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#608780 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 15 March 2020 - 09:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:
The game where I used BP for the AI has totally crashed.  I went back to the game that uses SCS for the AI. Both games have similar problems.
1) Crash when you meet Yoshimo.  EvilMax has the solution.
2) Jaheira does not return after leaving with Meronia.
3) I cannot locate the cave near Arlax to get Drizzt's buddy (sorry I cannot remember his name).
4) I crash when I am going down the stairs after talking to Sassar in the Unseeing Eye.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,
5) I crash when I try to enter the castle in Eshpurta.

#608755 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 09 March 2020 - 04:26 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


I just lost all.  My BGConfig lost all the setups and everything is blank.  I have lots of saved games so I will see if one will work.  But the reality is lost 6 weeks of game.  Now to start again.



#608750 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 09 March 2020 - 12:21 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi all:


I am messed up.  I wrote a solution some time ago.  Titled "Was there ever a solution for Jaheira returning after leaving with Mer" (sorry, Meronia cut cut to Mer).  I followed it and even that had no luck.  I searched with Near Infinity.  I understand very little about this program but I stumbled into somethings. These were in JAHEIRA.BCS on pages 670, 684, 687, and 1589 some lines I found.


SetGlobalTimer("JaheiraReturn","GLOBAL", SEVEN_HOURS)






I think I am not putting the JaheirReturnes globals into my game at the wrong times.  I have tried several variations without any luck. Can you tell me how the find the time values and reset them?  Also I never see the game put the JaheiraReturns Global in by itself.


The only numbers I see in Globals that might be times in my game is Jaheira = 689358 and JaheiraReturn = 52625511.  

7 hours game time = 420 min game time = 25000 sec game time. Are 689358 and 52625511 time numbers?  If yes, what are the units?  Are they real or game units.


I hope this is not confusing anyone the way I am completely confused right now.







#608746 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 08 March 2020 - 10:04 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi EvilMax and The Imp.


I have a game saved just before Meronia show up and I am confused about the times.  I am in Arlax and wonder if Jaheira came back but is trapped some place.  I move to the farms and Meronia immediately shows up. The farms have very open spaces so Jaheira cannot hide . I get the message "Summoned to the Harper Hold" when Meronia and Jaheira leave. I tried CTRL-T and resting to advance the time, but Jaheira does not return. What should I do now?


I do not understand what EvilMax means by "CLUA-ing Jaheira returning variable to zero".  The only time I see in the CLUA list is "Advance Real Time".


I can use ShadowKeeper to change Globals.  Near Infinity tells me I have 19 Jaheiras in the game. I am trying to find which is in my group now.




I cannot get the cave at Arlax to show.  What is the code for it?  Do I need to talk to someone?  I tried talking to everyone in Arlax without any success.


Thanks for all your help,



#608739 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 07 March 2020 - 09:57 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


I am stuck with an old problem.  Meronia comes for Jahera.  They leave together and Jaheira says she will be back soon.  The problem is she never comes back. I tried everything I could thing to try.  In much older games, Jaheira came back to the same area after I slept eight hours.


I am looking for the fix for this?




Found a previous post from me which states the global 'JAHEIRARETURNS' is missing.  It has values of 0, 1, or 2.  I am having trouble knowing when to add the global.  Trying all possibilities.  Still could use some help.




After Meronia leaves with Jahera, I get JAHEIRARETURN   52625871.  Is this number the game 'time'?



#608732 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 06 March 2020 - 07:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi EvilMax:


Well my joy has faded.  I met Nalia in the Slums.  Agreed to help her.  We went to the City Gates and tried to go to de'Arnise Hold.  Another CTD like it was with the duergars!


What is the best way to check for a faulty Animation ID?


Yes, The Imp really knows how these mods work and is very helpful in fixing them.




I found the problem.  You need to go to Heng Horse Ranch before going to de'Arnise Hold.  Sorry for the alarm.



#608722 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 05 March 2020 - 07:58 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi EvilMax:


Thank you, thank you, thank you.


You are no longer EVIL, you are now TERRIFIC!!!


I changed the three Animation fields.  Now my old game works.  No more CTD after Yosinimo joins the game.



#608721 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 05 March 2020 - 07:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi The Imp:


Thanks for explaining the meaning of IA.  



#608719 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 04 March 2020 - 05:19 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi Evil Max:


Thanks for all your help.


I have several versions of the old game saved.  However I decided to try one last time.   I made a new version of individual.bat as it looked like there were some typos I did not catch in the previous one.  It is loading now and it should be ready by midnight.  I should be able to change the duegar Animation before I start the game in the AM.


I figured CTD means crash to desk.  I could not find the meaning of IA.


Thanks again,



#608717 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 04 March 2020 - 12:26 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi EvilMax:


I have questions about the duergars.  On which floor of the dungeon are these duergars?  I killed all the duegars on the first floor and did not get to the second floor of the dungeon.  I checked in Near Infinity.  I had duergars cretures DUEARC02, DUEARC03, and DUEARC04.  The Animation IDs are Fighter_Male_Dwarf_Low - 20738.  You stated it should be Fighter_Male_Dwarf.  Since I had no problem killing them, do I need to correct the Animation ID?


If I need to change the Animation ID, how do I do that?


One other thing.  I did not spend any time learning how to create mods. When I worked, I only had time to install games and play them.  So I am lost with a lot of the terms and abbreviations.  For example, I have no idea what IA and CTD stand for.  I search for these things but they often are impossible to find.  I wish there was a page in Spellhold Studios that had a list of them.


Finally, did you get past Yashimo in your game?



#608701 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 03 March 2020 - 07:07 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi EvilMax:


I am probably wasting your time with this but I feel you know a lot more than I about BGT.


After the game crashed, I searched on CMD only because I got no response when I searched on CMD.EXE. I think the CMD search gave me the files that were active when the game crashed after Yosimo was added to the game.  The files that were active were AGG02.itm, AQ05.item, RAG2.item, BWPXPACK.bat, finish.bat, and Install_q.bat.  AGG02.itm, AQ05.item, and RAG2.item are found in the Dark Horizons mod. BWPXPACK.bat is found BiG World Installpack.  Finish.bat and Install_q.bat are found in BiG World Installpack\source.  Also BiG World Fixpack, Trimpack, and Textpack are active.


This all may be worthless information.  Seeing Dark Horizons there made me suspicious because I believe it is too early in the game for this mod.



#608692 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 03 March 2020 - 08:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi EvilMax:


In my problem with Yoshimo, here is what happens.  Yoshimo comes in the room and the conversation with him takes place.  Then I can either add him to my group or send him away, it makes no difference.  After that the screen freezes.  I did not wait very long for something to happen.  On depressing any keyboard key, the screen goes black and Microsoft's message appears.


I also took my game and loaded a BGII - SoA game (not the BGT game) with it.  The same crash happened when Yoshimo joined the game.


I looked up how to find my codepage and could not find out where it is. I could use some help locating it.


Good luck finding a solution,




#1  I just found out there are two codepages.  One is an ANSI ans I forgot the other.  Sorry, I am losing my short term memory.


#2  Found this when searching 'codepage' in my computer.  Cannot find it again.




The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
'"b!tweak"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'"b!tweak_light"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'"BWL Contest"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'"NSC Portraits"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Active code page: 1252
'"Pr(?)tre de BHaal"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'"R(?)deur de l'ombre"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Active code page: 437
(?) are foreign characters I did not know how to print

#608677 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 01 March 2020 - 04:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi jastey:


I am trying different setups with "individual.bat".  I noticed the ending has changed.  Previously, there were three endings.  There was cleanup, something else (forgot the name) and generalized biffing.  Now I only have a choice of cleanup or no cleanup.  Perhaps it is because I am testing BGII - SoA and not the whole megamod?


I am using a new download of BiG World Installpack v18.2.5.  This ending is a change for me so I am wondering if I have the correct file.  Perhaps I should address this to Leonardo?


Thanks for any help,



#608661 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 27 February 2020 - 05:47 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi jastey:


Thanks for your comments about Windows 10.


I am looking at newer mods which I never used before. I found 23 newer mods in my Big World Downloads that I never played before.  I dropped them and am starting another BGII - SoA game.  I will keep that up until I get through Irenicus' dungeon and into Waukeen's Promenade. With 23 mods to check, this could take a while.


My spirits are a lot better now as I was mealy down yesterday.


Thanks again,



#608654 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 26 February 2020 - 05:03 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


I used my  existing megamod game to create a BGII - SoA game.  No luck as it crashed right after Yoshimo joins the game which is the same problem as above.  So I have a mod that plays Baldur's Gate well, but not the BG2 section of a BGT game. I guess my BGT days are over.


If I had to guess what the problem is, I would guess a BG2 mod was made or grossly edited on a Windows 10 computer and it does not like Windows 7.  Microsoft's way of forcing people to buy Windows 10. But this is just a guess. There are some new mods that I never used before so I do not know which could be the problem.


So my Baldur Bade days are over until Leonardo issues a new version or someone else discovers a fix.  I asked my wife if it was OK if I bought a new Windows 10 computer and she said sure.  But I do not feel comfortable spending money without knowing that will fix the problem.


I would like to thank all the people who helped me with past problems.  I could not get as far as I did without their help.  If you check back to post #164, the spoiler contains the latest mods from the BG1 section. It plays well and should give only minor language problems.


Thanks again to all,



#608646 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 24 February 2020 - 12:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


I finally determined what was wrong with my megamod game.  Both computers are OK, but both games are faulty. Baldur's Gate plays OK with only minor problems.  Both moved over into BGII - SoA without any problems.  The fatal crash occurs when you move to the second floor and meet Yoshimo.  No matter what you do with Yoshimo the game crashes when Yoshimo joins or is not allowed to join.  The game freezes until you press a key and the screen goes black.  You get the message:


Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn = Throne of Bhaal has

stopped working


A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.

Windows will close the program and notify you is a solution

is available.


If anyone has played through Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn, I would appreciate you posting a list of the mods you used.  Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would also be appreciated.


Thanks for any help,



#608606 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 21 February 2020 - 07:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi jastey:


Thanks for the information. I had the letter, but not on me. I put it in a barrel with other letters I thought I did not need anymore.



#608577 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 20 February 2020 - 06:47 PM in Mega Mod Help

High EvilMax:  Hi jasty:


Lots of area names are mixed up so please excuse this if it is also mixed up.


I went to Field of the Dead and freed Redrig(?).  He is in Ulgoth's Beard now.   I went to Northern Citadel and was sent to ice salamanders to get a key.  Ice salamanders sent me to kill Black Hand before they would give me the key.  I went to Ulgoth's Beard and talked to Redrig to open up Temple of the Black Hand.  He did not tell me anything about the Black Hand and the Temple of the Black Hand did not appear on the map.  So back to CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR60PB").


Another problem.


I have 2 computers and 2 games.  Computer #1 is an Asus A78M-A.  Computer #2 is an Asus A78M-E.  They have the same processors, same memory except A78M-A has 4 sticks and A78M-E has 2 sticks, and the same operating system (Windows 7 Pro).


A78M-A has the game loaded with Sword Coast Stratagems v31 installed wherever possible and without any Big Picture v1.8 14611 installed.  A78M-E has the game loaded with Big Picture v1.8 14611 installed wherever possible and without any Sword Coast Stratagems v31 installed.


Computer #1 with SCS v31 crashes in Irenicus' dungeon when going to the second floor.  Computer #2 with BP v1.8 has not got that far.  I assume the crash was due to a jaulty program and will confirm that when Computer #2 gets to the same place as computer #1.


Why am I bringing that up now?  Well, I had an error with another program.  I tried to rum TurboTax on computer #1.  I could install federal tax but not state tax.  I spent 3 hours with TurboTax engineers tying to get TurboTax state tax to work.  I gave up and installed TurboTax in computer #2.  To my surprise, TurboTax installed my federal tax and state tax without a hitch.


My brain (or what is left of it - no joke) thinks that the problem is in the computer and not the software.  If anyone else is using an A78M-A motherboard to play a megamod game, and you have played through Baldur's Gate and Shadows of Amn without error, please post your success.


At the present time I am looking for another A78M-A motherboard because I do not trust my current A78M-A one.


I should be starting Shadows of Amn in computer #2 about 7 to 10 days.  The big test!


Thanks for any help,



#608507 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 20 January 2020 - 05:20 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


Just an update about my megamod BWP game.  The mods are in post #164.


I just finished Baldur's Gate/Tales of the Sword Coast.  I rate it a "B"/ "C" because there have been many changes in the mods which created minor errors in many mods.  It was obvious the changes were not checked with a megamod game.  But I was able to complete all the mods.  I got some crashes, but all would fix themselves with a single game reboot.


One serious error was with Temple of the Black Hand.  The area did not open automatically.  I used CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR60PB") to open that area.  Another serious error was with Krystin and Silthe.  If I killed them, the game crashed.  I had to coax Slythe away from the center of the Underground and then kill him.  I could not coax Krystin from the center so I used CTRL-Y to kill her.  These were the only errors that require work to finish the game.


I did get Shadows of Amn started without error.  I did take a very long time install with several black screens.  You need to be patient.


Hope everyone else is able to enjoy their megamod games.



#608173 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 15 December 2019 - 08:07 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi semaj577:  Hi The Imp:


My apologies for not replying sooner.  I got stuck fixing my stepdaughter's computer and then ended up in the hospital.  These two are not related.  I am better now.


I appreciate the comments.  One other thing I failed to consider was that my megamod game mat have a mod that messes up getting the spells.  I am not certain about bard's ability to get the spells.  I have a bard, two mage/thieves and a mage.  None are a pure mage so maybe I should not expect that to work.  I do have #9000 chosen. 


After a short while the spells lose their usefulness, but it was helpful in the beginning.


semaj577 did find the post I mentioned.


Thanks again for your help.  I will try using the spell books with all my bards and mages.

#608097 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 09 December 2019 - 12:14 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


Thank you for the help with The Bigg Tweak Pack v2.61.  I tried all the suggestions but no luck. There has been lots of trouble with dropped spell books in the past. I still have not got it to work now even though I did three years ago.  My problem is my memory is fading.  It might last two more years if my luck holds out. See the doctor next



Back in 2016, I posted the problem.  I had trouble with dropped spell books in BWS ?.  I have spent several hours trying to find that post, but I am not sure how to search the Spellhold Studios posts anymore.  I think you had to use a tool to get the dropped spell books to work. I searched IE Modding Tools but did not find it in there.  I think some tools get listed by a program that BiG World Install.bat uses while installing the megamod but I can not remember them.  Lots of stuff there but I can not tear into that.   I will try to find a way to search my past posts.


Thanks again,


#608082 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 07 December 2019 - 01:41 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


I have two games working right now.  But that does not guarantee they will be working till I get to BGII - SoA. Both games are  almost identical and use the WieDU.Log above.  The differences are: [A] AI conflicts {BP used #1 and SCS used #2} [B] Tweak conflicts {BP used #2 and SCS used #7}: [C] Encounters conflicts {BP used #1 and SCS used #2}.   There are ~33 choices to make during installation so the game may be similar.


My early opinion is that the game using SCS (I used Stratagems v31) plays a bit better.  Each has a few crashes, but all crashes but one fixed themselves when the games were rebooted from the crash spot.


I have one problem.  In component 19.60, The Bigg Tweak Pack v2.61 has a component where mages drop spell books.  I cannot get my mages to use the dropped spell books.  If someone knows how to use the spell books, please let me know how to do that.  I would also appreciate the address of the BIGG.  So far Google cannot determine that BIGG is different than BiG. Mean while I will keep on searching for The BIGG.


Thanks for any help,



#608071 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 04 December 2019 - 07:59 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi All:


Busy getting my second game working.  Based on SCS and finally worked, but I do not how far it will go.


Back to  Improved Asylum.  The author is "Rastor".  The current version I have is v101 from 4/6/2013.  The oldest version I have is v0.92 from October 2004.


Best to try and contact "Rastor".  Maybe he will load it to SHS or some other sight.  Maybe some lawyer can tell us when the copyrights expire.  If the copyrights are expired, it is possible that we would be able to post old mods in forums.  That is my guess.


I lost a lot of old mods through computer crashes and would like a legal way to get them again.



#608025 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 01 December 2019 - 02:25 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi Arthas:


Your welcome.


I have a second game starting.  Where as the first game was based on BiG Picture, this one will be based on Stratagems.  It will take some time to see is it works.



#608007 BWPv18.2 released

Posted by tomkaz on 30 November 2019 - 03:01 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hi Arthas:


Here is the WeiDU.log of the game I am currently playing.


The game installs using a modified individual.bat.


During the installation, when selections need to be chosen, I choose Big Picture over Sword Coast Stratagems where ever possible.


I try to follow mods from BiG World Project WeiDU.Log.  Some mod versions in BiG world Project and not consistent between The BiG World Installation Instructions and BiG World Project WeiDU.Log.


My mod selections I chose are  based on the mods I have.  I skip many NPCs.


I prefer Courier New font.




I am about 50% through Baldur's Gate without any problems except game speed.   


Good Luck,

