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#82764 Your opinion of Queen Ellesime

Posted by Helseth on 09 December 2003 - 03:34 PM in Longer Road

I mean, Ellesime's the queen of Suldanesselar.  One of her subjects has demonstrated both the capacity and intention of destroying the realm purely for self-aggrandizement.  Her punishment consisted in giving him another excellent reason to hold a grudge without in any way diminishing his capacity for revenge other than by putting a time limit on it.  She then turns him loose in the world and, apparently, goes on as if nothing had happened.  At least, there seem to have no arrangements either to keep track of Irenicus or to prepare defenses in case he decided to take the low road of vengeance.  Unless the elves' world view requires them always to act with romantic and chivalrous folly toward one another, this isn't a woman vanquished by Fate but by Stupidity.

    I think you are right here. Not to invest in some heavy-duty Joneleth-detecting spells does seem very stupid. Bordering on suicidal.
    Of course, for all we know, elves very well might do just that -- to no avail. When a wizard of Irenicus' caliber wants to stay hidden, he stays hidden.  :ph34r:  ;)

#82726 Your opinion of Queen Ellesime

Posted by Helseth on 09 December 2003 - 12:03 PM in Longer Road

(Of course, her plan to punish/redeem Joneleth proved to be a terrible mistake, but that's not the point.)

Indeed?  I should have thought that consideration of preserving Suldanesselar into the future would have been the sole priority for wise statesmanship.

   Maybe "sole" is a bit too strong a word? Some prices for survival elves would probably never pay. But main priority -- yes, I think so.

The disastrous situation of her realm at the time of the PC's arrival demonstrates an appalling failure of foresight by Ellesime; hence, it was most unwise.

    In hindsight -- yes, it certainly was. Who knows what knowledge of such things she had at the time of decision? Irenicus hadn't lost his emotions at once, so he at least could repent. Theoretically.

#82599 Your opinion of Queen Ellesime

Posted by Helseth on 08 December 2003 - 12:00 PM in Longer Road

Some of the choices do come close, but here is my opinion: Responsible Stateperson.
     Basically, I see Ellesime as a queen first and foremost. Her first priority is an elven community. She has to do what she thinks is right *for Suldanesselar*, however horrible or distasteful personally. (Of course, her plan to punish/redeem Joneleth proved to be a terrible mistake, but that's not the point.) I never saw romance as a major/defining part of her life; talking with Irenicus, she uses mostly past sence.
    Now that I think of it, not so unlike Galadriel.  :)
    Of course, it all is just my - not even an opinion, more of a feeling. Ellesime speaks little in-game, and anyway, where're many different ways to hear and interpret her words.
    Oh, and she does look hot, too!  ;)