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#594758 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 20 April 2017 - 10:48 AM in Mega Mod Help

I am curious enough to try my hand in this, if only I have some more detailed walkthrough of what to do, as I am a complete ignoramus with regard to editing. 

#594738 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 20 April 2017 - 04:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

Tiny issue during the Bone Hill quest. More of an inconsistency than an error. The castle looked familiar until I found the key which confirmed it. The key in the library is mentioned as the key to Nalia's Keep.

#594636 Detect Illusions

Posted by quinlan on 13 April 2017 - 12:33 AM in General Gameplay

How does the detect illusions ability work, how is it activated?


I have a thief with 126 points at detect illusions, I am sitting invisible near a place where I know that an ogre mage has gone invisible, I have clicked the button for searching for traps, but nothing happens.


I am playing BGT.

#594615 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 11 April 2017 - 03:56 AM in Mega Mod Help

Is there a way to save Bashrik and Mirjala? I've managed to squeeze in a PC in the encounter, before the cutscene, but after the true seeing from Bashrik when the cutscene ends they ignore me as if I don't exist and they go ahead and assassinate them.


#594591 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 09 April 2017 - 01:54 AM in Mega Mod Help

In other worlds...tough luck, especially so if one doesn't have a clue about coding.  :whistling:

#594585 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 08 April 2017 - 10:27 PM in Mega Mod Help

Here is something else that seems weird: Same enemy (kobold chieftain) attacked by two of my characters. One rolls 18+1=19 and misses and the other 14+5=19 and hits! :blink:

If you use Near Infinity you can open the creature section and see there are like 30 different Kolbolds.  So you probably encountered 2 Kolbold Chieftains but only the name is the same, one probably has a better "THAC0".

Got it.


I am not sure about this, if it is mod related or a vanilla game inconsistency, but here it is. I was at Red Canyon and was deliberating where to travel with regard to the nearest merchants to sell stuff from my full back-packed characters. I am trying to role play all situations, so I was looking at the map to judge the shortest travel route since time was my only consideration. I noticed the following:



How come there is a 4-hour difference between these two destinations and my current location, considering the fact that the Cloud Peak Mountains are almost in the way for one of the two? 

I'll repeat here my limited knowledge of the matter and that it may just be imperfect game mechanics that nobody has thought of fixing.

#594491 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 04 April 2017 - 01:24 AM in Mega Mod Help

Here is something else that seems weird: Same enemy (kobold chieftain) attacked by two of my characters. One rolls 18+1=19 and misses and the other 14+5=19 and hits! :blink:

#594486 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 03 April 2017 - 07:34 PM in Mega Mod Help

With so many mods at my installation, i haven't kept track. I'm already in love with this mod. According to its decription, i just have to wait until she reaches level 7 and then she will receive her calling as a priest, is this correct?

#594483 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 03 April 2017 - 12:34 PM in Mega Mod Help



I just met Viconia at Trade Way North. I think it is from the stratagems mod. Having accepted her at my party, I noticed she isn't a cleric, rather an assassin. Is this normal? Haven't played BG1 for a long time, but i seem to remember her as a cleric. Also, although she is an elf, the dual class button is active... which is good, since it means I can still turn her into a cleric.

#594469 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 03 April 2017 - 12:56 AM in Mega Mod Help

Here is another issue. Magnus the dwarf sells his wares at Beregost. So far when I try to steal while buying, it is a case of either succeeding or failing and getting a dialogue box with options to talk through it. With Magnus when I fail to steal an item from his inventory, the game throws me out from the buying session, but I do not get the dialogue. It is like nothing happened, which means I can fail as many times as I want to and eventually steal all his items, whereas before I would get a final warning after a few unsuccessful attempts.

#594426 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 31 March 2017 - 01:58 PM in Mega Mod Help

Is this the one I am to copy in the override folder?


#594401 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 31 March 2017 - 02:16 AM in Mega Mod Help

You either open the list in the left column to see all the items listed in alphabetic order or you use that search function with the name the item has in game (not the file name). Seaching for *rocksalt* or just *salt* or *rock*.


You can try and put this into your override folder


Correct, it is there.



However, after loading a saved game with the potion equipped, my character still died when rocksalt ingested.

#594399 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 31 March 2017 - 01:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

Got it. Cannot find the file though. I have tried with capital and small letters.



It is there though. I found it in the "iiItemMod/Potions/itm.

[post='Attached File  i1po010.itm   506bytes   191 downloads'][/post]

#594397 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 30 March 2017 - 10:57 PM in Mega Mod Help

Expert mode, you are a brave sole.  I wasted a year of my life trying to get one to work. 

No waste involved because no haste is involved. It will work or it won't and if it won't, then I will reinstall it. After running the game so many times, I am in no hurry.



You open a savegame file with Shadowkeeper for example to find out the items filename in the game files. Or you can use the Near Infinity to find it as well.

Then you open the game with Near Infinity and find the item now that you have it's file name, from the ITM folder and you just right click and pick the "Export" on it, which opens a browser to save the file in.

I haven't ever used Near Infinity, so I am doing something wrong:


#594393 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 30 March 2017 - 02:30 PM in Mega Mod Help

Yes, how do I export an item?

#594388 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 30 March 2017 - 12:27 PM in Mega Mod Help

Here is another crash issue:


Whenever I try to use the potion of rocksalt I die. Normal death, with the death scene and the offer to reload.

#594350 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 28 March 2017 - 12:37 PM in Mega Mod Help

Probably... I would use the ShadowKeeper to change the characters gender .. and you need to do this before you meet Viconia... so she can't "reject" you based on your gender.

This is the 1st genuine weird thing I have to report. It turns out i didn't have mistakenly set charname as female. The reason I am saying this is that while in game character is stated as female, shadowkeeper sees same character as male. And when I changed the gender to female through shadowkeeper, in game the character is seen as male. :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

#594333 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 28 March 2017 - 05:28 AM in Mega Mod Help

I just got killed by a lesser tanar'ri at Beregost!!! Must be one of the mods, because I don't remember facing such a thing before.


On a more serious note, the death scene assertion issue didn't appear this time. My party died well and truly (obviously :devil: ) and after charname got killed I got the normal sequence of videos about slowly fading away.

#594330 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 28 March 2017 - 01:24 AM in Mega Mod Help

Again, I would put the blame for the crash on one of the eXpert mods ... one of the mods modifies the bhallspawns death so that the game is not over while he dies... so one of the mod could clash with that premise. The normal mod I am referring to is "the game over only on party death" mod. Unless of course you have an changed avatar(aka the player character visual representation is not normal) .. which can cause all kinds of things.

PS, you shill have not posted the weidu.log's content on your first post. :devil:

It was there, just under greater invisibility... :whistling:


For a while I thought charname cannot die because of the mod that keeps him unconscious and then revives him when reaching 1hp as has started happening on the road, but if enemies keep on attacking me  I can die and the assertion failure is still there:


Not a problem though, since I can continue with the game by running bgmain again.


.....hm....hm.... by mistake upon creation I must have clicked on female icon instead of the male one. Is there a workable cheat for changing sex on the main character? :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

If not, is it possible to have a romance with Viconia later on if main character is female? I'd prefer that than going back to the beginning, no matter how close I am to the start of the game... :blush:

#594286 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 27 March 2017 - 01:50 AM in Mega Mod Help

There was never such note on BG1... so, it might have been a mod content you were smoking that made it appear. :devil:



Got killed by a goblin archer and the same assertion failure appeared. It seems that dying doesn't lead to the normal scene and then back to meny, rather its a case for CTD.



#594282 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 26 March 2017 - 11:05 PM in Mega Mod Help

I have spotted the first inconsistency, maybe. Priest's Quarters at Candlekeep, there is an assassin named Skunk inside the empty house. First time I entered and after the discussion, while fighting him, I had a CTD. Not a major one though, since after running BG Main again the problem didn't reappear. However, after killing him I only found a dagger on his body. Wasn't there supposed to be a note as well, something about a contract to kill Charname?


I had another CTD at the room with the rats after I was killed by another assassin, Marlos. There was this message:


Second time around I killed him and no CTD.

#594255 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 25 March 2017 - 11:32 PM in Mega Mod Help

Right, thanks for the info.


Here is a different issue where retry didn't work, so I continued which led to removing:



I've also got a few installs with warnings in the "Big World Install Debug":



And another that was successful, but I think partial because of missing spell slots for the mod's extras to be assigned:


#594243 BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

Posted by quinlan on 25 March 2017 - 10:17 AM in Mega Mod Help

Will it work if I copy/paste the whole BGT folder in the game folder, rename it and then run "Setup-widescreen" to choose another resolution? I am thinking of connecting my laptop vie HDMI to my TV which is 1920x1080 and If the aforementioned Idea works, then I could just copy saved game from the laptop there and play the game on the big screen. 

#594215 Difficulty Level mod

Posted by quinlan on 24 March 2017 - 11:12 AM in Mega Mod Help

:new_thumbs: Thanks. :new_thumbs:

#594213 Difficulty Level mod

Posted by quinlan on 24 March 2017 - 10:44 AM in Mega Mod Help



I have installed a BWS customized Tactical BGT.


I have just started playing and the moment the game started the first time after the short video, my character is at the entrance of Candlekeep Inn, I am asked to choose a difficulty level. I have installed a whole lot of mods and I don't know which one is responsible for the question about the difficulty level. Does anyone know which one is it?
