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#503003 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 13 December 2010 - 04:20 PM in Classic Adventures

The Perigold quest is fixed in the new 0.53a patch.

#500541 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 07 November 2010 - 05:01 AM in Classic Adventures

Amber isn't finished yet. In fact, the only way to get there is to use the CLUA to jump to the areas. There really isn't much point since most of the story isn't done yet.

#506837 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 30 January 2011 - 01:37 PM in Classic Adventures

TC1200 map - fixed (add some new ones as well)
TC1605 - illusionary wall, same as in IWD where this comes from
TC1309 - Couldn't tell you. I assume a spell hit you after he already died. Nothing here is changed from SoA.
Candella/Parents talk - we had changed this awhile ago and forgot about Elminster. His dialog is now fixed.
Maze - as far as I can tell, the stalks are all the same creature file. All should give you the same XP.
Rivian - interesting miss. I have her other dialogs pointing to the inn at TC1201 but not that one. Fixed.
Fletcher - What quest? They mention the spear, Heart Stopper, but there is no quest to give it to them.

#507747 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 08 February 2011 - 10:04 AM in Classic Adventures

Mistmoor quest -
If you agree to the quest, the global is TCArrowQuest which is set at 2. The captain should talk to you asking if you need any assistance. There should be a dialog option to ask about Sharp Eye's payment. Everything looks correct from what I see.

#504775 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 09 January 2011 - 01:19 PM in Classic Adventures

Ander and crew are in front of the building but you are on the side. You have to move yourself around to him. I may see about moving them closer to you in the next version.

Shadow's comment is just her standard line when you are in a dungeon area. She seems to say it more often than other characters say their line here.

#500241 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 02 November 2010 - 04:59 AM in Classic Adventures

After posting in your other thread, I just checked the area. Not sure why you get this because the main causes of crashes are missing files referenced by an area. All CRE files are valid, there are no animations and only 1 ambient file which is there. There are no spawns inside this area. So I don't see why you would find a CTD here. All I can recommend right now is to delete your \temp and \tempsave folders to make sure the game doesn't reload corrupt files and try again. You can also just try to jump into this area, TC1502 from the console and that would skip over the transition region if that is the problem.

Also, does the crash happen immediately during the load or after you appear in this area?

#504264 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 01 January 2011 - 01:48 PM in Classic Adventures

After explore the swamp, kill wyverns and talk with lizardmen chief i go to saltmarsh. When i spoke to saltmars captain she dont react for that alliance with lizardmen but in the daily i got written that i must inform counsil. Meybe some CLUA commends...?


That will allow her to run the dialog asking you how you did. You should have gotten this set by the Lizard King. Not sure how that got skipped based on what you say you have done so far.

#505399 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 18 January 2011 - 06:40 AM in Classic Adventures

Door can go anywhere. In the Citadel, most are just closets. The Deril Estate is the same as in Trademeet and that interior doorway is just a closet. These are used all over SoA but you have probably played it enough times that you don't even bother opening those doorways anymore, so you forgot.

Erky has the spell just like any other mage. You can remove it if you want. When I created him, I just selected random 1st level spells.

The splint mail has the correct description text:

"With the addition of the special Nephelium ore and a small blue gem already at the smithy, Rurik has added ..."

The plate and chain mail are now fixed. Thanks for finding that error.

#508239 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 14 February 2011 - 05:50 AM in Classic Adventures

I encountered an issue tonight, which I see from older posts on this forum that it had come up several years ago with two other users. I completed the part with the pirate ship, and the guard captain back in Saltmarsh told me to go to the swamp, and my world map was updated. The swamp area showed up, yes, but it was grey and unable to be selected, so I couldn't actually go there. I tried leaving from both the top of the screen (leads to the map) and the bottom (leads to the haunted house). Also tried going to two other screens (the home town area and the Tinker's place) to see if I had to approach from one of those maps, but that didn't work either, and you don't seem to have intended that anyway.

In the end, I followed the advice listed in the other posts, which was to use the CLUA console to teleport to the swamp, after which the map worked correctly. Just letting you know it happened.

Because you needed to go out the Southwest gate and off the West edge of the map. South takes you to the haunted mansion, but West takes you to the swamp, Mistmoor, and Selgaunt.

#508629 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 18 February 2011 - 06:51 AM in Classic Adventures

Candella bug already found and correct for next version. My latest test with her has several banters now working as they should.

I believe that list of romances is correct. I can't think of anyone else. Several are much further along than others.

#508454 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 16 February 2011 - 06:01 AM in Classic Adventures

Get closer to the snake and you will find out.

They use the same script as bears. You have to be less than 10 feet away for them to attack. And the party member that close can't be a druid or ranger else they still won't attack.

Yes, the varg creature animation was in a goblin slot. It isn't anymore since I have added several PST creatures to IA. That doesn't mean my list is the same as the "official" IA animation slot list, but it is what I am using for now. I'll update it as the official version gets updated. What this should mean for players is that version 0.54 shouldn't have these animation problems with Aurora or any other mod as long as it uses the official IA animation list (I've just added to it, not modified what is already there).

#509109 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 23 February 2011 - 02:30 PM in Classic Adventures

Mistmoor - okay, now I understand what you are talking about. Fixed.

Candella and thieves - Don't know that to tell you. Normally a party starts off with Shadow and can add Candella (or replace Shadow with her). Fala'stra is our third thief and we didn't see a need to add another one. There is Buranta but she is an assasin and not found until after Westgate. So while in Sembia for the first 2 chapters, you could get Ned from the haunted house but he was never supposed to stay with the party or have any banters outside of the house. You could always respawn Candella by creating TCCANDE.

Leaving coordinates are usually from cut-and-paste without modifying for a new location. Most leaving dialogs need to be updated to handle Chapter 3 in Westgate and Chapter 4 in Selgaunt. Most of the original characters haven't been updated for that.

Priest scrolls - I thought that was just me doing something wrong. So you see it also? Something to try to track down.

Rivian - dual class because we couldn't create a good multi-class that we liked.

Week vs. tenday - I went ahead and updated the lizard king but that also required updating the minister and Saltmarsh captain. I'm sure you will see this term used elsewhere in the mod as well. BTW, there is no game timer for this dialog, you can really take as long as you want. No penalties for taking longer.

#510237 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 09 March 2011 - 06:28 AM in Classic Adventures

Dialog option 2 and 3 (I have been tasked...) both go to the same dialog block where he says "we shall see" so there is no difference in how the dialog runs the fight. You have probably just encountered the same problem for why Aleigha doesn't always parlay with you but Cath seems to every time. Oh, Sanbalt and Icar do it some times as well. For now, all I can say is save your game before those fights.

I have tested the idea that their scripts don't always get a chance to check their HP amount to then jump to the next dialog. I haven't found a solution yet that is consistantly working.

#511729 Another bug ?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 26 March 2011 - 04:03 PM in Classic Adventures

Hmm, the mayor should have already been arrested at this point. You did clear out the haunted house, correct? You should be talking to the militia captain now, not the mayor.

For the lizardmen, you have to have them give you the quest, go to the captain and tell her. She will give you an update in 24 hours. Go back to the Lizardman King. He opens your map to the area where the battle for their home is. You can then go there to help them fight.

If TCCouncilAgrees2Liz doesn't exist, the captain hasn't gotten approval yet. She asked you to give her 1 day. So wait.

#511975 Another bug ?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 30 March 2011 - 03:25 PM in Classic Adventures

Not sure how the quest got so buggered. The only thing to do at this point is fix your Globals by using the CLUAConsole.

Global("TCLizTellCouncil","GLOBAL",1) - this sets up the dialog to tell her what happened with the lizardmen.
Global("TCLizTellCouncil","GLOBAL",2) - this is what she should set so you can't repeat the dialog. She will also set:
Global("TCCouncilAgrees2Liz","GLOBAL",1) - this runs the timer for 1 day before you can talk to her again about the lizardmen.
Global("TCCouncilAgrees2Liz","GLOBAL",3) - this is her dialog option to say the council agrees to help the lizardmen. So set this to fix your bug.

#503449 1/2 Orc mage paperdoll

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 19 December 2010 - 10:37 AM in Infinity Animations

Found it. It was in 1PP. I think IA adds 1/2 orc mages to the animation list but doesn't include the actual files for paperdoll. Digging through my copy of 1PP reviewed the PLT and 4 BAM files for the mage. I'm good now but have noticed that some PLT files can't be viewed in NearInfinity. I guess it doesn't matter since the few I have tried work in the game just fine.

#503341 1/2 Orc mage paperdoll

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 17 December 2010 - 05:36 PM in Infinity Animations

I am trying out a half-orc mage and I noticed that I can't see the paperdoll for this one. Did I miss something in IA or do I need to pull this from 1PP or some other source?