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#606502 PS gui v3.04

Posted by TrancingBear on 28 April 2019 - 09:09 AM in IE Modding Tools

I'm trying to convert a series of JPG files into an AVI, and then convert the AVI into an MVE for use in IWD2.  I used VirtualDub to create the AVI, which I can successfully play using Windows Media Player.  But when I then run PS GUI to convert it to MVE, I get this in pass 1


Exception EAccessViolation in module avi2mve.exe at 00002615.

Access violation at address 00402615 in module 'avi2mve.exe'. Write of address 010733D4.


I can only assume that VirtualDub created an AVI format that PS GUI doesn't like.  Any idea what settings I should use in VirtualDub that will produce a supported AVI format?  Thanks!


- TB


UPDATE: never mind.  Turns out BINKing the AVI with the RAD Video Tools did the trick.