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#200906 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 17 April 2005 - 08:19 PM in IE Help

[quote name='Caedwyr' date='Apr 18 2005, 11:03 AM']
place the .exe, the .tp2 and the Refinements folder back in your BGII SoA folder. Run the .exe file again, and choose to uninstall the werewolf component. This may not fix your save game, since changing kits part way through a game has been known to do unpleasant things.>>

actually. it worked. well it's working so far (^_^). thanks.

Probably the reason your party couldn't hit the werewolf was they were using non-enchanted weapons. You need a magical weapon to hit a werewolf. You'll quickly find that the apparant overpoweredness will go away.>

actually I should have made it clearer in my original post, sorry. They could hit him, but his regeneration was so quick that it made no difference. He was probably getting around 10 hp a sec I'd say. Even Minsk with his +3 talking sword (forgot the name) couldn't do much to him. Basically it just got to the point where we were bored because there's never any fear of dying or being defeated.

Incidently, I strongly recommend reading the readme files that come with mods. They give lots of nice details like how to install, what the components are, and what the mod will do. You should read the readme prior to installing for best results.

yeah i did read them and I knew what I was getting into, but I didn't know the specific parameters associated with the abilities i.e. regeneration, etc. for example, if i had known that it was 10 hp or so per sec, I probably would have never opened up the kit. but like i said before, I may get to a point in the game where i need to install it again, who knows. anyway thanks for all the help.

btw, even though I didn't think the kit was very fitting for me, I think it was done really well and there no problems with it! No bugs, nothing. excellent job.


#200880 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 17 April 2005 - 04:06 PM in IE Help

You will want to unzip the .zip (or .rar file, I can't remember which package is used) and place the Refinement directory in your BGII SoA directory, along with the Setup-Refinements.exe and Setup-Refinements.tp2.  Then double click on Setup-Refinements to start the install process.

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thank you both, it worked beautifully. but now unfortunately, I have another problem. After playing with my new werewolf for an hour or so, I realized he is way too powerful. Nothing could touch him. I even turned my entire party on him and they couldn't beat him!! I think this mod is still too powerful for my taste, however I may still use it in the future if he becomes as weak as everyone says he's going to. Anyway, how do I take the patch out of my game without destroying my saved game? I took the .exe file and all the related files i could find and put them on my desktop but it still hasn't changed? any help would be appreciated!!


#200291 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 14 April 2005 - 10:17 PM in IE Help

[quote name='Littiz' date='Apr 13 2005, 03:32 PM']
Wait, wait, a step back ;)

In this case, you simply have to launch Setup-Refinements.exe, and follow the instructions of the installer. In any case, you can't just copy the files somewhere, since many need specific actions to be taken by the installer itself.
The installer lets you choose which components to install and/or un-install each time you run it.
So, just select the Shapeshifting fix component, and you're done :)
For the rest, the HLA component is only offered as a whole, for a early and motivated design decision, and I fear it won't be easy at all to isolate shapeshifters in the installer at this point (since they also use shared stuff like new druidical abilities, projectile-files, or whatever)...>>>

so, I have the refinements sitting on my desktop. can i just open it up from there and the installer will automatically put them into the appropiate folders or should I put it in a certain folder before opening it?

They're not .pdf files, btw. Probably you have some extension associated with acrobat...>>

i was downloading a file a while back and it was supposed to turn into a .pdf file but when it was unrecognizable, I tried opening it up with the acrobat reader. It failed but now i think it's trying to open all of those files with acrobat reader. I'm assuming if i try to use the reinfinements mod it will fail cause these files have changed? anyway i can return them back to normal?


#199853 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 12 April 2005 - 09:11 PM in IE Help

Hi Littiz I tried sending a mail to your yahoo account but it doesn't seem to be working so I have to post it here (^_^)

thanks for responding to my questions about your werewolf mod.
i really know nothign about mods and how they work so i was wondering how i can unpack the data in the mods in the game? I want to use the shapeshifting fix and ONLY the druid HLA kit. is that possible or do i have to use ALL of the characters HLA kits? where should I unpack these files into? (what folders?)
lastly i was looking through HLA druid kit and I found some files that seemed a little strange. all the files icons are the same except for these:

which are all .pdf files?? is that supposed to right? it seemed a little strange to me...maybe my computer is displaying them incorrectly?

#197122 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 31 March 2005 - 03:58 PM in IE Help

I should install your patch before he turns right?

No, since I patch the spells themselves.
You can install or uninstall the fix as many times as you want :)

On the other hand, should you use even the HLA component and pick the Feral Spirit HLA, uninstalling it at that point would let you without useable shapeshifting abilities.
But that's pretty evident, I think ;)

EDIT: actually, there's one thing to clarify.
In the regular game, there's a bug that's added to all the rest of the shapeshifting_related bugs: after the first pick of the Greater form, you keep gaining greater forms them as if they were lesser forms.
This is not meant to happen, you should only gain 1 greater form, and that's it.
For technical reasons, I patch the related 2DA in the HLA component of Refinements.
So, summarizing: if you install *both* the HLA component and the shapeshifting fix, you obtain the truly correct behaviour for shapeshifters: the greater form is capped at 1 usage/day, but it's also as powerful as it's meant to be.
If this is what you're after, then yes, you should install these fixes *before* gaining more levels :)

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thank you!

#196951 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 30 March 2005 - 07:58 PM in IE Help

would it be possible to list all the features that accompany the shapeshifting patch? I'd really appreciate it ()

Since it's getting hard to find free time to mod, I'd delay this to the moment we'll actually seat down and rework the entire fix :)

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I look forward to it! one more thing, My character is getting awfully close to getting the ability to turn into a greater werewolf (level 13?14? i forgot). I should install your patch before he turns right? and if i don't like it, am I able to uninstall it without any problems? thanks

#195958 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 27 March 2005 - 03:43 AM in IE Help

Actually it's true that I didn't add all the details, but that's because it is meant as a fix: I referred to the original versions of the shapeshifting spells, and implemented them differently.

Yet, after many forums debates and feedback, I adjusted several things: for instance, I removed immunity to normal weapons from the lesser werewolf form, and left it to the greater form only (if you use the new HLA system and pick the Feral Spirit HLA, you'll notice that after that one even the lesser form will be immune to normal weapons, while the greater form will be immune to +2 magical weapons).
So, you're right, some things might use a deeper documentation at this point, but you can use it and trust that it's fairly balanced, since I could rely on the advices of many people to improve it :)>>>

would it be possible to list all the features that accompany the shapeshifting patch? I'd really appreciate it (^_^)

Also is it true that you cannot talk while shapeshifted?

Makes sense, doesn't it?
But you can always let a party member speak for you :D

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actually does. I thought it was going to be really irritating but the more I think about it, the more I like it. thanks

#195903 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 26 March 2005 - 08:44 PM in IE Help

That's the one.  The refinements cover the entire game, but there is a particular focus on redoing the High Level Abilities segment of the game system.  However, Throne of Bhaal Refinements also includes several other components that affect the entire game.  The shapeshifter fix is one such component.

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thanks i went to the site and downloaded it, but can anyone tell me what exactly the shapeshifting kit contains? He gives some basic information but not everything such as damage bonuses etc. Also is it true that you cannot talk while shapeshifted?

#195689 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 25 March 2005 - 09:21 PM in IE Help

Weimer's Ease-Of-Use Mod offers the Shapeshifter Rebalancing, which some people consider to be overpowered.

Refinements offers the Shapeshifing Fix, which I personally prefer. You might want to try going to the Refinements forum at the Completed Mods section, download Refinements V2 and try out the Fix.

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thanks! but i went to the section and didn't see a module called refinements unless you mean throne of baal refinements?


#195445 BGII-werewolf mod

Posted by uglijimus on 24 March 2005 - 09:38 PM in IE Help

I'm playing a lvl12 druid right now in BGII and I know what's coming up...the greater werewolf. It seems there is only one rebalanced kit out there by a guy named Weimer or something and it's far too powerful I think for the greater werewolf. I know not a thing about mods but was wondering how feasible it is to modify his rebalanced werewolf kit i.e take the ablities of unlimited times changing into a GW, casting spells while transformed etc. and simply eliminating them. any help would be appreciated. thanks
