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There have been 7 items by Vall (Search limited from 07-November 23)

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#520749 Help

Posted by Vall on 15 August 2011 - 04:05 AM in Big Picture

My BWP fixpack downloader crashes when it gets too the creature offset checker

#504113 I found two bugs

Posted by Vall on 29 December 2010 - 09:40 PM in Big Picture

I cant find the gnome mage in the docks. Along with the lich. I went to the Two Areas that there supposed to be and the enemis aren't there.

#503338 (HELPWANTED)

Posted by Vall on 17 December 2010 - 05:07 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Hello, Vall! It will be a lot easier for people to understand just what you're asking for if you follow the template. It can be found HERE. :)

Thank you choo choo im a noob at modding so thanks

#503337 Orphan Characters

Posted by Vall on 17 December 2010 - 04:41 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Why isnt salavanas a joinable NPC we should add him

#503277 RoT v2.1 Bug Thread

Posted by Vall on 16 December 2010 - 09:19 PM in Region of Terror

i cant find the areas on the world map

#503272 (HELPWANTED)

Posted by Vall on 16 December 2010 - 04:29 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Im new to this mod thing but i want to make an area that you start out as lv one like watchers keep.
It looks like it but some different area lvs.
you know not exactly the same it will be called the Mages Keep.
it would have gibberlings goblins hobgoblins ya know all the easy monsters the story would be this is irenicuses old lair (tower).
When he kidnapped you there would be a portal that teleports you to his dungeon.
with his labs and other things and devices.
there would be duregars and others on the last lv of the dungeon so when you end there are all of the items from BG1 in the tower because irenucus cant just wander into town and sell the items.
i mean hes the Exile c mon.
It would be very fun to start at lv 1
I need all of the people to make a mod

#503269 help

Posted by Vall on 16 December 2010 - 03:34 PM in IE Help

Im new to this mod thing but i want to make an area that you start out as lv one like watchers keep. It looks like it but some different area lvs. you know not exactly the same it will be called the Mages Keep. it would have gibberlings goblins hobgoblins ya know all the easy monsters the story would be this is irenicuses old lair (tower) when he kidnapped you there would be a portal that teleports you to his dungeon. with his labs and other things and devices. there would be duregars and others on the last lv of the dungeon so when you end there are all of the items from BG1 in the tower because irenucus cant just wander into town and sell the items. i mean hes the Exile c mon it would be very fun to start at lv 1 base of this topic, i need help all the people i would need for a mod to be made.