// creator : D:\BG2\WEIDU.EXE (version 20800) // argument : UDSOLA01.DLG // game : . // source : ./override/UDSOLA01.DLG // dialog : ./dialog.tlk // dialogF : (none) BEGIN ~UDSOLA01~ ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING: this file contains non-trivial WEIGHTs ////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF WEIGHT #2 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from: SAY #50891 /* ~Ah. You are the newcomers that have been sent my way, I see. As if I do not have enough to accomplish in a day without suffering for the welfare of the weak.~ [UDSOLA02] */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from: 0.0 SAY #50893 /* ~There is no 'refuge' to be had in Ust Natha, fools. We pay for our existence here with blood and you shall do the same.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from: 1.0 SAY #50899 /* ~My name is Solaufein, and for now you shall do as I say to prove your worth to the Matron Mothers. Failure is death.~ */ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN GOTO 3 IF ~!Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(5) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Gender(Player6,FEMALE)~ THEN GOTO 4 IF ~!Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Gender(Player6,FEMALE)~ THEN GOTO 5 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from: 2.0 SAY #50903 /* ~And just because you are female, do not think to challenge me. You are a foreigner, here, and no better than a slave until the Matron Mothers think otherwise.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 6 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 4 // from: 2.1 SAY #50905 /* ~And just because there are females with you, do not think to challenge me. You are foreigners... no better than slaves until the Matron Mothers say otherwise.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 6 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 5 // from: 2.2 SAY #50906 /* ~Do not think to challenge me... for a male, I am highly placed in my Society. You are foreign and no better than slaves until the Matron Mothers say otherwise.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 6 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 6 // from: 5.0 4.0 3.0 SAY #50909 /* ~Pfeh! I suppose I should get your shepherding underway. Have you a name, vagrant? Or shall I simply refer to you as the ?~ */ IF ~CheckStatLT(Player1,10,CHR)~ THEN REPLY #50917 /* ~My name is... ah... Veldrin.~ */ GOTO 7 IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,9,CHR)~ THEN REPLY #50919 /* ~My name is Veldrin.~ */ GOTO 11 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #50920 /* ~The name is Veldrin, and I demand the respect I am due!~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 12 IF ~CheckStatLT(Player1,10,INT)~ THEN REPLY #50921 /* ~My name is ... ~ */ GOTO 13 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #50922 /* ~Call me whatever you like. It obviously doesn't matter.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 15 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from: 6.0 SAY #50925 /* ~Hmph. You sound so uncertain. You obviously have not held the name long. I am to be saddled with the recently proven, is that it?! A poor assignment...~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 8 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 8 // from: 15.0 14.0 12.0 11.0 7.0 SAY #50926 /* ~No matter. One of the Matron Mothers has taken an interest in your arrival and wishes to avail herself of your skills.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 9 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 9 // from: 8.0 SAY #50927 /* ~She has sent a Handmaiden to speak with you at the entrance platform to the city. I shall be there, no doubt, to herd you on your mission like a nursing mother.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 10 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 10 // from: 9.0 SAY #50929 /* ~I will go to seek her out now. If you are intelligent, you will go to the entrance platform quickly. The Handmaidens are notoriously impatient. ~ */ IF ~!IsValidForPartyDialog("Viconia") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Korgan") !IsValidForPartyDialog("HaerDalis") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Jaheira") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Anomen")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7096 /* ~Inside the Drow City I am inside Ust Natha, and have been assigned a Drow commander, Solaufein, who does not appreciate my presence in the slightest. He says that I have aroused the interest of a Matron Mother, and I am to meet him and a 'Handmaiden' at the entrance to the city to receive further instruction from her. I cannot stumble now that I am within... the slightest error on my part and the dark elves will discover what I truly am. Nothing would save me then.~ */ EXIT IF ~IsValidForPartyDialog("Viconia")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7096 /* ~Inside the Drow City I am inside Ust Natha, and have been assigned a Drow commander, Solaufein, who does not appreciate my presence in the slightest. He says that I have aroused the interest of a Matron Mother, and I am to meet him and a 'Handmaiden' at the entrance to the city to receive further instruction from her. I cannot stumble now that I am within... the slightest error on my part and the dark elves will discover what I truly am. Nothing would save me then.~ */ EXTERN ~VICONIJ~ 92 IF ~!IsValidForPartyDialog("Viconia") IsValidForPartyDialog("Korgan")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7096 /* ~Inside the Drow City I am inside Ust Natha, and have been assigned a Drow commander, Solaufein, who does not appreciate my presence in the slightest. He says that I have aroused the interest of a Matron Mother, and I am to meet him and a 'Handmaiden' at the entrance to the city to receive further instruction from her. I cannot stumble now that I am within... the slightest error on my part and the dark elves will discover what I truly am. Nothing would save me then.~ */ EXTERN ~KORGANJ~ 110 IF ~!IsValidForPartyDialog("Viconia") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Korgan") IsValidForPartyDialog("HaerDalis")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7096 /* ~Inside the Drow City I am inside Ust Natha, and have been assigned a Drow commander, Solaufein, who does not appreciate my presence in the slightest. He says that I have aroused the interest of a Matron Mother, and I am to meet him and a 'Handmaiden' at the entrance to the city to receive further instruction from her. I cannot stumble now that I am within... the slightest error on my part and the dark elves will discover what I truly am. Nothing would save me then.~ */ EXTERN ~HAERDAJ~ 96 IF ~!IsValidForPartyDialog("Viconia") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Korgan") !IsValidForPartyDialog("HaerDalis") IsValidForPartyDialog("Jaheira")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7096 /* ~Inside the Drow City I am inside Ust Natha, and have been assigned a Drow commander, Solaufein, who does not appreciate my presence in the slightest. He says that I have aroused the interest of a Matron Mother, and I am to meet him and a 'Handmaiden' at the entrance to the city to receive further instruction from her. I cannot stumble now that I am within... the slightest error on my part and the dark elves will discover what I truly am. Nothing would save me then.~ */ EXTERN ~JAHEIRAJ~ 435 IF ~!IsValidForPartyDialog("Viconia") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Korgan") !IsValidForPartyDialog("HaerDalis") !IsValidForPartyDialog("Jaheira") IsValidForPartyDialog("Anomen")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7096 /* ~Inside the Drow City I am inside Ust Natha, and have been assigned a Drow commander, Solaufein, who does not appreciate my presence in the slightest. He says that I have aroused the interest of a Matron Mother, and I am to meet him and a 'Handmaiden' at the entrance to the city to receive further instruction from her. I cannot stumble now that I am within... the slightest error on my part and the dark elves will discover what I truly am. Nothing would save me then.~ */ EXTERN ~ANOMENJ~ 253 IF ~Global("O#XanMetSoulafein1","GLOBAL",0) IfValidForPartyDialogue("O#Xan") InMyArea("O#Xan") !StateCheck("O#Xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("O#XanMetSoulafein1","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ EXTERN ~O#XANJ~ 265 IF ~Global("ADAngelInt4","GLOBAL",0) IfValidForPartyDialogue("ADAngel") InMyArea("ADAngel") !StateCheck("ADAngel",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("ADAngelInt4","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) CreateCreature("udimrae",[1470.3297],0) CreateCreature("udsola01",[1565.3346],0) ReallyForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)~ EXTERN ~ADANGELJ~ 68 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 11 // from: 6.1 SAY #50931 /* ~No backbone, just as I suspected. Am I to be saddled with a drow who has all the fierceness of a jelly? If I find out who is behind this assignment...~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 8 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 12 // from: 6.2 SAY #50932 /* ~Hah! You shall get none from me, regardless of your achievements in Ched Nasad! But your spirit may serve you well in Ust Natha, if you know when to show it.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 8 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 13 // from: 6.3 SAY #50933 /* ~What manner of name is that? A nursing name you have only recently shed? Am I saddled with one who is newly proven?! If I find out who arranged this assignment...~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 14 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 14 // from: 13.0 SAY #50935 /* ~I know your name is Veldrin, even if you cannot remember it. Obviously you are barely a century... if that. Collect your wits to survive here, fool.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 8 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 15 // from: 6.4 SAY #50940 /* ~Ha ha! I like your spirit! I'd name you Waela, the fool, but I am told your name is Veldrin. That spirit will serve you well, if you know when to quelch it.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 8 END IF WEIGHT #3 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 16 // from: SAY #50963 /* ~Ahh, it is about time you came. Handmaiden Imrae almost set priestesses on you, to lash your ankles with the tentacle rods to hurry you along!~ [UDSOLA07] */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 17 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 17 // from: 16.0 SAY #50964 /* ~But you are here, now. A Matron Mother has designated a task for you. Imrae, favored of Lolth, these are the travelers from Ched Nasad.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 1 END IF WEIGHT #4 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",1) Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 18 // from: SAY #50968 /* ~You have come. Good. Your time in Ust Natha will be far less unpleasant if you continue to perform as you are commanded in a timely fashion.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 19 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 19 // from: 18.0 SAY #50969 /* ~As I said, a Matron Mother has designated a task for us. Imrae, favored of Lolth, this is the traveler from Ched Nasad who might be of great use.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 20 // from: SAY #50970 /* ~When you are in the presence of one of Lolth's favored... or a Matron Mother... you do not speak until spoken to, fool! Where is your sense?!~ */ IF ~Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO 21 IF ~Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 23 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 21 // from: 20.0 SAY #50971 /* ~Forgive me, Handmaiden Imrae... this is the worthless excrement from Ched Nasad. I knew was worthless when I first laid eyes upon !~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 22 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 22 // from: 21.0 SAY #50972 /* ~I shall see to it that is tortured most severely for this! I shall attempt to find others who may serve the Matron Mother's will far better!~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 5 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 23 // from: 20.1 SAY #50973 /* ~Forgive me, Handmaiden Imrae... this was a most promising , by my judgement. But young and recently proven... and lacking in intelligence.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 24 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 24 // from: 23.0 SAY #50974 /* ~I was in error to bring them. I shall send them back and find others who may serve the Matron Mother's will. Please accept my most humble --~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 5 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 25 // from: SAY #50976 /* ~At once, Handmaiden. If I were to speak of the devourers, Veldrin... you would know what of I speak, yes?~ */ IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,14,INT)~ THEN REPLY #50977 /* ~You mean the illithid? Yes, I know what they are.~ */ DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 26 IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,8,INT) CheckStatLT(Player1,15,INT)~ THEN REPLY #50978 /* ~You mean the mind flayers? Yes, I know what they are.~ */ GOTO 27 IF ~CheckStatLT(Player1,9,INT)~ THEN REPLY #50979 /* ~Er... are you talking about an otyugh?~ */ DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",-1)~ GOTO 28 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #50980 /* ~No, I don't know.~ */ GOTO 29 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 26 // from: 25.0 SAY #50981 /* ~Yes, I believe that is the name they call themselves... very intelligent of you. The psions have long been one of our fiercest enemies.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 30 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 27 // from: 25.1 SAY #50982 /* ~Mind... flayers? Flayers of the mind? An interesting term for the psionic devourers, perhaps native to Ched Nasad? No matter, you are correct.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 30 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 28 // from: 25.2 SAY #50983 /* ~No, you doltish fool! I speak of the devourers... illithid! Tentacled psions that devour brains... although in your case they may overlook yours.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 30 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 29 // from: 25.3 SAY #50984 /* ~Ah. I speak of the illithid, Veldrin. Tentacled psions that devour brains. I thought you might have seen one or two on your journey. No matter.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 30 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 30 // from: 29.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 SAY #50985 /* ~A Matron Mother's eldest daughter ran afoul of devourers while scouting. Her fool companions fled or were slaughtered, and she was taken captive.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 31 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 31 // from: 30.0 SAY #50986 /* ~They know a prize when they have one, the devourers. They will bring the daughter to their city, and should they reach it she shall be lost forever.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 32 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 32 // from: 31.0 SAY #50987 /* ~With the... preparations... of the armies, we are the only ones who can intercept these devourers. We must go to their cavern entrance and wait for them.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 33 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 33 // from: 32.0 SAY #50988 /* ~Handmaiden Imrae has given me a blessed item of Lolth that will pull the devourers from their astral travel there... and it is there we must pounce.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 34 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 34 // from: 33.0 SAY #50989 /* ~The Matron Mother has no desire to see her eldest daughter become a snack for the devourers, so we must not fail! Do you understand, Veldrin? ~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #50997 /* ~I am to meet you at the entrance to the illithid caverns and ambush some illithid who have a Matron Mother's daughter captive.~ */ GOTO 35 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 35 // from: 34.0 SAY #50998 /* ~Exactly. The illithid tunnels are in the southeast portion of the main Underdark cavern. I will be scouting and you will find me there when you arrive.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 36 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 36 // from: 35.0 SAY #50999 /* ~We do not expect the illithids for some time, yet, so you have the opportunity to rest and resupply yourself, if that is what you wish to do.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 37 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 37 // from: 36.0 SAY #51000 /* ~You must meet me at the entrance to the illithid tunnels within the next twelve hours, no more. Do not be late.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 6 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 38 // from: SAY #51004 /* ~As... as you wish, Handmaiden.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) ActionOverride("Imrae",EscapeArea()) EscapeAreaMove("ar2100",4707,3105,4)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #15787 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have been assigned the task of rescuing a Matron Mother's daughter from the illithids that have captured her. I am to meet Solaufein near the entrance to the illithid city, in the southeast portion of the main cavern area, where he will draw the illithids from their astral travel. I should delay as little as possible.~ */ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #5 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~AreaCheck("AR2100") Global("SolNoTalk1","GLOBAL",0) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 39 // from: SAY #51005 /* ~Good, you are here. I was beginning to wonder how long I would have to remain waiting amongst these forsaken rocks before you showed up.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 40 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 40 // from: 39.0 SAY #51006 /* ~But your timing could not be better. I sense that the illithids will come within range, soon, and I may safely pull them out of the astral plane.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 41 IF ~Global("O#XanToRescuePhaere1","GLOBAL",0) IfValidForPartyDialogue("O#Xan") InMyArea("O#Xan") !StateCheck("O#Xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("O#XanToRescuePhaere1","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~O#XANJ~ 266 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 41 // from: 166.0 43.0 40.0 SAY #51007 /* ~Have you a question before the battle, Veldrin? Make it quick.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51013 /* ~Who, exactly, are we here to rescue?~ */ GOTO 44 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51014 /* ~Is there anything I should know about fighting the illithids?~ */ GOTO 47 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51021 /* ~I'm sorry about you being punished, I didn't mean to anger the Handmaiden.~ */ DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 49 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51022 /* ~No, no questions.~ */ GOTO 51 END IF WEIGHT #6 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolNoTalk1","GLOBAL",0) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",2) GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 42 // from: SAY #51008 /* ~Finally you show yourself! I thought I would have to search for you in this forsaken cavern, or find your useless carcass dead at the hands of a svirfneblin!~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 43 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 43 // from: 42.0 SAY #51011 /* ~The illithid draw near with their captive, and soon I shall draw them out of the astral plane for our ambush. I do hope you fight better than you think.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 41 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 44 // from: 41.0 SAY #51023 /* ~Her name is Phaere of House Despana, eldest of the Matron Mother Ardulace. Be sure that you do not harm her, even by accident.~ */ IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO 45 IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 45 // from: 44.0 SAY #51024 /* ~Do not expect to be rewarded by Phaere if our rescue is successful... she expects no less from lesser drow. We have no choice in the matter.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 46 // from: 51.0 50.0 49.1 48.0 47.1 45.0 44.1 SAY #51025 /* ~But enough talk. I sense the illithids' approach. Wait and I shall bring them out of the astral plane when they come close.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetInterrupt(FALSE) DialogueInterrupt(FALSE) SetGlobal("SolNoTalk1","GLOBAL",1) Wait(5) ForceSpell(Myself,DO_NOTHING) Wait(5) ForceSpell(Myself,DO_NOTHING) Wait(5) ForceSpell(Myself,DO_NOTHING) Wait(1) ScreenShake([4707.3105],5) Wait(1) DialogueInterrupt(TRUE) SetInterrupt(TRUE) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("Cut44v")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 47 // from: 41.1 SAY #51026 /* ~Not much. Strike quickly before their mind powers can leave you helpless for them to devour your brain at their leisure. Protect yourself, if you can.~ */ IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 48 IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 48 // from: 47.0 SAY #51027 /* ~Not that I expect you to aid me much in this coming battle. With one such as you at my side, I fully expect to perish at the hands of the devourers. Pfeh!~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 49 // from: 41.2 SAY #51028 /* ~You are not very drow, to show such a weakness as sympathy. Keep your heart as steel and destroy the illithids. This will please me more than an apology.~ */ IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO 50 IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 50 // from: 49.0 SAY #51029 /* ~Although I... appreciate... the thought behind your words. Handmaiden Imrae enjoyed adminstering her punishment excessively. It was... difficult.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 51 // from: 41.3 SAY #51030 /* ~As you wish. Do not hesitate to strike the illithids when they come and you shall please both I and the Matron Mother both.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 52 // from: SAY #51032 /* ~Greetings, Phaere, daughter of Ardulace. I trust you are uninjured?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 53 // from: SAY #51034 /* ~I did as I was commanded.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 54 // from: SAY #51036 /* ~That one? That is --~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 55 // from: SAY #51047 /* ~You are going to return on your own? No! What if you encounter danger once again?! I shall not be responsible for --~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 8 END IF WEIGHT #7 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("udDrowPlot","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN 56 // from: SAY #51049 /* ~Blasted, arrogant wench! May the Spider Queen bite at her black heart!~ [UDSOLA12] */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 57 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 57 // from: 56.0 SAY #51051 /* ~I shall follow her, to ensure her over-confidence does not endanger us all. Return to the city on your own, Veldrin. I shall meet you at the city's entrance. ~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udDrowPlot","GLOBAL",6) SetGlobalTimer("udSolTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",4) EscapeAreaMove("AR2200",1565,3346,0)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #20170 /* ~Inside the Drow City I rescued the Matron Mother's daughter, Phaere. She knew Solaufein, and also showed a passing interest in me. She went back to the city on her own. Solaufein followed, commanding that I meet him inside the city entrance soon.~ */ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #8 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN BEGIN 58 // from: SAY #51055 /* ~You have returned, finally. Good. Bad enough that I had to worry over Phaere's safe return, I was not about to start concerning myself over yours.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 8 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 59 // from: SAY #51064 /* ~But, Handmaiden, I have no wish to --~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDIMRAE~ 11 END IF WEIGHT #9 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~InPartySlot(LastTalkedToBy,0) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",5) GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN 60 // from: SAY #51084 /* ~What do you want?! Bad enough I am forced to attend the wishes of that fiendish witch... must I also continue to endure your insipid presence?!~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51085 /* ~Cool down, I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions.~ */ GOTO 61 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51086 /* ~Just what is your problem with me, anyway?~ */ GOTO 62 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51087 /* ~Keep on speaking to me like that and you'll have a blade where your heart used to be!~ */ GOTO 63 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51088 /* ~I suppose I'll go elsewhere, then.~ */ GOTO 65 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 61 // from: 66.0 62.1 60.0 SAY #51089 /* ~Questions?! I'll not endure your endless badgering, fool! Run around flapping your arms and I'm sure you'll draw plenty of drow to answer your 'questions'.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51090 /* ~There's no need to speak to me like that, really.~ */ GOTO 66 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51114 /* ~Just what is your problem with me, anyway?~ */ GOTO 62 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51091 /* ~Keep talking like that and you'll be breathing through extra holes.~ */ GOTO 63 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51092 /* ~Fine, I'll go.~ */ GOTO 65 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 62 // from: 61.1 60.1 SAY #51093 /* ~My problem is that I do not wish to be associated with a gutless, dull-minded drow like yourself a moment longer than I am required to. Slither away, fool.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51094 /* ~There is no need to talk to me in such a manner.~ */ GOTO 66 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51115 /* ~Calm down, I just want to ask a couple of questions.~ */ GOTO 61 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51112 /* ~Keep talking like that and we'll be crossing blades!~ */ GOTO 63 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51113 /* ~Fine, I'll go.~ */ GOTO 65 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 63 // from: 66.1 62.2 61.2 60.2 SAY #51116 /* ~Hmph. Well, perhaps there is a spine somewhere in there, after all. Sheathe your blade, fool. I've no wish to spill blood.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 64 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 64 // from: 63.0 SAY #51117 /* ~It was not your fault that I was assigned to be your caretaker, here, I suppose. More machinations of the witch and her unholy mother, I would imagine. Pfeh.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51118 /* ~What's the deal with you and Phaere?~ */ GOTO 67 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51119 /* ~What's there to do, here?~ */ GOTO 69 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51120 /* ~Do you know anything about dragons in these caverns?~ */ GOTO 70 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51121 /* ~I'll be on my way.~ */ GOTO 73 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 65 // from: 66.2 62.3 61.3 60.3 SAY #51122 /* ~Do that. And do not bother me further.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 66 // from: 62.0 61.0 SAY #51123 /* ~Obviously there is, since you are still here speaking to me. Go elsewhere or I shall be forced to slice you open like the mewling cattle that you are.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51124 /* ~Calm down, I just wanted to ask you some questions.~ */ GOTO 61 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51125 /* ~Perhaps we'll just see who slices who!~ */ GOTO 63 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51126 /* ~Fine, I'm going.~ */ GOTO 65 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 67 // from: 74.0 72.0 69.0 64.0 SAY #51127 /* ~That is something I would rather not discuss, Veldrin. With you or with anyone.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 68 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 68 // from: 67.0 SAY #51128 /* ~Suffice it to say that I have had dealings with Phaere and House Despana once before. Due to my own alliances, however, they cannot take proper revenge. Yet. ~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51129 /* ~What's there to do, here?~ */ GOTO 69 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51130 /* ~Do you know anything about dragons in these caverns?~ */ GOTO 70 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51131 /* ~I'll be on my way, then.~ */ GOTO 73 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 69 // from: 74.1 72.1 68.0 64.1 SAY #51132 /* ~There are many entertainments to please even the most cruel or lustful amongst us, Veldrin. I am sure you can find something. I, myself, am rather uninterested.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51133 /* ~Tell me, then, what's the deal with you and Phaere?~ */ GOTO 67 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51134 /* ~Do you know anything about dragons in these caverns?~ */ GOTO 70 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51135 /* ~I'll be on my way, then.~ */ GOTO 73 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 70 // from: 74.2 69.1 68.1 64.2 SAY #51136 /* ~Eh? Dragons? Dragon-kind can be found throughout the Underdark, Veldrin, as I'm sure you well know. Some walk amongst our kind, when it suits them.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 71 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 71 // from: 70.0 SAY #51137 /* ~But in the vicinity of Ust Natha, I would have to say no... there are few dragon-kind found here. The most dangerous were driven off long ago.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 72 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 72 // from: 71.0 SAY #51138 /* ~It is said there is an ancient dragon of silver that guards the old passages to the surface, where our hated cousins live. Perhaps the stories are true.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51139 /* ~What is the deal with you and Phaere?~ */ GOTO 67 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51140 /* ~What is there to do, here?~ */ GOTO 69 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51141 /* ~I'll be going, then.~ */ GOTO 73 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 73 // from: 74.3 72.2 69.2 68.2 64.3 SAY #51142 /* ~As you wish.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF WEIGHT #10 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~InPartySlot(LastTalkedToBy,0) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",5) GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN 74 // from: SAY #51143 /* ~What is it, Veldrin? I wish nothing more than to be left on my own and beyond the clutches of that Despana witch.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51147 /* ~What's the deal between you and Phaere, anyway?~ */ GOTO 67 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51148 /* ~Can you recommend anything to do around here?~ */ GOTO 69 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51149 /* ~Do you know anything about dragons in these caverns?~ */ GOTO 70 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51150 /* ~Then I'll be on my way.~ */ GOTO 73 END IF WEIGHT #11 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~!InPartySlot(LastTalkedToBy,0) Gender(LastTalkedToBy,FEMALE) GlobalLT("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",2) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN 75 // from: SAY #51151 /* ~Leave me be, female. Your kind has given me more than enough grief to last me a millenia. Is it not bad enough that I was dragged here against my will?~ [UDSOLA13] */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF WEIGHT #12 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~!InPartySlot(LastTalkedToBy,0) Gender(LastTalkedToBy,MALE) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",5) GlobalLT("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN 76 // from: SAY #51153 /* ~I have no desire to speak to you or anyone, drow. Begone. Tell your tales of Ched Nasad to those who would care.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 77 // from: SAY #51161 /* ~Ah. I must have been invisible and uninvolved during that encounter, I see.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 10 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 78 // from: SAY #51180 /* ~Perhaps has not yet seen the hook behind the worm, Phaere. The ignorant are always blissful.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 15 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 79 // from: SAY #51190 /* ~Why don't you go ahead and carve out heart now, Phaere? You will get to that part eventually, won't you?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 17 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 80 // from: SAY #51203 /* ~Perhaps you should play a lyre and do a dance, Phaere, and may even start to believe that.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 19 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 81 // from: SAY #51212 /* ~(snort) If you knew what was good for you, Veldrin, you would begin running in the other direction as soon as the spider shows its fangs.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 21 END IF WEIGHT #13 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 82 // from: SAY #51323 /* ~(snort) Don't talk to me. Phaere dragged us here, and she has told me nothing. You are unfortunate enough to have her favor... pry her plans from her.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF WEIGHT #14 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",2) GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 83 // from: SAY #51324 /* ~Bah! I have nothing to do with this expedition! Do not talk to me about it!~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 84 // from: SAY #51325 /* ~What, exactly, are we to be ready for, Phaere? Why have you brought us out here? Is this some fool ambition of yours?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 44 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 85 // from: SAY #51327 /* ~I wasn't aware Mother Ardulace did anything 'for the good of the city'.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 45 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 86 // from: SAY #51330 /* ~What is this?! Did you say 'we'?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 46 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 87 // from: SAY #51359 /* ~Make sure none of your attacks harm either myself or Phaere. Such 'accidents' happen far too often... and you are not trusted, here.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 50 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 88 // from: SAY #51363 /* ~Concentrate all of your effort upon the eye tyrant, Veldrin. And do not bring harm to Phaere or myself... such 'accidents' happen far too often for my liking.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 50 END IF WEIGHT #15 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN BEGIN 89 // from: SAY #51377 /* ~A most brilliant victory! The Spider Queen smiles on us today! We have spat in the great eye of the eye tyrants and live to tell the tale!~ [UDSOLA10] */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(23500) AddexperienceParty(20000)~ EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 51 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 90 // from: SAY #51398 /* ~Deal with it? What do you speak of, Phaere? Why would acolytes wish to do anything with the corpse of an eye tyrant?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 52 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 91 // from: SAY #51404 /* ~What is going on, here, Phaere? This is too suspicious.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 53 END IF WEIGHT #16 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",5) GlobalLT("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",6)~ THEN BEGIN 92 // from: SAY #51407 /* ~Leave me be.~ [UDSOLA13] */ IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY #51408 /* ~Why? What's wrong now?~ */ GOTO 93 IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY #51409 /* ~Why? What's wrong now?~ */ GOTO 94 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51410 /* ~Very well.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 93 // from: 92.0 SAY #51412 /* ~(sigh) Phaere and I have had... words. It has nothing to do with you.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 94 // from: 92.1 SAY #51415 /* ~I told you to leave me be! Is your brain so much drivel that you cannot understand my command?! Would you understand better with a dagger in your skull?!~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51417 /* ~Threaten me again, Solaufein, and we shall see which of us ends up with a dagger in our skull.~ */ GOTO 95 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51421 /* ~It was just a simple question.~ */ GOTO 96 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51424 /* ~Fine, fine, I'll leave you be.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 95 // from: 94.0 SAY #51430 /* ~Hmph. So you do have a spine. It shall do you no good if Phaere gets her talons into you. I'll not spill your blood here, fool... speak to her if you wish.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 96 // from: 94.1 SAY #51435 /* ~A simple question from a simple fool. You are no true drow. All the s of Ched Nasad cannot be as you, or the place would have been wiped out long ago.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",-1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 97 // from: SAY #51463 /* ~Just spit it out, if you must.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 57 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 98 // from: SAY #51469 /* ~You... you want me to kill svirfneblin?! Gnomes?! Such a minor task, and I am to waste my time on it?! I have better things to do, woman!!~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 59 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 99 // from: SAY #51473 /* ~Bah! As if the Spider Queen would care what we do with the deep gnomes! Send Veldrin, if you're so interested! I'm sure can do it without me, I assure you!~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 60 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 100 // from: SAY #51480 /* ~If this is what the Matron Mother decrees, then I have little choice. I will go, now. Veldrin, catch up quickly... I expect you there without delay.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",6) SetGlobal("udPhaTimerOn","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("udPhaTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) EscapeAreaMove("ar2100",894,2222,0)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #5832 /* ~Inside the Drow City Phaere has given us another task from the Matron Mother: we are to go to the north end of the caverns near the svirfneblin village and slaughter a patrol of deep gnomes to instill more fear in their people. Solaufein seems unwilling, preferring that I complete this job, but Phaere was adamant. I am to meet Solaufein near the village within a few days at most.~ */ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #17 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",6) Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",5) Global("GnomePatrolDead","AR2100",0) Global("SolSpeakGnome","AR2100",0)~ THEN BEGIN 101 // from: SAY #51496 /* ~Finally, there you are. We shall wait here for the patrol to come to us. One will come soon, I expect, and then we can get this over with.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51497 /* ~Fine. Let's wait for it to arrive, then.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolSpeakGnome","AR2100",1)~ GOTO 102 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51498 /* ~Good! I can't wait... this should be easy.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolSpeakGnome","AR2100",1)~ GOTO 103 IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY #51499 /* ~I can handle this myself, Solaufein, if you would prefer to return to the city.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolSpeakGnome","AR2100",1)~ GOTO 104 IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY #51500 /* ~I can handle this myself, Solaufein, if you would prefer to return to the city.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolSpeakGnome","AR2100",1)~ GOTO 105 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 102 // from: 108.0 106.0 105.0 104.1 103.0 101.0 SAY #51501 /* ~(sigh) It should not be long. Prepare yourself and do nothing idiotic.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~DialogueInterrupt(FALSE) SetGlobal("udKillGnomes","AR2100",1) Wait(5) CreateCreature("udsvir07",[682.1246],0) CreateCreature("udsvir07",[682.1246],0) CreateCreature("udsvir07",[682.1246],0) CreateCreature("udsvir07",[682.1246],0) CreateCreature("udsvir08",[682.1246],0) DialogueInterrupt(TRUE)~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 103 // from: 101.1 SAY #51502 /* ~Hmph. You are actually looking forward to this? The deep gnomes are weak, this is too simple a task. It is almost beneath me to even be here.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51503 /* ~Let's just get it over with quickly, then.~ */ GOTO 102 IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY #51504 /* ~If you don't want to be here, then go. I can handle it.~ */ GOTO 104 IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY #51505 /* ~If you don't want to be here, then go. I can handle it.~ */ GOTO 105 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51506 /* ~Any chance to prove Drow superiority should be relished. You are weak to suggest otherwise.~ */ DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",-1)~ GOTO 106 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 104 // from: 105.3 105.1 103.1 101.2 SAY #51507 /* ~Hmmm. Perhaps I will take you up on your offer, then. Phaere enjoys making me dance, and I have no desire to comply. Are you sure you can accomplish this?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51508 /* ~Yes, of course.~ */ GOTO 107 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51509 /* ~Perhaps I was hasty. Let's just get this over with.~ */ GOTO 102 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 105 // from: 103.2 101.3 SAY #51510 /* ~(snort) Leave you to deal with the deep gnomes alone? You would trip over your own feet and be lost. Why would I even consider such a thing?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51511 /* ~Fine, then. Let's just get this over with quickly.~ */ GOTO 102 IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,11,CHR)~ THEN REPLY #51512 /* ~I fought well against the illithids and a beholder... I can handle the svirfneblin.~ */ GOTO 104 IF ~CheckStatLT(Player1,12,CHR)~ THEN REPLY #51513 /* ~I fought well against the illithids and a beholder... I can handle the svirfneblin.~ */ GOTO 108 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51514 /* ~I can handle the deep gnomes, but if you would prefer to dance to Phaere's tune, that's up to you.~ */ GOTO 104 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 106 // from: 103.3 SAY #51515 /* ~This proves nothing more than the bloodthirstiness of the Matron Mothers, fool, although I am sure that will please the Spider Queen well enough on its own.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 102 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 107 // from: 104.0 SAY #51516 /* ~Very well, I will go. Once the deed is done, take the helmet of the leader and return to the tavern in Ust Natha... I will meet you there. Do not fail, Veldrin.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",7) SetGlobal("spawnGnomes","AR2100",1) EscapeAreaMove("AR2202",953,692,0)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #15745 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have convinced Solaufein to return to the city, leaving me to deal with the svirfneblin on my own. I am to go to the tavern in Ust Natha to meet Phaere after I am done, bringing with me the gnome patrol leader's helmet as proof of the deed.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 108 // from: 105.2 SAY #51518 /* ~The deep gnomes are trickier than you think. And if you fail, then I fail. I do not want to end up on the altar as a result of your incompetence!~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 102 END IF WEIGHT #18 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",6) Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",5) Global("GnomePatrolDead","AR2100",1)~ THEN BEGIN 109 // from: SAY #51519 /* ~It is done. Pfeh. I am returning to the city, now. Find the leader's helmet, Veldrin. Return quickly to the tavern with it and I shall meet you there.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",7) EscapeAreaMove("AR2202",953,692,0)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23519 /* ~Inside the Drow City The gnome patrol is dead. Solaufein has returned to Ust Natha, disgusted, and commanded that I search the bodies for the patrol leader's helmet and return to the tavern to meet with Phaere.~ */ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #19 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",5) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN 110 // from: SAY #51524 /* ~Just give the helmet to Phaere and let us be done with this. If we are fortunate, the Matron Mother will have no further task to drag us into.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 111 // from: SAY #51525 /* ~Hmph. Ah, yes, I am sure the gnomes were suitably impressed by our display of viciousness. No doubt they had no inkling we were capable of such a feat.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 66 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 112 // from: SAY #51527 /* ~I save my wrath for the drow's true enemies. Lolth knows this, as does the Matron Mother of my own House.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 67 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 113 // from: SAY #51529 /* ~I call your bluff, arrogant one. Act and you risk war between your House and mine. How would Mother Ardulace see that, I wonder?~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 68 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 114 // from: SAY #51531 /* ~You should be so lucky, Despana bitch.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 69 END IF WEIGHT #20 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",6) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN 115 // from: SAY #51546 /* ~I have no interest in speaking right now. All I desire is to remain here and drown myself in black mead until I forget I ever met that witch.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 116 // from: SAY #51553 /* ~Wird os gnassen vist! Drow od mird Lolth!!~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDSVIR08~ 1 END IF WEIGHT #21 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",6) Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",8)~ THEN BEGIN 117 // from: SAY #51692 /* ~Veldrin?! What are you doing here? The Matron Mothers have not given me another task so soon, have they? I was given leave to rest!~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51693 /* ~No, Solaufein. I was sent here to kill you... time to die, fool.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 118 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51694 /* ~I'm sorry, Solaufein... I have no choice. I have to kill you.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 119 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51695 /* ~Phaere sent me to kill you, Solaufein, but I'm not going to do it.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("udSolTimerOn","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO 122 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 118 // from: 117.0 SAY #51696 /* ~So... she acts at last, eh? It had to end like this, one way or another. Well, you will not find me an easy target, sniveling whelp!!~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23444 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have found Solaufein at his quarters and battled him. I only need take his piwawfi cloak and return to Phaere's apartment.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 119 // from: 117.1 SAY #51697 /* ~Ah... it was only a matter of time. She and I were... lovers, but the Matron Mother saw she was feeling more care for me than the Spider Queen would allow.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 120 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 120 // from: 119.0 SAY #51698 /* ~She suffered torture at the hands of the tentacle rods... I shudder at the thought. All that remained once the Handmaidens were done was her ambition.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 121 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 121 // from: 120.0 SAY #51699 /* ~And I... I remained only as a reminder of her weakness. Very well, then. It had to end like this, and so it shall. But Solaufein shall not go quietly!~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51700 /* ~Wait! We don't have to do this!!~ */ GOTO 126 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51701 /* ~Let's get this over with.~ */ DO ~Enemy()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23444 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have found Solaufein at his quarters and battled him. I only need take his piwawfi cloak and return to Phaere's apartment.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 122 // from: 117.2 SAY #51702 /* ~I see. It was only a matter of time before she acted, I suppose. No alliance of mine to any House could prevent the unseen dagger from plunging into my back.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 123 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 123 // from: 122.0 SAY #51703 /* ~Phaere and I were... lovers once. Mother Ardulace felt Phaere cared for me in a most un-drow-like fashion and had her taken by the Handmaidens.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 124 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 124 // from: 123.0 SAY #51705 /* ~They tortured her with tentacle rods... tortures I can only shudder at the thought of. When they were done all that remained of Phaere was her ambition.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 125 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 125 // from: 124.0 SAY #51706 /* ~And I... I remained only as a constant reminder of her weakness. (sigh) I have been expecting this for a long time.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 126 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 126 // from: 125.0 121.0 SAY #51708 /* ~So, then. If you are not going to kill me, what do you propose that we do?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51709 /* ~I don't know. I suppose I will have to kill you, regardless... there doesn't seem to be any way out of this.~ */ GOTO 127 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51710 /* ~I need your piwawfi cloak to prove to Phaere that you are dead... but what will you do?~ */ GOTO 128 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51711 /* ~You can join with us, Solaufein... and leave this place.~ */ GOTO 133 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 127 // from: 135.0 134.0 126.0 SAY #51712 /* ~So be it. It had to end like this, and so it shall.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23444 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have found Solaufein at his quarters and battled him. I only need take his piwawfi cloak and return to Phaere's apartment.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 128 // from: 126.1 SAY #51713 /* ~You can have my cloak... I have little need of it. And I... I do not know. I cannot be seen in the city without endangering your lives as well as my own.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("misc9w",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO 129 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 129 // from: 128.0 SAY #51714 /* ~And I do not wish war between my House and the Despana. I... I have never wished to harm those who were not foul and evil, true enemies of the drow.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 130 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 130 // from: 129.0 SAY #51715 /* ~I... I do not know why I tell you this... perhaps it is the mercy you show me, but I feel we drow have lost the right path. We need to be led back to it.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 131 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 131 // from: 130.0 SAY #51716 /* ~I will seek those who feel as I do, perhaps. I shall remain in the shadows and not betray your secret, Veldrin.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 132 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 132 // from: 131.0 SAY #51717 /* ~I thank you for the mercy you have shown... it suggests that there is hope for our people. May... may Eilistraee, Lady Silverhair, watch over you always.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",9) EscapeArea()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23445 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have talked Solaufein into giving me his piwawfi cloak. With luck, he will not betray me and Phaere will never know the difference. It doesn't seem like he will... from the sounds of it, Solaufein is unlike other drow, and actually expressed disgust with their ways. Perhaps he and I shall meet again.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 133 // from: 126.2 SAY #51719 /* ~Join with you? Leave? To where, Ched Nasad? No... I can see that you do not mean that place. In fact... in fact, you are not from that place, are you?~ */ IF ~GlobalLT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 134 IF ~GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO 135 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 134 // from: 133.0 SAY #51722 /* ~You are not drow. I should have suspected it sooner, perhaps... Who are you, then? Why are you masqueraded as such?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51727 /* ~You have pierced my disguise? Then I cannot let you live, drow. It is too dangerous for me.~ */ GOTO 127 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51728 /* ~My name is , and I'm a surface . But I cannot tell you why I am here.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO 136 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51730 /* ~My name is , and I'm a surface . I have been sent here to retrieve the stolen eggs of the silver dragon.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO 141 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51731 /* ~I am sorry, Solaufein, but I cannot tell you anything of myself.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO 143 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 135 // from: 133.1 SAY #51724 /* ~You are not drow. I should have known sooner, I think... Who are you, then? Why have you masqueraded yourself as drow?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51740 /* ~You have pierced my disguise? Then I cannot let you live, drow. It is too dangerous for me.~ */ GOTO 127 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51741 /* ~My name is , and I'm a surface . But I cannot tell you why I am here.~ */ GOTO 136 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51742 /* ~My name is , and I'm a surface . I have been sent here to retrieve the stolen eggs of the silver dragon.~ */ GOTO 141 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #51743 /* ~I am sorry, Solaufein, but I cannot tell you anything of myself.~ */ GOTO 143 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 136 // from: 142.0 135.1 134.1 SAY #51739 /* ~A... surface ? It explains much, including the mercy you show me now. No drow would do such, I suspect, and I shall not betray you, .~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 137 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 137 // from: 136.0 SAY #51744 /* ~I cannot return to Ust Natha without endangering you... and myself. Since you are from the surface, I will tell you something I would tell no other...~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 138 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 138 // from: 137.0 SAY #51745 /* ~The Spider Queen holds no sway over my heart. I worship Lady Silverhair, Eilistraee, and like her I believe that my people have strayed from the path.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 139 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 139 // from: 138.0 SAY #51746 /* ~I will remain in the shadows, and seek out others like me. There must be more... I am sure of it. Perhaps my people can yet be saved from themselves.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 140 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 140 // from: 139.0 SAY #51748 /* ~Thank you, ... for your mercy. Perhaps one day I will stand on the surface and see the moon of my Eilistraee... Until then, farewell.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("misc9w",LastTalkedToBy,0,0,0) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",9) EscapeArea()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23445 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have talked Solaufein into giving me his piwawfi cloak. With luck, he will not betray me and Phaere will never know the difference. It doesn't seem like he will... from the sounds of it, Solaufein is unlike other drow, and actually expressed disgust with their ways. Perhaps he and I shall meet again.~ */ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 141 // from: 135.2 134.2 SAY #51749 /* ~I know a little of this. The Matron Mothers claim the great silver dragon guarding the entrances to the surface elves' temple would no longer be a hindrance.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 142 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 142 // from: 141.0 SAY #51750 /* ~In fact, it was Mother Ardulace that made that announcement. I believe she would hold the eggs you seek... but I do not know where such things would be kept.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 136 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 143 // from: 135.3 134.3 SAY #51752 /* ~I see. You have done me a turn, however, which no other drow would do... I shall not betray you. I cannot be seen in the city without endangering us both.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 144 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 144 // from: 143.0 SAY #51753 /* ~Nor do I wish a war between my House and the Despana. My people have... strayed... I think. Perhaps I can find others who feel as I do.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 145 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 145 // from: 144.0 SAY #51754 /* ~I will help you in the future, if I can, surfacer. Until that day, I offer you my thanks. Until fortune causes us to cross paths once again, farewell.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("misc9w",LastTalkedToBy,0,0,0) SetGlobal("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",9) EscapeArea()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #23445 /* ~Inside the Drow City I have talked Solaufein into giving me his piwawfi cloak. With luck, he will not betray me and Phaere will never know the difference. It doesn't seem like he will... from the sounds of it, Solaufein is unlike other drow, and actually expressed disgust with their ways. Perhaps he and I shall meet again.~ */ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #22 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",9) Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 146 // from: SAY #52022 /* ~Veldrin! Excellent, I have found you. I have been watching you for some time, now, here in the city.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 147 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 147 // from: 146.0 SAY #52023 /* ~I do not know your purpose, or if you will listen to me. But I have something to offer... something to give that treacherous wench, Phaere, what she deserves.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 148 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 148 // from: 147.0 SAY #52024 /* ~I followed her and saw that she had duplicates of the dragon's eggs made... and I have surmised her plan. I have had a second copy made.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 149 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 149 // from: 148.0 SAY #52025 /* ~Phaere had her copies marked so she would recognize them, but these have no such mark. They will fool her if you give them to her instead of the real eggs.~ */ IF ~Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 150 IF ~Global("O#XanSolaEggsFreely1","GLOBAL",0) IfValidForPartyDialogue("O#Xan") InMyArea("O#Xan") !StateCheck("O#Xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("O#XanSolaEggsFreely1","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~O#XANJ~ 267 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 150 // from: 167.0 149.0 SAY #52026 /* ~Will you take them, Veldrin? Will you take them and give them to her?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #52027 /* ~I will. Thank you, Solaufein.~ */ DO ~GiveItemCreate("MISC9v",LastTalkedToBy,0,0,0)~ GOTO 151 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #52028 /* ~No. I have no intention of betraying Phaere.~ */ GOTO 153 IF ~Global("BHalSolaufein2","GLOBAL",0) IfValidForPartyDialogue("B!HALDAMIR") InMyArea("B!HALDAMIR") !StateCheck("B!HALDAMIR",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("BHalSolaufein2","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~B!HALJ~ 200 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 151 // from: 150.0 SAY #52029 /* ~Good. Whatever your purpose in this city, I don't care. But since you spared my life... well, I only wish I could be there to see the look on her face.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 152 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 152 // from: 151.0 SAY #52030 /* ~Fare you well, then... and good luck.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeAreaObject("Tran2100")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 153 // from: 150.1 SAY #52031 /* ~You are odd. You spare me, yet continue to do as Phaere commands? She will walk over your carcass just as she did mine! You'll not see me again.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeAreaObject("Tran2100")~ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #23 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",9) GlobalGT("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 154 // from: SAY #52032 /* ~Surfacer! I have found you! I have been hiding in the shadows of the city for some time, now, and I believe I may be able to repay you for your mercy.~ */ IF ~Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN GOTO 155 IF ~Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN GOTO 159 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 155 // from: 154.0 SAY #52037 /* ~You did not tell me your reason for being here in the drow city, but I may know. I followed Phaere and saw she had copies of the dragon's eggs created.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 156 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 156 // from: 159.0 155.0 SAY #52039 /* ~I have surmised her plan... and, no doubt, it involves using you as well. I believe I have a way that you can fool her, if that is what you wish.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 157 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 157 // from: 156.0 SAY #52040 /* ~I had an additional copy of the eggs made. Phaere marked hers so she could recognize them... these are not. She will be fooled, if you give them to her.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 158 IF ~Global("O#XanSolaEggsFreely2","GLOBAL",0) IfValidForPartyDialogue("O#Xan") InMyArea("O#Xan") !StateCheck("O#Xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("O#XanSolaEggsFreely2","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~O#XANJ~ 268 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 158 // from: 168.0 157.0 SAY #52041 /* ~I care nothing for the drow war on the surface elves, and I spit on Phaere and her House. I can give this extra copy of the eggs to you to foil her plans. ~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #52043 /* ~Yes, give them to me. This should work perfectly.~ */ DO ~GiveItemCreate("MISC9v",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO 160 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #52044 /* ~I don't trust you, Solaufein. I will work this out my own way.~ */ GOTO 162 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 159 // from: 154.1 SAY #52042 /* ~You mentioned your mission to me... and I believe I may be able to help you. I recently followed Phaere as she went to have copies of the dragon's eggs made.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 156 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 160 // from: 158.0 SAY #52045 /* ~Excellent. I wish I could be there to see the look on her face... and tell her that it was I who fooled her. But it is well enough that I am not.~ */ IF ~~ THEN UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #7147 /* ~The Drow Summoning Ritual I have encountered Solaufein once again, who has apparently snuck back into the city to spy on Phaere. He thanked me for sparing him, and gave me another copy of the silver dragon eggs... these ones even Phaere will not be able to distinguish from the real ones.~ */ GOTO 161 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 161 // from: 160.0 SAY #52046 /* ~Fare you well, surfacer. I shall praise your name when I hear of Despana's wretched fall.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeAreaObject("Tran2100")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 162 // from: 158.1 SAY #52047 /* ~You are wise not to trust me, surfacer... although I wish I could convince you otherwise. I pray you find a way to engineer the witch's fall without me.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 163 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 163 // from: 162.0 SAY #52048 /* ~Good fortune to you, then, surfacer. We shall not meet again.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeAreaObject("Tran2100")~ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #24 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~Global("SolaufeinJob","GLOBAL",6) Global("PhaereJob","GLOBAL",5) Global("GnomePatrolDead","AR2100",0) Global("SolSpeakGnome","AR2100",1)~ THEN BEGIN 164 // from: SAY #61246 /* ~Silence now. Let us finish this distasteful task and be done with it.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF WEIGHT #25 /* Triggers after states #: 176 183 even though they appear after this state */ ~True()~ THEN BEGIN 165 // from: SAY #62037 /* ~My mind is occupied with thoughts of the future and I have no time for idle chatter.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 166 // from: SAY #82077 /* ~You would do well to follow your leader in silence, male. As I said, you are still no better than a slave.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 41 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 167 // from: SAY #82079 /* ~Phaere caused more pain than you know. Do not speak of what you do not understand.~ */ IF ~Global("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO 150 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 168 // from: SAY #82079 /* ~Phaere caused more pain than you know. Do not speak of what you do not understand.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 158 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 169 // from: SAY #95192 /* ~What do you want? The glitter of your eyes does not bode well.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 170 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 170 // from: SAY #95193 /* ~Are you mad? That *I* should comfort in an hour of desire?!~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 171 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 171 // from: 170.0 SAY #95194 /* ~You surpass yourself, Phaere. I would not have thought it possible that you could find work for me even lower than that which you have already found. But you have succeeded.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 171 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 172 // from: SAY #82135 /* ~(snort)~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 173 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 173 // from: SAY #95195 /* ~You play with fire, Phaere. My house will not appreciate this humiliation!~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 175 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 174 // from: SAY #95196 /* ~As... as you wish, Phaere.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Anomen") OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtAnomen","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Aerie") OR(2) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtAerie","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira") OR(2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtJaheira","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Viconia") OR(2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtViconia","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Aerie") OR(2) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) IfValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira") OR(2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtAerie","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtJaheira","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Aerie") OR(2) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) IfValidForPartyDialogue("Viconia") OR(2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtAerie","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtViconia","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira") OR(2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) IfValidForPartyDialogue("Viconia") OR(2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtJaheira","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtViconia","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("Aerie") OR(2) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) IfValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira") OR(2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) IfValidForPartyDialogue("Viconia") OR(2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtAerie","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtJaheira","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinFlirtViconia","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola1") ~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 175 // from: SAY #95197 /* ~I trust your future demands of me will be more sensible, Phaere. Stroking your pet is hardly a fit task for a warrior of my skill. You know this.~ */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~UDPHAE01~ 177 END IF WEIGHT #0 ~Global("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",1) ~ THEN BEGIN 176 // from: SAY #95198 /* ~Well, here we are. I do not know what your Phaere led you to believe. I can only assume she's using you for one of her little schemes. I cannot believe that I must be put to such use. Oh, well, I must satisfy Phaere's new favorite. Are you ready?~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #95199 /* ~Solaufein, I release you from your duties. Honestly, I only wanted to see how far I could go with Phaere.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",2) IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1) ~ GOTO 179 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #95200 /* ~Enough talk, Solaufein. Please me, as agreed.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",2) ~ GOTO 180 IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) ~ THEN REPLY #95201 /* ~Hold your tongue, Solaufein. I demand that you treat me with respect. For the next several hours, you will address me as "Master." Time will tell whether I punish you for your audacity.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",2) ~ GOTO 177 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) ~ THEN REPLY #95202 /* ~Hold your tongue, Solaufein. I demand that you treat me with respect. For the next several hours, you will address me as "Mistress." Time will tell whether I punish you for your audacity.~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",2) ~ GOTO 178 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 177 // from: 179.2 176.2 SAY #95203 /* ~For the coming hours, Veldrin. Only for the next several hours will I call you master. See, I kneel down, and beg your fogiveness, *Master*... Now, use me as you will.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinSex","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",-1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",3) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola2") ~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 178 // from: 179.3 176.3 SAY #95204 /* ~For the coming hours, Veldrin. Only for the next several hours will I call you mistress. See, I kneel down, and beg your fogiveness, *Mistress*... Now, use me as you will.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinSex","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",-1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",3) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola2") ~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 179 // from: 176.0 SAY #95205 /* ~No, it is ordered, and I will obey. I do not feel like giving her one more reason for her stupid enraged outbursts, and likewise, I do not advise you to do it, either. Would you believe that one could have the favors of a guild fighter so easily?!~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #95206 /* ~Phaere need never know, or anyone else, Solaufein. Nevertheless, you did not want to do it... Let's just go.~ */ GOTO 182 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #95207 /* ~Ah, well, we shall do it. Please me, as agreed.~ */ GOTO 180 IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) ~ THEN REPLY #95208 /* ~Were you expecting preferential treatment? I demand that you treat me with respect. For the next several hours, you will address me as "Master." Time will tell whether I punish you for your audacity.~ */ GOTO 177 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) ~ THEN REPLY #95209 /* ~Were you expecting preferential treatment? I demand that you treat me with respect. For the next several hours, you will address me as "Mistress." Time will tell whether I punish you for your audacity.~ */ GOTO 178 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 180 // from: 179.1 176.1 SAY #95210 /* ~For the coming hours, Veldrin. For the next several hours I stand at your disposal.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 181 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 181 // from: 180.0 SAY #95211 /* ~Allow me to please you... as well as I can...~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinSex","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",-1) SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",3) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola2") ~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 182 // from: 179.0 SAY #95212 /* ~Are you serious? Nevertheless, maybe you are more intelligent than I thought. Let us return to Phaere, then.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("SolaufeinLikes","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola3") ~ EXIT END IF WEIGHT #1 ~Global("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",3) ~ THEN BEGIN 183 // from: SAY #95213 /* ~I trust you are satisfied... ? Bah, it sickens me. Let us get back to Phaere, and fast.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("RE_SolaufeinMoves","GLOBAL",4) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("RE_Sola3") ~ EXIT END