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#594068 [BG2:EE] [Linux-Wine] Multiple errors: download, extraction

Posted by Xeniteia on 19 March 2017 - 04:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

 Done! Along with the correction of a few typos. Thanks for the tip!

#594066 [BG2:EE] [Linux-Wine] Multiple errors: download, extraction

Posted by Xeniteia on 19 March 2017 - 04:04 AM in Mega Mod Help



 I'm using BWS on Linux with Wine (winetricks helps lauching vbs scripts). BG2:EE standalone works very well and worked well with a few mods installed in the previous installations. Now I want to try BWS because it installs the quests mods that were so great on old BG2.


 Sometimes the download stops and the script freezes. Extraction fails sometimes while the files are good. I've tested and extracted manually some of the individual files and there were no errors.

 So, I provide the files manually since I kept copies of those files downloaded on previous attempts in a separate folder. Yet BWS stills warns me of errors.

 Here's the warning:


The extraction of the following mod(s) failed:
BiG World Textpack: Translations and sounds (BiG World Textpack ENGLISH-v16.7z) ¹
Region of Terror: The Mod itself (RoT2.zip)
TDDz (EE-compatible installer for The Darkest Day): The Mod itself (BiGWorldProject-TDDz-v1.2.5-0-g71ce503.zip)
The Darkest Day: The Mod itself (TDDv1.14.rar)
Back to Brynnlaw: The Mod itself (BackBrynnlaw_v5.zip)
Dungeon Crawl: The Mod itself (DungeonCrawl_v9.zip)
Eilistraee's Song: The Mod itself (Eilistraees Song v4.0.zip)
The Sellswords: The Mod itself (Sellswords_v5.zip)
Tower of Deception: The Mod itself (BiGWorldProject-TowerOfDeception-v4.0.1-0-gf74edfa.zip)
Unfinished Business: The Mod itself (UnfinishedBusiness-v27alpha.zip)
Lucy the Wyvern: The Mod itself (lucy-v4a.exe)
The Minotaur and Lilacor: The Mod itself (slandor.1.6.zip)
Wheels of Prophecy: The Mod itself (Gibberlings3-WheelsOfProphecy-v6-0-g4b33d77.zip)
Weimer's Solaufein NPC: The Mod itself (Weimer-SolaufeinMod-v104.exe)
Xan NPC: The Mod itself (Xan_v15.zip)
Romantic Encounters: The Mod itself (RE_v11.zip)
Faiths and Powers: The Mod itself (UnearthedArcana-Faiths_and_Powers-0.63b-0-gb313e5d.zip)
Might and Guile: The Mod itself (UnearthedArcana-Might_and_Guile-3.4.3-0-g8431b96.zip)
Skip Chateau Irenicus: The Mod itself (Argent77-A7-SkipChateauIrenicus-v2.3-0-gda4b067.zip)
Tome and Blood: The Mod itself (TomeAndBlood.v0.7.rar)
Freedom's Reign & Reign of Virtue: The Mod itself (FR_ROV_V8.rar)
Item Upgrade (Weimer): The Mod itself (Weimer-ItemUpgrade-v40.exe)
Item Upgrade (Weimer): Translations and sounds (CespyAudioV1.zip) ²
Pack Mule: The Mod itself (w_packmule-v1.4a.zip)
Stuff of the Magi: The Mod itself (StuffofTheMagi.zip)
Artaport: The Mod itself (Artaport-master.zip)
Worldmap: The Mod itself (bp-bgt_worldmap-v101.7z)
Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod.
These add-on-archives were extracted properly when the requirements were missing.

Some files were not extracted. Do you want the BWS to run an integrity test on
those files first, provide the files yourself (see remarks) or just continue?
Enter [t]est, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
All files seem to be intact.
Enter [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
BiG World Textpack
Enter [d]ownload, [e]xtract, skip [o]ne or [a]ll missing files.
Region of Terror
Enter [d]ownload, [e]xtract, skip [o]ne or [a]ll missing files.


 Asking to extract files doesn't work either even since I have 7zip for Windows installed too.


 The thing is that one can't override the errors and launch the installation anyway. Being on Linux, I can't execute the bat files properly and do a tedious manual installation, which is better than nothing.


 Debug is attached.


 Thanks in advance!

Attached Files