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#609604 BG2 calendar dates and CalanderDay agreement

Posted by Eric P. on 10 July 2020 - 03:38 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Please help me to assign the correct CalanderDay numbers to the following dates/events, so my NPC mod will handle date-specific content at the right times for holiday observances. My understanding is that the game starts on Mirtul (May) 1st, making that CalanderDay1. If not, please correct me.


What I have so far:

Mirtul/May 1 - Greengrass - CalanderDay1

kythorn/June - Summer Solstice - CalanderDay50

Eleasis/August 1 - Midsummer - CalanderDay91

Eleasis/August 2 - Shieldmeet - CalanderDay92

Eleint/September 21 - Autumnal Equinox - CalanderDay142

Marpenoth/October 1 - Highharvestide - CalanderDay151

nightal/December 1 - Feast of the Moon - CalanderDay211

Nightal/December 20? - Winter Solstice - CalanderDay233

Alturiak/February 1 - Midwinter - CalanderDay271

Ches/March 19 - Spring Equinox - CalanderDay 319


Thanks in advance for any help! Shieldmeet might complicate things by making each CalanderDay number after it higher by one, but I'm not sure about that. I'm guessing that the first days of the first four months in the game are 1, 31, 61, and 91. If Shieldmeet offsets the numbers after it, then the first days of the rest of the year would be 122, 152, 182, 212, 242, 272, 302, and 332. These dates are significant in my NPC's life, as they are the nights of the full moon.

#610539 [AUDIO] Female vocalist sought to record Sindarin Elvish songs

Posted by Eric P. on 23 January 2021 - 05:29 PM in Resource Request Forum

Is this too intimidating, or is there truly no one in the community with the ability and confidence to give it a try? I feel the addition of audio here would help to bring my character to life, for which I'd be very grateful and happy to add credit in the readme file, as well as a link to the artist's other works, if desired.


Still hopeful after all these years...