BEGIN ~TCRURIKJ~ IF ~Global("TCIntroGirls","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN IKnowThem SAY ~I know these girls, they came ta my shop in Saltmarsh a few weeks ago to buy their blades. I was worried they were gonna get themselves killed.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("TCIntroGirls","LOCALS",2)~ EXTERN ~TCCAN~ CanStart0 END IF ~Global("TCRurikQuestTalks","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN Khundrukar1 SAY ~Let me see that a minute, will ya? Thanks.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO Khund1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Khund1 SAY ~Hmm, 'Khundrukar', that means Glitterhame in common. Hmm, nah *shaking his head*, I just don't remember what's so important about that name.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Should we keep it?~ GOTO Khund2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Khund2 SAY ~*Shrugs* Don't rightly know. There is that book merchant that comes into Saltmarsh once in a while. He may have more interest in this. Otherwise, I don't think you’re gonna find too many people that want to have that scroll. Most of the writing is gone anyway.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Alright, I guess I could take it to him after we get done down here. Maybe it will be worth something.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikQuestTalks","LOCALS",2)~ JOURNAL ~Rurik thinks the strange dwarf document may be worth some money to the right person. There is a book merchant that comes into Saltmarsh once in awhile. Maybe he wants it. I hope it is worth it, I wouldn't want to go all the way there for nothing.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Well if doesn't have any value, I say we drop it here. I'm not carrying around a bunch of old papers.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikQuestTalks","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCRurikTalks","TC0015",1)~ THEN BEGIN Ore SAY ~*whistles* Nephelium!~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~What's that?~ GOTO Ore1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Ore1 SAY ~Nephelium is iron ore that has magic in it. Whatever ya make with it looks like glass. Nobles love to buy armor and helmets like that.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Wouldn't it break?~ GOTO Ore2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Ore2 SAY ~Not really. It’s just like iron but clear. If I add some other stuff to it like an emerald, it takes on that color. So ya have a suit of plate mail that looks like an emerald. Nobles and even some merchants will pay good money for this.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~But it isn't magical?~ GOTO Ore3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Ore3 SAY ~Nah, the magic in armor comes from the blacksmith or wizard making it. Nephelium is ore that has some magic already in it. But the magic doesn't make it stronger, just clear.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~All right, lets take it so we can sell it later.~ GOTO Ore4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Ore4 SAY ~As ya wish. Or, come with me to Saltmarsh and I will make ya a suit of armor using it.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Armor? I don't have that kind of money.~ GOTO Ore5 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Ore5 SAY ~Tisk! I'm not asking ya to pay me. I will need your help though to make whatever ya want.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Okay, let's take it with us. I'll think about your offer later. Right now I want to find that druid.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikTalks","TC0015",2)~ JOURNAL ~Rurik has offered to make me a suit of armor from the strange iron ore we found. I just have to go to Saltmarsh with him to assist in making it.~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCRurikStuffGone","TC0010",1) AreaCheck("TC0010")~ THEN BEGIN WhereIsIt SAY ~Blast it! My stuff! It's gone! My wagon, even that pony I brought. Someone took it all.~ IF ~!Global("TCSlaverQuest","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY ~There are footprints all over the place.~ GOTO WhatHappened IF ~Global("TCSlaverQuest","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY ~Looks like the slavers must have taken everything. There are boot prints all over this area.~ GOTO Slavers1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhatHappened SAY ~Where in blazes is Nelleck when you need him?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Slavers1 SAY ~The bastards stole all me weapons! I can't go back to sellin' now. I might as well stay with ya, if ya will have me.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Of course Rurik. You are always welcome to stay.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I think it would be best if you went back to blacksmithing again. Besides, I need someone to buy gear from.~ GOTO Slavers2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Slavers2 SAY ~Very well. I will head back to me shop in Saltmarsh. If ya need me, stop by.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("IWasKickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("TCRurikAtShop","GLOBAL",1) SetDialogue("TCRURIK") LeaveParty() MoveGlobal("TC0026","TCRURIK",[413.349])~ EXIT END IF ~AreaCheck("TC0026") Global("TCRurikShopTalk","TC0026",1) InParty(Myself)~ THEN BEGIN WelcomeToStore SAY ~, welcome to me smithy. Hopefully everything is where it belongs. Yeah, it looks right.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Quite the shop you have.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikShopTalk","TC0026",2) SetGlobal("TCRurikInShop","TC0026",1)~ GOTO Thankyou END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Thankyou SAY ~Thanks, I do what I can by meself. Just let me know of ya need anything.~ IF ~Detect("TCDIRBERT") !StateCheck("TCDIRBERT",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TCRurikGaveBag","TC0026",0)~ THEN GOTO GiveDirbert IF ~OR(3) !Detect("TCDIRBERT") StateCheck("TCDIRBERT",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TCRurikGaveBag","TC0026",1)~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN GiveDirbert SAY ~Dirbert, I've been meanin' ta get this for ya. Where'd it go? Aye, there it is. You can store some arrows in that thing. It may still have some in there.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("TCBAG05","TCDIRBERT",0,0,0) SetGlobal("TCRurikGaveBag","TC0026",1)~ EXTERN ~TCDIRBEJ~ DirbNoCut END IF ~AreaCheck("TC0026") InParty(Myself) Global("TCRurikInShop","TC0026",1) !Global("TCMakePlate","TC0026",1) !Global("TCMakeChain","TC0026",1) !Global("TCMakeSplint","TC0026",1) Global("ForgeStuff","TC0026",0)~ THEN BEGIN BuySomething SAY ~I should have some inventory left in here. Do you want to buy anything?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, we need supplies.~ DO ~StartStore("trmer04",LastTalkedToBy(Myself))~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Not right now.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Actually, can you do anything with some of this stuff we've collected?~ GOTO Cromwell1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Cromwell1 SAY ~Let's look through everyone's packs and see.~ IF ~PartyHasItem("COMPON50")~ THEN REPLY ~Here is some of that weird ore you were talking about.~ GOTO RememberOre IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("TCRING02") PartyHasItem("TCRING03")~ THEN REPLY ~Here is one of the signet rings.~ GOTO JRinger IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H10")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make this Short Sword of Backstabbing a more sneaky blade?~ GOTO JBackStabUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H19")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this Vampire's Revenge sword?~ GOTO JVampUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("U#SW1H03")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make the improved Vampire's Revenge even better?~ GOTO JVamp1Upgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H28")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you turn Cutthroat into a more deadly weapon?~ GOTO JCutUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H31")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you improve Daystar's undead-slaying capability?~ GOTO JDayUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H33")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this dancing sword?~ GOTO JRasUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H40")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this Blade of Roses?~ GOTO JRosesUpgrade IF ~OR(3) PartyHasItem("SW1H54A") PartyHasItem("SW1H54B") PartyHasItem("SW1H54C")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you rebuild the sword that this belongs to?~ GOTO JEqualUpgrade IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("SW2H15A") PartyHasItem("MISC8U")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you rebuild this two-handed sword?~ GOTO JVorpalUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("NEBDAG")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this vile Neb's Nasty Cutter?~ GOTO JNebUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("STAF09")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this Staff of Command?~ GOTO JCStaffUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("STAF20")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you upgrade this Staff of Rynn?~ GOTO JRStaffUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BLUN12")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you improve the Mace of Disruption's undead-slaying capability?~ GOTO JMaceUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BLUN17")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make anything out of this poisonous Wyvern's Tail?~ GOTO JWyvernUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BLUN35")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do make the Ice Star a better weapon?~ GOTO JIceUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("AX1H10")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you improve Azuredge's undead-slaying capability?~ GOTO JDayUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("AX1H12")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make Stonefire into a larger weapon?~ GOTO JStoneUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("AX1H13")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make Frostreaver an even deadlier weapon?~ GOTO JFrostUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("DART08")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you add some more fire-power to the Crimson Dart?~ GOTO JDartUpgrade IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("HALB04") PartyHasItem("HALB05")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you improve this fiery Dragon Halberd?~ GOTO JHalberdUpgrade IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("HALB09A") PartyHasItem("HALB09B")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you fix this halberd?~ GOTO JWaveUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("HAMM07")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this Hammer of Thunderbolts?~ GOTO JHamUpgrade IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("BOW19A") PartyHasItem("BOW19B")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you fix this bow that I found?~ GOTO JGesenUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("RING06")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you further imbue this Ring of Protection +1?~ GOTO JProRingUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("RING40")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this wizard's Ring of Acuity?~ GOTO JAcuityUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BELT06")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything to make this Girdle of Hill Giant Strength more versatile?~ GOTO JHillBeltUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("AMUL20")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything to improve Kaligun's Amulet?~ GOTO JKaligunUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("HELM21")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you upgrade this red Dragon Helm?~ GOTO JDragHelmUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("HELM25")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything to make this Silver Ioun Stone more shiny?~ GOTO JSilverIounUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("HELM26")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this Lavender Ioun Stone?~ GOTO JLavIounUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("U#HELM02")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you perhaps improve this Chaos Stone?~ GOTO JChaosIounUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC12")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this ankheg shell?~ GOTO JAnkhegUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SCALEB")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with these bitter Shadow Dragon Scales?~ GOTO JShadDragUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SCALER")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with these Red Dragon Scales?~ GOTO JRedDragUpgrade IF ~OR(4) PartyHasItem("SCALEB") PartyHasItem("SCALER") PartyHasItem("COMPON18") PartyHasItem("COMPON19")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you patch together these Dragon Scales?~ GOTO JAllScalesUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("CHAN15")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything to make this Melodic Chain more practical?~ GOTO JMelodicUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("PLAT16")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make the Armor of the Hart more magical?~ GOTO JHartUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("LEAT08")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this clumsy Shadow Armor?~ GOTO JShadowArmUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("LEAT08")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make the Shadow Armor less easily detectable?~ GOTO JShadowArm1Upgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("SHLD21")~ THEN REPLY ~Can anything be done with this red Dragon Scale Shield?~ GOTO JDragShieldUpgrade IF ~OR(3) PartyHasItem("clck09") PartyHasItem("clck10") PartyHasItem("clck11")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with these Mage Robes?~ GOTO JMageRobeUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("CLCK25")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you improve this dazzling Cloak of the Stars?~ GOTO JStarsUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC5N")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with this strange Red Cloth?~ GOTO JRedWizUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BRAC07")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you do anything with these Bracers of Dexterity?~ GOTO JDexUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BRAC15")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you upgrade these Bracers of AC3 so that the have more power?~ GOTO JBrac3Upgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("BRAC19")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make these Gauntlets of Crushing more powerful?~ GOTO JCrushingUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("KEY26")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you turn Sekolah's Tooth into anything of use?~ GOTO JToothUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("WA2RING")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make the Mercykiller Ring a better thieving tool?~ GOTO JMercyUpgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("WAND03")~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make this Wand of Magic Missiles more practical?~ GOTO JWandMissUpgrade IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~On second thought, let's wait until later.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Nope, can't find anything of real interest.~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadDragUpgrade SAY ~The scales of a shadow dragon can make a fine suit of magical leather mail resistant to acid.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadDragUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadDragUpgrade1 SAY ~It'll cost ya 5,000 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadDragUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadDragUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the armor?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("SCALEB") PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",1) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRedDragUpgrade SAY ~The scales from a red dragon can make a fine suit of magical plate mail resistant to fire.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRedDragUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRedDragUpgrade1 SAY ~It'll cost ya 5,000 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRedDragUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRedDragUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the armor?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("SCALER") PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",2) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAnkhegUpgrade SAY ~The husk of an ankheg can make a fine suit of magical plate mail.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAnkhegUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAnkhegUpgrade1 SAY ~It'll cost ya 5,000 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAnkhegUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAnkhegUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the armor?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC12") PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",3) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHamUpgrade SAY ~The Hammer of Thunderbolts? Aye. I can make a hammer that will defeat golems with one hit.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHamUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHamUpgrade1 SAY ~It'll cost ya 10,000 gold for the work. I'm gonna need some reagents though. If ya got a Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, a set of Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and the famous Crom Faeyr scroll ta tell me how to perform the ritual needed to combine the items.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHamUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHamUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the hammer?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("scrlag") PartyHasItem("hamm07") PartyHasItem("brac06") PartyHasItem("belt08") PartyGoldGT(9999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000) DestroyGold(10000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",4) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JEqualUpgrade SAY ~With the three parts of the long sword, I could make Equalizer.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JEqualUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JEqualUpgrade1 SAY ~It'll cost ya 7,500 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JEqualUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JEqualUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the sword?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("SW1H54A") PartyHasItem("SW1H54B") PartyHasItem("SW1H54C") PartyGoldGT(7499)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7500) DestroyGold(7500) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",5) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JGesenUpgrade SAY ~Ya got part of a Gesen bow? He made some of the best bows in all the lands.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JGesenUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JGesenUpgrade1 SAY ~If ya got both the bow and the string, I can fix the bow up for ya. It'll cost ya 7,500 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JGesenUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JGesenUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the short bow?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("BOW19A") PartyHasItem("BOW19B") PartyGoldGT(7499)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7500) DestroyGold(7500) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",6) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWaveUpgrade SAY ~Hmm... Ya gots part of the Halberd called Wave. Nasty weapon on fire creatures.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWaveUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWaveUpgrade1 SAY ~If ya can find both parts, it'll cost ya 7,500 gold for fixing the halberd.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWaveUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWaveUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the halberd?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("HALB09A") PartyHasItem("HALB09B") PartyGoldGT(7499)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7500) DestroyGold(7500) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",7) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVorpalUpgrade SAY ~Ya got part of a vorpal blade? That two-handed sword can kill instantly.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVorpalUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVorpalUpgrade1 SAY ~It'll cost ya 7,500 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVorpalUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVorpalUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta make the sword?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC8U") PartyHasItem("SW2H15A") PartyGoldGT(7499)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7500) DestroyGold(7500) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",8) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMaceUpgrade SAY ~A disruption mace can be upgraded in several ways. A simple upgrade requires illithium. The complex upgrade requires even more reagents.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Tell me more about the simple upgrade.~ GOTO JMaceUpgrade1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Tell me more about the complex upgrade.~ GOTO JMace1Upgrade END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMaceUpgrade1 SAY ~I'll need about 200 stones worth of the ore. It's very dense material but perfect for the job. It'll cost ya 7,500 gold for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMaceUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMaceUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta upgrade your mace?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, but tell me about the more complex upgrade.~ GOTO JMace1Upgrade IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC5K") PartyHasItem("BLUN12") PartyGoldGT(7499)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7500) DestroyGold(7500) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",9) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN RememberOre SAY ~Nephelium? I clearly forgot about that.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make anything with this ore?~ GOTO MakeSomething1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN MakeSomething1 SAY ~Course I can. Let me add some regular iron ore to it. I'll make up a set of plate mail for ya. If ya got a colored gem or stone, I can add it in for color.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, plate would be good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCMakePlate","TC0026",1)~ GOTO MakeSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Hmm, how about chain mail instead?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCMakeChain","TC0026",1)~ GOTO MakeSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Hmm, how about splint mail instead?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCMakeSplint","TC0026",1)~ GOTO MakeSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Hmm, let's hold off on making it right now.~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN MakeSuit1 SAY ~What kind of gem do ya got ta add in the color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC19")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Turquoise gem.~ GOTO AquaSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC33")~ THEN REPLY ~I have an Aquamarine gem.~ GOTO AquaSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC35")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Horn Coral gem.~ GOTO BlackSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC38")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Black Opal.~ GOTO BlackSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC42")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Diamond.~ GOTO DiaSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC31")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Star Sapphire gem.~ GOTO DiaSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC30")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Chrysoberyl gem.~ GOTO GreenSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC43")~ THEN REPLY ~I have an Emerald.~ GOTO GreenSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC37")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Sphene gem.~ GOTO GreenSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC34")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Garnet gem.~ GOTO PinkSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC17")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Lynx Eye gem.~ GOTO LynxSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC20")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Bloodstone gem.~ GOTO RedSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC21")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Skydrop gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC27")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Moonstone gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC32")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Shandon gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC39")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Water Opal.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC25")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Zircon gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC28")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Waterstar gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC36")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Pearl.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC40")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Moonbar gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC18")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Sunstone gem.~ GOTO YellowSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC44")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a King's Tears gem.~ GOTO YellowSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC24")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Tchazar gem.~ GOTO YellowSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC16")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Fire Agate gem.~ GOTO OrangeSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC22")~ THEN REPLY ~I have an Andar gem.~ GOTO OrangeSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC1J")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Beljuril gem.~ GOTO BlueSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC26")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Lol gem.~ GOTO BlueSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC23")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Jasper gem.~ GOTO DRedSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC29")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Ziose gem.~ GOTO PurpleSuit IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC41")~ THEN REPLY ~I have a Star Diopside gem.~ GOTO DGreenSuit IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I don't want to add any color to the armor. Just make it plain.~ GOTO DrabSuit IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I think I'll late until I have a better selection of gems.~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN AquaSuit SAY ~That would make an aqua colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC19")~ THEN REPLY ~Aqua is fine with me. Use the Turquoise gem.~ GOTO AquaSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC33")~ THEN REPLY ~Aqua is fine with me. Use the Aquamarine gem.~ GOTO AquaSuit2 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want aqua colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN AquaSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC19") DestroyItem("MISC19") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",1) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN AquaSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC33") DestroyItem("MISC33") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",1) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BlackSuit SAY ~That would make a black colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC35")~ THEN REPLY ~Black is fine with me. Use the Horn Coral gem.~ GOTO BlackSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC38")~ THEN REPLY ~Black is fine with me. Use the Black Opal.~ GOTO BlackSuit2 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want black colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BlackSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC35") DestroyItem("MISC35") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",2) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BlackSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC38") DestroyItem("MISC38") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",2) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DiaSuit SAY ~That would make a suit of mail that is almost transparent. It would be very eye catching. Are ya sure ya want that?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC42")~ THEN REPLY ~Transparent is fine with me. Use the Diamond.~ GOTO DiaSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC31")~ THEN REPLY ~Transparent is fine with me. Use the Star Sapphire gem.~ GOTO DiaSuit2 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want armor you can see through. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DiaSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC42") DestroyItem("MISC42") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",3) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DiaSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC31") DestroyItem("MISC31") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",3) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN GreenSuit SAY ~That would make a green colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC30")~ THEN REPLY ~Green is fine with me. Use the Chrysoberyl gem.~ GOTO GreenSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC43")~ THEN REPLY ~Green is fine with me. Use the Emerald.~ GOTO GreenSuit2 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC37")~ THEN REPLY ~Green is fine with me. Use the Sphene gem.~ GOTO GreenSuit3 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want green colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN GreenSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC30") DestroyItem("MISC30") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",4) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN GreenSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC43") DestroyItem("MISC43") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",4) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN GreenSuit3 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC37") DestroyItem("MISC37") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",4) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN PinkSuit SAY ~What? That would make a pink colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Pink is fine with me. Use the Garnet gem.~ GOTO PinkSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want aqua colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN PinkSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC34") DestroyItem("MISC34") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",5) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN LynxSuit SAY ~That would make a blue and gray colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Blue and gray are fine with me. Use the Lynx Eye gem.~ GOTO LynxSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want those colors in my armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN LynxSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC17") DestroyItem("MISC17") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",6) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN RedSuit SAY ~That would make a red colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Red is perfect for me. Use the Bloodstone gem.~ GOTO RedSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want red colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN RedSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC20") DestroyItem("MISC20") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",7) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit SAY ~That would make a white colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC21")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Skydrop gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC27")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Moonstone gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit2 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC32")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Shandon gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit3 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC39")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Water Opal.~ GOTO WhiteSuit4 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC25")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Zircon gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit5 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC28")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Waterstar gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit6 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC36")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Pearl.~ GOTO WhiteSuit7 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC40")~ THEN REPLY ~White is fine with me. Use the Moonbar gem.~ GOTO WhiteSuit8 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want white colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC21") DestroyItem("MISC21") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC27") DestroyItem("MISC27") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit3 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC32") DestroyItem("MISC32") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit4 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC39") DestroyItem("MISC39") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit5 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC25") DestroyItem("MISC25") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit6 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC28") DestroyItem("MISC28") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit7 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC36") DestroyItem("MISC36") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WhiteSuit8 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC40") DestroyItem("MISC40") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",8) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN YellowSuit SAY ~That would make a yellow colored suit of mail. Not exactly somethin' useful fer hiding. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC18")~ THEN REPLY ~Yellow is fine with me. Use the Sunstone gem.~ GOTO YellowSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC44")~ THEN REPLY ~I want to be seen, so yellow is fine with me. Use the King's Tears gem.~ GOTO YellowSuit2 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC24")~ THEN REPLY ~Yellow is fine with me. Use the Tchazar gem.~ GOTO YellowSuit3 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want green colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN YellowSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC18") DestroyItem("MISC18") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",9) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN YellowSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC44") DestroyItem("MISC44") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",9) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN YellowSuit3 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC24") DestroyItem("MISC24") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",9) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN OrangeSuit SAY ~That would make an orange colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC16")~ THEN REPLY ~Orange is fine with me. Use the Fire Agate gem.~ GOTO OrangeSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC22")~ THEN REPLY ~Orange is fine with me. Use the Andar gem.~ GOTO OrangeSuit2 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want orange colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN OrangeSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC16") DestroyItem("MISC16") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",10) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN OrangeSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC22") DestroyItem("MISC22") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",10) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BlueSuit SAY ~That would make a blue colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC1J")~ THEN REPLY ~Blue is a good color for me. Use the Beljuril gem.~ GOTO BlueSuit1 IF ~PartyHasItem("MISC26")~ THEN REPLY ~Blue is a good color for me. Use the Lol gem.~ GOTO BlueSuit2 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want blue colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BlueSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC1J") DestroyItem("MISC1J") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",11) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BlueSuit2 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC26") DestroyItem("MISC26") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",11) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DRedSuit SAY ~That would make a dark red colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Dark red would be wonderful to have. Use the Bloodstone gem.~ GOTO DRedSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want that color in my armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DRedSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC23") DestroyItem("MISC23") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",12) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN PurpleSuit SAY ~That would make a purple colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Purple is fine with me. Use the Ziose gem.~ GOTO PurpleSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want purple colored armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN PurpleSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC29") DestroyItem("MISC29") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",13) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DGreenSuit SAY ~That would make a dark green colored suit of mail. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Dark green is fine with me. Use the Star Diopside gem.~ GOTO DGreenSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want dark green armor. Let me use another gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DGreenSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("MISC41") DestroyItem("MISC41") SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",14) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DrabSuit SAY ~That would make a normal colored suit of mail. It defeats the use of the Nephelium ore. Are ya sure ya want that color?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, I just want plain armor.~ GOTO DrabSuit1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't want plain armor. Let me use a gem.~ GOTO MakeSuit1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DrabSuit1 SAY ~Alrighty then. You get to work the blowers. *chuckling* That's why I'm not charging ya.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("TCSetColor","TC0026",0) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",10) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRinger SAY ~One of the Hucrele family rings? Those are definitely magical. If you have both and a Protection from Fire scroll, I can combine them to make a more powerful ring. I will need 300 gold for the other ingredients though.~ IF ~PartyGoldGT(299)~ THEN REPLY ~A second ring? Let me check...~ GOTO JGetOtherRing IF ~PartyGoldLT(300)~ THEN REPLY ~I don't have enough money just now. Let's do it later.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~You would have to combine them? No, I want to keep them separate for now.~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JGetOtherRing SAY ~Both rings, the scroll, and 300 gold.~ IF ~PartyHasItem("TCRING02") PartyHasItem("TCRING03") PartyHasItem("SCRL06")~ THEN REPLY ~Here is the other one. Go ahead and make the ring.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(300) DestroyGold(300) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",11) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("TCRING02") PartyHasItem("TCRING03")~ THEN REPLY ~No, I think I will hang onto both rings for now.~ EXIT IF ~OR(2) !PartyHasItem("TCRING02") !PartyHasItem("TCRING03")~ THEN REPLY ~No, I only have one ring.~ GOTO JNoSecondRing IF ~!PartyHasItem("SCRL06")~ THEN REPLY ~No, I don't have the protection scroll you need.~ GOTO JNoSecondRing END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JNoSecondRing SAY ~Well if you ever want to create a new ring, just bring me the components I need.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRosesUpgrade SAY ~Ya have the sword of Sune? A very precious weapon indeed. Although the monetary value will be substantially low, the process will require a large number of other artifacts.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRosesUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRosesUpgrade1 SAY ~I'm gonna need the Sword of Balduran, a Nymph Cloak, the Ring of Human Influence and two Rings of Protection +1.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRosesUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRosesUpgrade2 SAY ~I will combine them with two scrolls of Domination, two scrolls of Charm Person, and four scrolls of Friends.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRosesUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRosesUpgrade3 SAY ~Then I will need these magical reagents: a Diamond, an Agni Mani necklace, a Pearl necklace, a Star Sapphire, a King's Tear, and two Potions of Magic Shielding.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRosesUpgrade4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRosesUpgrade4 SAY ~If ya got all that, I can do the upgrade for 10,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRosesUpgrade5 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRosesUpgrade5 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("sw1h40") PartyHasItem("wa2s1h") PartyHasItem("clck07") PartyHasItem("ring30") PartyHasItem("misc41") PartyHasItem("misc42") PartyHasItem("misc44") PartyHasItem("amul06") PartyHasItem("amul11") NumItemsPartyGT("ring06",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl5n",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl69",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl72",3) NumItemsPartyGT("potn35",1) PartyGoldGT(9999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000) DestroyGold(10000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",12) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRasUpgrade SAY ~Mm, the dancing sword. Although not quite so deadly, this weapon is full of surprises.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRasUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRasUpgrade1 SAY ~I will need four scrolls of Stinking Cloud, one bottle of Wine, and one jug of extra strong De'Tranion's Baalor Ale.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRasUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRasUpgrade2 SAY ~I can combined these for the cost of 5,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRasUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRasUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("sw1h33") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl97",3) PartyHasItem("misc97") PartyHasItem("misc61") PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",13) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVampUpgrade SAY ~So ya got the sword that literally sucks, do ya? I can upgrade it.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVampUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVampUpgrade1 SAY ~I'm just gonna need 5 wooden stakes. It'll cost ya 5,000 gold, however.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVampUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVampUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("sw1h19") NumItemsPartyGT("misc6w",4) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",14) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVamp1Upgrade SAY ~What, that sword isn't powerful enough for ya?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVamp1Upgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVamp1Upgrade1 SAY ~Ya gonna need to obtain Adjatha the Drinker, Blackrazor, a Lich's Tooth, a vial of Holy Water, and the Black Heart of a Matriarch Vampire.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVamp1Upgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVamp1Upgrade2 SAY ~Oh, and it'll cost ya 30,000 for the task.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JVamp1Upgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JVamp1Upgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("u#sw1h03") PartyHasItem("sw1h35") PartyHasItem("miscbc") PartyHasItem("miscbg") PartyHasItem("miscau") PartyHasItem("miscbp") PartyGoldGT(29999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(30000) DestroyGold(30000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",15) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCutUpgrade SAY ~Ya got Cutthroat? You are truly a person of great skill, .~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCutUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCutUpgrade1 SAY ~Give me the Sword of Backstabbing, Neb's Nasty Cutter, three "Antidotes", and ten Poisoned Throwing Daggers.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCutUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCutUpgrade2 SAY ~It'll cost ya 60,000 gold pieces for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCutUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCutUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("sw1h28") PartyHasItem("sw1h10") PartyHasItem("nebdag") NumItemsPartyGT("dagg16",9) NumItemsPartyGT("potn32",2) PartyGoldGT(59999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(60000) DestroyGold(60000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",16) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCStaffUpgrade SAY ~The all-respected dominating staff? A truly hypnotic device, which can be made even more enchanting with the right components.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCStaffUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCStaffUpgrade1 SAY ~If ya got the Staff of Curing, a Quarterstaff +2, and three Diamonds, I can make the Staff of Command much more powerful.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCStaffUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCStaffUpgrade2 SAY ~And it'll cost ya 20,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCStaffUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCStaffUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("staf09") PartyHasItem("staf10") PartyHasItem("staf18") NumItemsPartyGT("misc42",2) PartyGoldGT(19999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(20000) DestroyGold(20000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",17) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRStaffUpgrade SAY ~A powerful staff indeed, if rather plain. Yes, I know of an upgrade worthy of the most powerful warriors.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRStaffUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRStaffUpgrade1 SAY ~Bring me a Staff Spear +2, two Bastard Swords +1, two Scrolls of Agannazar's Scorcher, two Scrolls of Burning Hands, two Potions of Firebreath, four Fire Agate Gems, and one Zircon Gem.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRStaffUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRStaffUpgrade2 SAY ~It'll only set ya back 10,000 gold.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRStaffUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRStaffUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("staf20") PartyHasItem("staf07") NumItemsPartyGT("sw1h02",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl1b",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl68",1) NumItemsPartyGT("potn27",1) NumItemsPartyGT("misc16",3) PartyHasItem("misc25") PartyGoldGT(9999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000) DestroyGold(10000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",18) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMace1Upgrade SAY ~Ya want a weapon to be truly feared by those who walk the realm between life and death? I know of an upgrade that will suit you perfectly.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMace1Upgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMace1Upgrade1 SAY ~I will need three powerful undead weapons: Azuredge, Daystar and the Mace of Disruption. Also, I will require 200 stones worth of pure illithium, a Holy Symbol of Amaunator, and three Vials of Elven Holy Water.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMace1Upgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMace1Upgrade2 SAY ~I'm gonna need some reagents. Let's see... I will need five gems of each: Sunstone, Zircon, and Garnet. Oh, and the Pommel Jewel of the sword of Balance.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMace1Upgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMace1Upgrade3 SAY ~Just realize that this sword can only be wielded by those of pure heart such as a paladin, and I will take 40,000 gold pieces as compensation.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMace1Upgrade4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMace1Upgrade4 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Tell me about the simple upgrade.~ GOTO JMaceUpgrade1 IF ~PartyHasItem("ax1h10") PartyHasItem("sw1h31") PartyHasItem("blun12") PartyHasItem("sw1h54c") PartyHasItem("key23") PartyHasItem("misc5k") NumItemsPartyGT("miscau",2) NumItemsPartyGT("misc18",4) NumItemsPartyGT("misc25",4) NumItemsPartyGT("misc34",4) Reputation(Player1,20) PartyGoldGT(39999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(40000) DestroyGold(40000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",19) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDayUpgrade SAY ~Ya want a weapon to be truly feared by those who walk the realm between life and death? I know of an upgrade that will suit you perfectly.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDayUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDayUpgrade1 SAY ~I will need three powerful undead weapons: Azuredge, Daystar and the Mace of Disruption. Also, I will require 200 stones worth of pure illithium, a Holy Symbol of Amaunator, and three Vials of Elven Holy Water.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDayUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDayUpgrade2 SAY ~I'm gonna need some reagents. Let's see... I will need five gems of each: Sunstone, Zircon, and Garnet. Oh, and the Pommel Jewel of the sword of Balance.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDayUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDayUpgrade3 SAY ~Just realize that this sword can only be wielded by those of pure heart such as a paladin, and I will take 40,000 gold pieces as compensation.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDayUpgrade4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDayUpgrade4 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ax1h10") PartyHasItem("sw1h31") PartyHasItem("blun12") PartyHasItem("sw1h54c") PartyHasItem("key23") PartyHasItem("misc5k") NumItemsPartyGT("miscau",2) NumItemsPartyGT("misc18",4) NumItemsPartyGT("misc25",4) NumItemsPartyGT("misc34",4) Reputation(Player1,20) PartyGoldGT(39999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(40000) DestroyGold(40000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",19) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBackStabUpgrade SAY ~A silent blade if ever I have seen one. Why yes, I believe I know of something to suit yer request.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JBackStabUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBackStabUpgrade1 SAY ~I could combine the blade with the Pommel Jewel and Blade of the Equalizer, and then enchant it with a Scroll of Phantom Blade and two Potions of Master Thievery.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JBackStabUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBackStabUpgrade2 SAY ~I also need Five Black Opal Stones, one Rogue Stone, and say 25,000 gold pieces ta cover my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JBackStabUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBackStabUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("sw1h10") PartyHasItem("sw1h54b") PartyHasItem("sw1h54c") PartyHasItem("scrl6z") NumItemsPartyGT("potn36",1) PartyHasItem("misc45") NumItemsPartyGT("misc38",4) PartyGoldGT(24999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(25000) DestroyGold(25000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",20) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JNebUpgrade SAY ~The dagger of the famous child murderer? As much as I would rather melt it down for a plow, I can make ya a weapon to help yer cause.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JNebUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JNebUpgrade1 SAY ~I can combine the dagger with Neb's Head, and 200 stones weight of pure illithium ore. Bear in mind that others will dislike you for forging a weapon of such evil origins~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JNebUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JNebUpgrade2 SAY ~I will take 15,000 gold pieces as compensation.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JNebUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JNebUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("nebdag") PartyHasItem("misc5k") PartyHasItem("misc9h") PartyGoldGT(14999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000) DestroyGold(15000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",21) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWyvernUpgrade SAY ~A truly venomous weapon indeed. With a little bit of hard work and the sacrifice of some other valuables, I can make a truly feared weapon of venom.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWyvernUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWyvernUpgrade1 SAY ~I will need ya to bring me the following: The Sleeper, two Scrolls of Protection from Poison, and two Scrolls of Sleep.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWyvernUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWyvernUpgrade2 SAY ~It should cost 30,000 gold pieces for my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWyvernUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWyvernUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("blun17") PartyHasItem("blun16") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl08",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl81",1) PartyGoldGT(29999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(30000) DestroyGold(30000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",22) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JIceUpgrade SAY ~The famous Ice Star? Didn't that come from somewhere West of here? I can't remember who used to have that.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JIceUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JIceUpgrade1 SAY ~I'll tell ya what. If ya give me three Potions of Ice Dust, two Scrolls of Ice Storm, two Wands of Frost, and one potion of Frost Giant Strength, I'll turn this frosty thing into a something worth yer while.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JIceUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JIceUpgrade2 SAY ~It will only cost 45,000 gold pieces for my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JIceUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JIceUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("blun35") PartyHasItem("potn04") NumItemsPartyGT("wand06",1) NumItemsPartyGT("wand16",2) NumItemsPartyGT("sclr1x",1) PartyGoldGT(44999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(45000) DestroyGold(45000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",23) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStoneUpgrade SAY ~The fire axe, heh?. Aye, I could turn this into a weapon of mass destruction.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JStoneUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStoneUpgrade1 SAY ~Though ya would need to sacrifice: Frostreaver, the Wave Halberd Shaft, and three Potions of Fire Giant Strength.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JStoneUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStoneUpgrade2 SAY ~Ya need 22,000 gold pieces for my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JStoneUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStoneUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ax1h12") PartyHasItem("ax1h13") PartyHasItem("halb09a") NumItemsPartyGT("potn05",2) PartyGoldGT(21999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(22000) DestroyGold(22000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",24) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JFrostUpgrade SAY ~Ah yes, the ice axe. I cannot remember when last I have laid eyes upon such exquisite work. The answer, of course, is yes.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JFrostUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JFrostUpgrade1 SAY ~I will require two ordinary Battle Axe +2's, two Wands of Frost, two Diamonds, and the heart of a demon.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JFrostUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JFrostUpgrade2 SAY ~I can combine all of these for the low cost of 15,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JFrostUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JFrostUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ax1h13") NumItemsPartyGT("ax1h11",1) NumItemsPartyGT("wand06",1) NumItemsPartyGT("misc42",1) PartyHasItem("misc6m") PartyGoldGT(14999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000) DestroyGold(15000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",25) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDartUpgrade SAY ~Indeed, a small but deadly weapon. I could imbue it with the power of flame, though it would be a difficult task.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDartUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDartUpgrade1 SAY ~From ya I need two throwing daggers: the Boomerang Dagger +2, and Fire Tooth +3.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDartUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDartUpgrade2 SAY ~Also, the task will set ya back 15,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDartUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDartUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("dart08") PartyHasItem("dagg11") PartyHasItem("dagg12") PartyGoldGT(14999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000) DestroyGold(15000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",26) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHalberdUpgrade SAY ~The halberds of the ancient red wyrms! Combined, the two would great powerful weapon.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHalberdUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHalberdUpgrade1 SAY ~I can combine the Dragon's Bane and Dragon's Breath halberds with a Ring of Fire Resistance, the Scales of a Red Dragon, and the tooth of the shark peoples' god.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHalberdUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHalberdUpgrade2 SAY ~The task will cost ya one Rogue Stone, and a monetary sum of 30,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHalberdUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHalberdUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("halb04") PartyHasItem("halb05") PartyHasItem("ring02") PartyHasItem("scaler") PartyHasItem("key26") PartyHasItem("misc45") PartyGoldGT(29999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(30000) DestroyGold(30000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",27) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JProRingUpgrade SAY ~Yer basic protection rings, heh? Aye, I can put four together with two Rogue Stones, which will result in one twice as powerful.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JProRingUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JProRingUpgrade1 SAY ~There is a lot of work involved though, and my price is 20,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JProRingUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JProRingUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~NumItemsPartyGT("ring06",3) NumItemsPartyGT("misc45",1) PartyGoldGT(19999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(20000) DestroyGold(20000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",28) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade SAY ~An entry-level mageling ring. I see your problem. I know a wide variety of changes to make this ring exceedingly powerful.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade1 SAY ~If ya give me the Ring of Protection +3 and two scrolls of Mantle, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Abjuration spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade2 SAY ~If ya give me the Ring of Free Action and two scrolls of Ruby Ray of Reversal, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Alteration spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade3 SAY ~If ya give me a Ring of Djinni Summoning and two scrolls of Summon Efreeti, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Conjuration spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade4 SAY ~If ya give me the Ring of Infravision and three scrolls of True Sight, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Divination spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade5 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade5 SAY ~If ya give me the Ring of Animal Friendship and four scrolls of Domination, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Enchantment spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade6 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade6 SAY ~If ya give me the Rings of Air, Earth and Fire Control, and two scrolls of Delayed Blast Fireball, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Evocation spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade7 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade7 SAY ~If ya give me a Ring of Invisibility and two scrolls of Project Image, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Illusion spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade8 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade8 SAY ~If ya give me the Ring of Gaxx and two scrolls of Finger of Death, I can make a ring which will protect the wearer from all Necromancy spells.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade9 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade9 SAY ~I will require two scrolls of Spell Immunity, and deposit of 5,000 gold pieces per ring.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade10 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade10 SAY ~Just remember this though: each ring is only usable by a practitioner of that school which it protects from.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAcuityUpgrade11 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAcuityUpgrade11 SAY ~So which upgrade do ya want?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring41") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl8j",1) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Abjuration.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",29) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring09") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl8g",1) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Alteration.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",30) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring26") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl8s",1) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Conjuration.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",31) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring21") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl7m",2) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Divination.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",32) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring03") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl5n",3) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Enchantment.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",33) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring27") PartyHasItem("ring28") PartyHasItem("ring29") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl8n",1) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Evocation.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",34) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring05") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl8f",1) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Illusion.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",35) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("ring40") PartyHasItem("ring39") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl6s",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl8o",1) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Make me a Ring of Necromancy.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",36) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHillBeltUpgrade SAY ~Ah yes, the belt of the giant. I know an upgrade that would suit ya perfectly.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHillBeltUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHillBeltUpgrade1 SAY ~I can combine the Girdle of Fortitude with the Gauntlets of Dexterity to make a well rounded belt.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHillBeltUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHillBeltUpgrade2 SAY ~The reagents necessary are: two each of Potions of Fortitude, Hill Giant Strength and Agility, and two each of Diamonds, Emeralds and Rogue Stones.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHillBeltUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHillBeltUpgrade3 SAY ~It will only cost 15,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHillBeltUpgrade4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHillBeltUpgrade4 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("belt06") PartyHasItem("belt09") PartyHasItem("brac07") NumItemsPartyGT("potn03",1) NumItemsPartyGT("potn19",1) NumItemsPartyGT("potn28",1) NumItemsPartyGT("misc42",1) NumItemsPartyGT("misc43",1) NumItemsPartyGT("misc45",1) PartyGoldGT(14999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000) DestroyGold(15000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",37) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JKaligunUpgrade SAY ~The amulet of the fool Poonil? I sincerely hope that you will not fall as foolishly as he did, .~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JKaligunUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JKaligunUpgrade1 SAY ~I could combine it with four basic Amulets of Protection and two Rogue Stones.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JKaligunUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JKaligunUpgrade2 SAY ~The task would cost 10,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JKaligunUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JKaligunUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("amul20") NumItemsPartyGT("amul14",3) NumItemsPartyGT("misc45",1) PartyGoldGT(9999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000) DestroyGold(10000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",38) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragHelmUpgrade SAY ~The helm most favored when battling a fire-beast? Aye, with it, I could make a helm worthy of battling wyrms of every element.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDragHelmUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragHelmUpgrade1 SAY ~I will require three dragon scales: blue, red and shadow, each to increase the helm's protective ability.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDragHelmUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragHelmUpgrade2 SAY ~It'll cost ya 50,000 gold pieces for me expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDragonHelmUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragonHelmUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("helm21") PartyHasItem("scaleb") PartyHasItem("scaler") PartyHasItem("compon19") PartyGoldGT(49999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(50000) DestroyGold(50000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",39) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JSilverIounUpgrade SAY ~Aye, a stone for the wise. I know of an upgrade which will increase more than just yer wisdom.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JSilverIounUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JSilverIounUpgrade1 SAY ~Ya will be required to sacrifice the Pearly White, Golden and Obsidian Ioun stones, as well as 5 Aquamarine Gems.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JSilverIounUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JSilverIounUpgrade2 SAY ~And it will cost no less than 20,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JSilverIounUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JSilverIounUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("helm25") PartyHasItem("helm18") PartyHasItem("helm23") PartyHasItem("helm24") NumItemsPartyGT("misc33",4) PartyGoldGT(19999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(20000) DestroyGold(20000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",40) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JLavIounUpgrade SAY ~A floating helm, eh? Aye, I believe I have just the thing for ya.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JLavIounUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JLavIounUpgrade1 SAY ~Give me a Scroll of Chaos and a Scroll of Chaos Shield, and I will make a protection item for a practitioner of Wild magic.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JLavIounUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JLavIounUpgrade2 SAY ~I will also need 10,000 gold pieces for my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JLavIounUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JLavIounUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("helm26") PartyHasItem("scrl5p") PartyHasItem("scrl8m") PartyGoldGT(9999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000) DestroyGold(10000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",41) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JChaosIounUpgrade SAY ~An excellent piece of craftsmanship, if I do say so meself. I can recognize me handiwork anytime.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JChaosIounUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JChaosIounUpgrade1 SAY ~The task will require three Wardstones: two from dragon lairs, and one from a place of magical bondage. I will also require a Crystal Shard worshipped by Kobolds.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JChaosIounUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JChaosIounUpgrade2 SAY ~I'll only charge ya 20,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JChaosIounUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JChaosIounUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("u#helm02") PartyHasItem("misc6p") PartyHasItem("misc8v") PartyHasItem("misc8z") PartyHasItem("bazplo01") PartyGoldGT(19999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(20000) DestroyGold(20000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",42) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAllScalesUpgrade SAY ~Mm, the scales of the dread beast - the wyrm. I could use it to make an armor that combines the best of each beast.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAllScalesUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAllScalesUpgrade1 SAY ~I will require the scales of four wyrms: acid, cold, fire, and lightning.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAllScalesUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAllScalesUpgrade2 SAY ~This I will combine together into a fine plate-mail, though I shall require no less than 100,000 gold pieces for the task.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JAllScalesUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JAllScalesUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("scaleb") PartyHasItem("scaler") PartyHasItem("compon18") PartyHasItem("compon19") PartyGoldGT(99999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(100000) DestroyGold(100000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",43) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMelodicUpgrade SAY ~The armor of a true Bard. I am rather surprised to see this, as it is very rare.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMelodicUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMelodicUpgrade1 SAY ~If you bring me the Crimson Chain, Gorgon Plate and four quantities of Adamantine Dust, I can make an armor that will be the envy of every jester.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMelodicUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMelodicUpgrade2 SAY ~As reagents I will need a Scroll of Protection from Magic, a Scroll of Protection from Magic Energy, a Beljuril, and a Rogue Stone.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMelodicUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMelodicUpgrade3 SAY ~It will probably cost 20,000 gold pieces for the upgrade.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMelodicUpgrade4 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMelodicUpgrade4 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("chan15") PartyHasItem("chan11") PartyHasItem("plat13") NumItemsPartyGT("dwdust",3) PartyHasItem("scrl07") PartyHasItem("scrl7j") PartyHasItem("misc45") PartyHasItem("misc6z") PartyGoldGT(19999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(20000) DestroyGold(20000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",44) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHartUpgrade SAY ~Ya mean the armor of Arngor the Legend? Uhmm, aye. I can improve the armor. Though the cost would be quite steep. You must give up the Gorgon Plate, and four quantities of Adamantine Dust.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHartUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHartUpgrade1 SAY ~Furthermore, I will require a Rogue Stone and a Beljuril. Just remember that many people don't like to see items made from Drow components.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHartUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHartUpgrade2 SAY ~I'll have ta charge ya 15,000 gold pieces for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JHartUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JHartUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("plat16") PartyHasItem("plat13") NumItemsPartyGT("dwdust",3) PartyHasItem("misc45") PartyHasItem("misc6z") PartyGoldGT(14999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000) DestroyGold(15000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",45) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArmUpgrade SAY ~Why yes, I believe I can, though the cost will be high. Two Cloaks of Protection +1, one Cloak of Protection +2, and a Ring of Lock Picks, for a start.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadowArmUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArmUpgrade1 SAY ~I will then proceed to adorn it with keys of the following: Citadel, Mayor Logan, Saltmarsh Tomb, Lizardmen's Gate, and the Duergar's Gate.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadowArmUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArmUpgrade2 SAY ~I can charge ya a minimum of 35,000 gold pieces for my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadowArmUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArmUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("leat08") PartyHasItem("ring35") PartyHasItem("clck02") NumItemsPartyGT("clck01",1) PartyHasItem("TCKEY01") PartyHasItem("TCKEY02") PartyHasItem("TCKEY03") PartyHasItem("TCKEY05") PartyHasItem("MISC8M") PartyGoldGT(34999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(35000) DestroyGold(35000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",46) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArm1Upgrade SAY ~A stealthy leather, though not very protective for someone of a rogue's nature.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadowArm1Upgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArm1Upgrade1 SAY ~Bring me two more powerful leathers, The Night's Gift and Armor of Deep Night, as well as ten Potions of Invisibility, and ya will have an armor perfect for an assassin.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadowArm1Upgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArm1Upgrade2 SAY ~However, I must remind ya there will be a fee of 50,000 gold pieces involved, though I am sure ya can comply.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JShadowArm1Upgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JShadowArm1Upgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("leat08") PartyHasItem("leat14") PartyHasItem("leat17") NumItemsPartyGT("potn10",9) PartyGoldGT(49999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(50000) DestroyGold(50000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",47) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragShieldUpgrade SAY ~Ah, ya got the shield most favored when battling a fire-beastie. With it, I could make a shield worthy of battling wyrms of every element.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDragShieldUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragShieldUpgrade1 SAY ~I will require three dragon scales: blue, red and shadow, each to increase the shield's protective ability.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDragShieldUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragShieldUpgrade2 SAY ~It won't be easy and therefore, I'm gonna have ta charge ya 50,000 gold pieces for my expenses.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDragShieldUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDragShieldUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("shld21") PartyHasItem("scaleb") PartyHasItem("scaler") PartyHasItem("compon19") PartyGoldGT(49999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(50000) DestroyGold(50000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",48) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMageRobeUpgrade SAY ~A common mage robe of elemental resistance, eh? I could combine it with others of its ilk to make one robe worthy of the greatest wizards.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMageRobeUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMageRobeUpgrade1 SAY ~I can combine the Mage Robes of Cold, Electric and Fire Resistance with a Knave's and Traveller's Robe, and join them together with a pair of Bracers of Defense AC5.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMageRobeUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMageRobeUpgrade2 SAY ~The task will cost ya only 30,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMageRobeUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMageRobeUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("clck09") PartyHasItem("clck10") PartyHasItem("clck11") PartyHasItem("clck13") PartyHasItem("clck14") PartyHasItem("brac13") PartyGoldGT(29999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(30000) DestroyGold(30000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",49) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStarsUpgrade SAY ~Mm, the work of Thalanta the Fair I see. Very fine, and beautifully crafted. Aye, I can turn this item into a much better protector.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JStarsUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStarsUpgrade1 SAY ~Bear in mind that you will need to give me a Cloak of Protection +2, two Scrolls of Flame Arrow, two Scrolls of Lightning Bolt, two Scrolls of Melf's Acid Arrow, two Scrolls of Cone of Cold, and five quivers of Darts +1. That's two hundred if you can't count.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JStarsUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStarsUpgrade2 SAY ~I think that should only cost ya 15,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JStarsUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JStarsUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("clck25") PartyHasItem("clck02") NumItemsPartyGT("dart02",199) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl1f",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl1k",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl2f",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl95",1) PartyGoldGT(14999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000) DestroyGold(15000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",50) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRedWizUpgrade SAY ~Hm, I feel a strange power emitting from this cloth. It has great magical potential. Did you get this from a Red Wizard?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRedWizUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRedWizUpgrade1 SAY ~I will require one Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons, and will charge ya a mere 35,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JRedWizUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JRedWizUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("misc5n") PartyHasItem("scrl6t") PartyGoldGT(34999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(35000) DestroyGold(35000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",51) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDexUpgrade SAY ~Hmm, the ideal bracers for one who prefers to wear a heavier armor. I could upgrade them, though they would then be used by a more...stealthy type.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDexUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDexUpgrade1 SAY ~This will require the Gauntlets of Weapon Skill, 5 Potions of Master Thievery, and two Horn Coral Gems.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDexUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDexUpgrade2 SAY ~Add these to me fee of 75,000 gold pieces, and ya shall have a fine item indeed.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JDexUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JDexUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("brac07") PartyHasItem("brac09") NumItemsPartyGT("potn36",4) NumItemsPartyGT("misc35",1) PartyGoldGT(74999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(75000) DestroyGold(75000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",52) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBrac3Upgrade SAY ~A good wizard's first defense, those bracers are. But I can see that a trained one such as yerself requires a more "offensive" approach.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JBrac3Upgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBrac3Upgrade1 SAY ~Let's see, if ya bring me one scroll of every high-level wizard spell there is, I can turn these into a pair of legendary gauntlets.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JBrac3Upgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBrac3Upgrade2 SAY ~I'll only charge ya 10,000 gold pieces for the work.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JBrac3Upgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JBrac3Upgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("brac15") PartyHasItem("scrl9l") PartyHasItem("scrl9m") PartyHasItem("scrl9q") PartyHasItem("scrl9r") PartyHasItem("scrl9s") PartyHasItem("scrl9x") PartyHasItem("scrl9y") PartyHasItem("scrl9z") PartyGoldGT(9999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000) DestroyGold(10000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",53) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCrushingUpgrade SAY ~The greatest gloves for a bare-knuckled brawl, eh? Aye, I know of the perfect thing for ya.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCrushingUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCrushingUpgrade1 SAY ~Bring me Tzu-Zan's Bracers, and ten Black Opals.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCrushingUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCrushingUpgrade2 SAY ~Add 20,000 gold pieces and we have a deal.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JCrushingUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JCrushingUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("brac19") PartyHasItem("brac26") NumItemsPartyGT("misc38",9) PartyGoldGT(19999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(20000) DestroyGold(20000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",54) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JToothUpgrade SAY ~That is supposedly a real tooth of the famous shark-god! I could turn this into a cloak of the highest quality.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JToothUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JToothUpgrade1 SAY ~All that I require is two Cloaks of Protection, some Scribe Notes of the Sahuagin, five Scrolls of Minor Globe of Invulnerability, five Scrolls of Monster Summoning III, and one-hundred-and-twenty-five of their famous Paralytic Bolts.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JToothUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JToothUpgrade2 SAY ~Combine this with my labor cost of only 40,000 gold pieces, and it WILL be worth yer while.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JToothUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JToothUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("key26") NumItemsPartyGT("clck01",1) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl1z",4) NumItemsPartyGT("scrl2g",4) NumItemsPartyGT("sahbolt",124) PartyHasItem("miscbw") PartyGoldGT(39999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(40000) DestroyGold(40000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",55) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMercyUpgrade SAY ~Good ring for a Bounty Hunter that, but otherwise pretty useless. I believe I have a stealthy upgrade lying around somewhere.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMercyUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMercyUpgrade1 SAY ~Ah yes, here it is. I will require of you the Ring of Danger Sense, the Ring of Lock Picks, and the Ring of Invisibility.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMercyUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMercyUpgrade2 SAY ~These I will combine for the mere sum of 50,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JMercyUpgrade3 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JMercyUpgrade3 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("wa2ring") PartyHasItem("ring05") PartyHasItem("ring35") PartyHasItem("ring36") PartyGoldGT(49999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(50000) DestroyGold(50000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",56) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWandMissUpgrade SAY ~Mm, every mage's first defense - Magic Missiles. I could turn it into a thief's wand if ya wish.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWandMissUpgrade1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWandMissUpgrade1 SAY ~The task requires five Scrolls of Knock, and a labor fee of 5,000 gold pieces.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO JWandMissUpgrade2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN JWandMissUpgrade2 SAY ~Do ya want ta do the upgrade?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. Do I have anything else?~ GOTO Cromwell1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, thank you. I will have you do it some other time.~ EXIT IF ~PartyHasItem("wand03") NumItemsPartyGT("scrl91",4) PartyGoldGT(4999)~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, go ahead.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(5000) DestroyGold(5000) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",57) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~AreaCheck("TC0026") Global("TCRurikInShop","TC0026",1) Global("ForgeStuff","TC0026",2)~ THEN BEGIN MadeIt2 SAY ~Here ya go, me friend. I hope ya can use this well.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Thanks. Can we see what you have to sell?~ DO ~SetGlobal("ForgeStuff","TC0026",0) SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",0) StartStore("trmer04",LastTalkedToBy(Myself))~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Thanks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("ForgeItem","TC0026",0) SetGlobal("ForgeStuff","TC0026",0)~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCHouseExplored","TC0051",2)~ THEN BEGIN NotHaunted SAY ~For a house that is supposed to be abandoned, this place sure is clean.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I don't think the town knows that someone is living here. All those scary noises outside must be used to keep people away.~ GOTO NotHaunted1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN NotHaunted1 SAY ~Maybe so, but that just means that whoever is here, doesn't want us here either.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("TCHouseExplored","TC0051",3)~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCRurikXvartTalk","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN SmellsLikeXvart SAY ~*Sniffs the air* Some kind of goblins here. Or xvarts maybe. Either way, they’re dead.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikXvartTalk","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCRurikNewAreaWarn","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN TunnelTalk SAY ~Wonder how deep this place goes? Watch yer heads everyone. Gods know how long its been since anyone was down here.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikNewAreaWarn","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCRurikForgeTalk","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN RurikForge1 SAY ~*whistles* Look at this place. Can anyone else feel the power in here? The Weave is very strong.~ IF ~OR(5) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE) Class(Player1,CLERIC_MAGE) Class(Player1,MAGE) Class(Player1,MAGE_THIEF) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN REPLY ~The Weave? You can feel it also?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikForgeTalk","LOCALS",2) SetGlobal("TCForgeTalk","TC0422",2)~ GOTO RurikForge2 IF ~!Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_MAGE) !Class(Player1,MAGE) !Class(Player1,MAGE_THIEF) !Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN REPLY ~The Weave? You can feel it in here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRurikForgeTalk","LOCALS",2) SetGlobal("TCForgeTalk","TC0422",2)~ GOTO RurikForge2 END IF ~~ THEN RurikForge2 SAY ~Of course I can. How do you think I make magical items?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Can you make anything using this forge?~ GOTO RurikForge3 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~That's nice. Let's get moving.~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN RurikForge3 SAY ~*grunt* Not really sure...there's somethin' different about this place. With the Weave being this powerful here, there is a good chance that creating an item may cause it to self destruct. I'm afraid I lack the ability to use safely use this forge.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Maybe we can try again later.~ JOURNAL ~We found the Van Arthog's magic forge, but something about it is wrong and we can't use it to make items. Maybe we can figure it out later.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Maybe someone else can do it if you can't.~ JOURNAL ~We found the Van Arthog's magic forge, but something about it is wrong and we can't use it to make items. Maybe we can figure it out later.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~We don't have time to try it anyway. Let's get going.~ JOURNAL ~We found the Van Arthog's magic forge, but something about it is wrong and we can't use it to make items. Maybe we can figure it out later.~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCMMPainting","MM0202",1)~ THEN BEGIN PaintingTalk SAY ~Hey , that girl in the painting looks like the one that was just 'ere.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, it does doesn't it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCMMPainting","MM0202",2)~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Are you sure? Maybe it was the shadows that tricked your eyes.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCMMPainting","MM0202",2)~ EXIT END IF ~Global("TCSummonRurik","MD0001",1)~ THEN BEGIN MythTalk SAY ~Ya blasted wizard! Ya coulda warned me ya was teleportin'! Ugh, my stomach.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Good to see you, Rurik.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCSummonRurik","MD0001",2)~ GOTO MythTalk1 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN MythTalk1 SAY ~! What in blazes? *looks around* Myth Drannor? Aye, it must be.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~How did you know?~ GOTO MythTalk2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN MythTalk2 SAY ~I'm older than I look. Not that old, mind ya! But I remember the descriptions from me clan. Many of them lived here. Aye, and many of them died here, too. The rest moved out of Cormathor and into the mountains. My family moved into Sembia, which is where I was born, just outside of Saerloon.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Well, now you get a chance to go adventuring into Myth Drannor. I need your help on a quest.~ EXIT END IF ~!InParty(Myself)~ THEN BEGIN WhyOut SAY ~Humph, I wonder what happened there. Should I continue with you?~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, please join us.~ DO ~SetGlobal("IWasKickedOut","LOCALS",0) JoinParty()~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Not now, I think it would be best if we split up. Why don't you head back to your shop?~ DO ~SetGlobal("IWasKickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("TCRurikAtShop","GLOBAL",1) SetDialogue("TCRURIK") LeaveParty() MoveGlobal("TC0026","TCRURIK",[413.349])~ EXIT END // Rilithar Wedding Ring IF ~Global("TCRilLoveTalkPCisMarried","GLOBAL",1) InParty("TCRIL") See("TCRIL") !StateCheck("TCRIL",STATE_SLEEPING) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) AreaCheck("TC0026") GlobalTimerExpired("TCRilRingTimer","GLOBAL") PartyHasItem("TCRING07") Global("TCRilRingLevel","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN RurikWeddingBand SAY ~Hey, lass, that ring on ye finger is quite old?~ ++ ~Hmm? You mean my wedding ring?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRilRingLevel","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO RurikWeddingBand.1 ++ ~Yes, this ring has been passed on from Rilithar's family.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRilRingLevel","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO RurikWeddingBand.1 ++ ~My wedding ring is indeed quite an antique. What about it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRilRingLevel","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO RurikWeddingBand.1 ++ ~Mind your own business, Rurik.~ DO ~SetGlobal("TCRilRingLevel","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO RurikWeddingBand.2 END IF ~~ BEGIN RurikWeddingBand.1 SAY ~Aye, 'tis a nice enuff ring. Me eyes see the ring is made of some kind of hard metal. Can I see?~ ++ ~Mind your own business, Rurik.~ + RurikWeddingBand.2 ++ ~No way, this is my wedding ring, dwarf.~ + RurikWeddingBand.2 ++ ~Well, alright. Be careful with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.3 END IF ~~ BEGIN RurikWeddingBand.2 SAY ~Ow, lass. Me see the ring is made of some kind of hard metal. If you let me examine it, I may be able to strengthen the crafting.~ ++ ~Keep your filthy hands off my ring.~ + RurikWeddingBand.4 ++ ~Well, alright. Be careful with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.3 END IF ~~ BEGIN RurikWeddingBand.3 SAY ~*examines the ring* You see here, there's a small crack which probably weakens the enchantment on it. I can mend it, if ye want.~ ++ ~Really? I should ask Rilithar, though.~ + RurikWeddingBand.5 ++ ~Great, what are you waiting for? Get on with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.6 ++ ~Thank you, Rurik. Please mend it but be careful with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.6 ++ ~*snatch back the ring* Keep your filthy hands off my ring.~ + RurikWeddingBand.4 END IF ~~ BEGIN RurikWeddingBand.4 SAY ~Its yer ring.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ BEGIN RurikWeddingBand.5 SAY ~Aye, ask yer lord.~ IF ~InParty("TCRIL") IsValidForPartyDialog("TCRIL")~ THEN EXTERN TCRILJ RurikWeddingBandRilReply ++ ~Great, what are you waiting for? Get on with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.6 ++ ~Thank you, Rurik. Please mend it but be careful with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.6 ++ ~*snatch back the ring* Keep your filthy hands off my ring.~ + RurikWeddingBand.4 END IF ~~ BEGIN RurikWeddingBand.6 // remove old ring, give upgraded ring SAY ~Alright, 'tis won't take long. Here ye go.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("TCRING07") DestroyItem("TCRING07") GiveItemCreate("TCRING08","Player1",1,0,0) SetGlobal("TCRilRingLevel", "GLOBAL", 1) RealSetGlobalTimer("TCRilRingTimer","GLOBAL",600) ClearActions(Myself) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("cromwell")~ EXIT END IF ~~ BEGIN RilRingNeedsFixing1 SAY ~*examines the ring* Aye, there's a small crack which weakens the enchantment on it. I can mend it, if ye want.~ ++ ~Great, what are you waiting for? Get on with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.6 ++ ~Thank you, Rurik. Please mend it but be careful with it.~ + RurikWeddingBand.6 END APPEND ~TCDIRBEJ~ IF ~~ THEN BEGIN DirbNoCut SAY ~All right! This will be really useful. Thanks. Hey, there are some arrows in here too. I've never seen some of these before.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END APPEND ~TCRILJ~ IF ~~ THEN BEGIN RurikWeddingBandRilReply SAY ~I think it is a good idea to get the crack mended, . I did not realize that the ring is broken or I would not have given it to you as a wedding ring. I am sorry, this is a poor wedding gift.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END