BACKUP ~bambatch/backup~ AUTHOR VERSION ~v1~ //! Convert BAMs to BMPs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Convert BAMs to BMPs~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY - ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x8 dl //Uncompressed data length DECOMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0xc (SOURCE_SIZE - 0xc) dl sz = dl END ELSE BEGIN sz = SOURCE_SIZE END SPRINT bn ~%SOURCE_RES%~ PATCH_PRINT ~Converting %SOURCE_FILE% to bitmaps ...~ READ_SHORT 0x8 fc //Frame count READ_LONG 0x10 pf //Palette offset READ_ASCII pf pt (1024) READ_ASCII (pf + 3) nl (1) //Null READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset FOR (f1 = 0; f1 < fc; f1 += 1) BEGIN //Frame loop SPRINT xl ~~ //End of line READ_SHORT (f1 * 0xc + fn) fw //Frame width df = (fw / 4) * 4 PATCH_IF df < fw BEGIN lz = df + 4 //Line size df = lz - fw //Byte difference FOR (g1 = 0; g1 < df; g1 += 1) BEGIN SPRINT xl ~%xl%%nl%~ END END ELSE BEGIN lz = fw df = 0 END READ_SHORT (f1 * 0xc + fn + 2) fh //Frame height READ_LONG (f1 * 0xc + fn + 8) fd //Frame data offset cp = NOT ((fd & 0b10000000000000000000000000000000) >> 31) //Compression fd = (fd & 0b01111111111111111111111111111111) PATCH_IF cp = 0 BEGIN ds = (fw * fh) //Data size PATCH_PRINT ~Converting frame %f1% (uncompressed): reading datasize %ds% from offset %fd% ...~ READ_ASCII fd fm (ds) END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF f1 < (fc - 1) BEGIN READ_LONG ((f1 + 1) * 0xc + fn + 8) nf //Next frame data offset nf = (nf & 0b01111111111111111111111111111111) ds = (nf - fd) END ELSE BEGIN ds = (sz - fd) END PATCH_PRINT ~Converting frame %f1% (compressed): reading datasize %ds% from offset %fd% ...~ tx = 0 //Transparency index cleared SPRINT fm ~~ //Clear frame data cc = 0 //Column count FOR (f2 = 0; f2 < ds; f2 += 1) BEGIN //Crawl through frame data PATCH_IF tx = 0 BEGIN //If transparency set to 0 (1st byte or non-transparent reached) READ_BYTE (fd + f2) bt //1st byte hex value READ_ASCII (fd + f2) bx (1) //1st byte ASCII value PATCH_IF (bt = 0) AND (f2 < (ds - 1)) BEGIN //If byte is transparent and not last pixel READ_BYTE (fd + f2 + 1) bv //Next byte FOR (f3 = 0; f3 < (bv + 1); f3 += 1) BEGIN //Augment transparent pixels SPRINT fm ~%fm%%bx%~ //Add byte ASCII value cc += 1 //Column counter PATCH_IF (cc = fw) AND (df > 0) BEGIN //If column is frame width and there's a difference SPRINT fm ~%fm%%xl%~ //Pad line with extra BMP nulls cc = 0 //Reset column counter END END tx = 1 //Transparency set END ELSE BEGIN //If not transparent or last pixel SPRINT fm ~%fm%%bx%~ //Add byte ASCII value cc += 1 //Increase column counter PATCH_IF (cc = fw) AND (df > 0) BEGIN //If column is frame width and there's a difference SPRINT fm ~%fm%%xl%~ //Pad line with extra BMP nulls cc = 0 //Reset column counter END END END ELSE BEGIN //If transparency is not 0 tx = 0 //Set to 0 END END END SPRINT fk ~~ INNER_PATCH ~%fm%~ BEGIN FOR (g2 = fh; g2 > 0; g2 -= 1) BEGIN //Reverse rows for BMP PATCH_IF cp = 0 BEGIN //If compressed READ_ASCII ((g2 - 1) * fw) fl (fw) //Read frame width SPRINT fk ~%fk%%fl%%xl%~ //Pad with extra nulls END ELSE BEGIN READ_ASCII ((g2 - 1) * lz) fl (lz) //Read padded line width SPRINT fk ~%fk%%fl%~ END END END fz = (0x436 + (lz * fh)) INNER_ACTION BEGIN COPY ~bambatch/header.bmp~ ~bambatch/bmp/%bn%%f1%.bmp~ WRITE_LONG 0x2 fz //File size WRITE_LONG 0x12 fw //Width WRITE_LONG 0x16 fh //Height WRITE_LONG 0x22 (lz * fh) //Image size WRITE_ASCIIE 0x36 ~%pt%~ //Color table READ_LONG 0x36 p0 PATCH_IF p0 = 0x9797 BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x36 0xff00 //Fix cyan transparency to green END //Uncomment line below to write a brown background (similar to in-game look) //WRITE_LONG 0x36 0x352e21 READ_LONG 0x3a p1 PATCH_IF p1 = 0xff6597 BEGIN WRITE_LONG 0x3a 0x080808 //Fix pink shadow to dark grey END INSERT_BYTES 0x436 (lz * fh) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x436 ~%fk%~ //Raster data BUT_ONLY END END BUT_ONLY //! Convert BMPs to inventory BAMs ////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Convert BMPs to inventory BAMs~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD ACTION_BASH_FOR ~bambatch/invlarge~ ~^.+\.bmp$~ BEGIN COPY - ~%BASH_FOR_FILESPEC%~ ~%BASH_FOR_FILESPEC%~ rw = 0 READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (2) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BM~ = 1) BEGIN SPRINT bs ~%BASH_FOR_RES%~ TO_LOWER bs PATCH_PRINT ~Converting %bs%.bmp to a BAM ...~ ln = STRING_LENGTH ~%bs%~ INNER_PATCH ~%bs%~ BEGIN READ_ASCII 0 bf (ln - 1) //Trim rightmost character END READ_SHORT 0x1c bc //Bit count READ_LONG 0x1e cp //Compression PATCH_IF (bc = 8) AND (cp = 0) BEGIN READ_ASCII 0x6 nl (1) //Null READ_LONG 0xa fd //Raster data offset READ_LONG 0x12 rw //Width df = (rw / 4) * 4 PATCH_IF df < rw BEGIN lz = df + 4 //Line size df = lz - rw //Byte difference END ELSE BEGIN lz = rw df = 0 END lw = (rw / 2) //Large frame formatted width READ_LONG 0x16 rh //Height lh = (rh / 2) //Large frame formatted height READ_ASCII 0x36 pt (1024) //Color table SPRINT fk ~~ kl = 0 //Large BMP datasize tc = 0 //Transparency count FOR (j1 = rh; j1 > 0; j1 -= 1) BEGIN //Row height loop FOR (j2 = 0; j2 < rw; j2 += 1) BEGIN //Row width loop READ_ASCII (fd + (j1 - 1) * (rw + df) + j2) fl (1) //Last row first PATCH_IF (~%fl%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%nl%~ = 1) BEGIN tc += 1 PATCH_IF ((j1 = 1) AND (j2 = (rw - 1))) OR (tc = 255) BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fk ~%fk%%nl%%tp%~ kl += 2 //Increase datasize 2 bytes tc = 0 END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF tc > 0 BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fk ~%fk%%nl%%tp%%fl%~ kl += 3 //Increase datasize 3 bytes tc = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SPRINT fk ~%fk%%fl%~ kl += 1 //Increase datasize 1 byte END END END END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~Bitmap %bs% is not 8-bit or is compressed. Please check source file.~ END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% is not a valid bitmap - check the file.~ END BUT_ONLY ACTION_IF ((FILE_EXISTS ~bambatch/invsmall/%bf%s.bmp~) AND (rw > 0)) BEGIN COPY - ~bambatch/invsmall/%bf%s.bmp~ ~bambatch/invsmall/%bf%s.bmp~ PATCH_PRINT ~Converting %bf%s.bmp to a BAM ...~ READ_SHORT 0x1c bc //Bit count READ_LONG 0x1e cp //Compression PATCH_IF (bc = 8) AND (cp = 0) BEGIN READ_LONG 0xa fd //Raster data offset READ_LONG 0x12 qw //Width df = (qw / 4) * 4 PATCH_IF df < qw BEGIN lz = df + 4 //Line size df = df + 4 - qw //Byte difference END ELSE BEGIN lz = qw df = 0 END sw = ((qw - 32) / 2) //Small frame formatted width READ_LONG 0x16 qh //Height sh = ((qh - 32) / 2) //Small frame formatted height SPRINT fj ~~ jl = 0 //Small BMP datasize tc = 0 //Transparency count FOR (k1 = qh; k1 > 0; k1 -= 1) BEGIN //Row height loop FOR (k2 = 0; k2 < qw; k2 += 1) BEGIN //Row width loop READ_ASCII (fd + (k1 - 1) * (qw + df) + k2) fl (1) //Last row first PATCH_IF (~%fl%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%nl%~ = 1) BEGIN tc += 1 PATCH_IF ((k1 = 1) AND (k2 = (qw - 1))) OR (tc = 255) BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fj ~%fj%%nl%%tp%~ jl += 2 //Increase datasize 2 bytes tc = 0 END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF tc > 0 BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fj ~%fj%%nl%%tp%%fl%~ jl += 3 //Increase datasize 3 bytes tc = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SPRINT fj ~%fj%%fl%~ jl += 1 //Increase datasize 1 byte END END END END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~Bitmap %bs% is not 8-bit or is compressed - check the file.~ END BUT_ONLY COPY ~bambatch/hdr-inv.bam~ ~bambatch/bam/%bf%.bam~ READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset WRITE_SHORT fn qw //Small frame width WRITE_SHORT (fn + 2) qh //Small frame height WRITE_SHORT (fn + 4) sw //Small frame X coordinate WRITE_SHORT (fn + 6) sh //Small frame Y coordinate READ_LONG (fn + 8) fd //Small frame data offset WRITE_SHORT (0xc + fn) rw //Large frame width WRITE_SHORT (0xc + fn + 2) rh //Large frame height WRITE_SHORT (0xc + fn + 4) lw //Large frame X coordinate WRITE_SHORT (0xc + fn + 6) lh //Large frame Y coordinate WRITE_SHORT (0xc + fn + 8) (fd + jl) //Large frame data offset READ_LONG 0x10 pf //Palette offset WRITE_ASCIIE pf ~%pt%~ //Palette READ_LONG pf p0 PATCH_IF p0 = 0x9797 BEGIN WRITE_LONG pf 0xff00 //Fix cyan transparency to green END READ_LONG (pf + 4) p1 PATCH_IF p1 = 0xff6597 BEGIN WRITE_LONG (pf + 4) 0x080808 //Fix pink shadow to dark grey END INSERT_BYTES fd (jl) WRITE_ASCIIE fd ~%fj%~ //Small frame data INSERT_BYTES (fd + jl) (kl) WRITE_ASCIIE (fd + jl) ~%fk%~ //Large frame data COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 (fd + jl + kl) 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ //Signature WRITE_LONG 0x8 (fd + jl + kl) //Data length BUT_ONLY END ELSE BEGIN PRINT ~Small bitmap %bf%s does not exist - check your files.~ END END //! Convert BMPs to spell BAMs ////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Convert BMPs to spell BAMs~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY - ~bambatch/spell~ ~bambatch/spell~ qw = 0 READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (2) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BM~ = 1) BEGIN SPRINT bs ~%SOURCE_RES%~ TO_LOWER bs PATCH_PRINT ~Converting %bs%.bmp to a BAM ...~ READ_SHORT 0x1c bc //Bit count READ_LONG 0x1e cp //Compression PATCH_IF (bc = 8) AND (cp = 0) BEGIN READ_ASCII 0x6 nl (1) //Null READ_LONG 0xa fd //Raster data offset READ_LONG 0x12 qw //Width df = (qw / 4) * 4 PATCH_IF df < qw BEGIN lz = df + 4 //Line size df = lz - qw //Byte difference END ELSE BEGIN lz = qw df = 0 END sw = ((qw - 32) / 2) //Formatted width READ_LONG 0x16 qh //Height sh = ((qh - 32) / 2) //Formatted height READ_ASCII 0x36 pt (1024) //Color table SPRINT fj ~~ jl = 0 //BMP datasize tc = 0 //Transparency count FOR (k1 = qh; k1 > 0; k1 -= 1) BEGIN //Row height loop FOR (k2 = 0; k2 < qw; k2 += 1) BEGIN //Row width loop READ_ASCII (fd + (k1 - 1) * (qw + df) + k2) fl (1) //Last row first PATCH_IF (~%fl%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%nl%~ = 1) BEGIN tc += 1 PATCH_IF ((k1 = 1) AND (k2 = (qw - 1))) OR (tc = 255) BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fj ~%fj%%nl%%tp%~ jl += 2 //Increase datasize 2 bytes tc = 0 END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF tc > 0 BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fj ~%fj%%nl%%tp%%fl%~ jl += 3 //Increase datasize 3 bytes tc = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SPRINT fj ~%fj%%fl%~ jl += 1 //Increase datasize 1 byte END END END END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~Bitmap %bs% is not 8-bit or is compressed - check the file.~ END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% is not a valid bitmap - check the file.~ END BUT_ONLY ACTION_IF qw > 0 BEGIN COPY ~bambatch/hdr-spl.bam~ ~bambatch/bam/%bs%.bam~ READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset WRITE_SHORT fn qw //Frame width WRITE_SHORT (fn + 2) qh //Frame height WRITE_SHORT (fn + 4) sw //X coordinate WRITE_SHORT (fn + 6) sh //Y coordinate READ_LONG (fn + 8) fd //Frame data offset READ_LONG 0x10 pf //Palette offset WRITE_ASCIIE pf ~%pt%~ //Palette READ_LONG pf p0 PATCH_IF p0 = 0x9797 BEGIN WRITE_LONG pf 0xff00 //Fix cyan transparency to green END READ_LONG (pf + 4) p1 PATCH_IF p1 = 0xff6597 BEGIN WRITE_LONG (pf + 4) 0x080808 //Fix pink shadow to dark grey END INSERT_BYTES fd (jl) WRITE_ASCIIE fd ~%fj%~ //Small frame data COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 (fd + jl) 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ //Signature WRITE_LONG 0x8 (fd + jl) //Data length BUT_ONLY END //! Convert BMPs to description BAMs //////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Convert BMPs to description BAMs~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY - ~bambatch/desc~ ~bambatch/desc~ qw = 0 READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (2) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BM~ = 1) BEGIN SPRINT bs ~%SOURCE_RES%~ TO_LOWER bs PATCH_PRINT ~Converting %bs%.bmp to a BAM ...~ READ_SHORT 0x1c bc //Bit count READ_LONG 0x1e cp //Compression PATCH_IF (bc = 8) AND (cp = 0) BEGIN READ_ASCII 0x6 nl (1) //Null READ_LONG 0xa fd //Raster data offset READ_LONG 0x12 qw //Width df = (qw / 4) * 4 PATCH_IF df < qw BEGIN lz = df + 4 //Line size df = lz - qw //Byte difference END ELSE BEGIN lz = qw df = 0 END sw = (qw / 2) //Formatted width READ_LONG 0x16 qh //Height sh = (qh / 2) //Formatted height READ_ASCII 0x36 pt (1024) //Color table SPRINT fj ~~ jl = 0 //BMP datasize tc = 0 //Transparency count FOR (k1 = qh; k1 > 0; k1 -= 1) BEGIN //Row height loop FOR (k2 = 0; k2 < qw; k2 += 1) BEGIN //Row width loop READ_ASCII (fd + (k1 - 1) * (qw + df) + k2) fl (1) //Last row first PATCH_IF (~%fl%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%nl%~ = 1) BEGIN tc += 1 PATCH_IF ((k1 = 1) AND (k2 = (qw - 1))) OR (tc = 255) BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fj ~%fj%%nl%%tp%~ jl += 2 //Increase datasize 2 bytes tc = 0 END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF tc > 0 BEGIN INNER_PATCH z BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0 (tc - 1) READ_ASCII 0 tp (1) //Read ASCII value of tc END SPRINT fj ~%fj%%nl%%tp%%fl%~ jl += 3 //Increase datasize 3 bytes tc = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SPRINT fj ~%fj%%fl%~ jl += 1 //Increase datasize 1 byte END END END END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~Bitmap %bs% is not 8-bit or is compressed - check the file.~ END END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% is not a valid bitmap - check the file.~ END BUT_ONLY ACTION_IF qw > 0 BEGIN COPY ~bambatch/hdr-desc.bam~ ~bambatch/bam/%bs%.bam~ READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset WRITE_SHORT fn qw //Frame width WRITE_SHORT (fn + 2) qh //Frame height WRITE_SHORT (fn + 4) sw //X coordinate WRITE_SHORT (fn + 6) sh //Y coordinate READ_LONG (fn + 8) fd //Frame data offset READ_LONG 0x10 pf //Palette offset WRITE_ASCIIE pf ~%pt%~ //Palette READ_LONG pf p0 PATCH_IF p0 = 0x9797 BEGIN WRITE_LONG pf 0xff00 //Fix cyan transparency to green END READ_LONG (pf + 4) p1 PATCH_IF p1 = 0xff6597 BEGIN WRITE_LONG (pf + 4) 0x080808 //Fix pink shadow to dark grey END INSERT_BYTES fd (jl) WRITE_ASCIIE fd ~%fj%~ //Small frame data COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 (fd + jl) 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ //Signature WRITE_LONG 0x8 (fd + jl) //Data length BUT_ONLY END //! Fix inventory BAM coordinates /////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Fix inventory BAM coordinates~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x8 dl //Uncompressed data length DECOMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0xc (SOURCE_SIZE - 0xc) dl END ELSE BEGIN dl = SOURCE_SIZE //Uncompressed data length END READ_SHORT 0x8 fc //Frame count PATCH_IF (fc != 2) BEGIN i1 = 1 PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% has %fc% frames (inventory BAMs need 2) - check source file.~ END ELSE BEGIN READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset READ_SHORT fn w1 //Frame width 1 READ_SHORT (fn + 2) h1 //Frame height 1 READ_SHORT (0xc + fn) w2 //Frame width 2 READ_SHORT (0xc + fn + 2) h2 //Frame height 2 PATCH_IF (w1 = w2) BEGIN i1 = 1 PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% has 2 frames of equal width - check source file.~ END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF (w1 > w2) BEGIN i1 = 0xc i2 = 0 END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_IF (w2 > w1) BEGIN i1 = 0 i2 = 0xc END END END PATCH_IF (i1 != 1) BEGIN READ_SHORT (i1 + fn) qw //Small frame raw width sw = ((qw - 32) / 2) //Small frame formatted width READ_SHORT (i1 + fn + 2) qh //Small frame raw height sh = ((qh - 32) / 2) //Small frame formatted height READ_SSHORT (i1 + fn + 4) sx //Small frame X coordinate PATCH_IF (sx > (sw + 1)) OR (sx < (sw - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (i1 + fn + 4) sw PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% small frame X offset changed from %sx% to %sw%.~ END READ_SSHORT (i1 + fn + 6) sy //Small frame Y coordinate PATCH_IF (sy > (sh + 1)) OR (sy < (sh - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (i1 + fn + 6) sh PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% small frame Y offset changed from %sy% to %sh%.~ END READ_SHORT (i2 + fn) rw //Large frame raw width lw = (rw / 2) //Large frame formatted width READ_SHORT (i2 + fn + 2) rh //Large frame raw height lh = (rh / 2) //Large frame formatted height READ_SSHORT (i2 + fn + 4) lx //Large frame X coordinate PATCH_IF (lx > (lw + 1)) OR (lx < (lw - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (i2 + fn + 4) lw PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% large frame X offset changed from %lx% to %lw%.~ END READ_SSHORT (i2 + fn + 6) ly //Large frame Y coordinate PATCH_IF (ly > (lh + 1)) OR (ly < (lh - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (i2 + fn + 6) lh PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% large frame Y offset changed from %ly% to %lh%.~ END PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 dl 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ WRITE_LONG 0x8 dl END END END BUT_ONLY //! Fix spell BAM coordinates /////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Fix spell BAM coordinates~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x8 dl //Uncompressed data length DECOMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0xc (SOURCE_SIZE - 0xc) dl END ELSE BEGIN dl = SOURCE_SIZE //Uncompressed data length END READ_SHORT 0x8 fc //Frame count PATCH_IF (fc != 1) BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% has %fc% frames (spell BAMs need 1) - check source file.~ END ELSE BEGIN READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset READ_SHORT fn qw //Raw width sw = ((qw - 32) / 2) //Formatted width READ_SHORT (fn + 2) qh //Raw height sh = ((qh - 32) / 2) //Formatted height READ_SSHORT (fn + 4) sx //X coordinate PATCH_IF (sx > (sw + 1)) OR (sx < (sw - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (fn + 4) sw PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% X offset changed from %sx% to %sw%.~ END READ_SSHORT (fn + 6) sy //Y coordinate PATCH_IF (sy > (sh + 1)) OR (sy < (sh - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (fn + 6) sh PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% Y offset changed from %sy% to %sh%.~ END PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 dl 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ WRITE_LONG 0x8 dl END END BUT_ONLY //! Fix description BAM coordinates ///////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Fix description BAM coordinates~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x8 dl //Uncompressed data length DECOMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0xc (SOURCE_SIZE - 0xc) dl END ELSE BEGIN dl = SOURCE_SIZE //Uncompressed data length END READ_SHORT 0x8 fc //Frame count PATCH_IF (fc != 1) BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% has %fc% frames (spell BAMs need 1) - check source file.~ END ELSE BEGIN READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset READ_SHORT fn qw //Raw width sw = (qw / 2) //Formatted width READ_SHORT (fn + 2) qh //Raw height sh = (qh / 2) //Formatted height READ_SSHORT (fn + 4) sx //X coordinate PATCH_IF (sx > (sw + 1)) OR (sx < (sw - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (fn + 4) sw PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% X offset changed from %sx% to %sw%.~ END READ_SSHORT (fn + 6) sy //Y coordinate PATCH_IF (sy > (sh + 1)) OR (sy < (sh - 1)) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (fn + 6) sh PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% Y offset changed from %sy% to %sh%.~ END PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 dl 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ WRITE_LONG 0x8 dl END END BUT_ONLY //! Decompress BAMs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Decompress BAMs~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x8 dl //Uncompressed data length DECOMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0xc (SOURCE_SIZE - 0xc) dl END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% is not a compressed BAM.~ END BUT_ONLY //! Compress BAMs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Compress BAMs~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAM ~ = 1) BEGIN dl = SOURCE_SIZE //Data length COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 dl 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ WRITE_LONG 0x8 dl END ELSE BEGIN PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% is not an uncompressed BAM.~ END BUT_ONLY //! List BAMs and dimensions //////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~List BAMs and dimensions~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bam~ ~bambatch/bam~ SPRINT bm ~%SOURCE_FILE%~ TO_LOWER bm READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (4) //Signature READ_ASCII 0x0 sn (3) //Short signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x8 dl //Uncompressed data length DECOMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0xc (SOURCE_SIZE - 0xc) dl END PATCH_IF (~%sn%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAM~ = 1) BEGIN READ_SHORT 0x8 fc //Frame count READ_LONG 0xc fn //Frame entry offset FOR (f1 = 0; f1 < fc; f1 += 1) BEGIN //Frame loop SPRINT xl ~~ //End of line READ_SHORT (f1 * 0xc + fn) fw //Frame width READ_SHORT (f1 * 0xc + fn + 2) fh //Frame height INNER_ACTION BEGIN APPEND_OUTER ~bambatch/backup/bam_list.txt~ ~%bm% %f1% %fw% %fh%~ END END PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BAMC~ = 1) BEGIN dl = SOURCE_SIZE //Data length COMPRESS_REPLACE_FILE 0 dl 9 INSERT_BYTES 0x0 0xc WRITE_ASCII 0x0 ~BAMCV1 ~ WRITE_LONG 0x8 dl END END BUT_ONLY //! List BMPs and dimensions //////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~List BMPs and dimensions~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/bmp~ ~bambatch/bmp~ SPRINT bm ~%SOURCE_FILE%~ TO_LOWER bm READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (2) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~BM~ = 1) BEGIN READ_LONG 0x12 fw //Width READ_LONG 0x16 fh //Height INNER_ACTION BEGIN APPEND_OUTER ~bambatch/backup/bmp_list.txt~ ~%bm% %fw% %fh%~ END END BUT_ONLY //! List GIFs and dimensions //////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~List GIFs and dimensions~ SUBCOMPONENT ~BAM Batcher~ NO_LOG_RECORD COPY ~bambatch/moingif~ ~bambatch/moingif~ SPRINT bm ~%SOURCE_FILE%~ TO_LOWER bm READ_ASCII 0x0 sg (3) //Signature PATCH_IF (~%sg%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~GIF~ = 1) BEGIN SPRINT bs ~%SOURCE_RES%~ TO_LOWER bs ln = STRING_LENGTH ~%bs%~ INNER_PATCH ~%bs%~ BEGIN READ_ASCII 0 bf (ln - 1) //Trim rightmost character END READ_SHORT 0x6 fw //Width READ_SHORT 0x8 fh //Height INNER_ACTION BEGIN APPEND_OUTER ~bambatch/backup/gif_list.txt~ ~ %bf%~ END END BUT_ONLY //! Moinesse's BAMs (BAMs only) ///////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~BAMs only~ SUBCOMPONENT ~Moinesse's BAMs~ DESIGNATED 100 COPY ~bambatch/moinbam~ ~override~ //! Moinesse's BAMs (BAMs with test items) ////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~BAMs with test items~ SUBCOMPONENT ~Moinesse's BAMs~ DESIGNATED 110 ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~fw0125.are~ BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tsu ~_~ //Tutu underscore OUTER_SPRINT tst ~_inn2616~ //Candlekeep Inn store END ELSE BEGIN //BG2 OUTER_SPRINT tsu ~~ //no underscore otherwise OUTER_SPRINT tst ~shop01~ //Mira (merchant E of circus tent) END COPY ~bambatch/moinbam~ ~override~ ACTION_FOR_EACH amul IN ~mnamul01~ ~mnamul02~ ~mnamul03~ ~mnamul04~ ~mnamul05~ ~mnamul06~ ~mnamul07~ ~mnamul08~ ~mnamul09~ ~mnamul10~ ~mnamul11~ ~mnamul12~ ~mnamul13~ ~mnamul14~ ~mnamul15~ ~mnamul16~ ~mnamul17~ ~mnamul18~ ~mnamul19~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%amul10.itm~ ~override/%amul%.itm~ //Amulets (clone Gold Necklace) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%amul%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH armr IN ~mnarmr01~ ~mnarmr02~ ~mnarmr03~ ~mnarmr04~ ~mnarmr05~ ~mnarmr06~ ~mnarmr07~ ~mnarmr08~ ~mnarmr09~ ~mnarmr10~ ~mnarmr11~ ~mnarmr12~ ~mnarmr13~ ~mnarmr14~ ~mnarmr15~ ~mnarmr16~ ~mnarmr17~ ~mnarmr18~ ~mnarmr19~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%chan01.itm~ ~override/%armr%.itm~ //Armor (clone Chainmail) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%armr%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH axe IN ~mnaxe01~ ~mnaxe02~ ~mnaxe03~ ~mnaxe04~ ~mnaxe05~ ~mnaxe06~ ~mnaxe07~ ~mnaxe08~ ~mnaxe09~ ~mnaxe10~ ~mnaxe11~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%ax1h01.itm~ ~override/%axe%.itm~ //Axes (clone Battle Axe) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%axe%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH belt IN ~mnbelt01~ ~mnbelt02~ ~mnbelt03~ ~mnbelt04~ ~mnbelt05~ ~mnbelt06~ ~mnbelt07~ ~mnbelt08~ ~mnbelt09~ ~mnbelt10~ ~mnbelt11~ ~mnbelt12~ ~mnbelt13~ ~mnbelt14~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%belt01.itm~ ~override/%belt%.itm~ //Belts (clone Girdle) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%belt%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH blun IN ~mnblun01~ ~mnblun02~ ~mnblun03~ ~mnblun04~ ~mnblun05~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%blun04.itm~ ~override/%blun%.itm~ //Blunts (clone Mace) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%blun%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH boot IN ~mnboot01~ ~mnboot02~ ~mnboot03~ ~mnboot04~ ~mnboot05~ ~mnboot06~ ~mnboot07~ ~mnboot08~ ~mnboot09~ ~mnboot10~ ~mnboot11~ ~mnboot12~ ~mnboot13~ ~mnboot14~ ~mnboot15~ ~mnboot16~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%boot06.itm~ ~override/%boot%.itm~ //Boots (clone Worn Out Boots) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%boot%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH bow IN ~mnbow01~ ~mnbow02~ ~mnbow03~ ~mnbow04~ ~mnbow05~ ~mnbow06~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%bow03.itm~ ~override/%bow%.itm~ //Bows (clone Long Bow) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%bow%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH dagg IN ~mnclaw01~ ~mnclaw02~ ~mndagg01~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%dagg01.itm~ ~override/%dagg%.itm~ //Daggers (clone Dagger) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%dagg%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH glov IN ~mnglov01~ ~mnglov02~ ~mnglov03~ ~mnglov04~ ~mnglov05~ ~mnglov06~ ~mnglov07~ ~mnglov08~ ~mnglov09~ ~mnglov10~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%brac01.itm~ ~override/%glov%.itm~ //Gloves (clone Bracers of Defense AC8) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%glov%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH helm IN ~mnhelm01~ ~mnhelm02~ ~mnhelm03~ ~mnhelm04~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%helm01.itm~ ~override/%helm%.itm~ //Helms (clone Helmet) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%helm%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH misc IN ~mnbird01~ ~mnbook01~ ~mnbook02~ ~mncher01~ ~mncup01~ ~mngift01~ ~mnrose01~ ~mnrose02~ ~mnrose03~BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%book09.itm~ ~override/%misc%.itm~ //Miscellany (clone Normal Book) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%misc%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH ring IN ~mnring01~ ~mnring02~ ~mnring03~ ~mnring04~ ~mnring05~ ~mnring06~ ~mnring07~ ~mnring08~ ~mnring09~ ~mnring10~ ~mnring11~ ~mnring12~ ~mnring13~ ~mnring14~ ~mnring15~ ~mnring16~ ~mnring17~ ~mnring18~ ~mnring19~ ~mnring20~ ~mnring21~ ~mnring22~ ~mnring23~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%ring10.itm~ ~override/%ring%.itm~ //Rings (clone Gold Ring) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%ring%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH robe IN ~mnrobe01~ ~mnrobe02~ ~mnrobe03~ ~mnrobe04~ ~mnrobe05~ ~mnrobe06~ ~mnrobe07~ ~mnrobe08~ ~mnrobe09~ ~mnrobe10~ ~mnrobe11~ ~mnrobe12~ ~mnrobe13~ ~mnrobe14~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%clck12.itm~ ~override/%robe%.itm~ //Robes (clone Knave's Robe) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%robe%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH shld IN ~mnshld01~ ~mnshld02~ ~mnshld03~ ~mnshld04~ ~mnshld05~ ~mnshld06~ ~mnshld07~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%shld03.itm~ ~override/%shld%.itm~ //Shield (clone Medium Shield) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%shld%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH shur IN ~mnshur01~ ~mnshur02~ ~mnshur03~ ~mnshur04~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%dart01.itm~ ~override/%shur%.itm~ //Shuriken (clone Dart) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%shur%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH staf IN ~mnstaf01~ ~mnstaf02~ ~mnstaf03~ ~mnstaf04~ ~mnstaf05~ ~mnstaf06~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%staf01.itm~ ~override/%staf%.itm~ //Staves (clone Quarter Staff) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%staf%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH swrd IN ~mnswrd01~ ~mnswrd02~ ~mnswrd03~ ~mnswrd04~ ~mnswrd05~ ~mnswrd06~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%sw1h04.itm~ ~override/%swrd%.itm~ //Swords (clone Long Sword) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%swrd%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END ACTION_FOR_EACH xbow IN ~mnxbow01~ ~mnxbow02~ ~mnxbow03~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%tsu%xbow01.itm~ ~override/%xbow%.itm~ //Crossbows (clone Heavy Crossbow) WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a ~%xbow%~ #8 BUT_ONLY END COPY_EXISTING ~%tst%.sto~ ~override~ PATCH_FOR_EACH itm IN ~mnamul01~ ~mnamul02~ ~mnamul03~ ~mnamul04~ ~mnamul05~ ~mnamul06~ ~mnamul07~ ~mnamul08~ ~mnamul09~ ~mnamul10~ ~mnamul11~ ~mnamul12~ ~mnamul13~ ~mnamul14~ ~mnamul15~ ~mnamul16~ ~mnamul17~ ~mnamul18~ ~mnamul19~ ~mnarmr01~ ~mnarmr02~ ~mnarmr03~ ~mnarmr04~ ~mnarmr05~ ~mnarmr06~ ~mnarmr07~ ~mnarmr08~ ~mnarmr09~ ~mnarmr10~ ~mnarmr11~ ~mnarmr12~ ~mnarmr13~ ~mnarmr14~ ~mnarmr15~ ~mnarmr16~ ~mnarmr17~ ~mnarmr18~ ~mnarmr19~ ~mnaxe01~ ~mnaxe02~ ~mnaxe03~ ~mnaxe04~ ~mnaxe05~ ~mnaxe06~ ~mnaxe07~ ~mnaxe08~ ~mnaxe09~ ~mnaxe10~ ~mnaxe11~ ~mnbelt01~ ~mnbelt02~ ~mnbelt03~ ~mnbelt04~ ~mnbelt05~ ~mnbelt06~ ~mnbelt07~ ~mnbelt08~ ~mnbelt09~ ~mnbelt10~ ~mnbelt11~ ~mnbelt12~ ~mnbelt13~ ~mnbelt14~ ~mnbird01~ ~mnblun01~ ~mnblun02~ ~mnblun03~ ~mnblun04~ ~mnblun05~ ~mnbook01~ ~mnbook02~ ~mnboot01~ ~mnboot02~ ~mnboot03~ ~mnboot04~ ~mnboot05~ ~mnboot06~ ~mnboot07~ ~mnboot08~ ~mnboot09~ ~mnboot10~ ~mnboot11~ ~mnboot12~ ~mnboot13~ ~mnboot14~ ~mnboot15~ ~mnboot16~ ~mnbow01~ ~mnbow02~ ~mnbow03~ ~mnbow04~ ~mnbow05~ ~mnbow06~ ~mncher01~ ~mnclaw01~ ~mnclaw02~ ~mncup01~ ~mndagg01~ ~mngift01~ ~mnglov01~ ~mnglov02~ ~mnglov03~ ~mnglov04~ ~mnglov05~ ~mnglov06~ ~mnglov07~ ~mnglov08~ ~mnglov09~ ~mnglov10~ ~mnhelm01~ ~mnhelm02~ ~mnhelm03~ ~mnhelm04~ ~mnring01~ ~mnring02~ ~mnring03~ ~mnring04~ ~mnring05~ ~mnring06~ ~mnring07~ ~mnring08~ ~mnring09~ ~mnring10~ ~mnring11~ ~mnring12~ ~mnring13~ ~mnring14~ ~mnring15~ ~mnring16~ ~mnring17~ ~mnring18~ ~mnring19~ ~mnring20~ ~mnring21~ ~mnring22~ ~mnring23~ ~mnrobe01~ ~mnrobe02~ ~mnrobe03~ ~mnrobe04~ ~mnrobe05~ ~mnrobe06~ ~mnrobe07~ ~mnrobe08~ ~mnrobe09~ ~mnrobe10~ ~mnrobe11~ ~mnrobe12~ ~mnrobe13~ ~mnrobe14~ ~mnrose01~ ~mnrose02~ ~mnrose03~ ~mnshld01~ ~mnshld02~ ~mnshld03~ ~mnshld04~ ~mnshld05~ ~mnshld06~ ~mnshld07~ ~mnshur01~ ~mnshur02~ ~mnshur03~ ~mnshur04~ ~mnstaf01~ ~mnstaf02~ ~mnstaf03~ ~mnstaf04~ ~mnstaf05~ ~mnstaf06~ ~mnswrd01~ ~mnswrd02~ ~mnswrd03~ ~mnswrd04~ ~mnswrd05~ ~mnswrd06~ ~mnxbow01~ ~mnxbow02~ ~mnxbow03~ BEGIN ADD_STORE_ITEM ~%itm%~ LAST #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #1 END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES