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#612433 IE game movies in Wineskin

Posted by Planescapist on 04 May 2022 - 11:40 PM in IE Help

After further testing, seems like if the .BIFF file that has multiple movies inside it run super slow at that 1fps.
.BIFF with single movies run fine. Hence why some of the movies run fine for IWD and IWD2.

Also the only way  I could get a nice full screen version of the game with 3d acceleration (top pictures)  is with the Widescreen mod set at 1280x800. Anything else and its either off center or completely screwed scaling.

Everything else works beautifully with 30+ mods installed including infinity animations.

#612390 IE game movies in Wineskin

Posted by Planescapist on 24 April 2022 - 03:59 PM in IE Help

Hello everyone! I had to subscribe to these forums because of the following issue I am having.


I love the original IE games with a passion…I have the gog complete version of BG2, IWD and Planescape Torment. But there was no way for me to play them on a new Mac M1 max…until I found the following link :

This version of Wineskin winery ports wineskin to Apple silicon. And it works. Amazing actually for fully modded gog BG2 (complete, NOT EE) game with also the widescreen mod. I have fullscreen support (@1280x800), 3d acceleration and no slow downs.


But just one single issue….MOVIES. Everything including the startup movies run incredibly slow, like 1FPS slow with super choppy sound. This is litteraly the only issue.

As a test this does excactly the same for Planescape Torment. 

However for Icewind dale 1(all but the first Blck Isle intro) and 2 the movies run perfectly smooth!


Is there something that is different in the movie .BIF (interplay mve) codex that is different for the prior IE games ? These super slow movies also do not open in Near Infinity while the smooth working ones do…so there is a relation there.

Is there a WineTricks I need to add?

Thanks for your input on this!

