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#399802 Complete newb, wanting to try his hand at modding - need directions

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 12 June 2008 - 10:49 PM in IE Help

Thanks K'aeloree :)

I've got a quick question - how can I access the .TIS files in planescape, so that I can use them in IETME to make my own areas and modify some?

Thanks (Or maybe I'm mistaken? I assume from all my fiddling that this is what .tis files are for).

#399815 Complete newb, wanting to try his hand at modding - need directions

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 12 June 2008 - 11:36 PM in IE Help

I've tried moving the files to th c:\ drive, changing tormet.ini's paths, yet I still can't load the areas requiring the CDs in infinity explorer to extract the information. Anyone know why this is happening?

I might just use the resource you get me K'aeloree, much easier I guess. But I'd still like to know why infinity explorer isn't opening those files.

#399834 Complete newb, wanting to try his hand at modding - need directions

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 13 June 2008 - 12:45 AM in IE Help

Nevermind, I got the files to load up in Infinity Explorer now :)

Just had to change the information location to "C:\TDATA\CDx" to get it working.

I'll fiddle around with these tools for a while, and see if I can start modding anything :)

Many thanks for all your help, K'aeloree and Miloch.

#399806 Complete newb, wanting to try his hand at modding - need directions

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 12 June 2008 - 10:59 PM in IE Help

Thanks again K'aeloree :)

I've got another quick question - I've tried to do a full install of PS:T (By copying the contents of the 4 discs into the drive, and modifying the torment.ini file) so that I don't have to pop discs into the drive every time I want to extract a file in infinity explorer 2008 (The one by bigmoshi), but it still comes up with the alert. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks again :).

#451153 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 03 June 2009 - 06:29 PM in Mega Mod Help

Heya again guys :)

I'm trying to restore the BG2 exp bonuses for learning spells, undoing locks and disarming traps, but whenever I try to reinstall the component (From BGTTweaks), it screws up my game a bit, and NPC portraits go missing, as well as their sound. Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks :)

#452408 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 12 June 2009 - 04:28 AM in Mega Mod Help

Heya again folks :)

Thanks to Jarno for his(her?) tip and guidance of restoring the XP bonuses on spells, locks, and traps.

But now I come beseeching more aid - the cut scene from RoT upon exiting Irenicus's Dungeon causes the game to hang - My char is seen standing in the "throne" room alone, and nothing happens. What can I do to make the game go forward?

Thanks again for helping this clueless n00b.

#449644 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 27 May 2009 - 02:26 AM in Mega Mod Help

Wow, thanks a lot Jarno!

I think the main problem I was having was because I always assumed that if you CLUA an item, you are creating a new instance of it. I never realised that CLUA could possibly bring old, "tagged" items back to you.

Well, you learn something new everyday!

MANY thanks :)

#452491 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 12 June 2009 - 08:23 PM in Mega Mod Help

Ok, so I did a bit of searching on the message boards, downloaded Near Infinity, and fiddled with a couple of things, and now I can get pass the cutscene.

But now I have a new problem after playing the game for a while - the game crashes whenever I try to go to the 2nd floor of the Five Flagons Inn. I've searched the forums, but have found no clues or leads. I'm not sure which mod is causing the crash.

Anyone have this problem before?


Nevermind, solved it. I checked Near Infinity, and AR0511.are was somehow Durlag's basement dungeon. Anyway, I installed a clean version of BG2, and exported the original AR0511.are from it, and put it into the override folder of the modded BG2 install, and it worked.

Just wanted to post this just in case anyone encounters the same problem.

#449631 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 27 May 2009 - 12:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

I don't think there is a mod that lets you keep all of your items when moving to SoA. At the end of BG1 put all your stuff a few Bags of Holding and then use ShadowKeeper to add those bags to your PC after the start of BG2.

Wow, thanks for the quick reply :)

But unfortunately, my Shadow-keeper-fu is not that good - how would I go about doing what you described? Picking a particular bag of holding and then adding it via shadow keeper.

Thanks once again :)


Sorry, should've made it clearer - What I meant to ask is how do I pick a particular bag of holding, that has the items in it, from shadowkeeper? I mean, I know how to add an empty and new bag of holding, but not one that has existing items in it.

#449629 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 27 May 2009 - 12:37 AM in Mega Mod Help

Heya guys,

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone involved for making this big mega mod installation possible :)

But I have a question - which mod can I install that will let me keep my items from BG1? I remember I was able to do it in a previous version of BiG World, but I can't seem to find the correct mod anymore. Can anyone help me here?

Many thanks :)

#449633 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 27 May 2009 - 01:04 AM in Mega Mod Help


Actually, I would do this all with the Console, so you first CLUA yourself 1 bag, insert the items in it, then leave the bag somewhere, and then go the the transition by talking to Belt, and after the cinematics and speeches are done, CLUA yourself the same bags as you already know their codes, and then just play the game.

Thanks, I was about to attempt the very thing you described - however, what I was going to do was a little bit different. I was going to leave the bag somewhere and CLUA myself to the location and retrieve the bag - But your method is better - but the problem is, I'm not quite sure how to do it :(

Many thanks if you can describe it to me :)

#449640 BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

Posted by Rabbi Satan on 27 May 2009 - 01:43 AM in Mega Mod Help

Enabling / Accessing the CLUA Console

Thanks for the link Chevalier :)

Although I wasn't able to find out how to do what you or Jarno described, I did it in the next best way I could - I used Ctrl-G to find out the area codes, dropped the bag, then when bg2 loaded up, I teleported to the area, picked up the bag, the voila! :)

Thanks to both of you.