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#458268 Double Weapons

Posted by Taanyth on 07 August 2009 - 05:21 AM in IE Mod Ideas

This is a crazy idea I've had for a while, however my exp in modding BG is limited to minor modifications (Items, a bit of 2da editing, etc).

I thought that since there is already an anim for staffs and two weapon fighting is actually implemented in game, i wandered if there was somehow a way to make the it a double weapon.

The simplest approach would be to make a staff ability that changes it into another item that gives you an extra attack per round (Kinda like the way versatile bastard swords and katanas were implemented), however, that would mean one can use TWF without penalties despite not having the profs. Then i though you could add the extra attack and incur a penalty to thaco however that woul suck for those that actually want to use the profs. These would actually work well for IWD though, you could even add both and make the non penalties one a ranger only weapon.

Since those were rather crappy solutions i tried to think outside the box and to came with a rather unorthodox method. A rather sloppy implementation would be to make 2 identical items, one for each hand, and have them to show the staff animation when they are equipped (For the ones who think that is not realistic enough, you could always theorize that it's a magical weapon that gets it's true power once you join both parts with a command word or something like that) instead of the dual weapon anim.

The last solution i came with was a mix of those above, you could have a normal staff or you could change it into the dual weapon with an special ability

Now, is it possible for example to show the staff anim while you are holding a weapon in each hand?