, what is your general opinion towards it?


#386247 General opinion of "Divine Remix"

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 07:38 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I'm considering adding this mod to my BGII game. Assuming you've played this mod, what is your general opinion towards it?


#386233 Powerful uses of UAI

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 04:28 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I'm trying to find some powerful uses for the Thief High Level Ability: Use Any Item.

I've thought of boosting physical resistances (Defender of Easthaven, Jan's Armor), boosting magical resistances (Carsomyr, dunno what else), and I'm trying to think of others.

It's been a really long time since I played a Thief to a high level, and I plan on doing it this time. I'm trying to figure out how to plan my proficiencies (he's actually a Fighter/Thief of some sort -- either multiclass, or dual (Wizard Slayer, Barbarian, Berserker, Kensai).


#386145 Help me build my powergaming party (SCSII)

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 08:51 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I don't think you can backstab if Crom Fayer is equipped. Besides, I think it's better to leave the Belt of Hill Giant Strength to Jaheira, otherwise she's just sitting ducks in melee (unless you wish to rely on Strength spell).

Or, if you wish to cheat, assume having done a Tutu run and give yourself +1/+1/+1/+1/+3/+1 :D

Hehe, I have done the cheat in the past, having beating BGI so many times before, but I don't want to do it this time. :)

BTW, you can backstab if Crom Faeyr is in your offhand.

I'm considering a 4 person party made up of all self-made characters. I don't know if the lack of talking will bore me too much though.

#386142 Help me build my powergaming party (SCSII)

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 08:40 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Halfling F/T (I like a 19 DEX better, since you lose 1 in hell, and I love the bonus to Saves)

Go for Elf then. 18/X strength and 17 const is a lot better than 17 strength and 18 const - you get at least an additional +0/+2 to thac0/damage (important for backstab damage) over a 17 (even better if you get an higher extra strength), and 9 HPs aren't really that useful (it's quite rare to finish a battle with 9 or less HPs, and there are always potions). This way, you can wait before needing a Belt of Strength (as you find only two such items in CH2, the third one in CH7 unless you don't forge Crom Fayer). And, having +10...+25 to backstab damage vastly improves the chances that said bad guy doesn't deal you a single hit point of damage ;)

I disagree. A halfling will get 9 more HP, which I do find big. His saving throw bonuses are the clinching point though. BTW, the STR isn't an issue the moment he exits Chateau Irenicus. I'd probably have him use Crom Faeyr in his offhand.

#386121 Help me build my powergaming party (SCSII)

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 06:44 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

For tanks, why not take both Anomen and Jaheira? The latter can cast Iron Skins and Insect Plague, the former can cast Holy Smite and a ton of buffs... both seem better choices than a pure fighter with just slightly higher thac0 (not that you'll have troubles hitting anything with neither Jaheira nor Anomen). The downside is that (unless you use Ashes of Embers) you'll lose out on most weapons (both the FT and the FMT are backstabbers, so they should use thief-only weapons for max effect).

I was considering this as well.

Halfling F/T (I like a 19 DEX better, since you lose 1 in hell, and I love the bonus to Saves)
Kelsey (Sorcerers are so much better than Wizards. Besides, Edwin is Evil, which is annoying.)

#386107 Help me build my powergaming party (SCSII)

Posted by Klorox on 11 April 2008 - 05:41 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

The problem is that a FMT will never get 9th level spells. :(

#385889 Help me build my powergaming party (SCSII)

Posted by Klorox on 10 April 2008 - 08:48 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I'm trying to build a compact, power group to tackle Sword Coast Stratagems for the first time.

So far, I think my protagonist will be some kind of Fighter/Thief dual or multiclass (not sure yet). I have a lot to choose from: Swash > Fighter (I think he'll get a great AC), Barbarian > Thief (lots of resistances to damage), Fighter/Thief multiclass (really good HLA choices, demihuman bonuses), Wizard Slayer > Thief (MR, after UAI is gained, no drawbacks).

I plan on bringing:

1)Kelsey -- I like a great spellcaster, and he's a wonderfully done mod.
2)Anomen or Jaheira -- both make good divine spellcasters and tanks.
3)A tank. Not sure if I should go with Keldorn, Minsc, or Korgan.

I really like 4 person parties, and I also really like having 3 of the 4 make good tanks. Oh yeah: Since there's only 1 set of Gauntlets of Dexterity and I'm powergaming here, I won't take both Keldorn and Anomen (they both need it).

Any and all input is appreciated! TIA!

#385886 Swashbuckler > Fighter dual

Posted by Klorox on 10 April 2008 - 08:17 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I'm thinking of a Barbarian > Thief for some massive resistances (dual at level 16, Jan's Armor, Defender of Easthaven, That bastard sword that gives MR).

Not sure yet though.

#385837 Swashbuckler > Fighter dual

Posted by Klorox on 10 April 2008 - 03:47 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Two questions:

1)If you dual from thief to fighter (after thief level 9 or later), does a CON over 16 help you at all, or do you never gain bonus HP from a higher CON?

2)Does the AC bonus you earned from the Swashbuckler kit still count even if you're in heavy armor? If so, you can probably get a really good AC at the cost of a few less HP.

#385721 Wild Mage dual classed into a Cleric

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 02:41 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

That's really cool.

I always thought a Tutu Mage 2 dualled into a Cleric would rock.  You don't lose too many hit points and can use Wands with plate mail.

Now it's even better! :D

#385670 Wild Mage dual classed into a Cleric

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 11:14 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Would this character get wild surges when they cast Cleric spells?

This dual-class is allowed with the G3 Tweakpack.

#385669 BG2 : 3-man party is where it's at

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 11:13 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Cool. :)

I remember playing a game with a Dwarf F/T, taking only Anomen and Kelsey.  That was another ass-kickin' small party.  The game got too easy too fast.

EDIT: I just realized this party I played a long time ago is very similar in concept to Pokemon boys.  Neat!

#385595 Cheapest Dual Ever?

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 05:19 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

"Tenser"in a kensai/mage is pretty cheap too. I don't ever see a point in having a pure fighter. I'll look into this dual you mentioned Klorox, I didn't know Barbs could dual-class.
Anyway that's a nice combo there, I'll try it.

Icen is right... it's a pseudo cheat since you need the tweakpack to do it.

You can also dual a Wild Mage. I wonder if you dual a Wildmage into a Cleric if you can get Wild Surges with your clerical spells... (?!?)

#385594 BG2 : 3-man party is where it's at

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 05:17 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Whats RING31?

#385593 Strange multi class combos

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 05:16 AM in Icewind Dale Series

It's the Monk 1/Druid X that rocks. You get the WIS bonus to AC when shapeshifted.

#385592 Are you still playing Icewind Dale series?

Posted by Klorox on 09 April 2008 - 05:15 AM in Icewind Dale Series

I just finished playing HoF mode from the very beginning. It was fun, but got tedious at points.

I'll play again in the future now that there is an NPC project out there.

#385134 BG2 : 3-man party is where it's at

Posted by Klorox on 07 April 2008 - 07:20 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I happen to agree with you.  

My reasons for liking 4 person groups is that I just find it easier to control (I hate AI).  I have a more fun experience.  the fact that XP is gained faster is just a side benefit.  

Another great thing about smaller parties is that multiclasses are even better also.  I'm actually not a big fan of Edwin or other single-classed guys in a smaller group.  You just don't need them.

I consider Imoen a single classed mage for my groups, who also handles all of the thieving duties.  Im my last game, I had her, Anomen, and a Berserker 13 dualled into a Mage (who concentrated on spells that boosted combat abilities).

The party rocked the casbah.

BTW, the fact that you compare anything in BG to Pokemon just makes everything else suck.  Nevermind.

#385131 Cheapest Dual Ever?

Posted by Klorox on 07 April 2008 - 07:10 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Wiz Slayer >Thief is a good one. With the tweak pack, a Barbarian/Thief can become immune to physical damage after UAI if you put on Jan's Armor with the Defender of Easthaven and when you're immune to damage, what difference does AC make? Very nice in ToB, where monsters will hit you no matter what your AC is anyway.

I can't remember what level of Barb you need to get to, but I do remember that it makes the dual pretty tough to pull off.

I think you also might need that helmet in Watcher's Keep, but if memory serves, it only stops bludgeoning damage.

BTW, I'm trying to figure out how to add some MR in there for this guy.

#384722 Can I DL the CA portraits for use in a regular BG game?

Posted by Klorox on 05 April 2008 - 06:08 AM in Classic Adventures

If so, where?


#384721 Help with a clean install of ToB + these mods!

Posted by Klorox on 05 April 2008 - 06:01 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Please help me install these in the correct order:

SoA & ToB


Banter Pack

Level 1 NPCs

...and whatever else I need to get the following options:

1)a clean, bug free game.
2)unlimited stacking of ammo, potions, gems

What fixpacks & tweakpacks are recommended?

What other mods are really good and can be used without a problem here?

Note: I may also want the mod that allows a Barbarian to dual class. I'm not sure yet. Please let me know where to get that and where it gets installed.


#384637 Looking for a certain avatar: Minsc as an orc

Posted by Klorox on 04 April 2008 - 06:20 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I've seen an alternate portrait of Minsc, but he had green skin and protruding lower teeth with an enlarged lower jaw. It was wonderful! If anybody knows where I can find this one, please LMK!