No changes have been recorded in this version
- - Fixed friendship path: no stutter bug and dialogues will play as intended
- - Integrated fix from BWPFixpack:misspelled token
- - Changed text transformation to using iconv and removed autotra folder
- - All audio references lower cased so they will play on Linux
- - Fade.ini added to support ALIEN's Project Infinity
- -fixed a scrumbled symbol (no more freezing of game for EE)
- -soulfire gem now added to the game
- -typo corrections
- -added reply options to slave traders now compatible (using EXTEND_BOTTOM instead of replacing a whole dialogue state)
- -fixed stutter after final lovetalk (v5.2)
- -typo corrections
- -Even more EET-friendly code by Jastey
- -Fade should interject in Watcher's Keep in SoA, interjections at Watcher's Keep should not end the dialogues in ToB
- -Slaver quest should not start if Fade is not romanced
- -Change to HANDLE_AUDIO
- -Replaced STATE_SLEEPING check for scripts with CD_STATE_NOTVALID
- -Added InMyArea("E3Fade") to interjections in ToB
- -Added See("E3Fade") !StateCheck("E3FADE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) to interjections in SoA
- -Changing instances of "…" to "..." and "`" to "'" in fade.tra
- -Adding map note text of E3AR0500.baf to fade-setup.tra
- -First call of setup-fade.tra goes to "Fade/Tra/classic/english/setup-fade.tra" so doubled setup.tra in the "autotra" folder is not needed.
- -Added InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) to banter.
- -Dialogues trigger more stable, no more skipped dialogues, no more "empty" start of romance music.
- -Viconia's romance conflict dialogue should always trigger.
- -Improved compatibility: Using COPY_TRANS after first INTERJECT into ARAN.dlg.
No changes have been recorded in this version
No changes have been recorded in this version
No changes have been recorded in this version
No changes have been recorded in this version
No changes have been recorded in this version