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Changes in Dace v5

Version v5
  • More cre file fixes by Creepin: XP values according to Dace's level, sex (female), and amount of thieving points. Also, distribution of thieving points was adjusted with regards to Dace's kit (Bounty Hunter).
Version v4
  • Included Creepin's cre files fixes:
  • -Proficiency pips fixed for t#dace8, t#dace12 and t#dace14;
  • -Saving throws fixed for t#dace8 and t#dace14;
  • -THAC0 fixed for t#dace14;
  • -HP fixed for t#dace8, t#dace12 and t#dace14.cre.
Version v3
No changes have been recorded in this version
Version v1.3
No changes have been recorded in this version
Version v1.2
No changes have been recorded in this version
Version v1.1
No changes have been recorded in this version
Version v1
No changes have been recorded in this version
Version v1
No changes have been recorded in this version