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#615138 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 04:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

The dreadful tales – try it. I won’t reinstall it. (19/11/2023)

This is the mod I like the most by Lava.

On my eyes, it shows the growth of him as a mod author: areas are cool and interlinked without feeling “overabundant”, the dialogue is not bad, the story is not bad either.

But even with these good qualities, the mod shows what I think it’s the limit in every Lava’s mod – talking, moving around, is just a way to experience the content without having an impact. If you are going to play the mod 2 times, the content will always be the same, because the mod is pretty linear and the choices available for you do not have any meaningful impact.

Every mod I’ve played ends always on you killing the bad guy that is too desperate to be reasoned with or too keen in his evil way – I wouldn’t mind, if there were some real options available for the player.

In this case, there is a way to end the affliction of the land, but what if I didn’t want to end it and actually make it worse? What if I wanted to study what the girl did or have my Charname acquire something more useful than the simple thought of having done a good action?  

Also, the re-use of some ideas feel redundant (for example, the kids following you and getting a useless power reminds me of the dream npc in another mod that can’t be enslaved) or the blacksmith not remembering his past and you having to talk with him).

I mean, I enjoyed the mod, but it’s not like I would say “reinstall it”. It’s Lava’s best mod, but it’s still not something I would reinstall in my every playthrough, because it simply shows the limit I always find hard to bear when I wish to replay something.

Thanks for the mod.

#615137 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 04:07 AM in Mega Mod Help

Extra expanded enhanced encounters -> not a bad mod. Try it. Doubt I will reinstall.

You can find the mod here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/73749/extra-expanded-enhanced-encounters-module-download/p1

This mod add new encounters. Some are well written, but of course, it’s all subjective.

I will just write about what I didn’t enjoy.

- The gnoll fortress component is cool, but after facing so many gnolls, it is sad not to find a stash or something valuable. Sadly enough, I doubt that gnoll would stash gold coins or jewels inside their own fortress. So I doubt this can be “fixed”.

- The Undercity Magma Bulwark Encounter kinda took me out of the game, because they are skeletons and they all have “human” names. That way, they feel more of an ester-egg added by a mod.

#615136 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 04:07 AM in Mega Mod Help

Argent77 mods. --> I will review them all together

I have to make a statement before expressing my ideas about Argent77’s mods. Most of them are amazing and always in my install. Thanks Argent77!!


Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs for BG:EE, SoD and BG2:EE --> will install always. This is a great mod. I use the no-equipment-from EE.


Hidden gameplay options -->
 This is a cool mod that I always install, but I dislike the order of the components proposed when you install it. I install only the following three components, that I think can be used by any player (and they are thus the more popular), while the others are more “technical”:
Enable debug mode
Limit ranger/cleric spells
Improved cheat menu
If these three components were to be put first, the mod would be perfect.


Golem construction for spellcasters  --> this is a cool mod, but I don’t like the way it’s executed. As such, I’m undecided if I will be reinstalling it again. These are my impressions on BG:EE:

1) It would be cooler if it was the player agency that activates the mod, rather than the mod being activated from minute 0. What I mean is that you wouldn’t be finding bones or body parts, until you do a certain thing (wouldn’t finding the manual be a good moment?). Having bodies cluttered with different items is not as elegant as it should be, especially when I’m playing with a CG ranger. Why is my charname so fixated on these?

2) I would add that rather than finding all these items, especially when they are so “common”, an item that just siphons these parts without player input would be way cooler than having the player loot so much stuff and having to click so many buttons.

3) Not only that: knowing that I installed the mod, having all these body parts available and not taking them (I leave these items on the ground) makes regret starts sinking in, because I have never played the mod before, and as such, I don’t know how many of these items I need (and I would like to avoid taking a look at the spoiler manual).




Magic store of vergadain --> cool mod, try it. I will always toss a coin if I have to reinstall it.

 This is a cool mod, but:

- I dislike the limited amount of times you can use it daily (3). You should be able to tweak that.

- it can unbalance the game really fast, because you have temples’ services in the wilderness.
Rather than considering it a limit of the mod (
https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/32357-magic-store-of-vergadain-visit-any-store-anywhere-and-anytime/page/2/#comment-323645) I think a good idea would be an optional component that makes building of the artifact and the single parts way more expensive. I would gladly pay 15k to build the “whole” artifact, due to the services that it offers.



Author's answer: https://www.gibberli...#comment-327231

#615135 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 04:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ayden’s project (finished 27/06/2023)

Hello, I’ve played Ayden Project. I will share my thoughts in bullet points.

1) I’m taking a look at two components:

Wands for Thieves: Enable the use of wands for all thief kits (including warlock). (Any)

Thief Proficiencies: Enable mace and spear proficiency for all thief kits. (Any)

Why haven’t you put the warlock class under the bard kit for Ayden, so Ayden can use wand?

And for the thief proficiency, wouldn’t it be easier if you just put these two points from the start on Ayden, rather than touching the kits? Or alternatively, add a weapon that can morph into a mace or a spear that can be used just by Ayden and that becomes stronger with him.

Having a npc mod actually changing the way a class works leaves me a bit conflicted. I could install them safely because I don’t use mods that touch classes or kits (for now).


Spoilers incoming, so I would avoid reading them if you wish to try the npc.



Thanks for the mod!

Author's answer: https://www.gibberli...#comment-327289

Considering that there is also a follow up that ends with feedback I just left today (today as 02/12/2023): https://www.gibberli...#comment-330802

#615134 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 04:03 AM in Mega Mod Help

Thalantyr item upgrade --> really undecided about this mod.

First of all, even if the mod is named “item upgrade”, the mod adds all the containers of BG2 to Thalantyr.

Second, the mod adds a dialogue with a double space, the following: Can you  make magic items or alter them? (The _ points to the unnecessary double space)

Third, the mod adds, as you can imagine, the possibility to upgrade items you find during your journey. This is a concept that I like really much, but personally, I find the execution very lacking, because improving these items most of the time feels unearned, due to the recipe being extremely easy to satisfy while getting unmatched power from these items.

I will offer some examples. Obviously, there will be spoilers.


So, after all of this, why am I undecided? Because I feel that the only recipe I would be using is probably the one for the Balduran's cloak. All the rest have an impact on the balance that takes me out of the game.

Some players opinions: 
1) Inkal: https://www.gibberli...#comment-327108
2) Connelly: https://www.gibberli...#comment-327111
3) Mickabouile: https://www.gibberli...#comment-327114

#615133 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 04:00 AM in Mega Mod Help

Black hearts (finished 26/06/2023) --> according to me, this is currently the best quest mod available for BG1. Install and play it. I even think that it could be a stable additions in my install all the times I will be playing BG.

You can find informations about the mod here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/82484/released-black-hearts-bg1/p1

Given that the post above highlights what the mod adds, I will simply write my thoughts.

 - If you told me this mod was a mini-dlc, I would have fallen for it. In my eyes, the mod matches a mini-dlc in quality and it is masterfully executed.

 - Illasera is a captivating character and you enjoy talking with her; so much that I kinda loathed when the mod ended. I wanted more.

- The dialogues added by the mod are meaningful, provide enough choices for any character, and when the party members chime in to banter, their banters are on point. Well done on Imoen, especially.

- The quests given by Illasera are funny and provide RP choices. The RP choices do not punish you for going evil. That’s a fresh breath of air for me, considering that I play only evil <charnames>.

 - The new sceneries are well done. Did you make them @AWizardDidIt?

 - I liked the surprise you left with the



. The dialogue there was good too.

 - You won’t believe it, but I liked that you respected the player’s agency. I will give you an example. Other mods (such as Assassination) do not respect player agency by forcing the player to read everything the modders themselves have written. In this one, in the end fight, you can simply click the first dialogue option, and the “bad” guy won’t speak or tell your motives. You go straight to business. That’s a bold choice. I enjoyed it a lot.

Some things to report (I played this mod in BG:EE)

1) I had some difficulties in the quest concerning the mirror. I didn’t expect that the “solution” was supposed to be provided with dialogue. I used Tiax and he has nothing to say for what is happening. I know it’s probably hard to write for him. Anyway, either get Branwen or Ajantis to proceed.
Also, a cleric <charname> should be able to do the exorcism himself.

2) It’s not easy to find the “northern gorge”; you’ve decided to make the way out only in the middle of Farmlands, and by doing so, I had some difficulties finding it. I was able to by using CTRL+4 after clicking “explore” in the map.


3) I met a bug inside the new sewer area. When you meet the girl mage and his second in command, she flees because she tells you that another area is currently under attack.
The issue is that when you enter the area (see 00:02 in the video I will be publishing a bit below), there is only 1 Cherise and Malachi, but they get duplicated instantly. And after finishing the first talk with Cherise, you get a second talk, that you are supposed to see only when you’ve finished the quest mod (in the Sanctum area).

Video here: https://streamable.com/68l8w6
Savegame here (the archive also contains the video): https://easyupload.io/bp35vb 

4) Second thing to report is inside the Sanctum area: the sanctum portal has an issue with a graphical line (the archive above has everything)

5) Read the following images.



Some questions, as a player:



Said this, thanks really a lot for this mod. I loved it. 

#615132 Reviews

Posted by Sergio on 02 December 2023 - 03:56 AM in Mega Mod Help

So, I've posted a few reviews on Gibberlings 3 forum while SHS was down. Just for posterity reasons, I will copy them here

Note that the Author have answered my reviews here: https://www.gibberli...ergios-reviews/ (I will probably copy their answer just to give a full round up)



Dark Tidings. Version played: 1.0.  - Play this mod. I didn’t regret playing it; see if you enjoy it.
[Story – obviously, spoilers] 
So, the good:
- The sceneries and landscapes are pretty good. Acifer is really talented. Whenever I see stuff from him or Gorion I have to take a look.
- The dialogues are not bad; there is choices when you answer to people. The English used is understandable and I didn’t notice any incomprehensible statement.
- The story is crystal clear; you know what to do from beginning to the end.
My gripes with the mod:
1) The story offers, sadly, no real RP option. It’s true, in the dialogues you can choose to not act as a smartass/jerk, but once you’ve exhausted the options, it always ends in a bloodbath. I guess that the creatures being used do not exactly offer many alternatives; sea trolls are not exactly rational and sirenes are usually really territorial.
2) There is a moment in the story where you suggest the player that he has to make a choice: either he could save the world by risking to destroy the gem to cleanse the evil in the island, or just flee from the island by using the gem to make the light needed for ships to dock and leave the evil in the island.
I will be genuinely sincere with you: I knew from moment one that there were no real stake and the gem wouldn’t be destroyed; as a player, you pretty much know that the “threat” of this happening is simply not real. After all, there wouldn’t be a game to play if that happened. This doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be consequences of any kind – the gem could be really destroyed; the npcs with you would ponder the stake of what you’ve done, even by getting, let’s say “aggressive” (but not hostile).
Really, what I would do is just make it so that the gem gets destroyed and the undead knight would notice that; to the point where he would even say that by dieing in the island, you did such an act that you earned your good afterlife. Obviously <charname> would tell him that a good afterlife is not what he had in mind. The ghost would take note of it; then he would disappear.
After a couple of weeks someone would come get you, with a scroll saying that *the undead knight* had appreciated your help and he had asked some higher powers to actually save you. And that he met some resistance due to your special heritage, wishing for you to always behave like that, choosing good over your own sake. And with a bag of 1k, or why not, a crystal to light the lighthouse so you can get the 1k from the quest-giver.
3) I don’t understand why a gem that can be used as a beacon to bring Gods that are imprisoned in far-away realms is being used as a light in the lighthouse. I think such an artifact would be way too strong to be there. 
4) There is no evil path available for an Evil player. It’s not like there is bound to be another choice, because the God being summoned is not the right kind of God to make deals. If only it was another… if only it was a rational evil god..
Do you wonder, as an evil player, what I would have liked to see if the god that was being summoned was rational? When I play mods I always hope that you can get some boons you wouldn’t be getting by doing the right choice. Other mod authors would have simply made it so that you could ally with him and he would simply give you his cloak; but I find that only a pretentious way to say “hey, I’ve got an evil path covered”, only to see that it’s a path where you get half the goods and half the boons you would be getting by being good.
Not only that; the God should also:
- ask you to kill the Undead knight that was trying to sabotage his summoning and helping you, the reward being what he drops if you face the God itself.
- ask you to use the gem to bring “new” followers to the island; how? You simply put the gem in the spot it should be; whoever comes saving you should actually ask you what happened, and you should suggest them to go into the portal by tempting them with riches and wonders beyond every imagination, only for them to be charmed by the God;
- the new charmed followers should bring you back home, but the God could actually ask you to take the gem with you, so more boats would appear at the island for him to get new charmed npcs and why not, followers;
- finally, the God would give you a choice: he would tell you that he could give you another boon if you bring the gem to one of his followers, that is waiting somewhere in athkatla; so you could choose between (hopefully):
> more than 1k gold by selling the gem to someone that may be interested in it (I think someone in the thieves guild would: especially considering that the gem is such a strong artifact), or
> giving it to one of the dark follower to the god to help the second part of the avatar appear (and getting another boon in exchange).

#614985 BGT Graphics Overhaul

Posted by Sergio on 11 April 2023 - 09:36 AM in BG Graphics Overhaul



check the pinned What is it? topic.

Thank you. I didn't even realize there was a whole forum section for this mod :P

#614967 BGT Graphics Overhaul

Posted by Sergio on 10 April 2023 - 12:11 AM in BG Graphics Overhaul

hello, why I would install this mod? What does it offers?

It's called "overhaul" but there are no comparison screenshots showing what is overhauled. :huh: 

#614542 Baldur's Gate Trilogy v1.22

Posted by Sergio on 17 January 2023 - 11:41 AM in BGT-WeiDU

Congrats :)