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There have been 2 items by Vaelina (Search limited from 12-February 24)

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#495667 BiG World Setup

Posted by Vaelina on 01 September 2010 - 02:19 PM in Mega Mod Help

After installing this, I'm experiencing a crash. When I start a new BG game, on the race selection screen, there are no names on the buttons for the various races, but it still lets me select them. On the class select screen, the buttons once again have names, but if I select certain classes, the game will crash. So far it definitely crashes on selecting fighter or ranger. It does not crash selecting mage. I can test other classes if that's in some way helpful, but the crashing on selecting fighter or ranger has happened in multiple iterations, while I am reliably able to select mage. Logging is on, but there is no output to Baldur.err when this crash happens.

Any help regarding this is greatly appreciated.

#495672 BiG World Setup

Posted by Vaelina on 01 September 2010 - 03:18 PM in Mega Mod Help

I only installed everything that came with BWS, nothing that wasn't installed by it. And I launched with TobExLoader as described in the instructions.