Quick Navigation
- Baldur's Gate II Mods
- NPC Mods
- Adrian
- Arath
- Aura (EE)
- Beyond the Law
- Chloe
- Dace
- Darian
- Drake (EE)
- Fade
- Faren
- Hubelpot
- Isra
- Iylos
- Luxley Family
- Nathaniel
- Ninde
- Nephele
- Pai'Na (EE)
- Sirene (EE)
- Tashia
- Valerie
- Xulaye
- Yeslick
- Yikari
- Expansion Mods
- Almateria's Restoration Project
- Aurora's Shoes and Boots
- BG1 NPCs for SoA & ToB
- Djinni Companion
- Edwin Romance
- Haer'Dalis Romance
- Interaction Expansion Pack
- Jerry Zinger Show
- Longer Road
- Mod for the Wicked
- Neera Expansion
- Redemption
- Sarevok Romance
- Skip Chateau Irenicus
- Spellhold Gauntlet
- Total and Partial Conversions
- Classic Adventures
- Epic Endeavors
- Return to Trademeet
- Mega-Modifications
- Big Picture
- BiG World Project
- Check the Bodies
- Infinity Animations
- Shadows over Soubar
- Worldmap
- The Darkest Day
- Tortured Souls - Big Picture
- Technical and Tweak Mods
- 1PP
- 1PP Archive
- AC's Miscellaneous Tweaks
- Artemius' Tweaks (EE)
- aTweaks
- BG Graphics Overhaul
- BG2 Improved GUI
- Golem Construction (EE)
- Hidden Kits
- Hidden Options (EE)
- Infinity Sounds
- Kit Mods
- Nostalgia Pack
- Psionics Unleashed
- Refinements
- Rogue Rebalancing
- Shadow Magic (EE)
- SMM / RM
- Sir BB's Revisions
- The bigg House
- ToBEx
- Yovaneth's Scripts
- Quest Mods
- Dark Side of the Sword Coast (BGT/EET)
- NTotSC
- Fading Promises
- Fishing for Trouble
- Region of Terror
- Secret of Bone Hill
- Sylmar Battlefield
- Test Your Mettle! (EE)
- Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
- Custom Content
- Baldur's Goth
- NPC Damage
- PC Soundsets
- Portrait Mods
- Mod Resurrections
- Miscellaneous Released Mods
- Ascension64's Warehouse of Miscellanea
- IE Modding Tools
- IE Modding Resources
- BG:EE Mods
- Icewind Dale
- Icewind Dale II
- Planescape: Torment
- PS:T Fixpack
- PS:T Tweaks
- PS:T Unfinished Business
- Ghostdog's PS:T UI
- PS:T Varieties
- Neverwinter Nights Mods
- Modules (Single-Player)
- Persistant Worlds
- Custom Content
- Oblivion Mods
- Adult Mods
- Buildings and Factions
- Gameplay Changes
- Houses
- Miscellaneous
- Models/Textures
- Quests
- Races/Hair/Eyes
- Weapons/Armour
- Other Infinity Engine Mods
- BGEE Stuff
- Clan DLAN mirror
- Clan REO mirror