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There have been 4 items by Mike1072 (Search limited from 13-February 24)

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#610930 NearInfinity

Posted by Mike1072 on 01 May 2021 - 02:12 AM in IE Modding Tools

Very exciting.  Thanks for all your work keeping development going after all this time.

#610106 NearInfinity

Posted by Mike1072 on 07 October 2020 - 12:33 AM in IE Modding Tools

I made a mistake. I downloaded the newest GitHub version of NearInfinity NearInfinity-20200901.zip as I wanted to try the new functionality.

Now I cannot see the GUI even if I open my old 2019 jar file. I normally see everything in large size with dark background and light text because these are the only settings I can use to read text due to my vision. All I "see" of it is dark background with black text, or light background with light grey text, which are both totally illegible for me.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Java and selecting menu options from memory inside the program. Ironically, with the new version of Java 8 I can now see things I couldn't before on the Java installation splash screens and such, but I cannot use the jar application to do anything besides open it in WIndows Explorer.

I realize this would not be a high development priority to fix for most, but would someone please help me to get the GUI to where everything is dark background with light text? Right now I can't even see to make different selections for the colors.

Are you on Windows 10?  It has an ability to invert all colours on your display (toggleable with a keyboard shortcut).  More details here: https://support.micr...e-color-filters


Edit: I think the default appearance is pretty standard dark text on a light background.  Here's what it looks like for me, at 100% text size using the "Metal" Look and Feel: https://i.imgur.com/rmoqoGx.png


If you're seeing something vastly different there may be something else going on.

#610104 Help with porting TB#Tweaks to EE Engine

Posted by Mike1072 on 06 October 2020 - 11:03 AM in IE Help

Look who it is!  Great to see you around again.


I don't have much to add when it comes to improving compatibility for EE/EET, but I can point out that the "Druids can wear metal" component may not serve much purpose when it comes to Item Revisions.  IR has a separate component for adding these restrictions to druids and fighter/druids, so players could get the same effect by just not installing the IR component to begin with.  However, your component may still be useful in combination with the Druid Remix component from Divine Remix or other mods that bundle the usability changes with additional features.

#609935 1pp v4.2.0 release

Posted by Mike1072 on 30 August 2020 - 01:22 AM in 1PP

This is only the beginning. The next update will include 1pp HQ music packs and 1PP IWD fixes, so all 1PP mods will be gathered in one single mod. ;)

Putting the 1 in 1PP, I see.

