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#587338 New PaintBG portraits!

Posted by artastrophe on 16 February 2016 - 02:16 PM in Portrait Mods

Now that's a lot of portraits! Not just those up there, but the whole pack.


Everything's consistent in style and presentation -- looks dynamite in-game.


Thank you, artastrophe. :)



Aw you're very welcome; thank you so much for commenting! :D <3



Here's how I started with Finch, with the darker rock gnome skin and a gray streak in her wiry hair, and the quill behind her ear... I found some pictures from her mod and copied her glasses + it said she had a red satchel for her books she always carried around, and she started with leather armor.


I think I should have some time free to work on the other ones so I'll try to update again soon!

#586731 New PaintBG portraits!

Posted by artastrophe on 04 February 2016 - 04:51 PM in Portrait Mods

Still need to figure out Finch but here is a progress shot of the rest of them!sketches_v1_2_by_artastrophe-d9qiyme.jpg

#586683 New PaintBG portraits!

Posted by artastrophe on 03 February 2016 - 03:02 PM in Portrait Mods

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! I don't know that there's really any point to post in-progress stuff at this stage as it's still kinda messy hehe but I have been working at incorporating those changes.... I'll post an update when I've tackled all of them a bit more.


I suppose I picture gnomes as the older versions with more roundness + big-noses, like matching with Jan's portrait... there really aren't too many good art examples of them, unfortunately! (That rock gnome just looks like... any regular person. With slightly taller ears?) xD And I picture halflings rounder, too, though I suppose that's like D&D 1.0 and now they're just mini-humans. :P I was trying to do everyone's ears a bit differently at least, so the halflings, elves, and gnomes (and tiefling) had different varieties of ears. Is Finch a rock gnome specifically? Would it make sense to give her white and/or short hair then? Because I imagine most people are more familiar with the portrait vs the paper doll when it comes to picturing her. And Jan definitely has the erratic hair thing going on, though it really fits his personality -- would messy hair fit Finch's personality, too? It's so hard when I don't know these characters very well, sigh.


(And did you link Amber because you want a vampire version of her as well? I think most of the LI NPCs have an abduction quest, too--or maybe I'm just guessing. xD)

#586430 New PaintBG portraits!

Posted by artastrophe on 29 January 2016 - 06:22 PM in Portrait Mods

Here they are so far if anyone has any suggestions... or can help me with Gavin and Finch's coloring haha. ;) Finch's clothes looked kind of grayish?? And guessing some kind of modest plain robes for her? And I need a color for Gavin's cloak; the official portrait looks like it might all be browns or something which would be bleh for a cloak, but the alternate portraits for him had all kinds of (random?) colors. Perhaps something gold for Lathander? Those scribbly symbols are gonna be Lathander's holy symbol, btw. xD


There's two versions of Kelsey, one with some glowy green tints for his special Fire Shield: Acid power -- if anyone has a preference which I should finish?


I'm not sure about Tashia; her official portraits don't match to how I've had her character described to me; they look like kind of a naturey dreamy scatter-brain type or something with the butterflies and beaded braids and such. But that doesn't fit with what I've read about her so I don't really know what to do with her. o_O



#586227 New PaintBG portraits!

Posted by artastrophe on 27 January 2016 - 09:05 AM in Portrait Mods

I already have a couple of the new Siege of Dragonspear NPCs done (and the other two like 85% done) so I won't be counting them for this group of 16 but they will be available!


(I also have two versions of Gorion already, though one is a pretty old work and the other one was intended to be him at a younger age, hehe. But he was in the most recent update.)


Thanks for the Drizzt info + the link with the mod NPCs; I'm reading through that right now!

#586140 New PaintBG portraits!

Posted by artastrophe on 26 January 2016 - 08:18 AM in Portrait Mods

Thanks!! I feel weird being quoted since I got all rambly and should probably have tried harder to phrase everything more clearly, aghh!! xD But thank you for putting this together and articulating it better. :new_thumbs: (I will go ahead and link the DA journal to this thread, too.) 


edit: and thank you for finding Kido, woo!!

#585130 PaintBG Introduction and Samples

Posted by artastrophe on 11 January 2016 - 08:47 PM in Portrait Mods


Agh, sorry it took me so long to notice your comment!! You can go ahead and email me to discuss specifics and then I can try posting something to my deviantART account to see if anyone from there might like to contribute... so happy and flattered by your interest, aww. ^^ <3


I have some newer commissions I can add to the next portrait pack as well as a pile of old portraits I need to finish hehe and then the new BG EE characters I have done... so we are kind of on the way to the next update! xD